78 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji perbedaan persepsi akuntan pendidik dan mahasiswa akuntansi terhadap kode etik Indonesia, serta mengungkap kecukupan muatan etika dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi akuntansi berdasarkan pendapat mereka. Populasi dalam penelitian ini meliputi akuntan pendidik dan mahasiswa akuntansi di Surakarta, dimana sampel diambil dari dua Perguruan tinggi di Surakarta yang terdaftar dalam Kopertis wilayah VI dan menyelenggaran program S1 Akuntansi. Analisis didasarkan pada data dari 90 responden penelitian yang pengumpulannya melalui kuesioner. Uji yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah Independet Samples T-test. Uji validitas menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson’s Correlation Product Momment, normalitas data menggunakan One Sample Kolmogorof Smirnov serta pengujian homogenitas antar varian menggunakan Levene’s Test. Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap muatan etika dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi akuntansi, peneliti menemukan bahwa kurikulum pendidikan tinggi akuntansi belum cukup mampu memberikan bekal etika kepada mahasiswa untuk terjun di dunia kerja, walaupun beberapa mata kuliah yang diajarkan telah mencakup muatan etika. Responden mengusulkan untuk memperluas cakupan muatan etika dalam kurikulum akuntansi dengan mengintegrasikan ke mata kuliah tertentu dan mengintegrasikan ke semua mata kuliah yang diajarkan


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    The paper entitles “The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle Game towards Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery”. The aims of this research are to find out the effectiveness of crossword puzzles game in improving students’ vocabulary mastery and also to know the students’ response by using crossword puzzles game at the second grade of SMP Muara Madani. The research method is a pre-experimental using 23 students as sample from 100 students of population. To obtain the data, the writer used pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The sample are given the pre-test before the treatment is given to them. The post-test and the questionnaire are given in order to find out the improvement of the sample after the treatment using crossword puzzles game. The data result of the test is analysed by using t-test. The finding of this research shows that crossword puzzle game is effective for improving students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the t-observed is higher that t-table (3.07 > 2.069) at p = 0.5. That means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Other than that, from the questionnaire data result crossword puzzles game also get the positive response from the participant. Thus, crossword puzzle game can improve the students not only their vocabulary mastery, but also can help students in learning vocabulary, suitable to be applied in the classroom, make the students happy and also can make the students exited while the students learning English vocabulary mastery


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    Creativity has a very important role in the lives of children. Through kerativitas, children can be creative in accordance with the talent or ability, the child can solve a problem and can improve the quality of life in the future. Therefore, stimulation is needed that can develop the creativity of children, one of them through mengguanaan media playdough. In early childhood creativity has not developed well, early childhood has not been smooth in expressing idea idea idea. The purpose of this assessment is to describe the level of early childhood creativity by applying playdough media, differences in early childhood creativity levels before and after applying media playdough. Methods used in this study are classroom action research methods (PTK). The subjects of this study were children aged 4-5 years kober miftahul falah which amounted to 14 children consisting of 9 women and 5 men. The results of this study indicate a positive impact in improving creativity of children by 25.83% based on evaluation results from cycle I and cycle II.Dengan, it can be concluded that the media playdough provide a significant influence. So that can be recommended for teachers to use media playdough can be used as an alternative to develop creativity in children effectively. For schools to be able to facilitate by providing other learning media that can enhance the creativity of young children


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    The research paper is entitled Teaching Spoken Descriptive by Using Cue Cards : A pre – experimental study done in the second grade of junior high school. This research was carried for implementing cue cards as the teaching media to improve students’ descriptive speaking skill in class VIII F of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung. This research was focused on: (1) finding out the effectiveness of using cue cards in teaching spoken descriptive . (2) finding out the students’ responses toward the use of cue cards in learning spoken descriptive. This research was implemented to 27 students (15 female and 12 male) registered in VIII F class. The pre-experimental design was employed in this research. Pre-test and Post-test as were applied the instruments. In the data analysis, the result of the pre-test and post-test was calculated by using Hatch & Farhady formula. Based on the result of the research indicated the progress of students’ teaching spoken descriptive by using cue cards. Students in this class were not good in speaking performances could be affected by the lack of other English skills. The students made a lot of mistakes in grammar and were lack of vocabulary mastery. As the derived t = ?1.347 does exceed the tabled critical value of t=2.056, at p=05 with df=26 (1.347 < 2.056). The result of the computation is lower than the tabled critical value. Therefore, Ho is retained. This means that there is no significant difference in the students’ score before and after the treatment using cue card. This also means that teaching spoken descriptive by using cue cards to the second grade of MTs Negeri 1 Bandung is not effective. Besides, the writer concludes from the questionnaires that all of students like in learning spoken descriptive by using cue cards. Students were interested in using cue cards and students speaking ability improved by using cue card media. It means the students response toward cue card media is good. So, the writer suggests that cue card is one of a good media for teaching learning process


