33 research outputs found
神戸女学院岡田山キャンパスの高等植物相(III). : 各論第3部-種子植物門,被子植物亜門,双子葉植物綱,合弁花亜綱-
The third issue of the flora of Okadayama Campus describes 164 plant species in 27 families belong to a subclass Sympetalae, class Dicotyledoneae, subdivision Angiospermae
The fourth issue of the flora of Okadayama Campus describes 181 plant species (including four hybrids) in 12 families belong to a class Monocotyledoneae, subdivision Angiospermae, Furthermore, 10 plant species, which were newly known or recently naturalized at the campus after publication of the 1st issue, were added to the flora. In total, 681 native or naturalized plants including 10 hybrids were recorded in the Okadayama Campus, Kobe College in Nishinomiya
神戸女学院岡田山キャンパスの高等植物相(I) : 総論および各論第1部 : シダ植物門・種子植物門,裸子植物亜門
To make a vascular plant flora of \u27Okadayama Campus\u27, Kobe College, Hyogo Prefecture, wild plant species growing in the campus were surveyed, with the deposition of voucher specimens in the laboratory. Okadayama campus is located nearly in the southeastern corner of the Hyogo Prefecture, with the area of 14ha, and the altitude of 8 to 49m above sea level. Climatically, the campus lies in the warm-temperate zones, and under the influence of Seto inland-Sea type climate characterized by little rainfall in midsummer and winter seasons. Nearly 40% of the campus is occupied by the secondary forests dominated by Pinus densiflora, Quercus serrata and Q. valiabilis, or the semi-natural forests dominated by evergreen broadleaved trees such as Cinnamomum camphora, Daphniphyllum teijzmannii, Quercus glauca and Ilex rotunda, etc. 663 species of vascular plants, include 4 subspecies, 18 varieties and 10 forms in 122 families, were recorded from the \u27Okadayama campus\u27 and the adjacent area. Main constituents of this flora is a species of the \u27Satoyama\u27 forest represented by Pinus densiflora, Quercus serrata, Eurya japonica, Cerasus jamasakura, Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica, Rhododendron reticulatum, R. macrosepalum and Abelia spathulata etc., and a species of warm-temperate lucidophyllous forest represented by Dryopteris erythrosora, Cinnamomum japonicum, Photinia glabra, Ilex Integra, Vaccinium bracteatum and Gardenia jasminoides etc. Remarkable feature of this flora is the prevalence of naturalized plants adapted to urban environments, represented by Cerastium glomeratum, Trifolium repens, Plantago virginica, Taraxacum officinalis, Solidago altissima, Stenactis annuus and Bromus catharticus, etc. Among the indigenous species, remnant flora of oligotrophic moor saturated by ground water are found, such as Alnus trabeculosa, Drosera spathulata, Molinia japonica, Carex pudica, Rhynchospora brownii, Schoenus apogon. 30 species were listed for endangered or vulnerable in three red data books issued from Japan Environmental Agency, Research Group of Red Data Book Kinki and Hyogo Prefectural Office, respectively. The first issue of the flora of Okadayama Campus describes plant species include 45 pteridophytes and 6 gymnosperms
本報告は、兵庫県西宮市の神戸女学院岡田山キャンパスに生息または飛来する野鳥についてとりまとめたものである。神戸女学院は1875年に神戸市山本通に設立されたが、1933年に西宮市岡田山に移転し、この地で80有余年の歴史をもつ。キャンパスの総面積は14ha、その35%に相当する約5haがクスノキやヒメユズリハ、コナラなどからなる鬱蒼とした天然林に被われており、良好な自然環境が保たれている。岡田山キャンパスの鳥類相については、1974年刊行の「岡田山の自然」に43種、1982年の増補改訂版に8種が追加され、計51種の野鳥が記録されている。また、2010年にはキャンパスの自然環境に関する報告書がまとめられ、34科88種の野鳥が報告されている。既存資料および1991年以降の主として第一著者のよる観察、および2003年度から2005年度にかけて行われたルートセンサスの結果を合わせると、岡田山キャンパスではこれまでに35科93種の野鳥が確認されていることが明らかになった。ヒヨドリ、スズメ、ハシブトカラス、キジバト、ムクドリ、メジロなどが主なものである。夏季日本で繁殖し、東南アジア等の熱帯域で越冬する夏鳥は26種で、ツバメ、サンショウクイ、センダイムシクイ、キビタキ、オオルリなどが主なものである。このうち、本学とその周辺域で確実に繁殖しているのはツバメのみで、他は本学を春と秋の2回通過する旅鳥型の夏鳥である。おもに日本以外の北方域で夏季繁殖し、岡田山を含む西日本で越冬する冬鳥は12種で、ツグミ、シロハラ、ジョウビタキ、シメなどが主なものである。北日本や山岳域で夏季繁殖し、岡田山を含む西日本で越冬する漂鳥は18種で、ウグイス、ルリビタキ、アオジなどが主なものである。日本以外の地域で繁殖、越冬し、春と秋に岡田山キャンパスを通過する旅鳥は4種で、オオムシクイ、マミチャジナイなどが主なものである。To clarify the avifauna of the Okadayama Campus, Kobe College, western Japan, we investigated the wild bird species that inhabit or come flying over the campus, by observations and the route census method. Okadayama campus is located in the southeast corner of Hyogo Prefecture and has an area of ca. 14 ha and elevations from 8 to 50 m above sea level. The campus lies in the warm-temperate zoneand is under the influence fo Seto Inland Sea climate. Nearly 35% of the campus is occupied by semi-natural forests dominated by evergreen broad-leaved trees such as Cinnamomum camphora, Daphniphyllum teijsmannii, Quercus glauca, and Ilex rotunda and deciduous broad-leaved trees such as Quercus serrata, Celtis sinensis, and Aphananthe aspera. The forest has been isolated by urbanization, and appears as a "green island" in an urban landscape, In the Okadayama Campus, 93 bird species belonging to 35 families have been recorded thus far. Out of the 93 bird species, 33 are resident breeders that breed in and around the campus, such as Hypsipetes amaurotis, Passer mountanus, Steptopelia orientalis, Corrvus