274 research outputs found

    Local spillovers, production technology and the choice to make and/or buy. Empirical evidence from Emilia Romagna

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    By exploiting a new rich firm-level dataset, this paper investigates the decision to subcontract production activities (outsourcing) with respect to vertically integrate them. In particular, we aim at identifying the main factors underlying the decision to either fully or partially decentralise production activities by mechanical firms located in Emilia Romagna (Italy). In so doing, we first account for firm characteristics, such as size, age and the skill composition of the labour force, then we focus on labour costs per employee, product diversity and the presence of the firm on international markets. Finally, and differently from previous research, we include in the analysis both the qualitative composition of the production process, as given by the stages of production potentially developed by the firm, and the industrial composition of the local market. On this last purpose, we estimate the relationship between the propensity and the intensity of concurrent and total sourcing and the main sources of agglomeration economies identified in the literature: specialisation economies, variety and urbanisation economies. Our estimates show a particularly strong and positive relation between the intensity of 'pure' outsourcing and our measure of variety, workforce skill intensity and the internal composition of production, while a negative relation emerges with respect to firm size, age and labour cost. Results concerning concurrent sourcing, instead, appear weaker, but, differently from the case of full outsourcing, we nd a positive relationship with rm size and product diversity.

    Los orígenes del modelo de codificación entre los siglos XIX y XX en Europa, con particular atención al caso italiano

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    Entre el final del siglo XVII y el comienzo del siglo XIX se configura un modelo de codificación (unificación del sujeto de derecho, completitud, no hetero-integrabilidad, neta innovación normativa, sistemática) que se mantuvo sustancialmente estable hasta el siglo XX. En este artículo el autor analiza su origen, el contexto de cultura jurídica, sus variadas articulaciones en las diferentes disciplinas. Se examina, en particular, en cuanto emblemática, la experiencia italiana. Igualmente, se propone una bibliografía esencial con base en las mayores y más recientes contribuciones histórico-jurídicas

    La cultura giuridica nell\u2019Alto Adriatico: commercio, diritto e istituzioni tra XVIII e XIX secolo

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    The article examines some contributions of the legal and political culture from Trieste (XVIII/XIX Century) about port, \u201cportofranco\u201d, commerce and insurances (Zinzendorf, Pittoni, Giuliani, Gabbiati, Rossetti, Metr\ue0\u2026)


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    We have investigated the laser-assisted radiative recombination in the presence of a few-cycle pulse with the aim of demonstrating means of controlling such process. Within the Coulomb-Volkov approach already employed to describe the radiative recombination assisted by a monochromatic laser field, we have found that the emitted photon spectrum is affected by both the cycle number n(c) and the carrier-envelope relative phase.. In particular, it has been shown that the minimum and the maximum values of the emitted photon energy may be controlled by varying nc and.. Finally, it has been found that the enhancement of radiative recombination occurring in the presence of a monochromatic field, takes place also by using a few-cycle laser pulse

    retrofitting and adaptability in urban areas

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    Abstract It is becoming more and more fundamental to develop a new approach to the dwelling in the contemporary world of architecture. If the Candilis revolution was based on humanism and regionalism, the current reaction should focus its attention on technology and a multicultural perspective. Technology has already occupied a main role in the design process, however it is not in the case of a multicultural approach. What the modernists started to call 'Habitat' was intrinsic to the society they were working for. The project was designed in regards to one singular habitat, with one use for society. We developed that approach and have continued to use this mono perspective. It is now necessary not to carry the analysis and the research from one singular point of view but to expand on this analysis and research to incorporate the voices of many [1]

    A short story of 3AB-OS cancer stem cells, a possible model for studying cancer stemness

