25 research outputs found

    Diferencias de género en test de rotación mental: una perspectiva desde la enseñanza de la geometría

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    According to reports in the literature, males score higher on certain mental rotation tests and complex problem-solving exercises than females. This study analyzes the types of errors made in the Primary Mental Abilities (PMA) space relations sub-test test by 328 secondary school students (ages 13 to 16), 143 of whom, having exhibited complex mathematical problem-solving abilities, were participating in a mathematical talent enhancement programme. The error types detected are defined in terms of angle of rotation of the object and the presence of symmetries in the items of the test. The findings show significantly higher performance in the more mathematically gifted students. Gender differences are only evidenced in the total score of the test and the number of non-answered items, where boys got higher scores than girls. Moreover, there is no significant interaction between the independent variables gender and complex mathematical problem-solving abilities. The conclusions drawn from those findings introduce nuances in the understanding of the gender difference traditionally identified in visualisation, particularly in connection with geometric properties in mental rotation tests. It is stressed that educational research focuses on other aspects, like emotional or behavioural ones that can impact test execution, like speed or the use of less efficient strategies.Esta publicación forma parte del proyecto de I+D+i PID2020-117395RB-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Diferencias de género en test de rotación mental: una perspectiva desde la enseñanza de la geometría

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    De acuerdo con la literatura, los hombres obtienen puntuaciones superiores a las mujeres en ciertas pruebas de rotación mental y en ejercicios de resolución de problemas complejos. Este estudio analiza los tipos de errores cometidos en la subprueba de relaciones espaciales de habilidades mentales primarias (PMA) por 328 estudiantes de secundaria (edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 16 años). De ellos, 143 participaban en un programa de estímulo del talento matemático, dado que habían mostrado habilidades en la resolución de problemas matemáticos complejos. Los tipos de errores detectados se definen en términos del ángulo de rotación del objeto y la presencia de simetrías en los ítems del test. Los resultados muestran un rendimiento significativamente mayor de los alumnos con alta habilidad matemática. Las diferencias de género únicamente se evidencian a favor de los chicos en la puntuación global del test y en el número de ítems no contestados. Sin embargo, no se encuentran diferencias de género en ninguno de los tipos de errores asociados a las propiedades geométricas de los ítems. Además, no existe interacción significativa entre las variables independientes género y habilidad para la resolución de problemas complejos. Las conclusiones extraídas de esos hallazgos introducen matices en la comprensión de las diferencias de género identificadas tradicionalmente en las habilidades de visualización, particularmente en relación con las propiedades geométricas en las pruebas de rotación mental. Se enfatiza que la investigación educativa puede focalizarse en otros aspectos, como pueden ser los emocionales o actitudinales que afectan al proceso de realización de los test, como la rapidez o el uso de estrategias menos eficientes

    Análisis de las capacidades de visualización espacial e intelectual en los alumnos con talento matemático

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    No hay consenso entre los investigadores sobre el papel que ocupa la visualización en la caracterización del talento matemático. En este estudio se analizan las capacidades de visualización espacial de un grupo de alumnos con talento matemático a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el test de inteligencia general de Raven y en los componentes espaciales de los test PMA y DAT-5. El grupo experimental está constituido por 25 alumnos del segundo curso de un programa para el estímulo del talento matemático (ESTALMAT) y el grupo control por 33 alumnos de 4º de ESO. El análisis de los resultados indica que los alumnos con talento matemático puntúan significativamente más alto que los del grupo control en los tres test y que la escala espacial del test PMA resulta un instrumento más discriminatorio del grado de visualización que la escala espacial del test DAT-5 para estos alumnos. There is not a consensus built among researchers about the role played by visualization abilities in the characterization of mathematical talent. This paper analyzes the visual abilities of a group of mathematically gifted students from the results obtained in the Raven intelligence test and the spatial components of PMA and DAT-5 tests. The experimental group comprised 25 second-grade students as part of a project for stimulation of mathematical talent (ESTALMAT), and the control group comprised 33 fourth-grade ESO students. Analysis of the results shows that mathematically gifted students achieve significantly higher scores than control students in the three tests, and that PMA spatial scale results in a better discrimination of visualization capabilities than DAT-5 spatial scale for these students

    Impulsivity and Compulsivity and Their Relationship with Non-Adherence to Treatment in the Prison Population

