4,690 research outputs found

    Evidence from the Patent Record on the Development of Cash Dispensing Technology

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    There are but a handful of systematic studies on the history of automated teller machines (ATMs) yet all fail to address the issue of paternity while perpetrating ‘common wisdom’ beliefs. This article looks at the birth of currency dispensing equipment, the immediate predecessor to the ATM. At the simplest level, at least four separate instance of innovation can reasonably claim to be the origin of the concept. However, the question as to who invented it is less illuminating than an understanding of the process of innovation itself and how these competing families developed into the modern conception of an ATM. Our research supports the view of user-driven innovation as surviving business records and oral histories tell of close involvement of bank staff in establishing requirements and choosing amongst alternative solutions in the implementation of first generation technology. This case thus shows greater understanding in the user’s role in shaping and directing technological development.Cash dispensers (ATMs), History, Financial data processing, Patents, Research and development, User interfaces

    Foundation Transparency: Opacity — It’s Complicated

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    The perception that private foundations lack accountability has led to calls for greater transparency. The literature, however, suggests that transparency is neither a panacea nor achieved without cost, and that its positive influence on the conduct of philanthropy may be less than straightforward. This article seeks to examine transparent and opaque practice in private philanthropy, studying the literature as well as findings from interviews with foundation staff, trustees, and grantees that sought answers to two relevant questions: Does opacity exist in private philanthropy? Have foundations and grantees developed strategies for overcoming challenges related to opacity? U.S. tax law affords private philanthropy unique discretion regarding transparent practice. Before abandoning such discretionary capacity, it might be productive for private foundations to explore how transparent and opaque practices impact their reputation and inhibit or support their activities

    Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Matrix-Isolated iso-CXBr3 (X=F,Cl,Br): Structure, Properties, and Photochemistry of Substituted Iso-Tribromomethanes

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    Iso-polyhalomethanes are important reactive intermediates in the condensed and gas-phase chemistry of halomethanes. Building upon our recent study of iso-bromoform, in this work the substituted iso-tribromomethanes (iso-CXBr3; X = F, Cl, Br) were characterized by matrix isolation infrared and UV/Vis spectroscopy, supported by ab initio calculations, to further probe the structure, spectroscopy, properties, and photochemistry of these important intermediates. Selected wavelength laser irradiation of CXBr3 samples in an inert rare gas (typically Ar; mixing ratio 1:500) held at ∌5 K yielded iso-CXBr3 (XBrC–Br–Br or Br2C–Br–X). The observed infrared and UV/Vis absorptions are in excellent agreement with computational predictions, and the energies of various stationary points on the CXBr3 Potential Energy Surfaces (PESs) were characterized computationally using DFT, MP2, and CCSD (T) methods in combination with triple-zeta quality basis sets. These calculations show that the isomers are minima on the PESs that lie ∌200 kJ/mol above the global CXBr3 minimum, yet are bound by some 50–70 kJ/mol in the gas-phase with respect to the CXBr2 + Br asymptote. Laser irradiation of the isomers resulted in back photoisomerization to CXBr3, and intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations confirmed the existence of a first order saddle point connecting the two isomers. Calculations of important stationary points on the CXBr3 PESs show that in the gas-phase the isomerization barrier lies energetically near the threshold for simple bond fission. The iso-CXBr3 species are significantly stabilized in the condensed phase, due to the high degree of ion-pair character, as revealed by Natural Resonance Theory analysis

    Guiding Transformation: How Medical Practices Can Become Patient-Centered Medical Homes

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    Describes in detail eight change concepts as a guide to transforming a practice into a patient-centered medical home, including engaged leadership, quality improvement strategy, continuous and team-based healing relationships, and enhanced access

    Non‐Rayleigh Statistics of Ultrasonic Backscattered Echo from Tissues

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    The envelope of the backscattered signal from tissues can exhibit non‐Rayleigh statistics if the number density of scatterers is small or if the variations in the scattering cross sections are random. The K distribution which has been used extensively in radar, is introduced to model this non‐Rayleigh behavior. The generalized K distribution is extremely useful since it encompasses a wide range of distributions such as Rayleigh, Lognormal, and Rician. Computer simulations were conducted using a simple one‐dimensional discrete scatteringmodel to investigate the properties of the echo envelope. In addition to cases of low number densities, significant departures from Rayleigh statistics were seen as the scattering cross sections of the scatterers become random. The validity of this model was also tested using data from tissue mimicking phantoms. Results indicate that the density function of the envelope can be modeled by the K distribution and the parameters of the K distribution can provide information on the nature of the scattering region in terms of the number density of the scatterers as well as the scattering cross sections of the scatterers in the range cell. [Work was supported by NSF Grant No. BCS‐9207385.

