13 research outputs found

    Narrative Writing in Novel Towards EFL Learning

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    The use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills, reasons for using literary texts in foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers’ using and selecting literary texts. Moreover, literature and the teaching of language skills, benefits of different genres of literature (i.e. poetry, short fiction, drama and novel) to language teaching and some problems encountered by language teachers within the area of teaching English through literature Teaching English as in Writing and other learning requires an example of a scientific language study for teachers to teach the lesson to make it easier for students to understand. Teaching English as in the context of writing and others requires a lesson for better language for learning that is intended to make it easier for students to understand. As in writing, writing a story relating to the work of prose fiction, the novel. The study was carried out by a qualitative approach with inductive model of Mayring content method analysis. The researcher used library research to collect the data. The source of the data was the texts of novel. The data of the research were narrative style in the forms of time, characterization, and focalization.     Keywords: narrative writing, novel, teaching literature, content analysis research

    Penapisan Varietas Padi Toleran Salinitas pada Lahan Rawa di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    The experiment was aimed to determine the most suitable method for selection of salt-tolerant, and to investigate the agronomic characteristics of salt-tolerant rice variety. Two experiments were conducted to study the tolerance of 18 varieties to salt: 1) in situ screening of salt-tolerant varieties using completely randomized design, and 2) screening of salt-tolerant varieties using factorial experiment (varieties and salinity) with completely randomized design. The experiment showed that screening of rice variety that tolerant and sensitive to salt stress can be determined by comparing root dry weights in salt stressed condition and in unstressed condition, and in term of agronomical aspect, salt stress-tolerant rice showed good growth when planted in the saline field

    Narrative Writing in Novel Towards EFL Learning

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    The use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills, reasons for using literary texts in foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers' using and selecting literary texts. Moreover, literature and the teaching of language skills, benefits of different genres of literature (i.e. poetry, short fiction, drama and novel) to language teaching and some problems encountered by language teachers within the area of teaching English through literature Teaching English as in Writing and other learning requires an example of a scientific language study for teachers to teach the lesson to make it easier for students to understand. Teaching English as in the context of writing and others requires a lesson for better language for learning that is intended to make it easier for students to understand. As in writing, writing a story relating to the work of prose fiction, the novel. The study was carried out by a qualitative approach with inductive model of Mayring content method analysis. The researcher used library research to collect the data. The source of the data was the texts of novel. The data of the research were narrative style in the forms of time, characterization, and focalization.     Keywords: narrative writing, novel, teaching literature, content analysis research

    Implikatur Percakapan Dalam Stand Up Comedy 4

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman mendalam mengenai jenis implikatur, sifat implikatur dan maksim kerja sama dalam Stand Up Comedy 4 Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan November 2016 hingga Januari 2017 melalui video rekaman stand up comedy 4. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada implikatur, dengan subfokus jenis implikatur, sifat implikatur, dan maksim kerja sama. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan cara mengumpulkan data, mengolah data, menganalisis data, dan menyajikan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat terdapat dua jenis implikatur yaitu implikatur percakapan dan implikatur konvensional, tiga sifat implikatur, yaitu sifat daya batal, daya pisah, dan daya kalkulabilitas, serta maksim kerja sama, maksim kuantitatif, maksim kualitatif, maksim cara, dan maksim relevansi. Kategori-kategori tersebut tersebar ke dalam beberapa jenis yang memiliki fungsinya masing-masing

    Understanding Natural Approach for Teaching Productive Skills

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    This study is appointed to report the English teacher\u27s understanding of teaching productive skills through Neuro-Linguistics Programming. Neuro-Linguistics Programming as one of the approach in teaching English as a foreign language, with focusing on the brain anatomy, and it can stimulate student\u27s creative thinking, language uses, and motivation. Productive skills are need to be fostered by the students in learning English as a foreign language, because writing, and speaking are the most essential language skills. This research is uses qualitative descriptive method, with triangulation model in doing validity and reliability data. There are some steps applied in this research; Planning, observation, interviews, giving questionnaire, and the last is data analysis. The researcher focuses on the English lecturers who have taught English more than 2 years as subjects of the research. 7 questions in close - ended answer (yes/no answer) are given and 5 questions in short answer interview are implemented to gain the data regarding to lecturer\u27s understanding in NLP concept for teaching productive skills. 23 English Lecturers both male and female are to be the subjects of the research. From the data analysis, the result shows that almost of English lecturers know the NLP approach in teaching language, and they always give brain storming as a part of NLP concepts

    Dakwah Values Reviewed From Social Society Communities in the Novel Bulan Terbelah Di Langit Amerika by Hanum Salsabiela Rais Dan Rangga Almahendra: A Genetic Structuralism Study

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam tentang nilai-nilai dakwah dalam novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika(BTDLA)karya Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan Rangga Almahendra ditinjau dari situasi sosial masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis konten dengan pendekatan struktural genetik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari situasi sosial masyarakat ditemukan pandangan negatif masyarakat terhadap Islam. Hanya dengan melihat pakaian yang memiliki simbol keislaman, seperti gamis atau cadar penutup muka, masyarakat barat langsung menaruh kecurigaan yang tanpa mendasar. Semuanya dipandang sama. Karena itu, umat muslim haruslah memberikan pemahaman yang benar tentang Islam. Seorang muslim haruslah menjadi agen Islam yang baik di tengah masyarakat yang penuh curiga. Cerminan tindakan dan perilaku muslim yang baik merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menjawab keraguan masyarakat Amerika terhadap Islam setelah tragedi 11 September. Hal ini sangat berhubungan dengan nilai-nilai dakwah yang diceritakan dalam novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika karya Hanum Salsabiela Rais dan Rangga Almahendra ini

    The Effect of Learning Strategy and Cognitive Style on Student's Narrative Writing Ability

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    In the class, most of the teacher use a single teaching strategy to students who have different cognitive styles when teaching narrative essays in the class. Therefore, it is necessary to improve teaching strategies in the teaching and learning process. The teaching strategies that fit with the cognitive style of students in order that the learning objective is improved. This paper investigates the effect of learning strategy and cognitive style on student's narrative writing ability. This study was conducted on the VII grade students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ibnu Taimiyah Bogor, West Java. Treatment by level design and two-factorial ANOVA analysis with ? = 0.05 were applied in this experimental study. The sample was 40 students grouped into experiment classes and 40 students was grouped into control classes. There was a different ability in narrative writing in Bahasa Indonesia between students having field independent cognitive style (A1) and students having field dependent cognitive style (A2).  Results of two-way interrow analysis of variance showed that Fcalculated (4.123) was higher than Ftable (3.97) at a significant level  of ? = 0.05