17,349 research outputs found

    The effects of rotational flow, viscosity, thickness, and shape on transonic flutter dip phenomena

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    The transonic flutter dip phenomena on thin airfoils, which are employed for propfan blades, is investigated using an integrated Euler/Navier-Stokes code and a two degrees of freedom typical section structural model. As a part of the code validation, the flutter characteristics of the NACA 64A010 airfoil are also investigated. In addition, the effects of artificial dissipation models, rotational flow, initial conditions, mean angle of attack, viscosity, airfoil thickness and shape on flutter are investigated. The results obtained with a Euler code for the NACA 64A010 airfoil are in reasonable agreement with published results obtained by using transonic small disturbance and Euler codes. The two artificial dissipation models, one based on the local pressure gradient scaled by a common factor and the other based on the local pressure gradient scaled by a spectral radius, predicted the same flutter speeds except in the recovery region for the case studied. The effects of rotational flow, initial conditions, mean angle of attack, and viscosity for the Reynold's number studied seem to be negligible or small on the minima of the flutter dip

    Organisational synergies, dissonance and spinoffs

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    Spinoff firms are a distinct class of new entrants across industries. The causes for their emergence have been widely investigated in the literature. However, the role of team environments has received little attention. On the one hand, talented individuals may find it necessary to team up with others to utilise complementary knowledge and generate synergies. On the other hand, some types of team production environments may exhibit dissonance and motivate individuals to leave them. This study introduces environments of synergy and dissonance utilising team production functions and utilises them to analyse how team environments vary in their propensity to generate spinoffs. We show that the teams exhibiting synergy are not likely to spawn spinoffs but a new idea from a team member gets implemented only if it is of exceptional quality. The concepts of synergy and dissonance can also be utilised to analyse other phenomena such as mergers and alliances

    A Novel Multi-Band Patch Antenna on Metamaterial Substrate for Ku band applications

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    In this paper, a metamaterial based compact multiband microstrip antenna is proposed which can give high gain and directivity. Metamaterial are periodic structures and have been intensively investigated due to the particular features such as ultra-refraction phenomenon and negative permittivity and/or permeability. A metamaterial based microstrip patch antenna with enhanced characteristics and multi band operation will be investigated in this work. The multiple frequency operation will be achieved by varying the capacitance of the metamaterial structure with the help of metallic loadings placed in each metamaterial unit cells. The potential impacts will be miniaturization, reduced cost and reduced power consumption since multiple antennas operating at different frequencies are replaced by a single antenna which can operate at multiple frequencies. The proposed microstrip patch antenna will have its frequencies of operation in the Ku band. The proposed structure is simulated using HFSS

    Constant amplitude and post-overload fatigue crack growth behavior in PM aluminum alloy AA 8009

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    A recently developed, rapidly solidified, powder metallurgy, dispersion strengthened aluminum alloy, AA 8009, was fatigue tested at room temperature in lab air. Constant amplitude/constant delta kappa and single spike overload conditions were examined. High fatigue crack growth rates and low crack closure levels compared to typical ingot metallurgy aluminum alloys were observed. It was proposed that minimal crack roughness, crack path deflection, and limited slip reversibility, resulting from ultra-fine microstructure, were responsible for the relatively poor da/dN-delta kappa performance of AA 8009 as compared to that of typical IM aluminum alloys

    Zero Temperature Insulator-Metal Transition in Doped Manganites

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    We study the transition at T=0 from a ferromagnetic insulating to a ferromagnetic metallic phase in manganites as a function of hole doping using an effective low-energy model Hamiltonian proposed by us recently. The model incorporates the quantum nature of the dynamic Jahn-Teller(JT) phonons strongly coupled to orbitally degenerate electrons as well as strong Coulomb correlation effects and leads naturally to the coexistence of localized (JT polaronic) and band-like electronic states. We study the insulator-metal transition as a function of doping as well as of the correlation strength U and JT gain in energy E_{JT}, and find, for realistic values of parameters, a ground state phase diagram in agreement with experiments. We also discuss how several other features of manganites as well as differences in behaviour among manganites can be understood in terms of our model.Comment: To be published in Europhysics Letter

    Dynamic Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced Soil

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    Geosynthetic materials particularly geogrids are widely used as reinforcement and is a proven technology for enhancing the performance of the foundation soil system under monotonic loadings. But the dynamic behavior of the reinforced foundation soil has not been well understood so far, and therefore dynamic loads (square wave pulse) of frequencies 0.2, 0.4 and 1 hertz under an amplitude of displacement of 2mm have been studied by carrying out dynamic plate loading tests on both unreinforced and the reinforced sandy beds. The size of the square plate is 150mm x 150mm x 30mm

    On the origin of the various types of radio emission in GRS 1915+105

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    We investigate the association between the radio ``plateau'' states and the large superluminal flares in GRS 1915+105 and propose a qualitative scenario to explain this association. We identify several candidate superluminal flare events from available monitoring data on this source and analyze the contemporaneous RXTE pointed observations. We detect a strong correlation between the average X-ray flux during the ``plateau'' state and the total energy emitted in radio during the subsequent radio flare. We find that the sequence of events is similar for all large radio flares with a fast rise and exponential decay morphology. Based on these results, we propose a qualitative scenario in which the separating ejecta during the superluminal flares are observed due to the interaction of the matter blob ejected during the X-ray soft dips, with the steady jet already established during the ``plateau'' state. This picture can explain all types of radio emission observed from this source in terms of its X-ray emission characteristics.Comment: Corrected typo in the author names, contents unchanged, accepted in Ap