20 research outputs found

    The European Higher Education Area. An opportunity to change teaching? Study of the Perception of Galician University Teachers

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    Traballo Fin M谩ster en Procesos de Formaci贸n. Curso 2018-2019Transcurridos veinte a帽os de la firma de la Declaraci贸n de Bolonia (1998) y doce de su implantaci贸n en el sistema universitario espa帽ol, este Trabajo Fin de M谩ster pretende indagar acerca de la percepci贸n que tiene el profesorado universitario de Galicia, sobre los cambios generados en la ense帽anza por su implementaci贸n. Con este prop贸sito se dise帽贸 y valid贸 (a trav茅s de 5 expertos) un cuestionario ad hoc aplicado a todo el personal docente e investigador (PDI) de las tres universidades gallegas. La validez interna del cuestionario (Alpha de Cronbach) es de 0,92. Con un 铆ndice de respuesta de 6,19% los datos fueron analizados con software libre R. Los resultados evidencian que el profesorado no percibe que los cambios impulsados desde el EEES se traduzcan en una mejora de la docencia debido a las condiciones organizativas en las que se desenvuelve (cantidad de alumnos/as; mayor burocratizaci贸n de los sistemas de calidad; escaso valor a la figura del coordinador, etc.). La percepci贸n de cambios est谩 asociada a nuevas metodolog铆as basadas en gamificaci贸n, la ludificaci贸n o la clase invertidaTranscorridos vinte anos da firma da Declaraci贸n de Bolonia (1998) e doce en funci贸n no sistema universitario espa帽ol, este Traballo Fin de M谩ster pretende indagar acerca da percepci贸n que ten o profesorado universitario de Galicia, sobre os cambios xerados no ensino pola s煤a implementaci贸n. Con este prop贸sito dese帽ouse e validou (a trav茅s de 5 expertos) un cuestionario ad hoc aplicado a todo o persoal docente e investigador (PDI) das tres universidades galegas. A validez interna do cuestionario (Alpha de Cronbach) 茅 de 0,92. Cun 铆ndice de resposta de 6,19% os datos foron analizados con software libre R. Os resultados evidencian que o profesorado non percibe que os cambios impulsados desde o EEES trad煤zanse nunha mellora da docencia debido 谩s condici贸ns organizativas nas que se desenvolve (cantidade de alumnos/ as; maior burocratizaci贸n dos sistemas de calidade; escaso valor 谩 figura do coordinador, etc.). A percepci贸n de cambios est谩 asociada a novas metodolox铆as baseadas en gamificaci贸n ou a ludificaci贸nTwenty years after Bologna Declaration (1998) and twelve years of its implementation in the Spanish university system, this Master's Thesis aims to inquire about the perception that the university teaching staff of Galicia has about the changes generated in teaching for its implementation. With this purpose, an ad hoc questionnaire was designed and validated (through 5 experts) applied to all the staff faculty of the three Galician universities. Its internal validity (Alpha de Cronbach) is 0.92. With a response rate of 6.19%, the data was analyzed with free software R. The results show that faculty do not perceive changes in teaching promoted from the EHEA as improvement due to the organizational conditions in which it develops (number of students, greater bureaucratization of quality systems, low value to the figure of the coordinator, etc.). The perception of changes is associated with new methodologies based on gamificatio

    La competencia digital del alumnado de Educaci贸n Primaria desde la perspectiva de g茅nero: conocimientos, actitudes y pr谩cticas

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    This article seeks to investigate from a gender perspective the synergies and divergences between the digital knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices of girls and boys in 6th grade of Primary School. To this end, the study design is an exploratory sequential mixed method divided into two phases: an initial multiple case study from an ethnographic perspective, followed by a phase in which a sample of 588 schoolchildren in Galicia took the ECODIES digital competence assessment test. The results reveal substantial gender differences and that the mother's socio-cultural capital is fundamental to the acquisition of digital competence for the student.Este art铆culo busca indagar en las sinergias y divergencias entre conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y pr谩cticas digitales del alumnado de 6潞 de Primaria desde una perspectiva de g茅nero. Para ello, se propone un dise帽o mixto secuencial exploratorio en dos fases: un estudio de casos m煤ltiple con perspectiva etnogr谩fi ca; y la aplicaci贸n de la prueba de evaluaci贸n de la competencia digital ECODIES a una muestra de 588 escolares de Galicia. Los resultados advierten diferencias sustanciales en funci贸n del g茅nero; y se帽alan el capital sociocultural materno como elemento fundamental para la adquisici贸n de la competencia digital