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    Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) are thought to be the cause of cancer initiation, growth and development. Thus, a challenge in cancer research is their identification and eradication. In our laboratory, by chemical treatment of the human osteosarcoma (OS) MG63 cell line, we have isolated and characterized 3AB-OS cells, a human OS CSC line. 3AB-OS cells transdifferentiate in vitro into cells of the three derivatives germ layers and, when xenografted in athymic mice they are highly tumorigenic and recapitulate in vivo crucial features of human OS. They even express a reprogrammed energy metabolism, with a dependence on glycolytic metabolism more strong than parental MG63 cells. 3AB-OS cells have chromosomes showing a great number of abnormalities which are very similar to abnormalities found in both pediatric and adult osteosarcomas. In comparison with parental MG63 cells (where TP53 gene is hypermethylated, rearranged and in single copy), 3AB-OS cells have TP53 gene unmethylated, rearranged and in multiple copies. Moreover, the mutp53 (p53-R248W/P72R) is post-translationally stabilized, has nuclear localization and a gain of function. A great number of results obtained in our laboratories suggested that p53 mutation could be the “driver mutation” at the origin of the transformation of MG63 cells into 3AB-OS CSCs

    A European Project for Safer and Energy Efficient Buildings: Pro-GET-onE (Proactive Synergy of inteGrated Efficient Technologies on Buildings\u2019 Envelopes)

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    The paper describes the progress of the four-year European project Pro-GET-onE currently under implementation. This research and innovation project is based on the assumption that greater efficiency, attractiveness, and marketable renovation can only be achieved through an integrated set of technologies where all the different requirements (energy, structural, functional) are optimally managed. Thus, the project focuses on the unprecedented integration of different technologies to achieve a multi-benefit approach that is provided by a closer integration between energy and non-energy related benefits. The project aims to combine different pre-fabricated elements in a unified and integrated system resulting in a higher performance in terms of energy requirements, structural safety, and social sustainability. The project attempts to achieve this goal through the introduction of innovative solutions for building envelopes to optimally combine the climatic, structural, and functional aspects through a significant architectural transformation and a substantial increase of the real estate value of the buildings. This augmented value obtained through the application of the inteGrated Efficient Technologies (GETs) is extremely important when considering the necessity of creating an innovative and attractive market in the energy renovation of existing buildings towards the target of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs)

    On-line separation and determination of trivalent and hexavalent chromium with a new liquid membrane annular contactor coupled to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

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    We describe a new on-line sensitive and selective procedure for the determination of trivalent and hexavalent chromium in liquid samples by a tailor-made contactor (TMC), specifically a liquid membrane annular TMC, coupled with inductively coupled plasma with optical detection. The TMC was designed and developed to integrate the extraction and stripping phases of the analyte in one module to minimize the membrane solvent’s consumption and maximize the speed of transport through the liquid membrane. Moreover, the particular geometry studied, which consists of two coaxial hollow fibers, allows the TMC to be used for both separating and preconcentrating purposes. Both (−)-N-dodecyl-N-methylephedrinium bromide (30 mM) in dichloroethane and HNO3 (0.75 M) were used as the liquid membrane and receiving solution, re-spectively. The proposed method’s performance was evaluated in terms of the hexavalent chro-mium extraction efficiency and the coefficient of variation percentages; these were higher than 85% and less than 5%, respectively. In addition, the proposed procedure was applied to two real sam-ples: a tap water sample and an eluate from solid urban waste. In both cases, the analytical per-formances were good and comparable to those obtained using synthetic standard solutions

    Medium-term patient's satisfaction after primary total knee arthroplasty: enhancing prediction for improved care

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    Background: Patient-reported satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is low compared to other orthopedic procedures. Although several factors have been reported to influence TKA outcomes, it is still challenging to identify patients who will experience dissatisfaction five years after surgery, thereby improving their management. Indeed, both perioperative information and follow-up questionnaires seem to lack statistical predictive power. Hypothesis: This study aims to demonstrate that machine learning can improve the prediction of patient satisfaction, especially when classical statistics fail to identify complex patterns that lead to dissatisfaction. Patients and methods: Patients who underwent primary TKA were included in a Registry that collected baseline data and clinical outcomes at different follow-ups. The patients were divided into satisfied and dissatisfied groups based on a satisfaction questionnaire administered five years after surgery. Satisfaction was predicted using linear statistical models compared to machine learning algorithms. Results: A total of 147 subjects were analyzed. Regarding statistics, significant differences between satisfaction levels started emerging only six months after the intervention, and the classification was close to random guessing. However, machine learning algorithms could improve the prediction by 72% soon after the intervention, and an improvement of 178% was possible when including follow-ups up to one year. Discussion: This study demonstrates the feasibility of a registry-based approach for monitoring and predicting satisfaction using ML algorithms. Level of evidence: III

