62 research outputs found

    Effects of Growth Type, Sowing Date, and Sowing Rate on the Canopy Architecture, Protein Yields, and Oil Yields of Winter Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.)

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    A split-split-plot design was used to evaluate the effects of sowing dates and sowing rates on three winter rape cultivars, including ‘PR45D03’, a semi-dwarf hybrid, ‘PR46W31’, a traditional hybrid, and ‘Californium’, an open-pollinated cultivar. August 25 was the optimal sowing date for maximizing protein and oil yields across all three cultivars. Of the cultivars, the traditional hybrid, ‘PR46W31’, produced the highest protein and oil yields on that date. The yields of the semi-dwarf hybrid, ‘PR45D03, were greater than those of the open-pollinated cultivar, ‘Californium’, when these were sown later than the optimal date. Protein and oil yields did not differ significantly among different seeding densities

    Increased skeletal muscle expression of VEGF induced by massage and exercise

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    Introduction. Numerous investigations have been carried out to describe the role of massage in preparing for and restoring efficiency after physical exercise. Furthermore, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) enhances blood vessel growth, and in effect contributes to the regeneration of tissues. Since its expression in active skeletal muscles has not been yet determined, the aim of this study was to investigate whether muscle massage performed before and during running exercise affects the expression of VEGF-A in muscles. Material and methods. The study was carried out on 75 adult Buffalo rats subjected to running exercise training for 10 weeks. Rats were massaged prior (group PM) or during exercise (group M) or were not massaged (group C). The massage consisted of spiral movements along the plantar surface of flexor digitorum brevis muscle. After 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 week of training, five rats from every group were anesthetized and immunohistochemistry, Western blot, and PCR analyses were performed on obtained muscle tissue to determine VEGF-A expression. Results. After the first week of training, a significant increase of VEGF-A gene expression analyzed by qPCR in muscle tissue was observed in the PM group, whereas in the third week, the predominant growth of studied marker was seen in the M group. Increased VEGF-A expression on the protein level was observed in both massaged groups following the first week. A moderate positive correlation was found between the expression of the VEGF-A gene and protein in all experimental groups (r = 0.389). Conclusion. Short-term repeated massage may contribute to processes of creation of new and development of already existing vascular networks in the skeletal muscle tissue during increased exercise

    Regulation of NO production by MAPK dual-specificity phosphatases (DUSP) in human neutrophils exposed to N-nitrosodimethylamine

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    437-444One of the enzymes responsible for nitric oxide (NO) production in neutrophils is the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Changes in its expression may result from the activation of different signaling pathways, including MAPK, which lead to activation of various genes, including DUSP genes. DUSP induce the negative feedback loop leading to MAPK deactivation through their phosphorylation. Our study assessed the role of DUSP1, DUSP10 and DUSP16 with the participation of MAPK in the iNOS-dependent NO production by neutrophils exposed to xenobiotic, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The obtained results suggest that N-nitrosodimethylamine enhances the expression of all tested proteins (except DUSP10) in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of neutrophils. The JNK pathway inhibition resulted in an extenuation of iNOS, phospho-p38 and DUSP10 expression in the cytoplasmic fraction and DUSP1 expression in the nuclear fraction of neutrophils. Inhibition of the p38 pathway led to a lower expression of iNOS, DUSP16 and DUSP10 in the cytoplasmic fraction. No changes in the phospho-JNK and DUSP1 expressions were observed. With the results of this study we can conclude that DUSP are positive regulators of MAP kinases in NDMA-induced signaling pathway which lead to modulation of iNOS-dependent NO production in human neutrophils

    The effect of sewage sludge and BAF inoculant on plant condition and yield as well as biochemical and microbial activity of soil in willow (Salix viminalis L.) culture as an energy crop

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    Excessive amounts of sewage sludge produced in sewage treatment plants along with the ban on its storage and dumping require rapid solutions to the problem of sewage sludge management. An example of a rational and environmentally viable method may be provided by its application in agriculture and environmental management. The optimal solution is to use sludge as a fertiliser for industrial plants, including energy crops, that is, those not used in food production. For environmental reasons it is essential to control soil quality and condition following sludge application. Analyses of the residual effect of sewage sludge and bacteria, actinobacteria, fungi microbial inoculant (BAF) on selected physiological parameters of plants and microbial activity of soil were conducted in the years 2013–2015 on experimental fields of the Poznan University of Life Sciences. The results indicate that the application of sewage sludge increased yields and improved selected photosynthesis activity and biometric traits of willow. Among the tested combinations the best results were obtained following the application of sewage sludge combined with the BAF medium microbial inoculant. Similar dependencies were observed when evaluating soil microbial activity

    Phytostimulator Application after Cold Stress for Better Maize (Zea mays L.) Plant Recovery

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    Phytostimulators are attracting considerable attention for replacing mineral fertilizers, which are of environmental concern, being especially forbidden in organic farming. The benefit of applying such products based on microorganisms (e.g., algae extract) or minerals of nano-meter-sized particle (e.g., nanofertilizers) is that plants can uptake them faster than soil fertilizers, targeting plant growth by regulating their phytohormones, as well as improving plant tolerance to unfavorable environmental conditions (e.g., cold stress). The aim of this study was to test and evaluate the effects of three commercial phytostimulators, called biostimulants (a seaweed-based extract—Kelpak®, mineral nanoparticles—Nano Active®, zinc nanoparticles—Dynamic Cresco®) on yield, chlorophyll content, level of CO2 assimilation and the effectiveness of PSII under cold stress. The values of all chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic parameters significantly decreased under cold, which indicated a strong inhibition of light-phase photosynthesis in maize leaves. Predicted by the regression analysis minimum, 20 days was enough for maize plants to recover from the inhibition caused by stress damages in their photosynthetic apparatus. At the final measurement in maize growth stage BBCH 65, all the tested phytostimulators showed significant effects in increased values of effective quantum yield of photosystem II, maximum photosynthetic efficiency of PSII and electron transport rate. At this stage, Dynamic Cresco® and Nano Active® treatment significantly increased the value of maximum net photosynthetic rate (15.37% and 18.85%, respectively) and leaf chlorophyll content (7.8% and 8.7%, respectively). The application of Dynamic Cresco® significantly promoted total dry weight by 43.4% in comparison to control under stress growth conditions with cold. These phytostimulators can be used to enhance yield and physiological status of plants after abiotic stress (such as cold) to improve crop productivity, especially in organic farming

    Institutional evaluation in the humanities and social sciences. Context, consequences, problems and tools and an attempt to assess the indicators used. With particular emphasis on the Polish case

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    Celem tej pracy jest zapoznanie czytelnika z tematyką ewaluacji instytucji naukowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem oceny parametrycznej stosowanej w Polsce. Czytelnik może dzięki temu opracowaniu zapoznać się z kontekstem rozwoju ewaluacji w nauce, poznając związki tego tematu ze wzmacnianiem się roli statystyki nauki, techniki i innowacji, a także popularyzacją nowego zarządzania w systemie publicznym. Poczesne miejsce w tej pracy zajmuje kontekst teoretyczny – osnuty wokół kwestii tego, co tak naprawdę jest przedmiotem ewaluacji w sektorze nauki, i czy możemy mówić o kwestii jakości i doskonałości w nauce. Dla pełniejszego zobrazowania kwestii ewaluacji instytucji naukowych jeden z rozdziałów zostanie poświęcony konsekwencjom jakie niosą ze sobą tzw. research evaluation systems. Bardzo ważnym elementem tej dysertacji będzie również kwestia wskaźników, stosowanych w tym typie ewaluacji, a właściwie dwóch ich głównych typów i ich wadach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem specyfiki nauk społeczno – humanistycznych. Druga część pracy poświęcona zostanie opisowi polskiego systemu ewaluacji instytucji naukowych, a następnie próbie oceny stosowanych w nim wskaźników na gruncie nauk społeczno – humanistycznych.The aim of this paper is to acquaint the reader with the subject of evaluation of research institutions, with particular emphasis on parametric evaluation used in Poland. The reader can thus see the development of evaluation in the context of the development of science, learning about the subject compounds with enhanced role of statistics in science, technology and innovation, as well as about popularization of new governance in the public system. Prominent place in this work takes theoretical context – related to the question of what really is the subject of evaluation in science, and whether we can talk about issues of quality and excellence in science. For a fuller illustration of the evaluation of academic institutions, one of the chapters is on the consequences posed by the so-called. research evaluation systems. A very important element of this dissertation will also consider the indicators used in this type of evaluation, and in fact two of their main types and their flaws, with particular emphasis on specificity of social sciences - humanities. The second part will be devoted to the description of the Polish system of evaluation of scientific institutions, and then to attempt to assess the indicators used in the social sciences on the ground of the humanities

    New winter oilseed rape varieties – seed quality and morphological traits depending on sowing date and rate

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    Many studies have focused on research about impact of time and density of sowing on the agronomic characteristics of different crops. However, the number of studies investigating such a response on the qualitative composition of different types of winter oilseed rape varieties is still limited. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of sowing date and density on yield, protein and oil content and quality of winter oilseed rape varieties: open-pollinated, a typical hybrid of traditional type of growth and a new semi-dwarf hybrid, which biology and yielding have not been thoroughly established. This experiment was conducted applying four sowing dates (August 14, August 25, September 4, September 15), three winter oilseed rape cultivars (PR45D03 -semi-dwarf hybrid, PR46W31 – hybrid, Californium – open-pollinated) and four sowing rates (30, 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2). Among the compared sowing dates, August 25 proved to be optimal for yielding of the tested winter oilseed rape cultivars. Semi-dwarf variety contained less protein and glucosinolate in seeds, but more oil in comparison to other studied varieties (hybrid and open-pollinated). The yields did not differ significantly within a density of 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2, so it is important result, especially for the agricultural practice


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    Celem badań była ocena poziomu i częstości występowania wydatków na hotele i restauracje w gospodarstwach domowych rolników na tle pozostałych grup społeczno-ekonomicznych oraz diagnoza zmian tego zjawiska pomiędzy latami 2005, 2010 a 2015. Ponadto w pracy podjęto próbę identyfikacji wewnętrznych demograficznych i społeczno-ekonomicznych determinant popytu na hotele i restauracje w gospodarstwach domowych rolników. Analizy przeprowadzono na podstawie nieidentyfikowalnych danych pochodzących z badania Budżetów gospodarstw domowych przeprowadzonych przez GUS w latach 2005, 2010 i 2015

    The use of microorganisms as bio-fertilizers in the cultivation of white lupine

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    The agricultural usability of bio-fertilizers, particularly including microbiological seed vaccines meet the recommendations for integrated protection/cultivation applicable in Poland. Combined vaccination seeds with Rhizobium bacteria together with endophitic bacteria from the group of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), increase the efficiency of biological nitrogen fixation and therefore stimulate the development and yielding of legume crops. This hypothesis was verified in a series of field experiments with white lupine conducted between 2016 and 2018 at Złotniki, Poland. The one-factor experiment consisted of different variants of inoculation including: seeds uninoculated, inoculated with nitragine, nitroflora, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, Bacillus subtillis strain and seeds co-inoculated with Rhizobium from nitragine or nitroflora + Pseudomonas fluorescens, or + Bacillus subtillis. The experiment showed a positive response of white lupine to all tested seed vaccinations. The highest seed yield was found after seed inoculation with Rhizobium bacteria (from nitragine) and with co-inoculation Rhizobium with Pseudomonas fluorescens. The results indicated that plant height, the development of aboveground parts and roots as well as root nodules and the setting of pods and seeds on the plant increased significantly after seed co-inoculation of Rhizobium derived from the preparation of nitragine with Pseudomonas fluorescens, as compared to the control object without vaccination. A generally positive correlation was found between the number of root nodules, dry mass of nodules and yield, and an especially significant strength of this relationship was found in variant with co-inoculation Rhizobium with Pseudomonas fluorescens