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    The university teachers of Galicia and remote emergency teaching: conditions and contradictions

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    Este estudio pretende analizar las condiciones de partida del profesorado universitario y la intervenci贸n institucional de las universidades gallegas, para afrontar la crisis derivada del COVID-19 y encarar un futuro blended-learning. Es un estudio mixto secuencial en dos fases, 1-cuantitativa: recoge la percepci贸n del profesorado sobre la ense帽anza con un cuestionario; 2- cualitativa: realiza un an谩lisis documental de la intervenci贸n institucional. Los resultados muestran que 68,07% del profesorado nunca ha impartido docencia en l铆nea, en general apuestan por una metodolog铆a y evaluaci贸n basada en la transmisi贸n de contenidos y presentan incoherencias conceptuales en las dimensiones did谩cticas de sus propuestas. La intervenci贸n institucional se dirige a dotar de soporte t茅cnico; sufragar las carencias instrumentales con ausencia del an谩lisis pedag贸gico; y articular medidas de control. Las conclusiones evidencian una agencia del profesorado debilitada y su escasa preparaci贸n para afrontar ense帽anza mixta de calidad en el futuro.The study aims to analyses the university teachers starting conditions and the Galician universities institutional intervention to face the crisis derived from COVID-19 and a future blended-learning. It is a sequential mixed study in two phases, 1-quantitative: it collects the teachers' perception of teaching with a questionnaire; 2- qualitative: an institutional intervention documentary analysis was developed. The results show that 68.07% of the teaching staff have never taught online, in general they bet on a content transmission methodology and evaluation and there are conceptual inconsistencies in the didactic dimensions of their proposals. The institutional intervention is aimed at providing technical support to cover the instrumental deficiencies, with the absence of the pedagogical analysis; and articulate control measures. The conclusions show weakened teacher agency and their poor preparation to face a quality mixed education in the future

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public spaces

    Selfies and videos of teenagers: the role of gender, territory, and sociocultural level

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    Las redes sociales integran la cotidianidad adolescente, al configurar modos de socializaci贸n, negociaci贸n y representaci贸n de s铆 a trav茅s de distintas pr谩cticas que operan como recursos de subjetivaci贸n y condicionan la experiencia de g茅nero. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar la producci贸n de selfis y clips de v铆deo entre adolescentes de Puebla (M茅xico) y Galicia (Espa帽a) desde una perspectiva de g茅nero, territorio y nivel sociocultural. Se desarrolla un estudio de encuesta mediante un cuestionario online dise帽ado ad hoc y aplicado a 6.654 adolescentes (14-17 a帽os), con distintas identidades de g茅nero, de centros p煤blicos de Educaci贸n Secundaria en Puebla y Galicia. Los resultados muestran que el selfi es una pr谩ctica m谩s extendida entre adolescentes que el clip de v铆deo, con diferencias reveladoras en su producci贸n. Se evidencian similitudes en el nivel de preparaci贸n y las motivaciones que conducen a estas pr谩cticas. Se encuentran diferencias de g茅nero en su producci贸n en cuanto a intenciones, materialidades y expresi贸n corporal. El nivel sociocultural familiar y el territorio se visualizan como realidades que inciden en las formas de producci贸n de estas pr谩cticas. Las conclusiones apuntan al tr谩nsito de saberes y significados entre el selfi y el clip de v铆deo y a la relevancia de analizar la experiencia de g茅nero en redes sociales a la luz de las formas de poder que all铆 ejercenSocial networks integrate adolescent daily life by configuring modes of socialisation, negotiation and self-representation through different practices that operate as subjectivation resources and condition the gender experience. The objective of this study is to explore the production of selfies and videos among adolescents from Puebla (Mexico) and Galicia (Spain) from a gender, territorial, and sociocultural perspective. A survey study was carried out using an online questionnaire designed ad hoc and applied to 6,654 adolescents (14-17 years), with different gender identities, from public secondary schools in Puebla and Galicia. The results show that the selfie is a more widespread practice among adolescents than video, with revealing differences in its production. Similarities are evident in the level of preparation and the motivations that lead to these practices. Gender differences are found in their production in terms of intentions, materialities, and body expression. The family鈥檚 sociocultural level and the territory are visualised as realities that affect the production of these practices. The conclusions point to a transition of knowledge and meanings between the selfie and video and the relevance of analysing gender experience on social networks in light of the forms of power they exercise thereS

    Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique

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    YouTube es la plataforma favorita de entretenimiento de adolescentes y pre-adolescentes. Se presenta en esta etapa como un entorno propicio para la subjetivaci贸n, al configurarse como un espacio de interacci贸n y colaboraci贸n, que coordina la creatividad colectiva como generadora de significado. Mujeres y hombres participan compartiendo o consumiendo v铆deos, aunque la visibilidad y las experiencias son diferentes para unas y otros. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la presencia de la mujer en los nuevos espacios de participaci贸n, tanto desde una perspectiva de productora como de consumidora de contenidos. Se ha realizado un an谩lisis basado en Web Scraping de las 50 cuentas de youtubers de mayor 茅xito en Espa帽a, a trav茅s de sus perfiles de Instagram. Los datos obtenidos se han analizado con el software estad铆stico R. Los resultados evidencian la escasa representaci贸n femenina entre los canales con mayor n煤mero de visualizaciones y suscriptores. Adem谩s, existe una menor presencia de p煤blico femenino. Ambos roles aparecen asociados mayoritariamente a contenidos estereotipadamente femeninos como belleza, drawmylife y deportes fitness. El estudio pone de manifiesto que YouTube, plataforma representativa de los nuevos espacios de participaci贸n online, reproduce las estructuras de poder de g茅nero de los medios tradicionales. Es necesaria una educaci贸n medi谩tica cr铆tica para luchar contra las representaciones sexistas, los estereotipos y la insuficiente representaci贸n femenina en espacios p煤blicosYouTube is the favourite entertainment platform for teens and pre-teens. It is configured as a space for interaction and collaboration that coordinates collective creativity as a generator of meaning. Because of this, nowadays the platform constitutes an enabling environment for subjectivation. Women and men participate by sharing or consuming videos, although the visibility and experiences are different for each gender. The aim of this study is to analyse the presence of women in the new spaces of participation, both from the perspective of producers and consumers of content. An analysis based on Web Scraping of the Instagram profiles of the 50 most successful Youtubers in Spain was carried out. The data obtained was analysed with the statistical software R. The results show a low representation of women among the channels with the highest number of views and subscribers. In addition, there is a lower presence of a female audience. Both roles, women as content creators and as consumers, are mostly associated with stereotypically feminine content such as beauty, drawmylife and fitness sports. The study shows that YouTube, the platform representing the new online participation spaces, reproduces the gender power structures of traditional media. An analytical approach to media education is needed to fight against sexist representations, stereotypes and under-representation of women in public space

    The university teachers of Galicia and remote emergency teaching: conditions and contradictions

