1,008 research outputs found

    How to read German state archives differently: the case of the "Iraqi traveller" Yūnis Bahrī (ca. 1901-1979) in a global frame

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    This essay is the first stage in a larger project that investigates an inter-imperial history of knowledge production through the prism of Baḥrī's activities and networks at various imperial sites in the Dutch, British and German empires as well as the French imperial nation-state. In this essay, I begin by asking how we can tell the history of the nationalist, journalist, author and traveller Yūnis Baḥrī (ca. 1901-1979) - once known in Arab-speaking populations from Europe across the Middle East to South East Asia as the "Iraqi traveller" (Arabic al-sāʾiḥ al-ʿirāqī) - by acknowledging his inter-imperial life and activities. Taking the archives of the German Foreign Office as examples, I seek to render these inter-imperial coordinates of his life visible. Previous research on Baḥrī has neglected these inter-imperial connections. Due to this reduction, Baḥrī's case could be described as a dualistic story of "Middle Eastern-German" relations. Thus, he could be a symbol for an ideological proximity of Arab nationalists and National Socialism. In this essay, I want to move away from the civilizational lens underlying such arguments by developing a broader methodological outlook. If Baḥrī's story forms part of the historical relationship between Arab nationalists and National Socialism, it is also an element of wider inter-imperial histories. To bring out these histories requires reading practices of the archives that do not follow civilizational or national logics. I therefore take what the archives of the German Foreign Office tell about Baḥrī as a starting point to tease out how his activities transgress civilizational historio graphical frameworks. In conclusion, I explain how the conceptual shift involved in my argument leads to a both broader and denser account of the politics that governed Baḥrī's life and other actors like him

    How can European seaweed farms create value in an ecologic and economic way?

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    Coming from an industry of collecting seaweed european seaweed farms developing into farming and harvesting seaweed. This development allows new seaweed farming ventures to develop and to create sustainable business models right from the start The present thesis aims to answer the question of how european seaweed farms can create value in an economic and evironmental sustainable way. This qualitative case study demonstrates the strategies of the different european seaweed farms to create a sustainable business model and the value creation strategies. The future implications for sustainable business model for european seaweed farms lay in finding synergies with other aquaculture companies to share costs.Provenientes de uma indústria de recolha de algas marinhas de explorações europeias de algas marinhas que se desenvolvem na agricultura e na colheita de algas marinhas. Este desenvolvimento permite o desenvolvimento de novos empreendimentos de cultivo de algas marinhas e a criação de modelos empresariais sustentáveis desde o início A presente tese visa responder à questão de como as explorações europeias de algas marinhas podem criar valor de uma forma económica e ambientalmente sustentável. Este estudo de caso qualitativo demonstra as estratégias das diferentes explorações europeias de algas marinhas para criar um modelo de negócio sustentável e as estratégias de criação de valor. As implicações futuras para um modelo de negócio sustentável para as explorações europeias de algas marinhas residem na procura de sinergias com outras empresas de aquacultura para partilhar os custos

    Periodization and the political: Abdallah Laroui's analysis of temporalities in a postcolonial context

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    This paper challenges the common opposition between periodizations as a heuristic means for historians, on the one hand, and as a political element in narratives of groups and origins on the other. It conceives periodizations as elements within wider social uses of time and, thus, the symbolic production of the political. I demonstrate this by analysing the works of the Moroccan historian and intellectual Abdallah Laroui (*1933) on modernity, historical representation, time and difference. First, I look at how Laroui spells out the relation of particular and general periodizations. Then I compare his approach to Dipesh Chakrabarty’s in his book Provincializing Europe. I interpret their discussion of time and temporalities as a response to a general problem in the theory of history, as well as an expression of a certain way of experiencing a globalised modernity in (post)colonial contexts. I argue that the core of their critique is the challenging of hegemonic representations of time and the breaking up of unified time into multiple temporalities. Finally, I look closer at the various articulations of this Denkfigur (figure of thought), especially regarding the postcolonial context and Walter Benjamin’s notion of empty, homogenous time

    A School Advisor Association: Seeking Ways to Change Substantively the Role Played by Classroom Teachers in Preservice Teacher Education

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    In recent years we have written and spoken about the role of school advisors (sometimes known as school associates, cooperating teachers, or sponsor teachers) in practicum settings. We concluded these pieces by arguing that teachers should play a more substantive role in ensuring that school advisors are professionally ready, carefully selected, and continually supported in their work as teacher educators. We take this opportunity to extend those arguments and to imagine a scenario in which this might occur. Moving beyond what is to what might be, we suggest establishing at a regional level a formal body—a School Advisor Association for want of a better term—that comprises classroom teachers who in concert with faculties of education play a central role in the development, selection, and support of school advisors.Au cours des dernières années, le rôle des enseignants associés dans les stages pédagogiques a été le sujet de nos écrits et de nos discussions. Nous avons conclu ces articles en faisant valoir que les enseignants devraient jouer un rôle plus important pour assurer que les enseignants associés soient prêts au plan professionnel, bien sélectionnés et constamment appuyés dans leur travail de formateurs d'enseignants. Nous profitons de l'occasion pour pousser plus loin ces arguments et imaginer un scénario dans lequel ces suggestions pourraient se réaliser. En allant au delà de ce qui existe pour arriver à ce qui pourrait se faire, nous suggérons l'établissement, au niveau régional, d'un comité formel (faute de mots, disons une Association d'Enseignants Associés) constitué d'enseignants qui, de concert avec les facultés d'éducation, joueraient un rôle central dans le développement, la sélection et l'appui des enseignants associés