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    The main challenge of interventions in penitentiary institutions is the re-education and reintegration of inmates, i.e., that inmates have the intention and ability to live law-abiding lives. Therefore, an increase in self-control or, on the contrary, the decrease or elimination of impulsive versus compulsive behaviors becomes necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the role of impulsivity versus compulsivity in treatment adherence in the prison population. The study included 134 men from the Penitentiary Center of Granada who were divided into two groups. Group 1 was considered treatment adherent, and Group 2 was considered non-adherent to treatment. The following instruments were used: Symptom Inventory (SCL-90-R), Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI), Impulsivity Scale (UPPS-P), and Compulsive Belief Questionnaire (OBQ-44). Statistically significant differences were found in impulsivity in the dimensions of negative urgency, sensation seeking, and positive urgency, with higher scores in all cases for the non-adherent group than for the adherent group. We also found statistically significant differences in responsibility/inhibition, perfectionism/uncertainty, and importance/control, with higher scores for the non-adherent group compared to the adherent group. Treatment adherence is inversely related to impulsive and compulsive behaviors

    Análisis de las capacidades visuales e intelectuales en los alumnos con talento matemático

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    No hay consenso entre los investigadores sobre el papel que ocupa la visualización en la caracterización del talento matemático. En este estudio se analizan las capacidades de visualización espacial de un grupo de alumnos con talento matemático a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el test de inteligencia general de Raven y en los componentes espaciales de los test PMA y DAT-5. El grupo experimental está constituido por 25 alumnos del segundo curso de un programa para el estímulo del talento matemático (ESTALMAT) y el grupo control por 33 alumnos de 4º de ESO. El análisis de los resultados indica que los alumnos con talento matemático puntúan significativamente más alto que los del grupo control en los tres test y que la escala espacial del test PMA resulta un instrumento más discriminatorio del grado de visualización que la escala espacial del test DAT-5 para estos alumnos

    Psychological predictor variables of emotional maladjustment in infertility: Analysis of the moderating role of gender

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    AbstractThe objective of this study is to find out if the variables state-anxiety, trait-anxiety, positive-affect, negative-affect, alexithymia, and adaptive (personal and interpersonal) resources can predict emotional maladjustment in infertile people, taking into account the potentially moderating role of gender. A sample of 101 participants with an infertility diagnosis (51 males and 50 females) completed a battery of psychological tests (DERA, Emotional Maladjustment and Adaptive Resources in Infertility questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI], PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and TAS-20, [Toronto Alexithymia Scale]). The moderating, partial, and interactive effects of the variables were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis. The resulting model explained 71.1% of total variance, resulting in gender as an important moderating variable and trait anxiety, state anxiety, negative affect, and low interpersonal resources as strong predictors of emotional maladjustment in infertile people. These results provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate psychological support and treatment for the emotional adjustment of infertile women and men

    Ansiedad y bienestar psicológico de la pareja en la transición a la paternidad

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de la ansiedad y el bienestar psicológico de la pareja en la transición a la paternidad. Una muestra de 256 participantes se dividió en cinco grupos: 54 “no buscan embarazo”, dos grupos que buscan el embarazo, 50 “infértil que no consiguen embarazo” y 50 “infértil que logra el embarazo”, 50 “embarazo natural” y 52 “fértil con niños”. Se utilizó el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (STAI) y la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico de la pareja (EBP). El “grupo infértil que logra el embarazo” es el que tiene más altos niveles de ansiedad estado, aunque, en relación con la ansiedad rasgo, es el grupo que “no busca embarazo” el que muestra los niveles más altos. En cuanto al bienestar psicológico en la pareja, el grupo “embarazo natural” es el que muestra las puntuaciones más bajas. Estos resultados demuestran el posible papel funcional que la ansiedad estado en los niveles no clínicos puede jugar en el embarazo y confirma que el bienestar psicológico en la relación de pareja disminuye sólo durante el embarazo.The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of anxiety and psychological well-being of couples in the transition to parenthood. A simple of 256 participants was divided into five groups: 54 “not seeking pregnancy”, two groups seeking pregnancy, 50 “infertile that did not get pregnant” and 50 “infertile that achieves pregnancy”, 50 “natural pregnancy”, and 52 “fertile with children”. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Psychological Well-being in Couple Scale (EBP in Spanish) were used. The “infertile group that achieves pregnancy” gets the highest state-anxiety levels, even though regarding the anxiety-trait the group that is “not seeking pregnancy” shows the highest levels. Regarding psychological wellbeing in couples, the “natural pregnancy” group shows the lowest scores. These results demonstrate the possible functional role that anxiety-state in non-clinical levels can play in getting pregnant and confirm that psychological well-being in couple’s relationship decreases only during pregnancy

