291 research outputs found

    The Distribution of Mass and Light in Cluster Infall Regions

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    The CAIRNS (Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey) project is a large spectroscopic survey of the infall regions surrounding nine nearby rich clusters of galaxies. I describe the survey and use the kinematics of galaxies in the infall regions to estimate the cluster mass profiles. At small radii, these mass profiles are consistent with independent mass estimates from X-ray observations and Jeans analysis. I demonstrate the dependence of mass-to-light ratios on environment by combining these mass profiles with Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. Near-infrared light is more extended than mass in these clusters, suggesting that dense cluster cores are less efficient at forming galaxies and/or more efficient at disrupting them. At large radii, galaxy populations in cluster infall regions closely resemble those in the field. The mass-to-light ratio at these radii should therefore be a good probe of the global mass-to-light ratio. The mass-to-light ratio in the infall region yields a surprisingly low estimate of Ωm∼0.1\Omega_m \sim 0.1.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 195: "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs", Torino, Italy, March 2004, ed. A. Diaferi

    Cold gas in the inner regions of intermediate redshift clusters

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    Determining gas content and star formation rate has known remarkable progress in field galaxies, but has been much less investigated in galaxies inside clusters. We present the first CO observations of luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) inside the virial radii of two intermediate redshift clusters, CL1416+4446 (z=0.397) and CL0926+1242 (z=0.489). We detect three galaxies at high significance (5 to 10 sigma), and provide robust estimates of their CO luminosities, L'CO. In order to put our results into a general context, we revisit the relation between cold and hot gas and stellar mass in nearby field and cluster galaxies. We find evidence that at fixed LIR (or fixed stellar mass), the frequency of high L'CO galaxies is lower in clusters than in the field, suggesting environmental depletion of the reservoir of cold gas. The level of star formation activity in a galaxy is primarily linked to the amount of cold gas, rather than to the galaxy mass or the lookback time. In clusters, just as in the field, the conversion between gas and stars seems universal. The relation between LIR and L'CO for distant cluster galaxies extends the relation of nearby galaxies to higher IR luminosities. Nevertheless, the intermediate redshift galaxies fall well within the dispersion of the trend defined by local systems. Considering that L'CO is generally derived from the CO(1-0) line and sensitive to the vast majority of the molecular gas in the cold interstellar medium of galaxies, but less to the part which will actually be used to form stars, we suggest that molecular gas can be stripped before the star formation rate is affected. Combining the sample of Geach et al. (2009, 2011) and ours, we find evidence for a decrease in CO towards the cluster centers. This is the first hint of an environmental impact on cold gas at intermediate redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Mass Profile of the Infall Region of the Abell 2199 Supercluster

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    Using a redshift survey of 1323 galaxies (1092 new or remeasured) in a region of 95 square degrees centered on the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 2199, we analyze the supercluster containing A2199, A2197, and an X-ray group. The caustic technique accurately reproduces the true mass profiles of simulated simple superclusters (i.e., superclusters where the virial mass of one cluster is 2-10 times the virial mass of all other clusters in the supercluster). We calculate the masses of the two main components of A2197 (A2197W and A2197E) using archival X-ray observations and demonstrate that the A2199 supercluster is simple and thus that the caustic technique should yield an accurate mass profile. The mass profile is uncertain by ~30% within 3 Mpc/h and by a factor of two within 8 Mpc/h and is one of only a few for a supercluster on such large scales. Independent X-ray mass estimates agree with our results at all radii where they overlap. The mass profile strongly disagrees with an isothermal sphere profile but agrees with profiles suggested by simulations. We discuss the interplay of the supercluster dynamics and the dynamics of the bound subclusters. The agreement between the infall mass profile and other techniques shows that the caustic technique is surprisingly robust for simple superclusters (abridged).Comment: 49 pages, 20 figures, to appear in The Astronomical Journal, version containing high-resolution figures available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~krines/a2199mp.p

    Measuring the Mass Distribution in Galaxy Clusters

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    Cluster mass profiles are tests of models of structure formation. Only two current observational methods of determining the mass profile, gravitational lensing, and the caustic technique are independent of the assumption of dynamical equilibrium. Both techniques enable the determination of the extended mass profile at radii beyond the virial radius. For 19 clusters, we compare the mass profile based on the caustic technique with weak lensing measurements taken from the literature. This comparison offers a test of systematic issues in both techniques. Around the virial radius, the two methods of mass estimation agree to within ~30%, consistent with the expected errors in the individual techniques. At small radii, the caustic technique overestimates the mass as expected from numerical simulations. The ratio between the lensing profile and the caustic mass profile at these radii suggests that the weak lensing profiles are a good representation of the true mass profile. At radii larger than the virial radius, the extrapolated Navarro, Frenk & White fit to the lensing mass profile exceeds the caustic mass profile. Contamination of the lensing profile by unrelated structures within the lensing kernel may be an issue in some cases; we highlight the clusters MS0906+11 and A750, superposed along the line of sight, to illustrate the potential seriousness of contamination of the weak lensing signal by these unrelated structures

