837 research outputs found

    Plan estratégico 2015-2018 de la Revista Perinatología y Reproducción Humana

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    Bayesian Methods for Radiometric Calibration in Motion Picture Encoding Workflows

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    A method for estimating the Camera Response Function (CRF) of an electronic motion picture camera is presented in this work. The accurate estimation of the CRF allows for proper encoding of camera exposures into motion picture post-production workflows, like the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES), this being a necessary step to correctly combine images from different capture sources into one cohesive final production and minimize non-creative manual adjustments. Although there are well known standard CRFs implemented in typical video camera workflows, motion picture workflows and newer High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging workflows have introduced new standard CRFs as well as custom and proprietary CRFs that need to be known for proper post-production encoding of the camera footage. Current methods to estimate this function rely on the use of measurement charts, using multiple static images taken under different exposures or lighting conditions, or assume a simplistic model of the function’s shape. All these methods become problematic and tough to fit into motion picture production and post-production workflows where the use of test charts and varying camera or scene setups becomes impractical and where a method based solely on camera footage, comprised of a single image or a series of images, would be advantageous. This work presents a methodology initially based on the work of Lin, Gu, Yamazaki and Shum that takes into account edge color mixtures in an image or image sequence, that are affected by the non-linearity introduced by a CRF. In addition, a novel feature based on image noise is introduced to overcome some of the limitations of edge color mixtures. These features provide information that is included in the likelihood probability distribution in a Bayesian framework to estimate the CRF as the expected value of a posterior probability distribution, which is itself approximated by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithm. This allows for a more complete description of the CRF over methods like Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Maximum A Posteriori (MAP). The CRF function is modeled by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the Database of Response Functions (DoRF) compiled by Grossberg and Nayar, and the prior probability distribution is modeled by a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) of the PCA coefficients for the responses in the DoRF. CRF estimation results are presented for an ARRI electronic motion picture camera, showing the improved estimation accuracy and practicality of this method over previous methods for motion picture post-production workflows


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    When Mexican President López Obrador took office in 2018, he vowed to save the country from violence and corruption. His strategy involves creating a National Guard to fight violence and gradually withdrawing military forces from the cities. However, during its first five years, this force will be formed and trained by the military police of the Mexican Army and Navy. As other countries have leveraged technology and big data in their intelligence-led policing efforts, these tools have the potential to help the Mexican Navy in its mission to restore public security in the country and fight drug-trafficking networks. This thesis poses the question of how the Mexican Navy can implement intelligence-led security methodologies to increase the effectiveness of operations against organized crime and reduce levels of violence in the country. In applying the concepts of action research and contextual analysis of the essential issues manifest in Mexico’s security policy, this thesis examines the existing legal frameworks, policies, and decision-making processes to propose a new methodology to capitalize on the Navy’s strengths and opportunities while mitigating its threats and weaknesses. The thesis concludes with recommendations for Mexico to improve its intelligence-sharing platform using technological solutions and big data.Teniente de Fragata, Mexican NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    La actividad física, el entrenamiento continuo e intervalo: una solución para la salud

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    El propósito de este documento fue reportar los beneficios de la actividad física, entrenamiento intervalo y entrenamiento continuo moderado en adultos sedentarios y físicamente activos. La actividad física involucra cualquier movimiento corporal que produce un aumento en el gasto energético en el metabolismo, mientras que el entrenamiento intervalo y entrenamiento continuo moderado puede ser utilizado para controlar el programa de cargas de entrenamiento (intensidad, volumen y pausa). Los beneficios que se han reportado cuando se realiza actividad física son; el incremento o mantenimiento de la condición física muscular, funciones cognitivas, cardio-respiratoria, equilibrio, peso corporal, control de la obesidad, todos ellos disminuyen los riesgos de enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfernedades crónico respiratorias, diabetes, presión alterial alta, sindrome metabolico, cancer de colón, depresión y todas las causas de mortalidad. En contraste, la falta de actividad fisica a ha sido identificada como factor de riesgo y esta asociada a diversas enfemedades no transmisibles a nivel mundial. En este documento puntualizamos dos tipos de entrenamiento que han tenido aplicaciones para la salud en adultos. Este trabajo podría ayudar a promover la salud calidad de vida de la población adulta y eliminar el sedentarismo mediante la prescripción de la actividad física para la salud

    Portals to the Past: The Queen’s Visit and the Daycare Exhibits

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    Our project theme is designed to highlight Sheridan\u27s growing reputation within the community. This project features two stories: the Queen\u27s visit and the daycare at the Trafalgar campus. Sheridan is more than just a school; it boasts a thriving reputation as a renowned and artistic institution with exceptional students and alumni. Its nationwide notoriety demonstrates the school\u27s commitment to community engagement. Sheridan is not just situated in Oakville; it actively contributes to the development of the Oakville community, focusing on nurturing the area\u27s youth. Our first story about the daycare illustrates the vital role this institution plays in the education of children in our community. Striving for change and investing in the future of the youth is crucial, and Sheridan takes a hands-on approach to these goals. It offers a progressive educational experience and has been a mainstay for decades. Our second project documents Queen Elizabeth II\u27s visit on October 10th, 2002. This monumental event elevated Sheridan\u27s reputation and was an honour for the entire community. The Queen\u27s visit showcased Sheridan\u27s excellence and commitment to providing top-quality education, instilling pride in everyone associated with the institution. Additionally, the visit reinforced the strong relationship between Sheridan and the community, emphasizing the school\u27s role as a cultural and educational hub in the region. In summary, our project encapsulates the essence of Sheridan\u27s reputation and its deep connections to the community. We hope it inspires others to join us in our pursuit of excellence and progress