    Benthic Macrofauna of the New York Bight, 1979-89

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    The benthic macrofauna of the New York Bight has been monitored extensively, primarily to determine trends over space and time in biological effects of waste inputs. In the present study, from 44 to 48 stations were sampled each summer from 1980-1985. Data from other Bight benthic studies are included to· extend the temporal coverage from 1979 to 1989. Numbers of species and amphipods per sample, taken as relatively sensitive indicators of environmental stress, showed consistent spatial patterns. Lowest values were found in the Christiaensen Basin and other inshore areas, and numbers increased toward the outermost shelf and Hudson Shelf Valley stations. There were statistically significant decreases in species and amphipods at most stations from 1980 to 1985. (Preliminary data from a more recent study suggest numbers of species increased again between 1986 and 1989.) Cluster analysis of 1980-85 data indicated several distinct assemblages-sewage sludge dumpsite, sludge accumulation area, inner Shelf Valley, outer Shelf Valley, outer shelf-with little change over time. The "enriched" and "highly altered" assemblages in the Basin appear similar to those reported since sampling began there in 1968. No consistently defaunated areas have been found in any sampling programs over the past 20 years. On a gross level, therefore, recent faunal responses to any environmental changes are not evident, but the more sensitive measures used, i.e. numbers of species and amphipods, do indicate widespread recent effects. Causes of the faunal changes are not obvious; some possibilities, including increasing effects of sewage sludge or other waste inputs, natural factors, and sampling artifacts, are discussed. (PDF file contains 54 pages.

    Who\u27s your expert? Use of an expert opinion survey to inform development of American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines.

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    OBJECTIVE: For many clinical questions in psychiatry, high-quality evidence is lacking. Credible practice guidelines for such questions depend on transparent, reproducible, and valid methods for assessing expert opinion. The objective of this study was to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a method for assessing expert opinion to aid in the development of practice guidelines by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). METHODS: A snowball process initially soliciting nominees from three sets of professional leaders was used to identify experts on a guideline topic (psychiatric evaluation). In a Web-based survey, the experts were asked to rate their level of agreement that specific assessments improve specific outcomes when they are included in an initial psychiatric evaluation. The experts were also asked about their own practice patterns with respect to the doing of the assessments. The main outcome measures are the following: number of nominated experts, number of experts who participated in the survey, and number and nature of quantitative and qualitative responses. RESULTS: The snowball process identified 1,738 experts, 784 (45 %) of whom participated in the opinion survey. Participants generally, but not always, agreed or strongly agreed that the assessments asked about would improve specified outcomes. Participants wrote 716 comments explaining why they might not typically include some assessments in an initial evaluation and 1,590 comments concerning other aspects of the topics under consideration. CONCLUSIONS: The snowball process based on initial solicitation of Psychiatry\u27s leaders produced a large expert panel. The Web-based survey systematically assessed the opinions of these experts on the utility of specific psychiatric assessments, providing useful information to substantiate opinion-based practice guidelines on how to conduct a psychiatric evaluation. The considerable engagement of respondents shows promise for using this methodology in developing future APA practice guidelines


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    The discipline research in turbomachinery, which is directed toward building the tools needed to understand such a complex flow phenomenon, is based on the fact that flow in turbomachinery is fundamentally unsteady or time dependent. Success in building a reliable inventory of analytic and experimental tools will depend on how the time and time-averages are treated, as well as on who the space and space-averages are treated. The raw tools at disposal (both experimentally and computational) are truly powerful and their numbers are growing at a staggering pace. As a result of this power, a case can be made that a situation exists where information is outstripping understanding. The challenge is to develop a set of computational and experimental tools which genuinely increase understanding of the fluid flow and heat transfer in a turbomachine. Viewgraphs outline a philosophy based on working on a stairstep hierarchy of mathematical and experimental complexity to build a system of tools, which enable one to aggressively design the turbomachinery of the next century. Examples of the types of computational and experimental tools under current development at Lewis, with progress to date, are examined. The examples include work in both the time-resolved and time-averaged domains. Finally, an attempt is made to identify the proper place for Lewis in this continuum of research


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    The discipline research in turbomachinery, which is directed toward building the tools needed to understand such a complex flow phenomenon, is based on the fact that flow in turbomachinery is fundamentally unsteady or time dependent. Success in building a reliable inventory of analytic and experimental tools will depend on how we treat time and time-averages, as well as how we treat space and space-averages. The challenge is to develop a set of computational and experimental tools which genuinely increase our understanding of the fluid flow and heat transfer in a turbomachine. Examples of the types of computational and experimental tools under current development, with progress to date, are examined. The examples include work in both the time-resolved and time-averaged domains

    Gravity Scaling of a Power Reactor Water Shield

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    A similarity analysis on a water-based reactor shield examined the effect of gravity on free convection between a reactor shield inner and outer vessel boundaries. Two approaches established similarity between operation on the Earth and the Moon: 1) direct scaling of Rayleigh number equating gravity-surface heat flux products, 2) temperature difference between the wall and thermal boundary layer held constant. Nusselt number for natural convection (laminar and turbulent) is assumed of form Nu = CRa(sup n)