    Dark Energy Constraints from Galaxy Cluster Peculiar Velocities

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    Future multifrequency microwave background experiments with arcminute resolution and micro-Kelvin temperature sensitivity will be able to detect the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect, providing a way to measure radial peculiar velocities of massive galaxy clusters. We show that cluster peculiar velocities have the potential to constrain several dark energy parameters. We compare three velocity statistics (the distribution of radial velocities, the mean pairwise streaming velocity, and the velocity correlation function) and analyze the relative merits of these statistics in constraining dark energy parameters. Of the three statistics, mean pairwise streaming velocity provides constraints that are least sensitive to velocity errors: the constraints on parameters degrades only by a factor of two when the random error is increased from 100 to 500 km/s. We also compare cluster velocities with other dark energy probes proposed in the Dark Energy Task Force report. For cluster velocity measurements with realistic priors, the eventual constraints on the dark energy density, the dark energy equation of state and its evolution are comparable to constraints from supernovae measurements, and better than cluster counts and baryon acoustic oscillations; adding velocity to other dark energy probes improves constraints on the figure of merit by more than a factor of two. For upcoming Sunyaev-Zeldovich galaxy cluster surveys, even velocity measurements with errors as large as 1000 km/s will substantially improve the cosmological constraints compared to using the cluster number density alone.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. Results and conclusions unchanged. Minor changes to match the accepted version in Physical Review

    Mass accretion rates of clusters of galaxies: CIRS and HeCS

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    We use a new spherical accretion recipe tested on N-body simulations to measure the observed mass accretion rate (MAR) of 129 clusters in the Cluster Infall Regions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (CIRS) and in the Hectospec Cluster Survey (HeCS). The observed clusters cover the redshift range of 0.01<z<0.300.01<z<0.30 and the mass range of ∼1014−1015h−1 M⊙\sim 10^{14}-10^{15} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_\odot}}. Based on three-dimensional mass profiles of simulated clusters reaching beyond the virial radius, our recipe returns MARs that agree with MARs based on merger trees. We adopt this recipe to estimate the MAR of real clusters based on measurements of the mass profile out to ∼3R200\sim 3R_{200}. We use the caustic method to measure the mass profiles to these large radii. We demonstrate the validity of our estimates by applying the same approach to a set of mock redshift surveys of a sample of 2000 simulated clusters with a median mass of M200=1014h−1 M⊙M_{200}= 10^{14} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_{\odot}}} as well as a sample of 50 simulated clusters with a median mass of M200=1015h−1 M⊙M_{200}= 10^{15} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_{\odot}}}: the median MARs based on the caustic mass profiles of the simulated clusters are unbiased and agree within 19%19\% with the median MARs based on the real mass profile of the clusters. The MAR of the CIRS and HeCS clusters increases with the mass and the redshift of the accreting cluster, which is in excellent agreement with the growth of clusters in the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures, 7 table

    The Infall Region of Abell 576: Independent Mass and Light Profiles

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    We describe observations of the nearby cluster of galaxies A576 beyond the virial radius and into the infall region. Using 1057 redshifts, we use the infall pattern in redshift space to determine the mass profile of A576 to a radius of ~4 Mpc/h. This mass estimation technique makes no assumptions about the equilibrium state of the cluster. Within 1 Mpc/h, the mass profile we derive exceeds that determined from X-ray observations by a factor of 2.5. At \~2.5 Mpc/h, however, the mass profile agrees with virial mass estimates. Our mass profile is consistent with a NFW or Hernquist profile, but it is inconsistent with an isothermal sphere. R-band images of a 3∘x3∘3^\circ x 3^\circ region centered on the cluster allow an independent determination of the cluster light profile. We calculate the integrated mass-to-light ratio as a function of cluster radius; it decreases smoothly from the core to ~4 Mpc/h. The differential dM/dL_R profile decreases more steeply; we find M/L_R ~100 h at ~4 Mpc/h, in good agreement with the mass-to-light ratios of individual galaxies. This value implies Ωm≲0.4\Omega_m \lesssim 0.4 at 95% confidence. For a Hernquist model, the best-fit mass profiles differ from the observed surface number density of galaxies; the galaxies have a larger scale radius than the mass. This result is consistent with the centrally peaked M/LRM/L_R profile. Similarly, the scale radius of the light profile is larger than that of the mass profile. We discuss some potential systematic effects; none can easily reconcile our results with a constant mass-to-light ratio. (abstract edited)Comment: 54 pages, 25 figures, to appear in Astronomical Journal November 200

    X-ray Emitting Groups in the Infall Region of Abell 2199

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    Using a large redshift survey covering 95 square degrees, we demonstrate that the infall region of Abell 2199 contains Abell 2197, one or two X-ray emitting groups, and up to five additional groups identified in redshift surveys. Our survey shows that the X-ray emitting systems, located at projected radii of 1.∘4,1.∘91.^\circ4, 1.^\circ9, and 5.∘15.^\circ1 (2.2, 3.1, and 8.0h−18.0 h^{-1}Mpc), are connected kinematically to A2199. A2197 is itself an optically rich cluster; its weak X-ray emission suggests that it is much less massive than A2199. The absence of a sharp peak in the infall pattern at the position of A2197 supports this hypothesis. The outermost group is well outside the virial region of A2199 and it distorts the infall pattern in redshift space. The two X-ray emitting groups are roughly colinear, suggesting the existence of an extended (8.0h−18.0 h^{-1}Mpc) filament. The identification of these infalling groups provides direct support of hierarchical structure formation; studies of these systems will provide insights into structure evolution. Groups in the infall regions of nearby clusters may offer a unique probe of the physics of the warm/hot ionized medium (WHIM) which is difficult to observe directly with current instruments
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