4,944 research outputs found

    Magnetic shuffling of coronal downdrafts

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    Channelled fragmented downflows are ubiquitous in magnetized atmospheres, and have been recently addressed from an observation after a solar eruption. We study the possible back-effect of the magnetic field on the propagation of confined flows. We compare two 3D MHD simulations of dense supersonic plasma blobs downfalling along a coronal magnetic flux tube. In one, the blobs move strictly along the field lines; in the other, the initial velocity of the blobs is not perfectly aligned to the magnetic field and the field is weaker. The aligned blobs remain compact while flowing along the tube, with the generated shocks. The misaligned blobs are disrupted and merged by the chaotic shuffling of the field lines, and structured into thinner filaments; Alfven wave fronts are generated together with shocks ahead of the dense moving front. Downflowing plasma fragments can be chaotically and efficiently mixed if their motion is misaligned to field lines, with broad implications, e.g., disk accretion in protostars, coronal eruptions and rain.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, proposed for acceptance, movies available upon request to the first autho

    Guided flows in coronal magnetic flux tubes

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    There is evidence for coronal plasma flows to break down into fragments and to be laminar. We investigate this effect by modeling flows confined along magnetic channels. We consider a full MHD model of a solar atmosphere box with a dipole magnetic field. We compare the propagation of a cylindrical flow perfectly aligned to the field to that of another one with a slight misalignment. We assume a flow speed of 200 km/s, and an ambient magnetic field of 30 G. We find that while the aligned flow maintains its cylindrical symmetry while it travels along the magnetic tube, the misaligned one is rapidly squashed on one side, becoming laminar and eventually fragmented because of the interaction and backreaction of the magnetic field. This model could explain an observation of erupted fragments that fall back as thin and elongated strands and end up onto the solar surface in a hedge-like configuration, made by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The initial alignment of plasma flow plays an important role in determining the possible laminar structure and fragmentation of flows while they travel along magnetic channels.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication, movies available upon request to the first autho

    Non-equilibrium of Ionization and the Detection of Hot Plasma in Nanoflare-heated Coronal Loops

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    Impulsive nanoflares are expected to transiently heat the plasma confined in coronal loops to temperatures of the order of 10 MK. Such hot plasma is hardly detected in quiet and active regions, outside flares. During rapid and short heat pulses in rarified loops the plasma can be highly out of equilibrium of ionization. Here we investigate the effects of the non-equilibrium of ionization (NEI) on the detection of hot plasma in coronal loops. Time-dependent loop hydrodynamic simulations are specifically devoted to this task, including saturated thermal conduction, and coupled to the detailed solution of the equations of ionization rate for several abundant elements. In our simulations, initially cool and rarified magnetic flux tubes are heated to 10 MK by nanoflares deposited either at the footpoints or at the loop apex. We test for different pulse durations, and find that, due to NEI effects, the loop plasma may never be detected at temperatures above ~5 MK for heat pulses shorter than about 1 min. We discuss some implications in the framework of multi-stranded nanoflare-heated coronal loops.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publicatio

    Experiments with a fully instrumented split Stirling cryocooler

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    A practical model that can be used to accurately size and optimally split stirling cryocoolers is discussed. A practical model that could be used to extrapolate existing designs to meet different specifications was developed. However, to do this detailed knowledge of the dynamic operating parameters of this type of cryocooler is required. The first stage is to fully instrument a refrigerator so that various dynamic parameters can be measured. The second stage involves the application of these measurements to the design and optimization of a range of coolers

    Mass Accretion Processes in Young Stellar Objects: Role of Intense Flaring Activity

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    According to the magnetospheric accretion scenario, young low-mass stars are surrounded by circumstellar disks which they interact with through accretion of mass. The accretion builds up the star to its final mass and is also believed to power the mass outflows, which may in turn have a significant role in removing the excess angular momentum from the star-disk system. Although the process of mass accretion is a critical aspect of star formation, some of its mechanisms are still to be fully understood. On the other hand, strong flaring activity is a common feature of young stellar objects (YSOs). In the Sun, such events give rise to perturbations of the interplanetary medium. Similar but more energetic phenomena occur in YSOs and may influence the circumstellar environment. In fact, a recent study has shown that an intense flaring activity close to the disk may strongly perturb the stability of circumstellar disks, thus inducing mass accretion episodes (Orlando et al. 2011). Here we review the main results obtained in the field and the future perspectives.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Figures; accepted for publication on Acta Polytechnica (Proceedings of the Frascati Workshop 2013

    Bright hot impacts by erupted fragments falling back on the Sun: magnetic channelling

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    Dense plasma fragments were observed to fall back on the solar surface by the Solar Dynamics Observatory after an eruption on 7 June 2011, producing strong EUV brightenings. Previous studies investigated impacts in regions of weak magnetic field. Here we model the  300\sim~300 km/s impact of fragments channelled by the magnetic field close to active regions. In the observations, the magnetic channel brightens before the fragment impact. We use a 3D-MHD model of spherical blobs downfalling in a magnetized atmosphere. The blob parameters are constrained from the observation. We run numerical simulations with different ambient density and magnetic field intensity. We compare the model emission in the 171\AA~ channel of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly with the observed one. We find that a model of downfall channelled in a  1\sim~1MK coronal loop confined by a magnetic field of  1020\sim~10-20G, best explains qualitatively and quantitatively the observed evolution. The blobs are highly deformed, further fragmented, when the ram pressure becomes comparable to the local magnetic pressure and they are deviated to be channelled by the field, because of the differential stress applied by the perturbed magnetic field. Ahead of them, in the relatively dense coronal medium, shock fronts propagate, heat and brighten the channel between the cold falling plasma and the solar surface. This study shows a new mechanism which brightens downflows channelled by the magnetic field, such as in accreting young stars, and also works as a probe of the ambient atmosphere, providing information about the local plasma density and magnetic field.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Thermal structure of hot non-flaring corona from Hinode/EIS