    Perceived Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Children's Psychological Adjustment: The Moderating Effects of Sex and Age

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    Although numerous studies have confirmed the relation between parental rejection and the psychological adjustment of children, few have explored the potential moderating effects of children’s age and sex on this relation, nor considered maternal and paternal rejection separately. In order to further examine this relation, psychological adjustment and perceived parental rejection were examined among 983 school children aged 9–18 years (54% girls). The Personality Adjustment Questionnaire (PAQ) and the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) were used. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted and post hoc analyses were performed to examine any significant interactions between the investigated variables. The results confirm that perceived rejection by both parents is significantly associated with several dimensions of children’s psychological adjustment. Moreover, this relation was moderated by children’s sex and age for some adjustment dimensions. Perceived parental rejection tended to have a more robust effect on daughters than on sons and on younger children (boys and girls) than on older children. In addition, maternal rejection contributed to a greater extent to the negative self-esteem and the negative self-adequacy of younger children compared to older children. Besides, paternal rejection contributed to a greater extent to the emotional instability and the negative self-adequacy of girls compared to boys. Understanding this relation and its moderators at early stages can help design accurate prevention and intervention programs within a family setting. This knowledge will help professionals focus on specific and suitable adjustment dimensions according to a child’s sex and at an appropriate stage of the developmental process, and help children avoid the development of future negative psychological outcomes.2017-1

    Use of the Therapy App Prescinde for Increasing Adherence to Smoking Cessation Treatment

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    Tobacco use poses major health risks and is a major contributor to causes of death worldwide. Mobile phone-based cessation apps for this substance are gaining popularity, often used as a component of traditional interventions. This study aimed to analyze adherence to an intervention using a mobile phone application (App-therapy Prescinde (v1)) as a function of sociodemographic variables (age, gender, educational level, and profession) as well as the primary activities supported by the app (reducing tobacco or cannabis use and increasing physical exercise). The participants were recruited through the web pages of the Occupational Risk Prevention Service and the Psychology Clinic of the University of Granada during the COVID-19 confinement period. The application’s contents include three components (self-report, motivational phrases, and goal setting). Our findings indicate that being male, being aged between 26 and 62, having a high school education, and being unemployed increase the likelihood of adherence to the Prescinde therapy app three months after usage. Our findings highlight the importance of developing new therapeutic approaches and conducting in-depth studies on the factors associated with adherence to tobacco cessation and cannabis cessation treatments via mobile phone applications.The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of University of Granada (568/CEIH/2018)

    Predictive Value of Serum Antibodies and Point Mutations of AQP4, AQP1 and MOG in A Cohort of Spanish Patients with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders

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    The detection of IgG aquaporin-4 antibodies in the serum of patients with Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) has dramatically improved the diagnosis of this disease and its distinction from multiple sclerosis. Recently, a group of patients have been described who have an NMO spectrum disorder (NMOsd) and who are seronegative for AQP4 antibodies but positive for IgG aquaporin-1 (AQP1) or myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether AQP1 and MOG could be considered new biomarkers of this disease; and if point mutations in the gDNA of AQP4, AQP1 and MOG genes could be associated with the etiology of NMOsd. We evaluated the diagnostic capability of ELISA and cell-based assays (CBA), and analyzed their reliability, specificity, and sensitivity in detecting antibodies against these three proteins. The results showed that both assays can recognize these antigen proteins under appropriate conditions, but only anti-AQP4 antibodies, and not AQP1 or MOG, appears to be a clear biomarker for NMOsd. CBA is the best method for detecting these antibodies; and serum levels of AQP4 antibodies do not correlate with the progression of this disease. So far, the sequencing analysis has not revealed a genetic basis for the etiology of NMOsd, but a more extensive analysis is required before definitive conclusions can be drawn.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadFEDER (Grants PI16/01249 y PI16/00493