91 research outputs found

    Growth and Carcass Physical Components of Thin Tail Rams Fed on Different Levels of Rice Bran

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    This experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of rice bran supplementation on live weight gain (LWG), the proportion of carcass meat, bone and fat of Thin Tail Rams. Twelve thin tail rams, aged about 12 months, weighed 20.95 ± 1.52 kg (CV = 7.26%) were allocated into a Randomized Block Design with 2 blocks and 3 treatments. The treatments applied were levels of rice bran supplementation, i.e. Napier grass ad libitum without rice bran (T1), Napier grass ad libitum and 200 g rice bran (T2) and Napier grass ad libitum and 400 g rice bran (T3). The results showed that rice bran supplementation highly significantly (P0.05) influence the percentage of carcass meat and bone percentage. It was concluded that rice bran supplementation increased slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage, carcass meat and bone weight, and carcass fat percentage, but did not influence the percentage of carcass meat and carcass bone. (Animal Production 8(1): 28-33 (2006


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    This study was aimed : (i) to know the subsystem implementation and agribusiness planning in beef cattle fattening; (ii) to count the profit of beef cattle farming; (iii) to analyze the effect of agribusiness subsystem implementation and agribusiness planning to beef cattle fattening profit. This study was carried out using survey method and the elementary units were feedlot farmers. The sample was determined by Purposive Quota Sampling Method on 112 respondents spread across five regencies, namely Blora, Rembang, Grobogan, Wonogiri, and Boyolali. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The data analysis used quantitative descriptive and inferential statistics method, which include scoring, financial, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that : (i) the implementation of agribusiness subsystem (including preproduction subsystem, marketing, and agribusiness support services) and agribusiness planning were not so good category, while the cattle farming subsystem was moderate category; (ii) the average of farming scale in each feedlot farmer was 2.95 head of cattle with the profit rate was IDR 1,044,719 per fattening period during 6.68 months (equivalent to IDR 156,395 per month); (iii) agribusiness subsystem and agribusiness planning had significant impact on feedlot farmer profit simultaneously, but preproduction subsystem and the agribusiness support services subsystem partially had a significant impact on feedlot farmer profit

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pakan terhadap Keempukan Daging pada Kambing Kacang Jantan

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    Penelitian telah dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kandungan protein dan energi pakan terhadap keempukan daging. Materi penelitian adalah 15 ekor kambing Kacang jantan dengan umur rata-rata 6-18 bulan, dengan bobot badan awal 14,96 ± 3,40 kg (CV = 23%). Bahan pakan yang digunakan adalah rumput gajah, onggok, bungkil kedelai, dan dedak padi yang disusun menjadi complete feed. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan pakan dan 5 kelompok bobot badan kambing. Perlakuan pakan yang diterapkan adalah kandungan protein dan total digestible nutrients (TDN), yaitu 1) 9,20% protein dan 54,67% TDN (T1), 2) 11,67% protein dan 58,61%, TDN (T2), dan 3) 18,33% protein dan 65,23% TDN (T). Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah keempukan daging Longissimus dorsi (LD) dan Biceps femoris (BF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan nutrisi pada pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap keempukan daging, nilai rata-rata keempukan daging LD dan BF masing-masing adalah 1,13 dan 1,68 kg/cm2. Bobot badan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap keempukan daging LD, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap daging BF. Pada otot LD, nilai keempukan pada kelompok bobot badan terendah (9,04 kg) adalah 1,68 kg/cm2, sedangkan pada kelompok bobot badan tertinggi (18,44 kg) adalah 1,41 kg/cm2. Rata-rata keempukan daging BF adalah 1,68 kg/cm2. Disimpulkan bahwa kandungan protein dan energi pakan tidak mempengaruhi keempukan daging pada kambing Kacang jantan, dan bobot badan yang tinggi menghasilkan daging LD yang lebih empuk

    Pemanfaatan Protein Pakan pada Domba Lokal Jantan yang Mendapat Pakan pada Siang dan Malam Hari (Dietary Protein Utilization In Local Rams Given Feed During The Day And Night)

