17 research outputs found

    Nekatere demografske značilnosti grkokatoliških Žumberčanov v Sloveniji

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    The essay discusses Žumberčani population in Slovenia. They immigrated to Slovenia from the hilly region of Žumberk, app. 15 to 40 km west of the Croatian Capital Zagreb along the Slovenian-Croatian state border. Mostly they are descendents of the Uskoki, the population that had immigrated from the Balkans after the Ottoman conquest of the region. In the 1611, the majority of the Uskoks from Žumberak became Greek-Catholics, Eastern Christians, which are directly subject to the Pope in Rome. Žumberk was a part of Military Border Region, which was organized as defense belt against the Ottomans by Habsburgs; Žumberčani were recruited professional soldiers by the Hapsburg Empire. After the abolishment of the Military Border Region in 1881, the life and economic conditions in Žumberk changed dramatically. Since then, Žumberk demographically has become an exodus zone. Žumberčani were forced to migrate to other regions of Habsburg Empire and to other states, predominantly to the USA, France and Germany. Since 1880, Žumberčani have migrated in larger numbers towards the border regions along the present Slovenian-Croatian state border, especially to Bela krajina, Novo mesto and Posavje in Southeastern Slovenia, and to larger cities, such as Ljubljana. This is also the geographical framework of our analyses of the present Žumberčani population in Slovenia. More than half out of 671 Žumberčani, and 772 other persons living with them in the same households (families), live in Municipality of Metlika in Bela krajina. Other persons are individuals that were not born in Žumberk settlements in Croatia neither did they declare themselves as Greek-Catholics in population census. Žumberčani are demographically older population then the majority in the region. They are more concentrated in urban settlements and have a larger proportion of males. The differences in employment end education structure of Žumberčani in comparison with entire population in the region are statistically not significant. The majority of the middle aged, and particularly the young generations of Žumberčani live in ethnically and religiously heterogeneous households and families. Yet the analyses show the important shift in younger population from declared Croats to Slovenians, and the Greek-Catholics to Roman-Catholics. Trends are less strong in Municipality of Metlika where Žumberčani represent a larger proportion in local population.Prispevek obravnava populacijo Žumberčanov v Sloveniji. To je v Slovenijo priseljena populacija iz hrvaške regije Žumberk, 15 – 40 km kilometrov zahodno od hrvaške prestolnice Zagreb vzdolž slovensko-hrvaške meje. Žumberčani so del širše etnične kategorije potomcev Uskokov, prebivalstva, ki se je v poznem srednjem veku pred Otomansko vojsko umikalo iz osrednjega Balkana. Žumberčani so v tridesetih letih 16. stoletja prešli v Unijatstvo – so kristjani vzhodnega obreda, formalno pa del Katoliške cerkve. Žumberk je bil del Vojne krajine, ki so jo zaradi nevarnosti pred turško vojsko ustanovili Habsburžani. Žumberčani so opravljali vojaško službo, ta njihov status pa je tudi odločilno vplival na gospodarsko in socialno organiziranost družbe. Po ukinitvi Vojne krajine leta 1881 so se ekonomske razmere za žumberško prebivalstvo radikalno spremenile. Žumberk je postal območje odseljevanja in ena najbolj depopulacijskih regij Hrvaške. Žumberčani so se selili v druge dele Habsburškega imperija, močna pa je bila tudi migracija v druge države, zlasti v ZDA, Francijo in Nemčijo.Po letu 1880 so se večje skupine Žumberčanov začele pojavljati tudi v obmejnih slovenskih pokrajinah - v Beli krajini, v okolici Novega mesta in v Posavju, kasneje tudi v večjih mestih v notranjosti, predvsem v Ljubljani. To je tudi geografski okvir analize Žumberčanov v Sloveniji. Več kot polovica od 671 Žumberčanov in 772 drugih oseb, ki z njimi živijo v isti družini ali gospodinjstvu, živi v občini Metlika v Beli krajini. Druge osebe so tisti člani gospodinjstev, ki bodisi niso bili rojeni v žumberških vaseh oziroma se ob popisu niso versko opredelili kot grkokatoliki. Žumberčani so demografsko starejša populacija od večine na obravnavanem območju, bolj zgoščeno naseljeni v mestnih naseljih in imajo večji delež moškega prebivalstva. Po zaposlitvi in izobrazbi se ne razlikujejo pomembneje od večine prebivalstva. Večina generacije srednje starosti, še zlasti pa mlajše, živi v etnično in versko heterogenih gospodinjstvih. Pri mlajših generacijah kažejo analize statistično pomemben prehod pri opredeljevanju za Slovence in ne Hrvate, in za rimokatolike namesto grkokatolike pri verskem opredeljevanju. Trend je v občini Metlika, kjer Žumberčani tvorijo večji delež v skupnem prebivalstvu, manj izrazit

