68 research outputs found

    Positive Parenting from the Perspective of Luqman Al-Hakim

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    Purpose–This study aims to exlpore more deeply the positive parenting based on QS Luqman verses 13-19, which discusses parenting by Luqman and is made an exemplary role model of "positive parenting" by Allah SWT. It is so that parenting is created oriented towards the Qur'an and does not deviate from the "standard rules" of parenting based on the Qur'an. Hence, it is expected that there will be products for raising children who are illahiyah pious and socially pious. Design/methods/approach–This qualitative research with a content analysis approach explored and discussed the contents of written or printed information in the mass media more deeply. In this case, the researcher searched for articles closely related to parenting issues and about Luqman al-Hakim through Google Scholar. Findings– This study highlights several of Luqman's parenting characteristics that made him intelligent in raising children, i.e., being firm in matters of faith in QS Luqman verses 13 and 17, gentle in speaking in QS Luqman verses 13, 16, and 17, attached to the child (intimacy) in QS Luqman verses 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19, and constantly reminding children to do good in QS Luqman verses 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19. Research implications/limitations–Some of Luqman's parenting styles successfully explored based on QS Luqman, including parenting based on being valued, parenting based on understanding and enlightening, and parenting based on self-control. Originality/value–Research with the theme of positive parenting originated from the verses of the Qur'an about Luqman al-Hakim has not been studied much. Generally, studies only revolve around parenting, ways of educating, and Luqman Hakim's parenting concept. Nevertheless, studies related to positive parenting have not been found. Therefore, research is pure, rich in novelty, and has a positive scientific contribution. &nbsp

    Hukuman dalam perspektif santri dan pendidikan pondok pesantren

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    The purpose of this research is to deepen how the punishment in Islamic boarding schools is carried out, which will be explored about characteristics of the punishments that exist in the three types of Islamic boarding schools: salafiyah, khalafiyah, and combination Islamic boarding schools (between salafiyah and khalafiyah boarding school). The method that used in this research is a content analysis approach, where the researcher will explore the content and the meaning of punishments that exist in three types of Islamic boarding school. Researchers will trace the results of previous research (essay, theses, dissertations, or research journals) that related to existing punishment in salafiyah, khalafiyah, and combination Islamic boarding schools. The analysis contains two results. First, the punishment imposed in the three Islamic boarding schools are following the types of delinquency carried out by the students, be it minor, moderate, or severe delinquency, and each has various forms of punishment. The second result is, two types of punishment exist in Islamic boarding schools, that is legal punishment and illegal punishment. Legal punishment is an official punishment from the Islamic boarding schools, while illegal punishment is an illegal punishment from the Islamic boarding schools which is carried out by seniors to weak juniors because of revenge, dislike, and hatred. AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memperdalam bagaimana pelaksanaan hukuman yang ada di pesantren, yang nantinya ditelusuri tentang karakteristik dari hukuman–hukuman yang ada di tiga tipe pesantren; yakni pesantren salafiyah, khalafiyah dan kombinasi (antara pesantren salafiyah dan khalafiyah). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan content analysis, di mana peneliti akan menelusuri isi dan kebermaknaan dari hukuman yang ada di tiga jenis pesantren. Peneliti akan menelusuri isi dari hasil-hasil penelitian sebelumnya (baik skripsi, tesis, disertasi ataupun jurnal penelitian) terkait dengan hukuman yang ada di pesantren salafiyah, khalafiyah dan kombinasi. Ada dua hal yang menjadi dua temuan penelitian. Pertama, hukuman yang diberlakukan di tiga pesantren menyesuaikan dengan jenis kenakalan-kenakalan yang dilakukan santri; kenakalan santri jenis ringan, sedang dan berat, dan masing-masing beragam bentuk hukumannya. Temuan kedua, ada dua jenis hukuman yang ada di pesantren yakni hukuman legal dan hukuman ilegal, hukuman legal adalah hukuman resmi dari pesantren, sedangkan hukuman ilegal adalah hukuman tidak resmi dari pesantren yang dilakukan oleh senior kepada yunior yang lemah dengan dasar balas dendam, ketidaksukaan dan kebencian

    Kyai’s Psychological Resilience in the Perspective of Pesantren: Lesson from Indonesia

