17 research outputs found

    Stormwater treatment plant conception

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    Римейка М. Концепция очистных сооружений ливневых стоковThe practice of urban stormwater management has until recently focused only on drainage and flood control. Yet more concern should be taken to reduce pollu-tion loads on water recipients by implementing source control management, on-site treatment and building stormwater pollution control facilities. Overview and basic principals of stormwater quality management are presented in the article. Summary presents the results for the evaluation of stormwater pollution removal

    Acousto-Optic Diffraction by Shear Horizontal Surface Acoustic Waves in 36° Rotated Y-Cut X-Propagation Lithium Tantalate

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    We have investigated the acousto-optic diffraction by shear horizontal surface acoustic waves in 36° rotated Y-cut X-propagation lithium tantalate (LiTaO3LiTaO_3) crystals. The measurements were performed at the optical wavelength 633 nm of He-Ne laser and acoustic wavelengths of 50-60 μ m. The anisotropic diffraction with the light polarization rotation in the transmission mode was observed. The measured and calculated values of the light incidence angle corresponding to the strongest diffraction differed significantly. A narrow strip of a thin metal film deposited on the crystal surface drastically affected the light diffraction. We attribute these effects to the conversion processes between the shear horizontal leaky surface acoustic wave and shear horizontal surface skimming bulk wave


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    У статті представлені результати зменшення реальних втрат води та результати випробувань відносних втрат води у водопровідних системах Литви. Було визначено, що заміна лічильників споживачів (на клас С) може призвести до зменшення відносних втрат води на 10-15%. Представлені результати нічних замірів води, які складаються з реальних втрат води, нічного споживання води та допустимих втрат води. Також у статті описано, що встановлено параметр мінімального нічного водоспоживання, він дорівнює 0,9 л/год на 1 квартиру

    pH effect on decolorization of raw textile wastewater polluted with reactive dyes by advanced oxidation with uv/h2o2

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    The effectiveness of the advanced oxidation process (UV/H2O2) in decolorizing real textile wastewater polluted with commercial reactive dyes - Reactive Yellow 84 and Reactive Red 141 was investigated. All the experiments were performed in a lab-scale reactor with the original high pH of the wastewater. The dyeing wastewater was decolorized in 5 hours. After its acidification to pH 3 the decolorization process was more efficient. Full decolorization was then achieved in 2 hours and the decrease in COD exceeded 70%. The reaction rate constants obtained were as follows: at pH 11.4, 0.0065 min(-1); at pH 7, 0.0044 min(-1), and at pH 3, 0.019 min(-1), which testified to pH importance for UV/H2O2 oxidation process

    Research on Aeration Systems Efficiency in Small Wastewater Treatment Plants

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    <p>Large amount of small wastewater treatment plants does not work properly. One of the reasons could be wrong design of the aeration system. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyse the performance of two aeration systems used in Lithuanian small wastewater treatment plants. Both aeration systems are designed for the following parameters: 4 PE and 0,8 m<sup>3</sup>/d wastewater flow. These data correspond to the oxygen requirement of 40,9 g O<sub>2</sub>/h. Summarizing the results of the research, it was found out that the capacity of both aerators was insufficient to satisfy the oxygen requirement and ensure proper biological treatment of wastewater.</p><p>Article in Lithuanian</p

    Spatial Distribution of Precipitation in Lithuania

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    <p>Analysis is based on a 36-year record (1971–2006) of daily precipitation at 17 meteorological stations throughout Lithuania. The obtained data was used to investigate the spatial properties of the precipitation fields of monthly decadals (10-days). The average, minimum and maximum correlation coefficients of decadals were estimated. A spatial correlation of precipitation was created among all meteorological stations in Lithuania.</p><p>Article in Lithuanian</p

