A system for control of use of didactic material at the distance


The increases checked in the processing capacity and in the power of communication of the nets they allow to propose didactic systems with the integration of new technologies to the education, such as audio and video. Today, it can observe an expressive increase of digital information published through the Internet. This research emphasizes the use of the computer and of the Internet as parts of the teaching atmosphere at the distance. The implemented system allows to establish (i) measures of control of use of the available didactic material in the Internet, as well as the application of (ii) evaluation techniques for, finally, (iii) to specify concrete approaches to compose the evaluation process of the learning at the distance. For so much, it was projected and implemented a software for this atmosphere type with the objective of checking that the ideas proposals are viable. A direct consequence of the use of this atmosphere type is the need of a larger training so much of teachers as of students, for demanding a change of the habitual teaching-learning process, such as (i) the operation of the atmosphere of computerized teaching, (ii) the softwares involved for sailing and responsibility, (iii) notions of nets of computers and (iv) the introduction of evaluation approaches in the system.Eje: Tecnología informática aplicada en la EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

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