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    This study focuses on exploring the experiences of the kyai who have founded a pesantren. Founding a pesantren can be interpreted as establishing, raising, and developing a pesantren. These activities, of course, lead to heavy psychological experiences. Although in the end, the kyai still did not step down from the struggle for the pesantren, whatever the challenges and obstacles they faced, their existence in developing resilience was increasingly strengthened. This study is field research using descriptive qualitative. The phenomenological approach is used in this study, which is an approach that pays more attention to the subjective experience of the individual. The setting of this study is the Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Ma'ruf Pesantren in Kediri, East Java. The primary informant is Kyai Ahmad Fauzan Pujianto as the pesantren’s founder, developer, and caregiver. He has experienced firsthand the events during his time with the pesantren. The results of the study showed several findings, including the types of obstacles to the kyai, among others, receiving death threats, burned down residence, the access road to the house was closed, the recitation study was disbanded, receiving messages of witchcraft (santet), prejudice, and hate speech. The basic principles of the kyai’s resilience in facing these obstacles are as follows: it is mandatory to have the will and ability to annul all personal weaknesses, being free from mental blocking and toxic thoughts, self-function with an accuracy of view, and focusing on self-strength as a human being who is given the potential to develop. The kyai themselves have skills in developing their self-resilience, i.e., by learning ABCS, avoiding thinking traps, detecting icebergs, challenging beliefs, putting in perspective, calming, and focusing. Several factors affect the quality of the kyai’s resilience, including emotion regulation, impulse control, reaching out, a causal analysis. The benefits of this study are as a role model and as a form of self-preparation for (prospective) kyai to strengthen their mentality and self-resilience in facing any form of “tests and obstacles” when establishing, raising, and developing pesantren

    Humility Education for Santri Through Learning "Kitab Akhlakul Banin" at Islamic Boarding Schools

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    This research observes, explores, and discovers how Islamic boarding schools educate and teach the science of humility (tawadlu') to their santri (students). Through this research, the researcher also digs deeper into wasilah, or the tools used to educate and teach humility to the santri. This research approach was descriptive-analytical, in which it did not only look at the processes involved in Islamic boarding schools and analyzed more deeply, resulting in positive findings beneficial to the academic world. The research location was at the Al-Kamal Tambaksari Islamic Boarding School, Kuwarasan, Kebumen, with the primary informants being the Board of Directors of the Islamic Boarding School, the Head of the Madrasah Diniyah, the Deputy Head of the Kesantrian Curriculum, and the ustadz (teacher) of the teaching division at the Islamic Boarding School. The study results revealed that, first, the habituation of the humility teachings originates from the "Kitab Akhlakul Banin," which is a book about how to have positive morals and ethics, and the book also guides santri to have healthy personalities. Second, the teachings of the "Kitab Akhlakul Banin" are not only at the conceptual level but have also reached the applicative level, i.e., the santri have traditionally taught the humility teachings in their daily lives based on the book. Third, with the strengthening of exemplary in the humility aspect, all stakeholders always exemplify the humility teachings to the santri, not only the kyai but the leaders also exemplify it


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam kenakalan-kenakalan apa saja yang terjadi di pesantren, dan hasil penemuan penelitian dapat mengklasifikasikan jenis-jenis kenakalan remaja kaum santri di pesantren. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kenakalan remaja terjadi di manapun dan dalam situasi apapun, termasuk di ranah pesantren. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku-perilaku santri terkadang nganeh-nganehi dan bisa dikatakan menyimpang dari aturan kepesantrenan. Hal yang demikian adalah fakta dan nyata. Oleh karena itu, dalam hal ini peneliti berupaya untuk menelaah lebih dalam lagi perihal kenakalan-kenakalan remaja santri yang terjadi di pesantren. Tujuan dari literatur dan sifat dari penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan eksploratif yang mengkaji secara mendalam untuk menemukan hal-hal baru, yang kaitannya dengan kenakalan remaja kaum santri di pesantren. Sedangkan analisisnya menggunakan studi content analysis yakni penelitian yang bersifat pembahasan mendalam terhadap isi suatu infomasi tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab kenakalan-kenakalan remaja santri antara lain dilihat dari individu santri, lingkungan pesantren dan lingkungan relationship antar santri. Adapun tingkatan kenakalan remaja santri terbagi menjadi tiga yakni kenakalan tingkat bawah, sedang dan tinggi. Sedangkan penanganan yang dilakukan pesantren untuk mengatasi kenakalan remaja santri menggunakan pendekatan antara lain pendekatan hati ke hati (touching heart), pendekatan spiritual-religius, sampai pada pendekatan yang berbasis kedisiplinan yang sifatnya tegas sesuai aturan yang berlaku