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    In previous studies a very hot plasma component has been diagnosed in solar active regions through the images in three different narrow-band channels of SDO/AIA. This diagnostic from EUV imaging data has also been supported by the matching morphology of the emission in the hot Ca XVII line, as observed with Hinode/EIS. This evidence is debated because of unknown distribution of the emission measure along the line of sight. Here we investigate in detail the thermal distribution of one of such regions using EUV spectroscopic data. In an active region observed with SDO/AIA, Hinode/EIS and XRT, we select a subregion with a very hot plasma component and another cooler one for comparison. The average spectrum is extracted for both, and 14 intense lines are selected for analysis, that probe the 5.5 < log T < 7 temperature range uniformly. From these lines the emission measure distributions are reconstructed with the MCMC method. Results are cross-checked with comparison of the two subregions, with a different inversion method, with the morphology of the images, and with the addition of fluxes measured with from narrow and broad-band imagers. We find that, whereas the cool region has a flat and featureless distribution that drops at temperature log T >= 6.3, the distribution of the hot region shows a well-defined peak at log T = 6.6 and gradually decreasing trends on both sides, thus supporting the very hot nature of the hot component diagnosed with imagers. The other cross-checks are consistent with this result. This study provides a completion of the analysis of active region components, and the resulting scenario supports the presence of a minor very hot plasma component in the core, with temperatures log T > 6.6.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publicatio

    Evidence of widespread hot plasma in a non-flaring coronal active region from Hinode/XRT

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    Nanoflares, short and intense heat pulses within spatially unresolved magnetic strands, are now considered a leading candidate to solve the coronal heating problem. However, the frequent occurrence of nanoflares requires that flare-hot plasma be present in the corona at all times. Its detection has proved elusive until now, in part because the intensities are predicted to be very faint. Here we report on the analysis of an active region observed with five filters by Hinode/XRT in November 2006. We have used the filter ratio method to derive maps of temperature and emission measure both in soft and hard ratios. These maps are approximate in that the plasma is assumed to be isothermal along each line-of-sight. Nonetheless, the hardest available ratio reveals the clear presence of plasma around 10 MK. To obtain more detailed information about the plasma properties, we have performed Monte Carlo simulations assuming a variety of non-isothermal emission measure distributions along the lines-of-sight. We find that the observed filter ratios imply bi-modal distributions consisting of a strong cool (log T ~ 6.3-6.5) component and a weaker (few percent) and hotter (6.6 < log T < 7.2) component. The data are consistent with bi-modal distributions along all lines of sight, i.e., throughout the active region. We also find that the isothermal temperature inferred from a filter ratio depends sensitively on the precise temperature of the cool component. A slight shift of this component can cause the hot component to be obscured in a hard ratio measurement. Consequently, temperature maps made in hard and soft ratios tend to be anti-correlated. We conclude that this observation supports the presence of widespread nanoflaring activity in the active region.Comment: 12 figures, accepted for publication on refereed journa

    Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Cascade of Coronal Loop Magnetic Fields

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    The Parker model for coronal heating is investigated through a high resolution simulation. An inertial range is resolved where fluctuating magnetic energy E_M (k_perp) \propto k_\perp^{-2.7} exceeds kinetic energy E_K (k_\perp) \propto k_\perp^{-0.6}. Increments scale as \delta b_\ell \simeq \ell^{-0.85} and \delta u_\ell \simeq \ell^{+0.2} with velocity increasing at small scales, indicating that magnetic reconnection plays a prime role in this turbulent system. We show that spectral energy transport is akin to standard magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence even for a system of reconnecting current sheets sustained by the boundary. In this new MHD turbulent cascade, kinetic energy flows are negligible while cross-field flows are enhanced, and through a series of "reflections" between the two fields, cascade more than half of the total spectral energy flow.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review E - Rapid. Com

    Spatial identification of the overionized plasma in W49B

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    Recent Suzaku X-ray observations of the ejecta-dominated supernova remnant W49B have shown that in the global spectrum there is a clear indication for the presence of overionized plasma whose physical origin is still under debate. In order to ascertain the physical origin of such a rapidly cooling plasma, we focus on the study of its spatial localization within the X-ray emitting ejecta. We confirm the presence of a saw-edged excess (interpreted as a strong radiative recombination continuum) in the global spectrum above 8 keV, emerging above the ionization-equilibrium model. We produce a hardness ratio map to determine where the plasma is overionized and we perform a spectral analysis of the regions with and without strong overionization. We find that the overionized plasma is localized in the center of the remnant and in its western jet, while it is not detected in the bright eastern jet, where the expansion of the ejecta is hampered by their interaction with a dense interstellar cloud. The location of overionized plasma suggests that the inner ejecta are rapidly cooling by expansion, unlike the outer ejecta, for which expansion is hampered by interstellar clouds seen in H2Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics