288 research outputs found

    Structural borrowing in word-formation: An exploratory overview

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    International audienceThis exploratory overview of structural borrowing in word-formation discusses the multiformity of processes and patterns affected by language contact and then reviews linguistic and sociolinguistic indicators that may impact on the relative plausibility of scenarios of contact-induced change. A number of key features of this type of borrowing are highlighted: first, it is not a negligible phenomenon and should gain a more prominent position in the general contact linguistics literature; second, it is a manifold phenomenon and fine-grained descriptions, in both their qualitative and quantitative aspects, need to be considered; third, certifying the external causation of change is a challenge and the analysis should cautiously be limited to arguments of relative plausibility, which may combine and strengthen each other

    Preclinical Ventilation after Drowning

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    Drowning, being the third leading cause of unintentional accidents leading to death and mainly damaging the respiratory apparatus, demands a quick response and the correct reestablishment of a normal breathing cycle in order to obtain the best possible outcome for rescued patients.Besides the definition of drowning itself and the more complex sub-definitions of submersion, immersion, and non-fatal drowning, this study deals with the onsite treatment as well as the different forms and modes of ventilation in the prehospital setting. It explores the correlation between global drowning statistics, which account for approximately 7% of injury deaths annually with 236 thousand fatalities directly related to drowning or its consequences, and the multiple risk factors and geographical circumstances involved. However, this just implies the total extent of deaths caused by drowning since certain cases remain excluded. It’s nearly impossible to gain a completely objective and overarching overview of the worldwide situation since exact measurements are not possible.Therefore, the estimated number of drowning victims is much higher than statistics show. Correct treatment and aid provided by bystanders or professional first-aiders are important and highly impact the outcome of a drowning accident, which should be as protective and life-sustaining as possible in the long term.According to multiple statistics, the improvement due to endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation is capable of minimizing inadequate ventilation by less effective forms of manual ventilation—mouth to mouth, mouth to nose without equipment, with bag valve masks (BVM), or supraglottic airway management—which might even lead to injuries restraining the patient´s rehabilitation

    List of references

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    This select bibliography lists a number of references which will be useful to all scholars wishing to keep abreast of a variety of recent discussions on the adjective category

    Bernard Fradin, Françoise Kerleroux et Marc Plénat (dir.), Aperçus de morphologie du français

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    L’ouvrage Aperçus de morphologie du français est un recueil de douze articles traitant de la morphologie constructionnelle du français contemporain. Il s’adresse à un public d’étudiants non débutants et de chercheurs. Il est le fruit d’un travail collectif mené au sein du GDR 2220 du CNRS « Description et modélisation en morphologie » entre 2000 et 2007. Comme son titre l’indique, il n’a pas la prétention de couvrir l’ensemble du champ, mais se donne pour but la description relativement fouil..

    Igor Mel’čuk & Alain Polguère, Lexique actif du français - l’apprentissage du vocabulaire fondé sur 20.000 dérivations sémantiques et collocations du français

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    Le Lexique actif du français ou LAF est une adaptation grand public du Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain, publié en 4 volumes entre 1984 et 1999. C’est donc une introduction méthodique à la lexicologie explicative et combinatoire et, au-delà, à la théorie linguistique Sens-Texte (voir Mel’čuk 1997). Le LAF s’adresse à la fois aux enseignants et apprenants du français langue maternelle, seconde et étrangère et aux professionnels de la langue. L’ouvrage est volumi..


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    This thematic issue presents a collection of six papers devoted to the adjective category which illustrates the breadth of current research interests found in the French/Belgian community of English linguistics scholars. The first article, written by Daniel Henkel (Université Paris 8), offers a quantitatively documented overview of five semantic families of adjectives (age, size, color, modality, emotion) that demonstrates that the items within each family share a distinctive syntactic profil..


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    Word-formation is the branch of linguistics that studies the nature and circumstances surrounding the coining of new complex lexemes. This field of research has been a source of fascination to scholars for centuries – descriptions regarding the mechanisms of lexical innovation of Classical Sanskrit existed already in the 4th century BCE. A number of controversial issues have traditionally underlain the discipline and, despite the efforts directed at solving them, many remain a matter of debate to the present day. As happened in other areas of linguistics, the 20th century witnessed a revolution in word-formation, thanks to Saussure’s writings and to monographs like Chomsky (1957), Dokulil (1962) and Marchand (1969). If one had to name a distinctive attribute of modern word-formation, it would probably be the non-predominance of a single linguistic theory.This volume was conceived as a reflection of the current trends in word-formation, and has therefore tried to embrace a variety of theoretical frameworks, viewpoints and languages.

    Coordinate compounding in English and Spanish

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    Coordinate compounding is a process which has been only sporadically considered in wordformation studies on Germanic and Romance languages. In this paper, we compare the situation in English with that in Spanish as far as formal structure and semantics are concerned. To this end, an operational definition of coordinate compounding is first provided, after which a semantic classification of coordinate compounds is developed. For each type, variants are discussed, representative examples are provided, and similarities and dissimilarities between the two languages are highlighted. We finish by raising the issues of recursiveness and productivity in coordinate compounding and we examine the possibilities of expansion and profitability of the different patterns. Our analysis reveals marked similarities between English and Spanish coordinate compounding at various levels, hinting at the possible existence of a cross-linguistic set of common core features in the class of coordinate compounds in both Germanic and Romance

    Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)

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    A network of scientists under the umbrella of 'Assembling the Tree of Life in Europe (AToLE)' seeks funding under the FP7-Theme: Cooperation - Environment (including Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation) programme of the European Commission.

    Foreword: New territories in word-formation

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    Word-formation is a domain of linguistics which has steadily evolved in the last decades under the influence of the wide availability of electronic corpora and of a renewed interest in contrastive approaches to morphological analysis. From the 1990s onwards, morphological studies have increasingly relied on corpus data. An initial point of interest was the domain of productivity measurement (see Baayen & Lieber 1991, Baayen & Renouf 1996), but resorting to corpora soon became a widespread practice, notably to document rare phenomena, which cannot be thoroughly discussed in the absence of a wealth of data (see Plénat et al. 2002)
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