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    ABSTRAKSalah satu hal yang merugikan dan menjadi momok menakutkan serta mencemaskan bagi para orang tua adalah pengaruh rokok dan perilaku merokok dalam kehidupan anak dan remaja. Pengaruh rokok dan perilaku merokok ini memiliki efek mencandukan yang menjadikan rusaknya perilaku dan moralitasnya anak-anak jika tidak segera ditangani dengan baik. Pengaruh rokok dan perilaku merokok bahkan tidak hanya pada zona sekolah non pesantren, bahkan di kalangan pesantren pun rokok sudah menjadi tradisi dan budaya, terutama pada pesantren salafiyah. Oleh karenanya upaya-upaya pencegahan dan peminimalisiran perilaku merokok di pesantren salafiyah  harus diberdayakan di pesantren Salafiyah  sejak dini, dengan didakannya program-program kegiatan berbasis pendidikan, dan pencegahan pengaruh maupun perilaku “ngrokok” alias “Ngudud”. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk memberikan penyadaran kepada para santri mengenai dampak dan pengaruh dari perilaku merokok. Program dilaksanakan di Pesantren Salafiyah Fathul Ulum Gandusari Kuwarasan Kebumen, dimana mempunyai sekitar 100 santri yang rata-rata belum pernah mendapatkan edukasi tentang kesadaran untuk tidak merokok.  Di samping itu di Pondok  ini juga belum marak dan dibudayakan kegiatan  pencegahan tentang bahaya rokok. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah metode sosialisasi, penyuluhan dan pendekatan yang diselaraskan dengan santri yaitu menggunakan pendekatan berbagi pengalaman. Metode tersebut dikemas dalam program seminar dan lomba poster. Diadakannya program pendidikan sadar diri di pesantren Salafiyah Fathul Ulum Gandusari menjadikan para santri lebih sadar akan dampak dari perilaku merokok dan terbebas dari perilaku merokok yang mengarah pada kecanduan rokok. Kata kunci: merokok; kecanduan; pendidikan sadar diri; pesantren ABSTRACTOne of the things that is detrimental and becomes a frightening and worrying specter for parents is the influence of smoking and smoking behavior in the lives of children and adolescents. The influence of smoking and smoking behavior has an addictive effect that can damage children's behavior and morality if not handled it properly. The influence of smoking and smoking behavior is not even only in the boarding school, even among Islamic boarding schools smoking has become a tradition and culture, especially in salafiyah boarding schools. Therefore, efforts to prevent and minimize smoking behavior in Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools must be empowered in Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools from an early age, with education-based activity programs, and prevention of the influence and behavior of "smoking" aka "Ngudud". The purpose of this program is to provide awareness to the students about the impact and influence of smoking behavior. The program was implemented at the Salafiyah Fathul Ulum Gandusari Kuwarasan Kebumen Islamic Boarding School, which has about 100 students who on average have never received education about awareness not to smoke. In addition, this cottage is not yet widespread and prevention activities about the dangers of smoking are cultivated. The method used in this program is the method of socialization, counseling and an approach that is aligned with the students, namely using an experience-sharing approach. The method is packaged in a seminar program and poster competition. The holding of self-awareness education programs at the Salafiyah Fathul Ulum Gandusari Islamic boarding school made the students more aware of the impact of smoking behavior and free from smoking behavior that leads to cigarette addiction. Keywords: smoking; addicted; self awareness education; boarding schol

    Compassion Education in Guarding Children's Psychological Development in Orphanages

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of compassion-based education on the psychological development of children in orphanages. This research uses a type of field study research with a qualitative approach. This research was located at the Putri 'Aisyiah Orphanage Yogyakarta. Research data were obtained from observations, interviews, and required documents with 3 informants, namely the management of the panti, the foster parents, and musrifah. The collection of research data was carried out In the first stage, the selection of the location of the orphanage and the identification of the main participants, caretakers, foster parents, and musrifah. Data collection was conducted through three main methods: in-depth interviews, observation, and analysis of documents such as caregiver diaries and child development reports. The next stage is the data coding process, where the collected data is transcribed and encoded thematically. Each data segment is categorized based on indicators of compassion, such as emotional attention, psychological support, positive interactions, and fulfillment of basic needs. Next, thematic analysis is conducted to find patterns and relationships between themes. These findings were verified through data triangulation by comparing results from interviews, observations, and document analysis. This process ensures consistency and increases the validity of findings at the final stage, interpretation, and conclusion. The thematic analysis results were interpreted to assess the effectiveness of compassion education in orphanages. The conclusion shows that children who still struggle to obey the rules and daily activities in the orphanage have successfully implemented compassion education. There needs to be a more comprehensive understanding of foster parents so that children in orphanages can grow up psychologically healthy


