502 research outputs found

    Charge and Current Compensation of Intense Charged Beams in Future Accelerators

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    Proposals for future high-energy accelerators are characterized by demands for increasingly intense and energetic beams. The classical operation of high-current accelerators is severely constrained by collective electrodynamic phenomena, such as problems related to space-charge, to high-current flow, to beamstrahlung and pair production. These detrimental electrodynamic effects dominate the dynamic s and the collision interactions of high-intensity beams. With the introduction of soft space-charge and current compensation techniques utilizing low- to medium-energy lepton beams with charge polari ty opposite to that of the beams to be neutralized, all electromagnetic high-intensity limitations may be removed. The application of beam compensation is proposed for various sections of different ty pes of classical accelerator systems, such as for ion sources and the low-energy beam transport sections of ion linacs, for the crossing points of circular and linear colliders and for the final focii of ion beam fusion drivers. The design and the operation of partially compensated accelerators becomes much more comfortable and design goals can be reached more easily without any significant electro magnetic perturbation. The ingredients of neutralization technology low-energy electron and positron beams are state-of-the-art and, as such, applicable today. Several methods of smooth beam compe nsation can be identified and must be studied and selected for each specific case. Practical experience has to be gained in dedicated pilot experiments

    Neutralization principles for the Extraction and Transport of Ion Beams

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    The strict application of conventional extraction techniques of ion beams from a plasma source is characterized by a natural intensity limit determined by space charge.The extracted current may be enhanced far beyond this limit by neutralizing the space charge of the extracted ions in the first extraction gap of the source with electrons injected from the opposite side. The transverse and longitudinal emittances of a neutralized ion beam, hence its brightness, are preserved. Results of beam compensation experiments, which have been carried out with a laser ion source, are resumed for proposing a general scheme of neutralizing ion sources and their adjacent low-energy beam transport channels with electron beams. Many technical applications of high-mass ion beam neutralization technology may be identified: the enhancement of ion source output for injection into high-intensity, low-and high-energy accelerators, or ion thrusters in space technology, for the neutral beams needed for plasma heating of magnetic confinement fusion devices, and for future accelerator-driven systems for fusion, fission and nuclear waste incineration

    Ion Beam Neutralization with Ferroelectrically Generated Electron Beams

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    A technique for ion beam space-charge neutralization with pulsed electron beams is described. The intensity of multiply-charged ions produced with a laser ion source can be enhanced or decreased separately with electron beam trains of MHz repetition rate. These are generated with ferroelectric cathodes, which are pulsed in synchronization with the laser ion source. The pulsed electron beams guide the ion beam in a similar way to the alternating gradient focusing of charged particle beams in circular accelerators such as synchrotrons. This new neutralization technology overcomes the Langmuir Child space-charge limit and may in future allow ion beam currents to be transported with intensities by orders of magnitude higher than those which can be accelerated today in a single vacuum tube

    SPEDEN: Reconstructing single particles from their diffraction patterns

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    Speden is a computer program that reconstructs the electron density of single particles from their x-ray diffraction patterns, using a single-particle adaptation of the Holographic Method in crystallography. (Szoke, A., Szoke, H., and Somoza, J.R., 1997. Acta Cryst. A53, 291-313.) The method, like its parent, is unique that it does not rely on ``back'' transformation from the diffraction pattern into real space and on interpolation within measured data. It is designed to deal successfully with sparse, irregular, incomplete and noisy data. It is also designed to use prior information for ensuring sensible results and for reliable convergence. This article describes the theoretical basis for the reconstruction algorithm, its implementation and quantitative results of tests on synthetic and experimentally obtained data. The program could be used for determining the structure of radiation tolerant samples and, eventually, of large biological molecular structures without the need for crystallization.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Displacement and emission currents from PLZT 8/65/35 and 4/95/5 excited by a negative voltage pulse at the rear electrode

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    It is shown that non-prepoled PLZT ceramics, both in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric phase, emit intense current bursts when a negative exciting voltage is applied to the rear surface of the cathode. The spontaneous polarization induced in the bulk by applying the field through the cathode disk, creates a sheet of negative charge on the diode boundary of the ferroelectric. This, in turn, induces such a high electric field at the diode dielectric surface that electrons are ejected out from the ceramic surface into the vacuum. The coherent behaviour of the displacement and emitted current shows clearly that the emission is due to a variation of spontaneous polarization. A second effect generated by the application of the high voltage pulse at the rear side is the formation of a surface plasma. Applying a positive voltage to the anode, electrons are readily transferred through the diode gap

    Pseudospark Switch Development for the LHC Extraction Kicker Pulse Generator

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    CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, has started construction of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a superconducting accelerator that will collide protons at a center of mass energy of 14 TeV from the year 2005 onwards. The kicker magnet pulse generators of the LHC beam extraction system require fast high power switches. One possible type is the pseudospark switch (PSS) which has several advantages for this application. A PSS fulfilling most of the requirements has been developed in the past years. Two outstanding problems, prefiring at high operating voltages and sudden current interruptions (quenching) at low voltage could be solved recently. Prefiring can be avoided for this special application by conditioning the switch at two times the nominal voltage after each power pulse. Quenching can be suppressed by choosing an appropriate electrode geometry and by mixing Krypton to the D2 gas atmosphere. One remaining problem, related to the required large dynamic voltage range (1.7 kV to 30 kV) is under active investigation: steps in forward voltage during conduction, occurring at low operation voltage at irregular time instants and causing a pulse to pulse jitter of the peak current. This paper presents results of electrical measurements concerning prefiring and quenching and explains how these problems have been solved. Furthermore the plans to cure the forward voltage step problem will be discussed
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