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    A study was conducted to assess the utilization of protein in local ram being fed during the day and at night. The materials used in this study were 12 local rams with initial body weight of 24.15 + 2.5 kg (CV=10.51%) and age of 1-1,5 years. Feed was given in the form of pellet. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments applied were feeding time, i.e. feeding time from 6 am to 6 pm (T1), feeding time from 6 pm to 6 am (T2), and feeding time for 24 hours a day (T3). The parameters observed were dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), protein digestibility, and protein deposition. The results showed that all the observed parameters were not significantly different (P>0,05). The averages of DMI, ADG, protein digestibility and protein deposition were 1.107,9g/day, 103,8g, 79,3%, 60,5%, respectively. It was concluded that feeding time had no effect on the utilization of dietary protein utilization in local rams

    The Production and Body Composition of Kacang Goat Fed Different Quality of Diets

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    An experimental study was carried out to assess the effect of diet quality on productivity and bodycomposition of Kacang goat. Fifteen male Kacang goats weighing 14.28 ± 3.36 kg (CV = 23.55%) weredivided into 5 groups based on body weight. The experimental design used in this study wasRandomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 treatments of dietary protein and total digestible (TDN)contents (T1= diet with 9.20% protein and 54.67% TDN; T2= diet with 11.6% protein and 58.61%TDN; T3= diet with 18.33% protein and 65.23% TDN). Parameters observed were feed intake, drymatter intake, crude protein intake, TDN intake, live weight gain (LWG) and body composition ofKacang goat. The results showed that feed quality did not significantly affect (P>0.05) dry matter intakeand body composition, but significantly affect (P<0.05) protein intake, TDN intake and LWG. It can beconcluded that the higher quality diet resulted in higher productivity, but the higher quality diet was notaffect body composition of Kacang goat, except body fat gain (%)

    Excretions of Urinary Creatinine on Young and Mature Kacang Goat Under Different Feeding Levels

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    . This study was aimed to examine the excretion of urinary creatinine in young and mature Kacang goat bucks under different feeding levels. This study used 16 Kacang goat bucks consisting of 2 groups of age, i.e. eight young bucks (aged 6-7 months, weighed 12.75±2.68 kg) and 8 mature bucks (age 9-12 months, weighed 17.34±3.32 kg). The bucks were fed pelleted complete feed containing 78.82% dry matter (DM), 18.80% crude protein (CP), and 76.29% total digestible nutrients (TDN). The bucks were allocated into a 2x2 nested design with four replications. The treatment was the amount of 2.24% dry matter intake (T1) and 4.48% of body weight (BW) (T2) for the young goat, while the mature buck was 1.87% and 3.74%, respectively. The results showed that DM, CP and TDN intake were significant different across ages and highly significantly different between feeding levels. Changes of urinary creatinine from week 0–12 showed no differences in the age group (142 mg/dl) and feeding level (143 mg/dl). Conclusively, age and feed level affected body weight, feed intake and creatinine excretion of Kacang Goat. The more body weight gain (age) and feed level, the more urinal creatinine excretion in male Kacang goat

    Sistem Produksi dan Produktivitas Sapi Jawa-Brebes dengan Pemeliharaan Tradisional (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Tani Ternak Cikoneng Sejahtera dan Lembu Lestari Kecamatan Bandarharjo Kabupaten Brebes)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem produksi dan produktivitas sapi Jawa-Brebes (Jabres) yang dipelihara oleh kelompok tani ternak (KTT) sapi Jabres di Kecamatan Bandarharjo, Kabupaten Brebes. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus melalui observasi, wawancara dan pengukuran di lapangan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tujuan pemeliharaan sapi Jabres oleh KTT untuk memperoleh anak sapi sebagai tabungan. Pemeliharaan dilakukan secara tradisional dengan cara menggembalakan sapi-sapi tersebut di hutan maupun pematang sawah pada pagi hari, sedangkan pada sore hari sapi dikandangkan dan diberi tambahan pakan kasar sesuai ketersediaan jenis pakan. Perkawinan terjadi secara alami ketika sapi digembalakan tanpa campur tangan peternak. Anak-anak sapi sebelum sapih (umur 1-4 bulan) mempunyai PBBH sebesar 0,29±0,15 kg, sedangkan PBBH anak sapi yang telah disapih (umur 10-11 bulan) hanya 0,27±0,17 kg. Kesimpulan penelitian ini ialah 98% anggota KTT di Kecamatan Bandarharjo melaksanakan sistem produksi induk-anak dengan pemeliharaan semi intensif. Produktivitas anak-anak sapi Jabres sebelum dan setelah sapih cukup baik

