9 research outputs found

    The development of “PICPACK” (Pictorial Book in Packaging) module to enhance adolescents knowledge of visual communication / Siti Soraya Ramli.

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    The intention of this research is to examine the usefulness of pictorial book for teaching and learning packaging topic in Visual Art Education (VAE). This research also assesses its effectiveness in the classroom and intrinsic motivation of the students. The pictorial book was developed using ADDIE model supported by Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) – Scaffolding by Lev Vygotsky (1978) and built using the Design Develop Research (DDR) as a research design by considering the design, pedagogical and the contents of its learning material. The PicPack Module was evaluated by two experts during the pre-production and post-production level. One is an expert of VAE content and another one is an expert in pictorial books. After getting consensus from the experts, the research was conducted through Single-Group Post-Test-Only Design upon purposive sampling consisting of one VA teacher and 50 form four VA students with 23 males and 27 females. Students showed positive attitudes toward learning using the PicPack Module. Based on the findings, the development of the PicPack Module is relevant and has its possibilities to be implemented in secondary level of art education in Malaysia

    Karakteristik daerah dalam mengembangkan kurikulum kemaritiman

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    Wilayah Indonesia meliputi daratan dan lautan. Luas wilayah laut Indonesia mencapai 3/4 dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kemaritiman mulai bergaung pada masa pemerintahan sekarang. Di dalamnya terdapat program Nawacita yang menonjolkan kemaritiman. Tentu saja ini bukan disikapi sebagai eforia semata, namun harus didukung oleh semua elemen. Salah satunya melalui pendidikan. Pendidikan ini tidak saja di lingkungan sekolah, namun juga harus didukung lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Kurikulum yang dikembangkan tak hanya harus memiliki muatan pengetahuan melainkan juga memperhatikan potensi dan karakteristik daerah, tuntutan pembangunan dan perkembangan peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah pusat diharapkan memahami kompleksitas dan variasi masingmasing daerah dan sekolah. Di sisi lain, daerah/sekolah harus memiliki kemampuan menjabarkan standar nasional ke dalam kurikulum yang sesuai dengan karakteristik daerahnya. Hal ini yang disebut diversifikasi kurikulum

    Karakteristik daerah dalam mengembangkan kurikulum kemaritiman

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    Kurikulum yang dikembangkan tak hanya harus memiliki muatan pengetahuan melainkan juga memperhatikan potensi dan karakteristik daerah, tuntutan pembangunan dan perkembangan peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah pusat diharapkan memahami kompleksitas dan variasi masingmasing daerah dan sekolah. Di sisi lain, daerah/sekolah harus memiliki kemampuan menjabarkan standar nasional ke dalam kurikulum yang sesuai dengan karakteristik daerahnya. Hal ini yang disebut diversifikasi kurikulum

    The study of internet addiction with depression, anxiety and social isolation / Wan Soraya Wan Abdul Ghani … [et al.]

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    The internet is an instrument that is utilized as a fundamental part of daily life throughout the world. Undoubtedly, the internet is a revolution in information technology. However, internet addiction is becoming a problem among some users as the usage of the internet is growing rapidly each year. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between internet addiction and developing of anxiety, depression and social isolation. Based on the sample size, 61 respondents were used to participate in this study. Census technique was applied in the distribution of the questionnaire. The results shown that there is a positive relationship between internet addiction towards developing anxiety, depression and social isolation. However, new studies are required to document the efficacy treatment of for the subjected issue. Further discussion on the results are shared in this paper

    Scienceploration 2023

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    The Scienceploration Camp is an initiative of the Centre for Pre-University Studies, UNIMAS (PPPU), which aims to increase the interest in science among secondary school students. It is also an effort taken by PPPU towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 4 in providing equal quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. On top of that, this camp supports Sarawak’s Digital Economy Strategy in nurturing an integrated ecosystem to foster inclusive digital society, by building the right foundations to grow our local digital economy

    Kesesuaian Lahan Padang Rumput Imperata untuk Penggembalaan Di Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    Imperata land usually left abandoned. Destruction of forest and abandonend land impacted to the expansion of the imperata lands. Imperata lands also trigger a fire. Therefore, this research pushed utilization of imperata lands for grazing.This research to study data of land sustainability and recommendation for development of grazing. Methodology used are purposive random sampling technic of land survey by spatial mapping and followed by physical and chemical test of soils. The suitable land for beef cattle herding system 2.114,8 ha, 1.822,9 ha for cowshed system, 1.822,7 ha for the development of animals forage, 1.557,0 ha for dry food producing plants, and 1.298,0 ha for peanut plants.Keywords: Land suitability, imperata, grazing