129 research outputs found

    Dynamical arrest and replica symmetry breaking in attractive colloids

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    Within the Replica Symmetry Breaking (RSB) framework developed by M.Mezard and G.Parisi we investigate the occurrence of structural glass transitions in a model of fluid characterized by hard sphere repulsion together with short range attraction. This model is appropriate for the description of a class of colloidal suspensions. The transition line in the density-temperature plane displays a reentrant behavior, in agreement with Mode Coupling Theory (MCT), a dynamical approach based on the Mori-Zwanzig formalism. Quantitative differences are however found, together with the absence of the predicted glass-glass transition at high density. We also perform a systematic study of the pure hard sphere fluid in order to ascertain the accuracy of the adopted method and the convergence of the numerical procedure.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Smooth cutoff formulation of hierarchical reference theory for a scalar phi4 field theory

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    The phi4 scalar field theory in three dimensions, prototype for the study of phase transitions, is investigated by means of the hierarchical reference theory (HRT) in its smooth cutoff formulation. The critical behavior is described by scaling laws and critical exponents which compare favorably with the known values of the Ising universality class. The inverse susceptibility vanishes identically inside the coexistence curve, providing a first principle implementation of the Maxwell construction, and shows the expected discontinuity across the phase boundary, at variance with the usual sharp cutoff implementation of HRT. The correct description of first and second order phase transitions within a microscopic, nonperturbative approach is thus achieved in the smooth cutoff HRT.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Quantized vortices in two dimensional solid 4He

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    Diagonal and off-diagonal properties of 2D solid 4He systems doped with a quantized vortex have been investigated via the Shadow Path Integral Ground State method using the fixed-phase approach. The chosen approximate phase induces the standard Onsager-Feynman flow field. In this approximation the vortex acts as a static external potential and the resulting Hamiltonian can be treated exactly with Quantum Monte Carlo methods. The vortex core is found to sit in an interstitial site and a very weak relaxation of the lattice positions away from the vortex core position has been observed. Also other properties like Bragg peaks in the static structure factor or the behavior of vacancies are very little affected by the presence of the vortex. We have computed also the one-body density matrix in perfect and defected 4He crystals finding that the vortex has no sensible effect on the off-diagonal long range tail of the density matrix. Within the assumed Onsager Feynman phase, we find that a quantized vortex cannot auto-sustain itself unless a condensate is already present like when dislocations are present. It remains to be investigated if backflow can change this conclusion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LT26 proceedings, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    A model colloidal fluid with competing interactions: bulk and interfacial properties

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    Using a simple mean-field density functional theory theory (DFT), we investigate the structure and phase behaviour of a model colloidal fluid composed of particles interacting via a pair potential which has a hard core of diameter σ\sigma, is attractive Yukawa at intermediate separations and repulsive Yukawa at large separations. We analyse the form of the asymptotic decay of the bulk fluid correlation functions, comparing results from our DFT with those from the self consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation (SCOZA). In both theories we find rich crossover behaviour, whereby the ultimate decay of correlation functions changes from monotonic to long-wavelength damped oscillatory decay on crossing certain lines in the phase diagram, or sometimes from oscillatory to oscillatory with a longer wavelength. For some choices of potential parameters we find, within the DFT, a λ\lambda-line at which the fluid becomes unstable with respect to periodic density fluctuations. SCOZA fails to yield solutions for state points near such a λ\lambda-line. The propensity to clustering of particles, which is reflected by the presence of a long wavelength σ\gg \sigma, slowly decaying oscillatory pair correlation function, and a structure factor that exhibits a very sharp maximum at small but non zero wavenumbers, is enhanced in states near the λ\lambda-line. We present density profiles for the planar liquid-gas interface and for fluids adsorbed at a planar hard wall. The presence of a nearby λ\lambda-transition gives rise to pronounced long-wavelength oscillations in the one-body densities at both types of interface.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Modulational Instability and Complex Dynamics of Confined Matter-Wave Solitons

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    We study the formation of bright solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 7^7Li atoms induced by a sudden change in the sign of the scattering length from positive to negative, as reported in a recent experiment (Nature {\bf 417}, 150 (2002)). The numerical simulations are performed by using the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) with a dissipative three-body term. We show that a number of bright solitons is produced and this can be interpreted in terms of the modulational instability of the time-dependent macroscopic wave function of the Bose condensate. In particular, we derive a simple formula for the number of solitons that is in good agreement with the numerical results of 3D GPE. By investigating the long time evolution of the soliton train solving the 1D GPE with three-body dissipation we find that adjacent solitons repel each other due to their phase difference. In addition, we find that during the motion of the soliton train in an axial harmonic potential the number of solitonic peaks changes in time and the density of individual peaks shows an intermittent behavior. Such a complex dynamics explains the ``missing solitons'' frequently found in the experiment.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Liquid-vapor transition from a microscopic theory: Beyond the Maxwell construction