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    ABSTRAKVirus game online menjadi salah satu momok yang menakutkan bagi para orang tua. Virus ini memiliki pengaruh yang menjadikan anak-anak kecanduan dimana hal tersebut mengarah pada fase merusak dan menenggelamkan masa depan anak. Oleh karenanya upaya-upaya pencegahan dan peminimalisiran perilaku candu game online harus diberdayakan sejak dini, dengan diadakannya program-program kegiatan berbasis pendidikan dan pencegahan virus game online. Program kemitraan masyarakat dilaksanakan di madrasah ibtidaiyah dikarenakan  pencegahan dan pemahaman sejak dini kepada para peserta didik di level dasar akan semakin baik. Pengabdian Kemitraan Masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan sadar dini terkait adanya virus game online dilaksanakan di madrasah Ibtidaiyah Madureso, Kecamatan Kuwarasan Kabupaten Kebumen.. Pengabdian tersebut berupa: Pertama,Sosialisasi kepada para guru/asatidz terkait pendidikan sadar virus game online yang berjumlah 25 orang. Kedua,  memberi penyadaran dan pemahaman tentang virus game online dengan mendongeng  kepada siswa kelas IV sampai kelas VI. Ketiga, mengadakan lomba poster bertemakan  bebas virus game online bagi para peserta didik dan  Keempat, membuat slogan-slogan anti virus game online bagi para peserta didik. Harapannya, dengan adanya pengabdian kemitraan masyarakat ini, Ibtidaiyah Madureso Kecamatan Kuwarasan, Kabupaten  Kebumen akan benar-benar terbebas dari perilaku siswa didik yang mengarah pada kecanduan game online. Kata kunci: game online; pengabdian kemitraan masyarakat; madrasah ibtidaiyah muhammadiyah         madureso kuwarasan kebumen ABSTRACTOnline game viruses have become a frightening specter for parents. This virus has an effect that makes children addicted which leads to a destructive phase and drowns out the child's future. Efforts to prevent and minimize the addictive behavior of online games must be empowered from early stage, with the implementation of educational-based activity programs and online game virus prevention. The community partnership program is implemented in madrasah ibtidaiyah because early prevention and understanding of students at the basic level will be better. Community Partnership Services related to early awareness education related to online game viruses were carried out at Madureso Ibtidaiyah madrasah, Kuwarasan District, Kebumen Regency. The dedication is: First, socialization to teachers or asatidz related to online game virus awareness education, amounting to 25 people, Second is providing awareness and understanding of online game viruses by storytelling to grade IV to grade VI students. Third is holding a virus-free online game themed poster competition for students and fourth, making anti-virus online game slogans for students. The hope is, with this community service dedication, Ibtidaiyah Madureso, Kuwarasan District, Kebumen Regency will be completely free from student behavior that leads from online game addiction. Keywords: online game; community partnership dedication; madrasah ibtidaiyah muhammadiyah madureso kuwarasan kebume

    Solving Juvenile Delinquency with Death Education Model

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    This study discusses how to deal with juvenile delinquency in students in different ways, namely in a more spiritual way, rich in self-affection and mental enlightenment. The purpose of implementing this death education model is to bring naughty students to change for the better. The research subjects were troublesome students at SMK N 1 Mataram. In this case, 10 students followed this death education technique. This research was an applied research using the Research Development (RD) method. This study resulted in findings of the motivation for implementing death education, applying the death education model, and the death education model's advantages. There were weaknesses in the death education model. They are: (a) not all BK and PAI teachers can bring their students to a mental and spiritual phase, (b) it takes a lot of time because at least one week per phase, and there is no counseling phase (c) it cannot be applied to students below the SMK level

    Internalisasi Nilai Gender melalui Dolanan Anak Tradisional

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    Dolanan anak atau permainan tradisional anak sejatinya merupakan media yang mengandung nilai-nilai kesetaraan gender yang tinggi, di antaranya nilai equality value, cooperation value, recoqnition value, tolerance value, dan justice value. Nilainilai kesetaraan tersebut idealnya mulai diberikan sejak masa anak-anak. Ada tiga tahapan proses internalisasi nilai-nilai kesetaraan gender dalam dolanan anak, yakni Pertama, tahapan transformasi nilai yang merupakan tahapan penyampaian informasi yang baik. Kedua, tahapan transaksi nilai yang merupakan tahapan pendidikan nilai, dan ketiga, tahapan transinternalisasi yakni tahapan aplikatif dalam kegiatan sehari-hari
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