3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekspor, Investasi, Inflasi dan Pengangguran terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Indonesia Tahun 1990-2020

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekspor, investasi, inflasi dan pengangguran terhadap PDB (Produk Domestik Bruto) yang digunakan untuk melihat pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia tahun 1990 sampai 2020. Data time series dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode ECM (Error Correction Model) untuk mengetahui pengaruh jangka panjang dan pendek dari variabel bebas ekspor, investasi, inflasi dan pengangguran terhadap PDB. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variabel ekspor tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap PDB di Indonesia di jangka panjang dan pendek. Dalam jangka pendek, investasi berpengaruh positif sementara inflasi dan pengangguran berpengaruh negatif terhadap pertumbuhan PDB. Sedangkan di jangka panjang, investasi dan inflasi berpengaruh positif.This study analyzed the effect of export, investment, inflation, and unemployment to the constant gross domestic product (GDP) used to see the economic growth in Indonesia in 1990 to 2020. Time series data in this study are analyzed using ECM (Error Correction Model) to investigate the long-run and short-run effects of the independent variables, including export, investment, inflation, and unemployment, on GDP. The results suggest that there is no evidence to conclude that export affects GDP significantly in both long-run and short-run period. In terms of short-run period, investment gives positif effects on GDP, but inflation and unemployment are associated with negatif effects on GDP. Regarding longrun period, only investment and inflation significantly gives positive effects on GDP

    Pengaruh Ekspor, Investasi, Inflasi Dan Pengangguran Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Tahun 1990-2020

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    This study analyzed the effect of export, investment, inflation, and unemployment to the constant gross domestic product (GDP) used to see the economic growth in Indonesia in 1990 to 2020. Time series data in this study are analyzed using ECM (Error Correction Model) to investigate the long-run and short-run effects of the independent variables, including export, investment, inflation, and unemployment, on GDP. The results suggest that there is no evidence to conclude that export affects GDP significantly in both long-run and short-run period. In terms of short-run period, investment gives positif effects on GDP, but inflation and unemployment are associated with negatif effects on GDP. Regarding long-run period, only investment and inflation significantly gives positive effects on GD

    Pengaruh Ekspor, Investasi, Inflasi Dan Pengangguran Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia Tahun 1990-2020

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    This study analyzed the effect of export, investment, inflation, and unemployment to the constant gross domestic product (GDP) used to see the economic growth in Indonesia in 1990 to 2020. Time series data in this study are analyzed using ECM (Error Correction Model) to investigate the long-run and short-run effects of the independent variables, including export, investment, inflation, and unemployment, on GDP. The results suggest that there is no evidence to conclude that export affects GDP significantly in both long-run and short-run period. In terms of short-run period, investment gives positif effects on GDP, but inflation and unemployment are associated with negatif effects on GDP. Regarding long-run period, only investment and inflation significantly gives positive effects on GD