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    A smooth cut-off formulation of the Hierarchical Reference Theory (HRT) is developed and applied to a Yukawa fluid. The HRT equations are derived and numerically solved leading to: the expected renormalization group structure in the critical region, non classical critical exponents and scaling laws, a convex free energy in the whole phase diagram (including the two-phase region), finite compressibility at coexistence, together with a fully satisfactory comparison with available numerical simulations. This theory, which also guarantees the correct short range behavior of two body correlations, represents a major improvement over the existing liquid state theories.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Periodic Quantum Tunneling and Parametric Resonance with Cigar-Shaped Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study the tunneling properties of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate by using an effective 1D nonpolynomial nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NPSE). First we investigate a mechanism to generate periodic pulses of coherent matter by means of a Bose condensate confined in a potential well with an oscillating height of the energy barrier. We show that is possible to control the periodic emission of matter waves and the tunneling fraction of the Bose condensate. We find that the number of emitted particles strongly increases if the period of oscillation of the height of the energy barrier is in parametric resonance with the period of oscillation of the center of mass of the condensate inside the potential well. Then we use NPSE to analyze the periodic tunneling of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential which has an oscillating energy barrier. We show that the dynamics of the Bose condensate critically depends on the frequency of the oscillating energy barrier. The macroscopic quantum self-trapping (MQST) of the condensate can be suppressed under the condition of parametric resonance between the frequency of the energy barrier and the frequency of oscillation through the barrier of the very small fraction of particles which remain untrapped during MQST.Comment: latex, 23 pages, 10 figures, to be published in J. Phys. B (Atom. Mol.), related papers can be found at http://www.mi.infm.it/salasnich/tdqg.htm

    Microphase morphology in two dimensional fluids under lateral confinement

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    We study the effects of confinement between two parallel walls on a two dimensional fluid with competing interactions which lead to the formation of particle micro-domains at the thermodynamic equilibrium (microphases or microseparation). The possibility to induce structural changes of the morphology of the micro-domains is explored, under different confinement conditions and temperatures. In presence of neutral walls, a switch from stripes of particles to circular clusters (droplets) occurs as the temperature decreases, which does not happen in bulk. While the passage from droplets to stripes, as the density increases, is a well known phenomenon, the change of the stripes into droplets as an effect of temperature is rather unexpected. Depending on the wall separation and on the wall-fluid interaction parameters, the stripes can switch from parallel to perpendicular to the walls and also a mixed morphology can be stable.Comment: accepted by Physical Review E (rapid communications

    Bosons in a Toroidal Trap: Ground State and Vortices

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    We study the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a 3-D toroidal Mexican hat trap. By changing the parameters of the potential, or the number of bosons, it is possible to modify strongly the density profile of the BEC. We consider the ground state properties for positive and negative scattering length and calculate the spectrum elementary excitations. We also discuss the macroscopic phase coherence and superfluidity of the BEC by analyzing vortex states and their stability.Comment: 15 pages + 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Phase transitions in simple and not so simple binary fluids

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    Compared to pure fluids, binary mixtures display a very diverse phase behavior, which depends sensitively on the parameters of the microscopic potential. Here we investigate the phase diagrams of simple model mixtures by use of a microscopic implementation of the renormalization group technique. First, we consider a symmetric mixture with attractive interactions, possibly relevant for describing fluids of molecules with internal degrees of freedom. Despite the simplicity of the model, slightly tuning the strength of the interactions between unlike species drastically changes the topology of the phase boundary, forcing or inhibiting demixing, and brings about several interesting features such as double critical points, tricritical points, and coexistence domains enclosing `islands' of homogeneous, mixed fluid. Homogeneous phase separation in mixtures can be driven also by purely repulsive interactions. As an example, we consider a model of soft particles which has been adopted to describe binary polymer solutions. This is shown to display demixing (fluid-fluid) transition at sufficiently high density. The nature and the physical properties of the corresponding phase transition are investigated.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figures, presented at the 5th EPS Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, 14-18 September 200