    Demographic Characteristics of the Romany in Prekmurje

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    The paper deals with the demographic and settlement characteristics of the Romany in Prekmurje (north-eastern Slovenia). Along with ethnic characteristics, there is a series of weaknesses in their socioeconomic structure, particularly poor education and a high proportion of unemployment, that separates them from the rest of the population of the region. Social marginality is a reason that social integration is often linked with ethnic assimilation. Statistical sources indicate that the number of Romany is largely underestimated

    Slovenia in Focus

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    Knjiga, ki je bila izdana ob predsedovanju Slovenije Evropski uniji, vsebuje strnjene in nazorno (s preglednicami, statističnimi podatki, dodelanimi tematskimi zemljevidi ter številnimi barvnimi grafikoni in fotografijami) prikazane relevantne podatke o naši državi, od temeljnih kulturno-zgodovinskih podatkov do bistvenih informacijo naravnem okolju in družbenem razvoju. Na koncu sta dodana imensko kazalo preglednega zemljevida Slovenije na strani 31 in petjezični slovarček glavnih zemljepisnih izrazov

    Spatial and functional changes in built-up areas in selected slovene rural settlements after 1991

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    We determined changes in the settled areas of rural settlements by means of aerial photos and orthophotos, statistical data, and data obtained through field research. The expert sample comprised 14 rural settlements with 500 to 1100 inhabitants from a variety of Slovene natural and statistical regions which in the past ten-year period have shown positive growth in the number of inhabitants, jobs, and houses. We identified how the following categories changed in settled areas in the period from 1991 to 2005: residential areas, areas with central functions (supply, service, and business), traffic areas and green and other open spaces. Most apparent were differences among the types of settlements. We related land use to the relief and type of settlement, to the geographical location of the settlement, to changes in its structure, and to trends in the number of jobs and extent of commuting

    Prostorski in regionalni razvoj Sredozemlja

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    This book (‘Spatial and regional development of the Mediterranean: A unified approach and selected tools’) discusses the main development challenges and factors influencing the attainment of territorial cohesion and competitiveness of Mediterranean regions. In addition to the main physical and socio-geographic features, it summarizes some of the results of the transnational project OTREMED (Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space). The methodology for developing a uniform approach to spatial and regional planning in the Mediterranean macroregion – or a tool for uniformly monitoring the area’s development challenges – has been developed as part of this project. This tool is based on selected development factors and indicators, which are presented in greater detail for the Mediterranean part of Slovenia.Kljub naravnogeografski in družbenogeografski raznolikosti se evropski sredozemski prostor sooča s skupnimi razvojnimi problemi. Skladnejši in bolj uravnotežen regionalni razvoj otežujejo geografska, gospodarska in politična razdrobljenost območja. Obstoječa orodja, s katerimi sredozemske države in regije rešujejo razvojne izzive, ne omogočajo spremljanja vzorcev na ravni celotne makroregije, ki jo je Evropska unija opredelila s Programom Mediteran, programom teritorialnega sodelovanja v evropskem Sredozemlju. V knjigi so osvetljeni glavni razvojni izzivi in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na doseganje teritorialne kohezije in konkurenčnosti sredozemskih regij. Poleg poglavitnih naravnogeografskih in družbenogeografskih značilnosti so v njej povzeti nekateri rezultati transnacionalnega projekta OTREMED (Orodje za strateško prostorsko načrtovanje v Sredozemlju). V njegovem okviru je bila oblikovana metodologija za enoten pristop k prostorskemu in regionalnemu načrtovanju v sredozemski makroregiji – orodje za enotno spremljanje razvojnih izzivov območja. Orodje temelji na izbranih razvojnih dejavnikih in kazalnikih, ki so podrobneje predstavljeni za sredozemsko Slovenijo

    Cultivated terraces in Slovenian landscapes

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    Cultivated terraces distinctively mark the landscape and are a result of human adaptation to steep areas. Terraces were studied with regard to their morphometric qualities, ownership structure, and land use at eight pilot sites in various landscape types in Slovenia. Twenty-six detailed interviews were carried out with local residents and experts. In current agricultural practice, terraces mostly represent obstacles, and for owners they create a loss rather than profit; however, they represented an advantage in the past, when they were cultivated manually. Land use is intensifying on economically profitable terraces. Among those examined, the Jeruzalem terraces stand out because these are the youngest ones (created in socialist Yugoslavia around 1965). Because of their aesthetic value, they are the best known among the public. Profitability in particular will be an important driving force for the future maintenance of terraces