    Titularización como instrumento de financiamiento de bajo costo para la construcción. El caso de un proyecto de construcción de viviendas en la provincia del Guayas

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    ViviendaEl déficit habitacional del país calculado en 1´200.000 viviendas requiere financiamiento que no es suficientemente atendido por el sistema financiero tradicional, por lo que se plantea como alternativa la titularización que consiste emitir valores con cargo a un patrimonio autónomo proporcionado por el originador y constituido bajo la figura del Fideicomiso Mercantil, valores que son adquiridos por los inversionistas a través de la Bolsa de Valores. La titularización se aplica a un caso práctico para la construcción de 63 viviendas cuyo costo es de US2´756.063,38yaunpreciodeventadeUS2´756.063,38 y a un precio de venta de US 62.000,00 cada una da un total de ingresos de US3´906.000,00deloscualessetitularizaUS3´906.000,00 de los cuales se titulariza US1´950.000,00 en base a los ingresos futuros generados por la cartera hipotecaria de la venta a crédito de dichas viviendas. Desarrollado el proceso de titularización se demuestra que los flujos proyectados de los cobros netos de la cartera hipotecaria más los ingresos de la titularización son suficientes para honrar los pagos a los inversionistas de la misma y generar excedentes de fondos que cubren perfectamente las necesidades financieras del proyecto. Como criterios de evaluación se aplica el VAN y el TIR que, con una tasa de descuento seleccionada del 12% anual, se determina que el proyecto es económicamente aceptable financiado con la titularización.The country's housing deficit estimated at 1,200,000 homes required financing is not sufficiently served by the traditional financial system, so it may be an alternative consisting securitization issue securities under an autonomous equity provided by the originator and constituted under Commercial Trusts, securities are purchased by investors through the stock exchange. Securitization is applied to a case study for the construction of 63 homes at a cost of US 2756.063,38andasalepriceofUS 2'756.063,38 and a sale price of US 62,000.00 each for a total revenue of US 3906.000,00whichistheownerofUS 3'906.000,00 which is the owner of US 1'950.000,00 is based on future revenues generated by the mortgage portfolio of credit sale of such housing. Developed the securitization process shows that projected flows of net receipts of the mortgage portfolio more securitization revenues are sufficient to honor payments to investors of the same and generate surplus funds that fully cover the financial needs of the project . As evaluation criteria NPV and IRR with a selected discount rate of 12% per year, it is determined that the project is economically acceptable funded securitization is applie

    Summer diet comparison between the American Kestrel (<i>Falco sparverius</i></i>) and Aplomado Falcon (<i>Falco femoralis) in an agricultural area of Araucanía, southern Chile

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    La dieta del Halconcito Colorado (<i>Falco sparverius</i>) y del Halcón Plomizo (<i>Falco femoralis</i>) fue cuantificada a partir de regurgitados durante el verano de 1997-1998 en un área agrícola de la región de la Araucanía, sur de Chile. Numéricamente, las presas más importantes del Halconcito Colorado fueron los insectos (61% del total de presas), seguidos de aves (23%), roedores (13.7%) y reptiles (2.6%). Las aves tuvieron el mayor aporte de biomasa (79.6%), seguidas por los roedores (18%). La contribución de biomasa de insectos y reptiles fue insignificante. Las principales presas del Halcón Plomizo fueron las aves, tanto en número (89%) como en biomasa (99%). La contribución numérica y de biomasa de roedores e insectos fue mínima. La superposición trófica entre ambos halcones fue relativamente baja. Las dos especies parecieron consumir de manera oportunista a la especie de ave más abundante en el campo (Sicalis luteola), aunque el Halcón Plomizo podría estar consumiendo preferentemente a las aves presa de mayor tamaño.The diet of the American Kestrel (<i>Falco sparverius</i>) and Aplomado Falcon (<i>Falco femoralis</i>) was quantified by analysis of their pellets during the summer 1997-1998 in an agricultural area of Araucanía, southern Chile. By number, the most important prey of the American Kestrel were insects (61% of all individual prey) followed by birds (23%), rodents (13.7%) and reptiles (2.6%). Avian prey accounted for the highest biomass contribution (79.6%), followed by rodents (18%). Biomass contribution of insects and reptiles was negligible. Birds were the staple prey of the Aplomado Falcon both by number (89%) and biomass (99%). Number and biomass contribution of rodent and insect prey was minute. Diet of both raptor species did not broadly overlap. Both the American Kestrel and Aplomado Falcon appeared to respond in an opportunistic manner to the most abundant bird prey in the field (Sicalis luteola), although the latter species could be consuming preferentially larger-sized avian prey