8 research outputs found

    Rock glacier inventory of the western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau, supported by InSAR time series and automated classification

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    The western Nyainqêntanglha Range on the Tibetan Plateau reaches an elevation of 7,162 m and is characterized by an extensive periglacial environment under semi-arid climatic conditions. Rock glaciers play an important part of the water budget in high mountain areas and recent studies suggest that they may even act as climate-resistant water storages. In this study we present the first rock glacier inventory of this region containing 1,433 rock glaciers over an area of 4,622 km. To create the most reliable inventory we combine manually created rock glacier outlines with an automated classification approach. The manual outlines were generated based on surface elevation data, optical satellite imagery and a surface velocity estimation. This estimation was generated via InSAR time series analysis with Sentinel-1 data from 2016 to 2019. Our pixel-based automated classification was able to correctly identify 87.8% of all rock glaciers in the study area at a true positive rate of 69.5%. In total, 65.9% of rock glaciers are classified as transitional with surface velocities of 1–10 cm/yr. In total, 18.5% are classified as active with higher velocities of up to 87 cm/yr. The southern windward side of the mountain range contains more numerous and more active rock glaciers. We attribute this to higher moisture availability supplied by the Indian Monsoon

    Rock Glacier Characteristics Under Semiarid Climate Conditions in the Western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau

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    Abstract Rock glaciers are receiving increased attention as a potential source of water and indicator of climate change in periglacial landscapes. They consist of an ice‐debris mixture, which creeps downslope. Although rock glaciers are a wide‐spread feature on the Tibetan Plateau, characteristics such as its ice fraction are unknown as a superficial debris layer inhibits remote assessments. We investigate one rock glacier in the semiarid western Nyainqêntanglha range (WNR) with a multi‐method approach, which combines geophysical, geological and geomorphological field investigations with remote sensing techniques. Long‐term kinematics of the rock glacier are detected by 4‐year InSAR time series analysis. The ice content and the active layer are examined by electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar, and environmental seismology. Short‐term activity (11‐days) is captured by a seismic network. Clast analysis shows a sorting of the rock glacier's debris. The rock glacier has three zones, which are defined by the following characteristics: (a) Two predominant lithology types are preserved separately in the superficial debris patterns, (b) heterogeneous kinematics and seismic activity, and (c) distinct ice fractions. Conceptually, the studied rock glacier is discussed as an endmember of the glacier—debris‐covered glacier—rock glacier continuum. This, in turn, can be linked to its location on the semiarid lee‐side of the mountain range against the Indian summer monsoon. Geologically preconditioned and glacially overprinted, the studied rock glacier is suggested to be a recurring example for similar rock glaciers in the WNR. This study highlights how geology, topography and climate influence rock glacier characteristics and development.Plain Language Summary Climate change has begun to impact all regions of our planet. In cold regions, such as high‐mountain areas, rising temperatures lead to massive melting of glaciers. Besides this evident loss of ice, permafrost, a long‐term ice resource hidden in the subsurface, has started to thaw. Rock glaciers as visible permafrost‐related landforms consist of an ice‐debris mixture, which makes them creep downslope. Due to this movement and their recognizable shape, rock glaciers are permafrost indicators in high‐mountain areas. We investigate one rock glacier in the western Nyaingêntanglha Range (Tibetan Plateau) using field and remote sensing methods to understand its development and to know the current state of its ice core. Our main outcome is, that the heterogeneous creeping behavior, the properties of the debris cover as well as the internal distribution of ice are the results of a continuous development from a glacier into today's rock glacier. In particular, the high ice content in particular sections points to such a glacial precondition. The debris layer covering the internal ice attenuates the effect of climate warming. This makes the rock glacier and similar rock glaciers found in the northern part of the mountain range important future water resources for the semiarid region.Key Points Geophysical and remote sensing methods in concert reveal the morphostructure, ice fraction, and kinematics of the studied rock glacier Rock glacier characteristics are controlled by geology, topography and climate on the Tibetan Plateau The studied rock glacier is conceptually interpreted as the endmember of a glacier—debris‐covered glacier—rock glacier continuu

    Rockglacier inventory of the Western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau

