23 research outputs found

    Glacialmarine facies relations in the lower Androscoggin Valley, southwest Maine

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    A facies model is proposed for late Wisconsinan glaciomarine deposits in the lower Androscoggin Valley that includes for lithofacies assemblages that are defined by morphology and detailed stratigraphic and sedimentologic analysis. The end moraine facies assemblage includes subglacial and resedimented diamicton, and interbedded and locally deformed sand and gravel beds. The sediments from linear ridges which are former grounding line positions of the tidewater glacier margin. The submarine outwash fan facies assemblage commonly drapes or flanks the end moraine assemblage. In proximal regions of the fan, gravel, bedded sand, and diamicton lithofacies predominate and represent rapid deposition at the mouth of the meltwater tunnel by fluvial and mass flow processes. Distal and lateral to the ice margin, fan sediments consist of graded and cross-laminated sands deposited from suspension. The shallow marine facies assemblage consists of well-sorted tidal to subtidal sand lithofacies, poorly sorted gravelly and bouldery lad deposits on moraine crests, and lagoonal muds. Collectively, these lithofacies were deposited as a result of reworking previously deposited sediments during isostatic emergence

    Sedimentation in a proglacial lake: Glacial Lake Hitchcock

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    Guidebook for field trips in Connecticut and south central Massachusetts: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference 74th annual meeting, University of Connecticut, Storrs Connecticut , October 2 and 3, 1982: Trip Q-

    Identificação, dinâmica da produção e potencial de uso do feromônio de agregação de Pseudopiazurus obesus (Boheman, 1838) (Coleoptera : Curculionidae)

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    Orientador : Paulo H.G. ZarbinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Entomologia). Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentraçao: EntomologiaResumo: A pesquisa objetivou identificar, determinar a dinâmica da produção e avaliar o potencial de uso do feromônio de agregação de Pseudopiazurus obesus (Boheman, 1838), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), visando à possibilidade do uso desta alternativa no monitoramento e controle desta praga. O estudo consistiu em três fases, sendo a primeira envolvendo a criação dos insetos; a segunda a obtenção dos voláteis dos insetos e avaliação destes no comportamento dos co-específicos e a terceira abrangendo isolamento, identificação e avaliação da atividade biológica do feromônio sintético em laboratório. Ações complementares de pesquisa ainda foram desenvolvidas como a determinação da dinâmica da produção do feromônio e avaliação da captura dos espécimes em armadilhas a campo. Os principais resultados foram: machos e fêmeas são mais atraídos para voláteis de insetos machos adicionado a partes da planta hospedeira (caule fresco do mamoeiro), sugerindo ação sinergística e potencializando a atratividade de co-específicos; a liberação do feromônio inicia a partir do 18o DAE (dias após a emergência) e ocorre durante a escotofase, sendo observado o pico de produção 4 - 6 h após o seu início; machos virgens e acasalados são semelhantes quanto à produção de feromônio e esta é dependente da planta hospedeira; a duração da produção ocorre até aos 105 DAE; o feromônio é do tipo agregação; grandisal, grandisol e papaianol (composto majoritário, intermediário e minoritário, respectivamente), constituem as substâncias feromonais da espécie; as misturas ternárias e grandisal mostraram ser biologicamente ativos na atratividade de co-específicos; armadilhas colocadas a 1,50 m de altura capturaram mais espécimes em condições de campo.Abstract: The aim of this study was to isolate and identify the aggregation pheromone the papaya weevil, Pseudopiazurus obesus (Boheman, 1838), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in order to develop new monitoring and control methods against this pest. The study is based in three stages. The first stage was the rearing of papaya weevil; in the second stage, volatiles were obtained from males and females adults to be evaluated biological activity its in behavioral of the weevils; the third stage experiments were carried out isolation and identification of the aggregation pheromone and to evaluate the biological activity this compounds in behavioral of weevils. The main results was: male and female adults were attracted to volatiles obtained from male adults plus trunk pieces of the host plant. These results demonstrate that host plant volatiles, promote a sinergistic effect when added to male extracts; the male adults are the main responsible for the pheromone release, which starts from the 18th day after emerging; pheromone emission occurs at the scotophase, with a higher emission from 4h to 6h after the onset of the scotophase; there is no difference between pheromone emission from virgim or mated males, but there is difference among volatiles collected from males with or without food; pheromone release is affected by the food quality and decrease within time; occurring until the 105 day of life; three male-specific compounds: grandisal (main pheromone component), grandisol and papaianol are the pheromonals compounds; the ternary mixtures and grandisal show biological activity in both sexes of the papaya weevil; traps localized in 1,50 meter higher show best performance in the captures of weevils in field conditions

    Late Wisconsinan glacial and glaciomarine sedimentary facies in the lower Androscoggin Valley, Topsham, Maine

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    in Tucker, Robert D., and Marvinney, Robert G. (editors), Studies in Maine geology: Volume 6 - Quaternary geology: Maine Geological Survey, p. 33-51.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_publications/1097/thumbnail.jp

    Late Wisconsinan glacial and glaciomarine sedimentary facies in the lower Androscoggin Valley, Topsham, Maine

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    in Tucker, Robert D., and Marvinney, Robert G. (editors), Studies in Maine geology: Volume 6 - Quaternary geology: Maine Geological Survey, p. 33-51.https://digitalmaine.com/mgs_publications/1097/thumbnail.jp

    Harmonic optimization of a periodic flow wind tunnel

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