    Dietary Energy Utilization in Rams Being Fed During the Day And/or at Night

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    A study was carried out to assess dietary energy utilization in male fat-tailed sheep being fed duringthe day and/or at night. This study were used 12 rams of 12-18 months old with average of initial bodyweight of 27.05±2.9 kg (CV = 10.74%). The experimental design used in this study was a completelyrandomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were feeding during theday (06.00-18.00; DF), feeding at night (18.00-06.00; NF), and feeding all day and night (06.00-06.00;DNF). The diet was offered ad libitum. The results showed that feeding during the day and/or at nightdid not significantly affect (P>0.05) all parameters observed. The average of dry matter intake (DMI),average daily gain (ADG), gross energy intake (GEI), energy digestibility (DE) and energymetabolizability (ME) were 1006 g/d, 75 g/d, 19.2 MJ/d, 74.0% of gross energy, and 66.2% of grossenergy, respectively. The feed efficiency ratio (FCR), gross energy efficiency, digestible energyefficiency, and metabolizable energy efficiency were 7.38%, 3.86 g ADG/MJ, 5.24 g ADG/MJ, and 5.84g ADG/MJ, respectively. It is concluded that time of feeding did not affect the dietary energy utilizationin local rams

    The Effect of Energy Level of Feeding on Daily Gain, Blood Glucose and Urea on Madura Cattle

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary energy level on daily gain of Madura cattle and their blood metabolites (glucose and blood urea). Twelve (12) male Madura cattle aged at 2 years old, 156.27+6.92 kg (CV 4.43%) of body weight were used in this study which was assigned to completely randomized design for three feeding treatments (low, middle and high energy contents) and four replications. The daily gain was measured for 90 days, while the blood metabolites were measured at the middle of experiment. Results showed that dietary energy levels did not affect (P>0.05) average daily gain, dry matter intake, dry matter digestibility, energy intake and feed conversion ratio. Blood glucose and blood urea concentration were ranged at 67-75 and 35-50 mg/dL, respectively, while feed energy efficiency reached 0.145 MJ/g ADG. In conclusion, high-level energy could not provide better performance in Madura cattle because of a limitation factor on the DMI

    Growth and Carcass Physical Components of Thin Tail Rams Fed on Different Levels of Rice Bran

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    This experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of rice bran supplementation on live weight gain (LWG), the proportion of carcass meat, bone and fat of Thin Tail Rams. Twelve thin tail rams, aged about 12 months, weighed 20.95 ± 1.52 kg (CV = 7.26%) were allocated into a Randomized Block Design with 2 blocks and 3 treatments. The treatments applied were levels of rice bran supplementation, i.e. Napier grass ad libitum without rice bran (T1), Napier grass ad libitum and 200 g rice bran (T2) and Napier grass ad libitum and 400 g rice bran (T3). The results showed that  rice bran supplementation highly significantly (P0.05) influence the percentage of carcass meat and bone percentage. It was concluded that rice bran supplementation increased slaughter weight, carcass weight and carcass percentage, carcass meat and bone weight, and carcass fat percentage, but did not influence the percentage of carcass meat and carcass bone. (Animal Production 8(1): 28-33 (2006) Key Words : Thin Tail Rams, rice bran, carcass physical components
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