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    This paper entitled The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Their Translating Indonesian into English Ability. This research is generally aimed to find out the correlation between students’ grammar mastery and their translating Indonesian into English ability done at the seventh semester of English study program of Bale Bandung University in the academic year of 2021. Twenty-eight students were taken as the sample of this research through random sampling technique. This research used grammar test and translation test to know the students’ skill in grammar and translating Indonesian into English as a research instrument. The result was analysed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and showed that the r value is 0.296. Thus, the r value is between 0.200-0.400 and included into the low category. It means that the degree of correlation is low and positive. The value of t observed is 1.436, the critical value t- table is 2.056 at 26 degrees of freedom and 0.05 level significance of two tails, as the value of the t observed is smaller than the value of t-table 1.436<2.056. Based on the data above, the research concludes that the correlation between students’ grammar mastery and their translating Indonesian into English ability done in the seventh semester of English education study program of Bale Bandung University in academic year 2021 is low, positive and not significant. After giving and analysing the result of the instruments, this research finds out that when the students have a minimum level in grammar mastery, it does not mean that they get poor ability in translating Indonesian into English. However, students need to improve their grammar skills because when they translate a text based on its grammar, they will get better results


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    The title of this research paper is “The effectiveness of English Songs To Improve Students In Listening Comprehension”. This research was conducted at SMK Muhammadiyah. Due to pandemic of Covid-19, the research was conducted online by using WhatsApp and Google Classroom. The purposes of this research were to identify the effectiveness of songs in improving students’ listening comprehension and find out the students’ responses toward the use of songs in learning listening. The research applied a pre-experimental research method, then used one group pretest-posttest design to conduct the research. The study then chose 20 students of XI OTKP 4 as the sample for experimental group. The instruments used in this research were pre-test,posttest and questionnaire. The data from pre-test and posttest were analyzed and calculated. According to the result of calculation, the value of t-observer was 5.965,then the freedom was 19 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed test is 2.093. Based on the calculation of t- observed, it was higher than the t-table. In other words, there was a significant different score before and after the treatment. Therefore, the method of the research is effective. Then, the result of questionnaire showed that the students gave positive responses toward the use of songs in learning listening comprehension and they felt enjoyed, pleasant and motivated. They were able to understand the meaning of the songs, but they still needed efforts to get used to. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of songs in learning listening comprehension can give a significant effect to the students. It is effective to make them interested, enjoyed and comfortable in learning listening. By using song, they are not only able to improve listening, but also improve pronunciation and vocabulary mastery


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    Peneliti pada penelitian ini merancang perangkat evaluasi Uji Kompetensi Kejuruan (UKK) untuk kompetensi keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan (TKR). Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya ketidaksesuaian perangkat Uji Kompetensi BSNP dengan kurikulum di SMK, diharapkan melalui penelitian ini dapat dipahami tanggapan pihak sekolah maupun industri mengenai program, pelaksanaan dan perangkat Uji Kompetensi serta menghasilkan dokumen berupa rancangan perangkat evaluasi Uji Kompetensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development dengan tiga tahap yaitu, (1) Tahap studi pendahuluan, (2) Tahap rancangan perangkat, (3) Tahap validasi oleh ahli hingga akhirnya menjadi rancangan perangkat UKK yang sesuai. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah mix methods dengan menggunakan alat pengumpulan data berupa angket, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Angket digunakan untuk mengukur tanggapan pihak SMK dan industri mengenai program UKK, pelaksanaan UKK dan perangkat UKK hasil angket dianalisis menggunakan skala Likert dan hasil validasi model evaluasi kinerja siswa SMK kompetensi keahlian TKR dari para ahli dianalisis dengan menggunakan Content Validity Ratio (CVR). Temuan pada penelitian ini adalah tanggapan asesor internal dan eksternal mengenai pentingnya program Uji Kompetensi bagi siswa SMK, tanggapan tentang pelaksanaan Uji Kompetensi dimana asesor internal maupun eksternal setuju bahwa dalam pelaksanaan Uji Kompetensi di SMK masih belum sesuai dengan standar industri, dan yang ketiga adalah tentang perangkat Uji Kompetensi yang belum dapat mengukur keseluruhan kompetensi siswa SMK. Rancangan perangkat UKK yang telah dirancang peneliti dan divalidasi ahli dinyatakan valid dengan beberapa perbaikan yang dilakukan peneliti sesuai saran dari ahli dan pembimbing untuk dimanfaatkan dalam Ujian Kompetensi Keahlian kompetensi keahlian TKR.;---Researchers in this study designed an evaluation tool for Vocational Competency Test (UKK) for Light Vehicle Engineering expertise (TKR). This research was conducted because of the incompatibility of the BSNP Competency Test device with the curriculum in Vocational High School, it is expected that through this research can be understood the response of the school and industry regarding the program, implementation and Competency Test tools and produce documents in the form of Competency Test evaluation tool design. This research uses Research and Development research method with three stages, namely, (1) preliminary study phase, (2) device design phase, (3) validation phase by the expert until finally the design of the appropriate UKK device. The approach used in this study is mix methods using data collection tools in the form of questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Questionnaire was used to measure the responses of the vocational school and industry regarding the UKK program, the implementation of the UKK and the questionnaire UKK tools were analyzed using a Likert scale and the results of the validation of vocational student performance evaluation models for TKR expertise from experts were analyzed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR). The findings in this study are the responses of internal and external assessors regarding the importance of the Competency Test program for vocational students, responses about the implementation of Competency Test where internal and external assessors agree that the implementation of Competency Test in Vocational Schools is still not in accordance with industry standards, and the third is about the device Competency Test which has not been able to measure the overall competence of vocational students. The design of the UKK device that has been designed by researchers and validated by experts is declared valid with some improvements made by researchers according to the advice of experts and mentors to be utilized in the Competency Skills Test for TKR's expertise competency skills