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    Este estudio pretende analizar las condiciones de partida del profesorado universitario y la intervenci贸n institucional de las universidades gallegas, para afrontar la crisis derivada del CoVId-19 y encarar un futuro blended-learning. Es un estudio mixto secuencial en dos fases, 1-cuantitativa: recoge la percepci贸n del profesorado sobre la ense帽anza con un cuestionario; 2-cualitativa: realiza un an谩lisis documental de la intervenci贸n institucional. Los resultados muestran que 68,07% del profesorado nunca ha impartido docencia en l铆nea, en general apuestan por una metodolog铆a y evaluaci贸n basada en la transmisi贸n de contenidos y presentan incoherencias conceptuales en las dimensiones did谩cticas de sus propuestas. La intervenci贸n institucional se dirige a dotar de soporte t茅cnico; sufragar las carencias instrumentales con ausencia del an谩lisis pedag贸gico; y articular medidas de control. Las conclusiones evidencian una agencia del profesorado debilitada y su escasa preparaci贸n para afrontar ense帽anza mixta de calidad en el futuroThe study aims to analyses the university teachers starting conditions and the Galician universities institutional intervention to face the crisis derived from COVID-19 and a future blended-learning. It is a sequential mixed study in two phases, 1-quantitative: it collects the teachers' perception of teaching with a questionnaire; 2- qualitative: an institutional intervention documentary analysis was developed. The results show that 68.07% of the teaching staff have never taught online, in general they bet on a content transmission methodology and evaluation and there are conceptual inconsistencies in the didactic dimensions of their proposals. The institutional intervention is aimed at providing technical support to cover the instrumental deficiencies, with the absence of the pedagogical analysis; and articulate control measures. The conclusions show weakened teacher agency and their poor preparation to face a quality mixed education in the futureRede de investigaci贸n TELGalicia (Ed431d 2017/12) financiada por el Programa de consolidaci贸n e estructuraci贸n de unidades de investigaci贸n, de la modalidad redes, de la Xunta de Galicia.S

    ESE. Estudios sobre educaci贸n

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    T铆tulo, resumen y palabras clave tambi茅n en ingl茅sResumen basado en el de la publicaci贸nEn el marco del Proyecto DigComp, impulsado por la Comisi贸n Europea, la competencia digital (CD) se define por 21 competencias en 5 dimensiones: habilidades de informaci贸n, comunicaci贸n y colaboraci贸n, creaci贸n de contenidos digitales, seguridad y resoluci贸n de problemas. Se analizan las sinergias y divergencias entre competencias, conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y pr谩cticas digitales del alumnado de 6潞 de Primaria desde una perspectiva de g茅nero. Para ello, se propone un dise帽o mixto secuencial exploratorio en dos fases. Un primer estudio de casos m煤ltiple con perspectiva etnogr谩fica para el seguimiento y observaci贸n de las pr谩cticas con tecnolog铆as de ni帽as y ni帽os gallegos (11-12 a帽os), durante el curso 2016-2017, mediante la observaci贸n, entrevistas en profundidad y an谩lisis documental de diarios de campo y de las pr谩cticas cotidianas con tecnolog铆a. Y la evaluaci贸n de la competencia digital mediante la prueba ECODIES, que recoge cuestiones relativas a las cinco dimensiones de la CD del marco DigComp, con indicadores referidos a conocimientos (32), habilidades (46) y actitudes (30), que se aplica a una muestra de 588 escolares de Galicia durante el curso 2018-2019. Se consideran tres contextos: las condiciones de g茅nero del sujeto, el g茅nero del n煤cleo familiar y el g茅nero en el desempe帽o escolar. Se advierten diferencias en los usos, intereses, significados y competencias,y la influencia de la madre como elemento fundamental para la adquisici贸n de la competencia digital. La prueba ECODIES muestra el uso de dispositivos para la interacci贸n social, como el ordenador y el m贸vil, por parte de las ni帽as, mientras que los ni帽os tienden a usar dispositivos vinculados al ocio y al consumo, como la televisi贸n y videoconsola. En el contexto escolar, las ni帽as tienen una mayor predisposici贸n a emplear los dispositivos tecnol贸gicos para el trabajo escolar. Se detecta la necesidad de abordar el papel de la competencia digital en las escuelas, con el foco en la educaci贸n de las familias, y tres retos: posibilitar y favorecer el acceso equitativo a los espacios de participaci贸n, aprendizaje y negociaci贸n de significados empleados por las y los j贸venes; educar en la competencia digital atendiendo a la amplitud del concepto, el potencial tecnol贸gico y en conexi贸n con las necesidades e inquietudes del alumnado; y garantizar lugares y usos seguros para ni帽as y ni帽os.ES