macrorhynchos, and Spodiopsar cineraceus. Twnty-six species are migrant breeders that breed in the Japanese Archipelago and winter in the Asia tropics. However, most of the migrant breeders do not breed in and around the campus; they merely pass through the campus in the spring and autumn seasons, except for Hirundo rustica. Twelve species are winter visitors that breed in boreal regions and winter in southwestern Japan, including the Okadayama Campus, such as Turdus pallidus, T.naumanni, Phoenicurus auroreus, and Coccthraustes coccothraustes, Eighteen speces are vagrants that breed in the northern or Emberiza spodocephala. Four species are migrants that breed in boreal regions writer in the Asian tropics, such as phylloscopus examinandus and Turdus obscurus
Sphingosine 1-phosphate has anti-apoptotic effect on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and proliferative effect on hepatocytes in a paracrine manner in human
AimSphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid metabolite released from erythrocytes and platelets, and is a potent stimulus for endothelial cell proliferation. However, the role of S1P on human liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) remains unclear. The proliferation and inhibition of apoptosis in LSEC are involved in the promotion of liver regeneration and the suppression of liver injury after liver resection and transplantation. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of S1P on human LSEC and the interaction between S1P and LSEC in hepatocyte proliferation in vitro.MethodsImmortalized human LSEC were used. LSEC were cultured with S1P, and the cell proliferation, anti-apoptosis, signal transductions and production of cytokines and growth factors were subsequently examined. To investigate the interaction between S1P and LSEC in hepatocyte proliferation, primary human hepatocytes were cultured with the supernatants of LSEC with and without S1P. DNA synthesis and signal transductions in hepatocytes were examined.ResultsS1P induced LSEC proliferation through activation of Akt and extracellular signal-related kinase pathways and suppressed LSEC apoptosis by affecting the expression levels of Bcl-2, Bax and cleaved caspase-3. S1P promoted interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production in LSEC. The supernatants of LSEC cultured with S1P enhanced hepatocyte DNA synthesis more strongly than the supernatants of LSEC cultured without S1P through activation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 pathway.ConclusionS1P has proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects and promotes the production of IL-6 and VEGF in human LSEC, thereby promoting hepatocyte proliferation
津門川の感覚的環境評価 : アンケート解析および回答者に関する考察
The evaluation of river environment on the Tsuto River flowing through Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Pref., was performed by using the questionnaire based on human sensitivity. The survey was operated around the middle reaches of the river on July, 2004 and focused on the recognition and evaluation of the river by local residents. Valid responses were obtained from 613 residents. Three fourths of the respondents were women and two thirds were middle and older aged persons. About 70% of the respondents have lived in the neighboring area within a 30 min. distance from Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Sta. Of Hankyu Railway and 60% have lived over a long period of 5 years. Major subject groups were housewives and female students. As for the recognition of the river, basic and current information, such as location of riverhead, upstream migration of Ayu fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) and construction of fish-way, was less well known, however, local residents activities for environmental protection of the river were well known and highly valued. As for the evaluation of the river, average proportion of positive evaluation in 15 questions belonging to 4 categories, prodigality of nature, unity with community, beauty of landscape and disaster measures, was only 18.1%. Lower evaluations were particularly featured in the questions related to the categories of prodigality of nature and beauty of landscape. The cross-tabulation for the recognizability showed that the recognition of the river became lower in the responses from women, young people and persons in the distant area and short-period residence. Especially concerning to the distance of residence from the station and the number of residential years, the differences of recognition between the residents appeared clearly. The cross-tabulation for the evaluation indicated strong complaint against the landscape and administrative response from neighboring older persons in long-period residence. On the other hand, female students showed less interest in the environment of the Tsuto River even when they lived in the neighboring area and long-period residence