    Distribution and autecology of Collinsia submissa (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

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    Das Vorkommen von Collinsia submissa (L. KOCH, 1879; Nomenklatur nach ESKOV 1994; Synonym zu C. inerrans in PLA TNICK 1993) ist bislang nur für wenige Fundorte in Deutschland belegt. Diese Daten sind bis jetzt meist unveröffentlicht geblieben. Zur Autökologie der Art ist wenig bekannt. So findet sich z. B. bei HEIMER & NENTWIG (1991) (sub Milleriana inerrans) die Angabe: " ... selten gefunden, in Mooren nahe dem Boden" (S. 218), während MAURER & HÄNGGI (1990) Auenwald und Mähwiesen als Habitat angeben. HANGGI et al. (1995) führen in ihrer Auswertung nur wenige Einzelnachweise von C. submissa an. Diese stammen aus der Schweiz, aus den Niederlanden und aus Großbritannien. Als Habitate werden Äcker, eine Weide und ein Schilfrohricht genannt. Im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes sollen alle uns verfügbaren Fundmeldungen dieser Art in Deutschland dokumentiert werden, wobei die Angaben aus dem Drachenfelser Landchen neu sind (vgl. Tab. 1). Auch soll an hand der von C. submissa vorläufig grob zu umreißen

    Using Humor in Advertising: When Does it Work?

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    Glen Riecken, PhD., is visiting professor of marketing, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 29424. Kyle Hensel, MBA, is director, Small Business Development Center, Clayton State University, Morrow, GA 30260

    Genesis and Classification Considerations of Some Prairie-Formed Soil Profiles From Local Alluvium in Adair County, Iowa

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    Data are presented on three profiles formed under prairie from Late Wisconsin to Recent age local alluvium of moderately fine texture. In the upper 20 inches nitrogen and base saturation values are quite similar to those found for normative upland Brunizems. Below 20 to about 50 inches, nitrogen and base saturation values decrease and increase, respectively, more slowly in the local alluvium-formed soils. It is suggested that the classic ABC soil genesis concept does not apply to the local alluvium-formed soils of this study. Rather, through cumulative effects of new parent material at the surface, this new C was transformed to an Ac horizon (c for cumulative effect), the former A1 was transformed to a Bc horizon, and the former B became a substratum Cc horizon. Soil genesis effects in such cumulative soil genesis systems need further attention, as these soils comprise about one-fourth of the land area of Iowa, are important agriculturally, and an understanding will further knowledge of other soils of Iowa

    Some Physical Characteristics of Wiesenboden and Planosol Soils Developed from Peorian loess in Southwestern Iowa.

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    A study by Hutton ( 1947, p. 426-31) of the gently sloping Prairie soils derived from Peorian, or Wisconsin, loess in southwestern Iowa showed that certain morphological, chemical, and physical properties are related to the thickness and distribution of the loess. Previous field studies had indicated that in a qualitative way, properties of the associated loess-derived Wiesenboden and Planosol soils also were related to thickness and distribution of the loess. The present study was undertaken to determine if quantitative information could be obtained on the functional relationship between certain soil properties, chiefly physical, and the loess distribution. The study consisted of collection of suitable profile samples, and the determination in the laboratory of certain properties by methods described elsewhere by Wilson et. al. (1946). Bulk samples were used for the determination of particle size distribution. Undisturbed core samples were used for measurement of permeability, volume weight, and porosity. Loess thickness borings were made manually with an extension auger as described by Hutton (1947, p. 424). Data are presented for a profile of each of the following soil series: Minden, Winterset, Haig, and Edina

    Grainy Gray Ped Coatings in Brunizem Soils

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    The presence of light colored, granular material on structural units in the lower B horizon is considered to be an atypical morphological feature in the Brunizem soils of Iowa. This study indicates that there are appreciable areas of Brunizem soils, derived from Wisconsin loess and Iowan till, in eastern Iowa with such coatings in the lower B horizon. Because the grainy gray ped coatings cannot readily be accounted for by any soil-forming factor other than vegetation, and because they are similar to coatings in some associated Gray-Brown Podzolic soils, it is inferred that their presence is generally related to a prior influence of deciduous forest. Their proper classification needs further attention

    Preliminary Studies of the Moody and Galva Soil Series of Northwestern Iowa

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    Recent studies in the midwest have confirmed a relationship between the thickness and distribution of the loess and the morphological, chemical and physical properties of soils developed from loess. In southwestern Iowa studies by Hutton (2) and Ulrich (6) showed increased differentiation of soils as the distance from the loess source increased and the thickness of the loess decreased. Hunter (1) reported similar relationships between the properties of the loess and soils developed in southeastern Iowa. This paper presents the results of a preliminary study regarding the possibility of similar relationships in northwestern Iowa. Profile sites were selected on loess of varying thickness and samples were brought into the laboratory for analyses