595 research outputs found

    Activation of P2X(7) receptors stimulates the expression of P2Y(2) receptor mRNA in astrocytes cultured from rat brain.

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    Under pathological conditions brain cells release ATP at concentrations reported to activate P2X7 ionotropic receptor subtypes expressed in both neuronal and glial cells. In the present study we report that the most potent P2X7 receptor agonist BzATP stimulates the expression of the metabotropic ATP receptor P2Y2 in cultured rat brain astrocytes. In other cell types several kinds of stimulation, including stress or injury, induce P2Y2 expression that, in turn, is involved in different cell reactions. Similarly, it has recently been found that in astrocytes and astrocytoma cells P2Y2 sites can trigger neuroprotective pathways through the activation of several mechanisms, including the induction of genes for antiapoptotic factors, neurotrophins, growth factors and neuropeptides. Here we present evidence that P2Y2 mRNA expression in cultured astrocytes peaks 6 h after BzATP exposure and returns to basal levels after 24 h. This effect was mimicked by high ATP concentrations (1 mM) and was abolished by P2X7-antagonists oATP and BBG. The BzATP-evoked P2Y2 receptor up-regulation in cultured astrocytes was coupled to an increased UTP-mediated intracellular calcium response. This effect was inhibited by oATP and BBG and by P2Y2siRNA, thus supporting evidence of increased P2Y2 activity. To further investigate the mechanisms by which P2X7 receptors mediated the P2Y2 mRNA up-regulation, the cells were pre-treated with the chelating agent EGTA, or with inhibitors of mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) (PD98059) or protein kinase C, (GF109203X). Each inhibitor significantly reduced the extent to which BzATP induced P2Y2 mRNA. Both BzATP and ATP (1 mM) increased ERK1/2 activation. P2X7-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation was unaffected by pre-treatment of astrocytes with EGTA whereas it was inhibited by GF109203X. Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), an activator of PKCs, rapidly increased ERK1/2 activation. We conclude that activation of P2X7 receptors in astrocytes enhances P2Y2 mRNA expression by a mechanism involving both calcium influx and PKC/MAPK signalling pathways

    Stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews: a protocol for a systematic review of methods, outcomes and effects

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    Background There is an expectation for stakeholders (including patients, the public, health professionals, and others) to be involved in research. Researchers are increasingly recognising that it is good practice to involve stakeholders in systematic reviews. There is currently a lack of evidence about (A) how to do this and (B) the effects, or impact, of such involvement. We aim to create a map of the evidence relating to stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews, and use this evidence to address the two points above. Methods We will complete a mixed-method synthesis of the evidence, first completing a scoping review to create a broad map of evidence relating to stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews, and secondly completing two contingent syntheses. We will use a stepwise approach to searching; the initial step will include comprehensive searches of electronic databases, including CENTRAL, AMED, Embase, Medline, Cinahl and other databases, supplemented with pre-defined hand-searching and contacting authors. Two reviewers will undertake each review task (i.e., screening, data extraction) using standard systematic review processes. For the scoping review, we will include any paper, regardless of publication status or study design, which investigates, reports or discusses involvement in a systematic review. Included papers will be summarised within structured tables. Criteria for judging the focus and comprehensiveness of the description of methods of involvement will be applied, informing which papers are included within the two contingent syntheses. Synthesis A will detail the methods that have been used to involve stakeholders in systematic reviews. Papers from the scoping review that are judged to provide an adequate description of methods or approaches will be included. Details of the methods of involvement will be extracted from included papers using pre-defined headings, presented in tables and described narratively. Synthesis B will include studies that explore the effect of stakeholder involvement on the quality, relevance or impact of a systematic review, as identified from the scoping review. Study quality will be appraised, data extracted and synthesised within tables. Discussion This review should help researchers select, improve and evaluate methods of involving stakeholders in systematic reviews. Review findings will contribute to Cochrane training resources

    Chemochromic Pd-V2O5 Sensors for Passive Hydrogen Detection in Nuclear Containments