    The impact of storm water runoff on a small urban stream

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    Background, aim, and scope: In urban areas, storm water runoff often transports various pollutants, some of which settle and form sediments. In order to have the comprehensive view of the ecological state of storm water runoff recipients, both water and sediments of the stream must be assessed. In the Baltic Sea Area, the Water Framework Directive & HELCOM Recommendations aim to prevent or minimise pollution caused by harmful substances arising from storm water runoff, in order to promote the ecological restoration of the Baltic Sea—one of the most vulnerable seas. The aim of the study was to investigate the toxicity of bottom sediments of a small storm water runoff recipient focusing on the potential impact of successive discharges of urban storm water. Some storm water runoff quality parameters and the toxicity of bottom sediments of recipients was studied in this research. Materials and methods: During 9 years, at four discharge points, minimum four grab samples per year at each discharge point were taken for chemical characterisation. General parameters (pH, SS, BOD7, CODCr and TPH) in liquid phase samples were analysed according to standard methods. Annual limit values were taken from the Lithuanian EPA requirements for the management of storm water runoff with a focus on prevention and control of contamination. Eleven composite samples of stream bottom sediments, each consisting of ten sub-samples, were collected in 2006. Toxicity screening from sediments was performed using the plant Lepidium sativum according to modified I. Magone’s methodology (Magone I, Bioindication of phytotoxicity of transport emission. In: Kachalova O-L, Zinatne (eds) Bioindication of toxicity of transport emissions in the impact of highway emissions on natural environment. Riga, pp 108–116, 1989). The level of toxic impact of Lepidium sativum (compared to control) was assessed according to the modified method of Wang (Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 126:88–127, 1992). Results: The mean pH of urban storm water runoff does not vary much from neutral, but range values are quite different, from 4.0 up to 8.7. The highest concentration of SS reached 800 mg L−1, TPH—2.4 mg L−1, BOD7—300 mg O2 L−1 and CODCr—1,400 mg L−1. The SS was above the limit in 64% of total amount of grab samples, TPH—37%, BOD7—41% and CODCr—55%. The toxicity analysis of the bottom sediments showed varying toxicity of bottom sediments along the stream. From nine analysed samples of bottom sediments, 30% had weak toxicity, 30% medium and 30% strong toxicity on the test organism plant L. sativum. There was one single sample with no toxic effects, so that the results showed that urban storm water has an unacceptable environmental impact on recipients. It was also indicated that storm water runoff discharge alone is not the potential source of toxicity of bottom sediments. The litter demonstrated a weak toxicity of bottom sediments as well. Discussion: Most local authorities do not consider storm water runoff discharges to be a matter of great concern because they believe that surface runoff arising from rainfall is still relatively clean. The study showed that the current method of monitoring storm water runoff quality by chemical analyses is not the best tool for environmental impact assessment and must be combined with toxicity tests of bottom sediments of recipients. Recommendations and perspectives: To avoid the environmental impact of storm water runoff more attention should be paid to the development and implementation of storm water runoff pollution prevention measures. The study implies that future research concerning the relationships between storm water runoff deposit characteristics and biological activities must be developed to evaluate the contamination potential of stream sediment deposits for local aquatic ecosystems. Further studies should be developed to characterise the activities of the microbial community of storm water runoff sediments, and to monitor bioremediation in situ


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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the removal of suspended solids (SS) and 7-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7) in a three chamber septic tank depending on theoretical wastewater retention time and the degree of septic tank cleanliness. It was found out that the performance of the septic tank depended on the degree of its cleanliness: when the septic tank was clean and retention time was three days, SS and BOS7 removal efficiency was 77±10% and 67±14% respectively, whereas two months later, after septic tank desludging, SS removal efficiency decreased to 53±22% and BOD7 to 32±31%. The performance of the septic tank also depended on theoretical wastewater retention time: when some amount of solids was accumulated at the bottom of the septic tank and wastewater retention time was one day, SS and BOS7 removal efficiency was 45±40% and 33±16% respectively; when retention time was three days, SS removal efficiency increased to 53±22% but BOD7removal efficiency remained similar to one day retention time, i.e. 32±31%. Santrauka Bandymų metu buvo įvertintas organinių ir skendinčiųjų medžiagų šalinimas trijų kamerų septike esant vienos ir trijų parų teorinėms nuotekų išbuvimo septike trukmėms bei skirtingam septiko švarumo laipsniui – iš karto po septiko išvalymo, kai jis dar yra švarus, ir praėjus tam tikram laiko tarpui, kai ant septiko dugno yra susikaupęs tam tikras nuosėdų kiekis. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad septiko veikimas priklauso nuo septiko švarumo laipsnio: esant trijų parų nuotekų išbuvimo septike trukmei, vidutinis skendinčiųjų medžiagų (SM) šalinimo efektyvumas buvo 77±10 %, o septynių parų biocheminio deguonies suvartojimo (BDS7) – net 67±14 %, kai septikas buvo švarus, tačiau praėjus dviem mėnesiams nuo septiko išvalymo jo veikimas pablogėjo ir vidutinis SM šalinimo efektyvumas po septiko išvalymo buvo 53±22 %, o BDS7 – 32±31 %. Taip pat nustatyta, kad šalinant teršalus didelę reikšmę turi nuotekų išbuvimo septike trukmė: kai septikas buvo švarus, o nuotekų išbuvimo trukmė trys paros, vidutinis SM šalinimo efektyvumas – 77±10 %, o BDS7 – 67±14 %; sumažinus nuotekų išbuvimo trukmę iki vienos paros, SM šalinimo efektyvumas sumažėjo iki 31±38 %, o BDS7 šalinimo efektyvumas buvo neigiamas. Raktiniai žodžiai: septikas; buitinės nuotekos; decentralizuota nuotekų sistema; skendinčiosios medžiagos; BDS7; išbuvimo trukm