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    The title of the research paper was “Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Using Picture Series”. This study was conducted on the 25th of July 2022 until 29th of July 2022. The objectives of the study were to find out whether or not the picture series were effectively used for improving students' ability in writing narrative text and to find out what were the students' responses toward the use of picture series. The method that was used in this research was pre-experimental design. There was only one group to be researched. The sample was the tenth grade students of SMA AL QONA’AH that consisted of 20 students. The instruments were a test and questionnaire. The research findings were the value of t- test was higher than the t-table (4.322 > 2.093) so that the Null Hypotheses (Ho) is rejected and the Alternative Hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. Stating that there was significant difference in the result of students' score before and after the treatment using picture series. This means that the use of picture series in improving students' ability in writing narrative text to the tenth grade of SMA AL QONA’AH is effective. Then the researcher found that students like to be taught to write narrative texts using series pictures. This is shown from the results of the questionnaire, students showed good responses and students answered that by using this series of pictures writing narrative texts became more fun, easier, helpful in stringing words, and easy to understand. It can be concluded that the student's response to the use of picture series in improving the ability to write narrative text is good and positive


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    This research paper entitled “The Use of Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Technique in Teaching Writing Recount Text” is intended to find out the effectiveness of STAD technique to improve students writing skill and to investigate the significant of STAD technique comparing to conventional method. The research design in this study was a quasi experimental research that consisted of pre-test and post-test as the treatment. This study took the second grade students of SMP Negeri 04 Pangalengan 2019/2020 academic year that involved 40 students of experimental group and 40 students of control group. After conducting the research and computing the data, the writer concludes that STAD technique is effective in teaching writing recount text. It can be seen from the result of t-observed value. Before the treatments, the t-observed is less than t-table (0.6 < 2.000) the null hypothesis is retained. It means there is no significant difference in writing ability between experimental group and control group before treatments. After the treatment, the t-observed is bigger than t-table (3.92 > 2.000) and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It means there is significance different in the result between experimental group and control group in teaching writing recount text by using STAD technique. This also means that STAD technique is effective in teaching writing recount text to the second grade of Junior High School. From the result of the questionnaire, the writer can conclude that almost all of students like writing, they agree that the use of STAD can be more active, communicative, makes students understand the material better and can improve they ability to work individually or in groups especially in writing recount text. In other words, students get positive responses in teaching writing by using STAD for the second grade of junior high school.Key Words: Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), Recount Tex


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    The research paper is entitled “The Effectiveness of Cubing Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text”. There are two aims in this research; those are to find out whether or not the use of cubing strategy is effective to improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text and to know students’ responses towards the use of cubing strategy for improving students’ ability in writing descriptive text. The population of this research was the first grade students of SMAN 2 Majalaya. The number of the sample was 37 students for experimental group and 37 students for control group. The result of the pre-test showed that the t-test value was 0.012, where t-table at p=0.05 with Df=N1+N2-2=37+37-2=72 at the level of significance 0.05 for two tailed was 1.990. Then the writer could observe that the t observe was lower than t-table (0.012 < 1.990). There was no significant difference between experimental and control group at the beginning of the study or before the treatments were given. The result of post-test showed that the t-test value was 4.322, where t-table at p=0.05 with Df=N1+N2-2=37+37-2=72 at p=0.05 of two tailed, the critical value of t was 1.990, so t-observe was higher than that t-table (4.322 > 1.990). It means that there was significant difference in the result between using cubing as a strategy to improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text and conventional method. The questionnaire was only distributed to the experimental group to find out how the students’ responses toward the use of cubing strategy. The result showed that almost all of students (86.49%) liked and agreed with the use of cubing strategy and it helped them to write descriptive text. It meant that almost all of the students gave the positive responses towards the use of cubing strategy.Keywords: Cubing strategy, writing, descriptive tex