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    The ability to detect and monitor hydrogen gas efficiently in process and storage facilities, handling nuclear material, is crucial to ensuring their safety. The accumulation of hydrogen gas, above the lower flammable limit (LFL), in a nuclear waste containment is a concern since it creates the potential for a hydrogen-air explosion to occur, which could lead to a loss of containment and result in the uncontrolled release of radioactive material into the surrounding environment. The events that took place at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant highlighted the vulnerability of conventional hydrogen detection to extreme events, where power may be lost. In the present work, chemochromic hydrogen sensors have been fabricated, using transition metal oxide thin films, to provide eye-readable detection systems that would be resilient to plant power failure. Vanadium oxide (V2O5) films were prepared on quartz glass substrates by sol-gel deposition and sensitized with a palladium (Pd) catalyst, deposited by electron beam evaporation. When exposed to hydrogen, the Pd catalyst dissociates H2 to H atoms, which diffuse into the V(V)2O5 forming a hydrogen-vanadium metal bronze, H2V(III)2O5, resulting in a noticeable colour change from orange to dark green. To assess their viability for nuclear safety applications, these sensors have been irradiated to total doses between 5 and 250 kGy using a Co-60 gamma isotope irradiator. The results suggest that gamma irradiation, at the levels examined, has an effect on the initial colour of the V2O5 and Pd-V2O5 thin films with decreased transmittance above 540 nm. The orange starting colour darkened and developed a green tone, with the degree of colour change depending on the applied total dose. Changes in surface morphology and characteristics have been examined by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. High level (250 kGy) gamma radiation exposure begins to produce surface degradation on V2O5 thin films; however this behaviour is not observed for films that are also coated with palladium. Chemochromic properties of both un-irradiated and irradiated Pd-V2O5 thin films were determined by examining their optical transmittance, using UV-vis spectroscopy, under exposure to a 4% H2-N2 gas mixture. Exposure to gamma radiation has been found to have negligible effect upon colour change behaviour after 30 minutes exposure to hydrogen gas. The results suggest that the thin film V2O5 sensitised with Pd is a plausible technique for application in the monitoring of hydrogen gas in low-level gamma radiation environments

    Characterising the performance of hydrogen sensitive coatings for nuclear safety applications

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    The detection of hydrogen gas is essential in ensuring the safety of nuclear plants. However, events at Fukushima Daiichi NPP highlighted the vulnerability of conventional detection systems to extreme events, where power may be lost. Herein, chemochromic hydrogen sensors have been fabricated using transition metal oxide thin films, sensitised with a palladium catalyst, to provide passive hydrogen detection systems that would be resilient to any plant power failures. To assess their viability for nuclear safety applications, these sensors have been gamma-irradiated to four total doses (0, 5, 20, 50 kGy) using a Co-60 gamma radioisotope. Optical properties of both un-irradiated and irradiated samples were investigated to compare the effect of increased radiation dose on the sensors resultant colour change. The results suggest that gamma irradiation, at the levels examined (>5 kGy), has a significant effect on the initial colour of the thin films and has a negative effect on the hydrogen sensing abilities

    Degradation of Crude Oil in the Rhizosphere of Sorghum Bicolor,

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    ABSTRACT Dissipation of petroleum contaminants in the rhizosphere is likely the result of enhanced microbial degradation. Plant roots may encourage rhizosphere microbial activity through exudation of nutrients and by providing channels for increased water flow and gas diffusion. Phytoremediation of crude oil in soil was examined in this study using carefully selected plant species monitored over specific plant growth stages. Four sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes with differing root characteristics and levels of exudation were established in a sandy loam soil contaminated with 2700 mg crude oil/kg soil. Soils were sampled at three stages of plant growth: five leaf, flowering, and maturity. All vegetated treatments were associated with higher remediation efficiency, resulting in significantly lower total petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations than unvegetated controls. A relationship between root exudation and bioremediation efficiency was not apparent for these genotypes, although the presence of all sorghum genotypes resulted in significant removal of crude oil from the impacted soil