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    The western Nyainqêntanglha Range on the Tibetan Plateau reaches an elevation of 7162 m and is characterized by an extensive periglacial environment. Here, we present the first rock glacier inventory of this region containing 1433 rock glaciers over an area of 4622 km². To create the most reliable inventory we combine manually created rock glacier outlines with an automated classification approach. The manual outlines were generated based on surface elevation data, optical satellite imagery and a surface velocity model. The surface velocity model was generated via InSAR time series analysis with Sentinel-1 data from 2016 to 2019. The rockglacier inventory was compiled in accordance with the guidelines (baseline concepts 4.1 and practical guidelines 3.0.1) from the action group on 'Rock glacier inventories and kinematics' of the International Permafrost Association (IPA)

    Permafrost-Detektion mittels Fernerkundung und Geophysik auf dem tibetischen Plateau

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    In this study we combine geophysical techniques in the form of microwave remote sensing and Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) interferometry to study the extent of permafrost in the catchment of Lake Nam Co on the Tibetan plateau. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a powerful technique to monitor permafrost related surface displacement processes on a large scale. However, the insensitivity of InSAR data regarding northward or southward directed motion and its inability to detect permafrost when no displacement occurs, impose significant limitations to its application in permafrost study. We highlight those limitations on a rock glacier within Qugaqie basin, a sub-catchment within the Nyainqêntanglha range, and show how ERT can be used to compensate for them. With this combined approach we will create an inventory of rock glaciers and constrain the extent of permafrost areas within the Nyainqêntanglha range

    Surface displacement and velocity models at Lake NamCo (Tibetan Plateau) derived from Sentinel-1 data via InSAR time series analysis

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    These datasets display seasonal and multiannual surface displacement models based on microwave data of ESA's Sentinel-1 satellite system. The data was processed via Interferometric Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series techniques, using an adapted version of the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm. The purpose of this study is to understand sediment flux mechanics, especially those related to permafrost and periglacial landforms, and how the changing climate may affect these processes in the NamCo area in the future. To that end we developped three surface displacement models. The freeze-thaw model describes seasonal surface displacement caused by freezing and thawing of the active layer in autumn and spring respectively. We observe vertical amplitudes of up to 20 mm in areas, where the water content of the soil is high. The multiannual velocity model shows the mean surface velocity over the entire time period of approximetly 3-4 years. Time series results of regions with a small slopes were decomposed from ascending and descending data to show the surface velocity component in vertical and east-west direction. Time series results of regions with a larger slope were projected in the downslope direction, with the assumption that creep and sliding processes are dominant, which transport sediment along the direction of the steepest slope. Most flat areas are relatively stable but we observe material accumulation near parts of the rivers and subsidence in some permafrost areas, which could be related to permafrost degradation. The fastest landforms are rockglaciers, which move with velocities of up to 24 cm/yr. The third model is the seasonal velocity model, where we compare the line-of-sight velocities of sloped areas in the summer months to the winter months. Most slopes slide signifcantly faster in summer, driven by the thawing ground due to higher air temperature and monsoonal rainfall, while most of the fastest moving landforms move with a constant velocity throughout the year

    InSAR time series analysis of seasonal surface displacement dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau

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    Climate change and the associated rise in air temperature have affected the Tibetan Plateau to a significantly stronger degree than the global average over the past decades. This has caused deglaciation, increased precipitation and permafrost degradation. The latter in particular is associated with increased slope instability and an increase in mass-wasting processes, which pose a danger to infrastructure in the vicinity. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis is well suited to study the displacement patterns driven by permafrost processes, as they are on the order of millimeters to decimeters. The Nyainqêntanglha range on the Tibetan Plateau lacks high vegetation and features relatively thin snow cover in winter, allowing for continuous monitoring of those displacements throughout the year. The short revisit time of the Sentinel-1 constellation further reduces the risk of temporal decorrelation, making it possible to produce surface displacement models with good spatial coverage. We created three different surface displacement models to study heave and subsidence in the valleys, seasonally accelerated sliding and linear creep on the slopes. Flat regions at Nam Co are mostly stable on a multiannual scale but some experience subsidence. We observe a clear cycle of heave and subsidence in the valleys, where freezing of the active layer followed by subsequent thawing cause a vertical oscillation of the ground of up to a few centimeters, especially near streams and other water bodies. Most slopes of the area are unstable, with velocities of 8 to 17 mm yr−1. During the summer months surface displacement velocities more than double on most unstable slopes due to freeze–thaw processes driven by higher temperatures and increased precipitation. Specific landforms, most of which have been identified as rock glaciers, protalus ramparts or frozen moraines, reach velocities of up to 18 cm yr−1. Their movement shows little seasonal variation but a linear pattern indicating that their displacement is predominantly gravity-driven

    Insights into a remote cryosphere: a multi-method approach to assess permafrost occurrence at the Qugaqie basin, western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau

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    Permafrost as a climate-sensitive parameter and its occurrence and distribution play an important role in the observation of global warming. However, field-based permafrost distribution data and information on the subsurface ice content in the large area of the southern mountainous Tibetan Plateau (TP) are very sparse. Existing models based on boreholes and remote sensing approaches suggest permafrost probabilities for most of the Tibetan mountain ranges. Field data to validate permafrost models are generally lacking because access to the mountain regions in extreme altitudes is limited. The study provides geomorphological and geophysical field data from a north-orientated high-altitude catchment in the western Nyainqêntanglha Range. A multi-method approach combines (A) geomorphological mapping, (B) electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to identify subsurface ice occurrence and (C) interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis to derive multi-annual creeping rates. The combination of the resulting data allows an assessment of the lower occurrence of permafrost in a range of 5350 and 5500 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the Qugaqie basin. Periglacial landforms such as rock glaciers and protalus ramparts are located in the periglacial zone from 5300–5600 m a.s.l. The altitudinal periglacial landform distribution is supported by ERT data detecting ice-rich permafrost in a rock glacier at 5500 m a.s.l. and ice lenses around the rock glacier (5450 m a.s.l.). The highest multiannual creeping rates up to 150 mm yr−1 are typically observed on these rock glaciers. This study closes the gap of unknown state of periglacial features and potential permafrost occurrence in a high-elevated basin in the western Nyainqêntanglha Range (Tibetan Plateau)

    Rock Glacier Characteristics Under Semiarid Climate Conditions in the Western Nyainqêntanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau

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    Rock glaciers are receiving increased attention as a potential source of water and indicator of climate change in periglacial landscapes. They consist of an ice‐debris mixture, which creeps downslope. Although rock glaciers are a wide‐spread feature on the Tibetan Plateau, characteristics such as its ice fraction are unknown as a superficial debris layer inhibits remote assessments. We investigate one rock glacier in the semiarid western Nyainqêntanglha range (WNR) with a multi‐method approach, which combines geophysical, geological and geomorphological field investigations with remote sensing techniques. Long‐term kinematics of the rock glacier are detected by 4‐year InSAR time series analysis. The ice content and the active layer are examined by electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar, and environmental seismology. Short‐term activity (11‐days) is captured by a seismic network. Clast analysis shows a sorting of the rock glacier's debris. The rock glacier has three zones, which are defined by the following characteristics: (a) Two predominant lithology types are preserved separately in the superficial debris patterns, (b) heterogeneous kinematics and seismic activity, and (c) distinct ice fractions. Conceptually, the studied rock glacier is discussed as an endmember of the glacier—debris‐covered glacier—rock glacier continuum. This, in turn, can be linked to its location on the semiarid lee‐side of the mountain range against the Indian summer monsoon. Geologically preconditioned and glacially overprinted, the studied rock glacier is suggested to be a recurring example for similar rock glaciers in the WNR. This study highlights how geology, topography and climate influence rock glacier characteristics and development.Plain Language Summary: Climate change has begun to impact all regions of our planet. In cold regions, such as high‐mountain areas, rising temperatures lead to massive melting of glaciers. Besides this evident loss of ice, permafrost, a long‐term ice resource hidden in the subsurface, has started to thaw. Rock glaciers as visible permafrost‐related landforms consist of an ice‐debris mixture, which makes them creep downslope. Due to this movement and their recognizable shape, rock glaciers are permafrost indicators in high‐mountain areas. We investigate one rock glacier in the western Nyaingêntanglha Range (Tibetan Plateau) using field and remote sensing methods to understand its development and to know the current state of its ice core. Our main outcome is, that the heterogeneous creeping behavior, the properties of the debris cover as well as the internal distribution of ice are the results of a continuous development from a glacier into today's rock glacier. In particular, the high ice content in particular sections points to such a glacial precondition. The debris layer covering the internal ice attenuates the effect of climate warming. This makes the rock glacier and similar rock glaciers found in the northern part of the mountain range important future water resources for the semiarid region.Key Points: Geophysical and remote sensing methods in concert reveal the morphostructure, ice fraction, and kinematics of the studied rock glacier. Rock glacier characteristics are controlled by geology, topography and climate on the Tibetan Plateau. The studied rock glacier is conceptually interpreted as the endmember of a glacier—debris‐covered glacier—rock glacier continuum.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000165