    Slovenski eksonimi

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    This volume (‘A List of Slovenian Exonyms’) is a contribution to fostering greater consistency in the use of Slovenian exonyms, or geographical names adapted to Slovenian. It provides material for their standardization and at the same time ensures that this important aspect of Slovenian will not to sink into oblivion. The volume has three parts. Part one contains theoretical and methodological reflections on exonyms, with an emphasis on explaining basic concepts, the use of exonyms, gathering and selecting them to design a collection of exonyms, and presentation of an analysis of their frequency. It concludes with two chapters that serve as links to the other two parts of the volume. The first presents the format of the table in detail. This table, with a list of the most frequently used exonyms (3,818), comprises the second part of the book and is supplemented by a table with a list of over 350 of the most established alternative exonyms. The third part of the volume contains color maps containing exonyms from the table in part two, arranged by part of the world and divided according to semantic type of exonym.Znanstvena monografija je prispevek k nadaljnjemu poenotenju rabe slovenskih eksonimov, podomačenih geografskih imen v slovenščini. Z njo smo pripravili gradivo za njihovo standardizacijo, obenem pa poskrbeli, da ta pomemben segment slovenskega jezika ne bo utonil v pozabo. Monografija je sestavljena iz treh delov. V prvem delu so teoretsko-metodološka razmišljanja o eksonimih, s poudarkom na razlagi temeljnih pojmov, rabi eksonimov, njihovem zajemu in izboru za zasnovo zbirke eksonimov ter predstavitev analize pogostnosti njihovega pojavljanja. Zaključita ga poglavji, ki sta nekakšna vezna člena k preostalima deloma monografije. V prvem od njiju so podrobneje predstavljene rubrike preglednice. Preglednico s seznamom najpogosteje uporabljenih eksonimov (okrog 3000), ki sestavlja drugi del knjige, dopolnjuje krajša preglednica s seznamom dobrih 350 najbolj uveljavljenih alternativnih eksonimov. V tretjem delu so barvni zemljevidi z vrisanimi eksonimi iz preglednice drugega dela, razporejeni po delih sveta in segmentirani glede na pomenski tip eksonimov

    Terasirana pokrajina Goriških brd

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    Agricultural terraces are the predominant landscape element in the Goriška brda region. These were once made by hand, but started being built mechanically after the Second World War. Reshaping slopes into terraces increases the amount of arable farmland. Farming, especially cultivation of vineyards and orchards, is still the most important industry in this region. The development of winegrowing has indelibly marked the image of the cultural landscape here.Terraces are mostly being abandoned in regions with market-oriented mechanized farming. Much of the formerly terraced land in upper Goriška brda is now completely overgrown or deteriorated. The former extent of these agricultural terraces cannot even be precisely determined using the land cadastre carried out under Emperor Franz I. In contrast, the agricultural terraces in lower Goriška brda are being constantly renovated.Maintenance of terraces prevents water loss and reduces soil erosion. When the shape of hillsides is changed, large quantities of soil are moved, and steep slopes are altered, this can cause land slippage and large areas can become unstable. Detailed study indicates that Goriška brda is exposed to a high risk of landslides.This study was carried out as part of Interreg project IIIB Alpine Space, titled “The Terraced Landscapes of the Alpine Arc” (ALPTER).Monografija na primeru Goriških brd predstavlja slovenske izsledke v okviru mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta, katerega glavni namen je preprečevanje propadanja terasiranih kmetijskih zemljišč v širšem območju Alp. S terasnim preoblikovanjem pobočij se povečuje obdelovalno kmetijsko zemljišče, preprečuje negativne učinke erozije, tudi erozije prsti, zadrži pa se tudi več vlage in podaljša talno vlažnost. Prevladujoča pokrajinska prvina v Goriških brdih so kulturne terase. Nekoč so terase urejali ročno, po drugi svetovni vojni pa so jih začeli graditi strojno. V zgornjih Goriških brdih je zaradi negativnih demografskih gibanj veliko nekdanjih terasiranih območij že popolnoma propadlih ali zaraščenih. Nasprotno kulturne terase v spodnjih Goriških brdih lastniki nenehno obnavljajo in posodabljajo. Knjiga ni le temeljit prispevek k obravnavi kulturnih teras, ampak je najbolj poglobljeno delo o Goriških brdih nasploh

    Central settlements in Slovenia in 2016

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    This article presents central settlements in Slovenia and their main characteristics in 2016. We defined central settlements based on services of general interest and the population of an individual settlement, and developed the analysis further by using competitiveness indicators. We defined 360 central settlements at six levels of centrality, among which the significance of Ljubljana as a national center of international importance and the significance of intermunicipal, local, and rural centers are increasing. The significance of certain regional centers at the second and third levels of centrality is decreasing. The level of services of general interest supplied to Slovenian territory is relatively appropriate, but it should be improved by promoting competitiveness, especially in centers of national and regional importance