    Chlorpromazine for schizophrenia: a Cochrane systematic review of 50 years of randomised controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: Chlorpromazine (CPZ) remains one of the most common drugs used for people with schizophrenia worldwide, and a benchmark against which other treatments can be evaluated. Quantitative reviews are rare; this one evaluates the effects of chlorpromazine in the treatment of schizophrenia in comparison with placebo. METHODS: We sought all relevant randomised controlled trials (RCT) comparing chlorpromazine to placebo by electronic and reference searching, and by contacting trial authors and the pharmaceutical industry. Data were extracted from selected trials and, where possible, synthesised and random effects relative risk (RR), the number needed to treat (NNT) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) calculated. RESULTS: Fifty RCTs from 1955–2000 were included with 5276 people randomised to CPZ or placebo. They constitute 2008 person-years spent in trials. Meta-analysis of these trials showed that chlorpromazine promotes a global improvement (n = 1121, 13 RCTs, RR 0.76 CI 0.7 to 0.9, NNT 7 CI 5 to 10), although a considerable placebo response is also seen. People allocated to chlorpromazine tended not to leave trials early in both the short (n = 945, 16 RCTs, RR 0.74 CI 0.5 to 1.1) and medium term (n = 1861, 25 RCTs, RR 0.79 CI 0.6 to 1.1). There were, however, many adverse effects. Chlorpromazine is sedating (n = 1242, 18 RCTs, RR 2.3 CI 1.7 to 3.1, NNH 6 CI 5 to 8), increases a person's chances of experiencing acute movement disorders, Parkinsonism and causes low blood pressure with dizziness and dry mouth. CONCLUSION: It is understandable why the World Health Organization (WHO) have endorsed and included chlorpromazine in their list of essential drugs for use in schizophrenia. Low- and middle-income countries may have more complete evidence upon which to base their practice compared with richer nations using recent innovations

    Guanosine effect on cholesterol efflux and apolipoprotein E expression in astrocytes

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    The main source of cholesterol in the central nervous system (CNS) is represented by glial cells, mainly astrocytes, which also synthesise and secrete apolipoproteins, in particular apolipoprotein E (ApoE), the major apolipoprotein in the brain, thus generating cholesterol-rich high density lipoproteins (HDLs). This cholesterol trafficking, even though still poorly known, is considered to play a key role in different aspects of neuronal plasticity and in the stabilisation of synaptic transmission. Moreover, cell cholesterol depletion has recently been linked to a reduction in amyloid beta formation. Here we demonstrate that guanosine, which we previously reported to exert several neuroprotective effects, was able to increase cholesterol efflux from astrocytes and C6 rat glioma cells in the absence of exogenously added acceptors. In this effect the phosphoinositide 3 kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (PI3K/ERK1/2) pathway seems to play a pivotal role. Guanosine was also able to increase the expression of ApoE in astrocytes, whereas it did not modify the levels of ATP-binding cassette protein A1 (ABCA1), considered the main cholesterol transporter in the CNS. Given the emerging role of cholesterol balance in neuronal repair, these effects provide evidence for a role of guanosine as a potential pharmacological tool in the modulation of cholesterol homeostasis in the brain

    Digital PCR analysis of circulating tumor DNA: a biomarker for chondrosarcoma diagnosis, prognostication, and residual disease detection

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    Conventional chondrosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor in adults. Prognosis corresponds with tumor grade but remains variable, especially for individuals with grade (G) II disease. There are currently no biomarkers available for monitoring or prognostication of chondrosarcoma. Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has recently emerged as a promising biomarker for a broad range of tumor types. To date, little has been done to study the presence of ctDNA and its potential utility in the management of sarcomas, including chondrosarcoma. In this study, we have assessed ctDNA levels in a cohort of 71 patients, 32 with sarcoma, including 29 individuals with central chondrosarcoma (CS) and 39 with locally aggressive and benign bone and soft tissue tumors, using digital PCR. In patients with CS, ctDNA was detected in pretreatment samples in 14/29 patients, which showed clear correlation with tumor grade as demonstrated by the detection of ctDNA in all patients with GIII and dedifferentiated disease (n = 6) and in 8/17 patients with GII disease, but never associated with GI CS. Notably detection of ctDNA preoperatively in GII disease was associated with a poor outcome. A total of 14 patients with CS had ctDNA levels assessed at multiple time points and in most patients there was a clear reduction following surgical removal. This research lays the foundation for larger studies to assess the utility of ctDNA for chondrosarcoma diagnosis, prognostication, early detection of residual disease and monitoring disease progression
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