    Pianificazione e gestione del ciclo di vita di edifici esistenti di social housing

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    Con riferimento al concetto di edilizia circolare, intesa come riduzione degli impatti ambientali del processo edilizio nelle sue varie fasi attraverso il riuso e la riqualificazione, lo studio del ciclo di vita assume una rilevanza sempre maggiore. La riqualificazione \ue8 intesa come approccio sostenibile al miglioramento prestazionale del patrimonio costruito che ne consente l\u2019incremento della vita utile, in confronto al pi\uf9 radicale ed impattante intervento di demolizione e ricostruzione. In particolare, gli aspetti prestazionali che attualmente assumono maggiore rilevanza sono quelli relativi alla riabilita-zione sismica delle strutture ed alla riqualificazione energetica dell\u2019involucro e degli impianti. Si trat-ta tuttavia di interventi invasivi ed economicamente rilevanti che difficilmente un privato affronta in mancanza di specifici input normativi ed economici. Per questo, la riqualificazione dell\u2019edilizia pub-blica ed in particolare del social housing, pu\uf2 assumere un ruolo guida del settore edilizio. Lo studio della letteratura ha rivelato diversi approcci al problema, fondamentalmente basati sullo studio del ci-clo di vita del bene edilizio e dei suoi impatti a livello ambientale, ovvero di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) e delle sue ricadute economiche, il Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA). Nell\u2019ambito del progetto di ricerca europeo PRO-GET-ONE, coordinato dall\u2019Universit\ue0 di Bologna, \ue8 in corso di studio un approccio alla riqualificazione sismica ed energetica di edifici esistenti di social housing basato sulla realizzazione di un esoscheletro esterno che migliora sia le prestazioni sismiche che quelle energetiche in modo integrato, creando inoltre un plusvalore per l\u2019incremento delle superfici abitative. L\u2019approccio integrato alla riqualificazione prestazionale della deep renovation porta alla identificazione di nuove strategie di pianificazione e gestione del ciclo di vita dell\u2019immobile basate sulla identificazione di indicatori di prestazione di tipo ambientale LCA ed economico LCC che han-no lo scopo di valutare le alternative di intervento in particolare bilanciando le due strategie di recu-pero, sismica ed energetica.With reference to the concept of circular construction, intended as the reduction of the environmental impacts in the building process through reuse and rehabilitation actions, the study of the life cycle is continuously increasing its relevance. The rehabilitation is considered a sustainable approach to im-prove the performances of building stocks, enabling the extension of the service life, compared to the more radical and impactful intervention of demolition and reconstruction. In particular, the most relevant aspects related to building performance concern the seismic rehabilitation of structures and the energy retrofitting of envelopes and building services. However, these are invasive and econom-ically relevant interventions, that a private investor barely faces without specific regulations or eco-nomic inputs. For this reason, the rehabilitation of public buildings and, particularly of public hous-ing can assume a leading role in the building sector. The study of the scientific literature has revealed different approaches to this issue, primarily based on the study of the life cycle and the environmen-tal impacts of the built assets, i.e. the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with its economic consequenc-es, the Life Cost Assessment (LCC). The European research project PRO-GET-ONE, coordinated by the University of Bologna, studies an innovative approach to the seismic and energy rehabilita-tion of public housing, based on the realization of an eso-skeleton for the combined improvement of the seismic and energy performances of the buildings, that also generates a surplus value as a con-sequence of the increased living surfaces. This integrated approach to the building performance re-habilitation of the deep renovation leads to new strategies of life cycle planning and management based on the identification of environmental performance indicators with the goal of evaluating in-tervention alternatives, balancing the two \u2013 seismic and energy \u2013 renovation strategies