98 research outputs found

    Adapting the behavioral regulation in active commuting to and from school questionnaire in Sweden: BR-ACS(SWE)

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    This work was supported by Vinnova, Sweden innovation agency [grant number 2018-04174]. In addition, Rafael Burgue˜no was partic- ularly supported by a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship (grant number: RR_A_2021_02) from the Spanish Ministry of Universities.Although growing attention has been paid to motivation in explaining active travel to school among young people at the international level, no measures of motivation for active commuting to school (ACS) were found in Sweden. Guided by self-determination theory, this research aimed to adapt the Behavioral Regulation in Active Commuting to and from School (BR-ACS) questionnaire to the Swedish context and test the resulting version’s psychometric properties. The purposive and cross-sectional sample included 273 students (58 % girls, aged 10–12 years) from four Swedish urban schools. Results from confirmatory factor analyses psychometrically supported the six-factor correlated model (intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation, and amotivation) and the hierarchical three-factor model (autonomous, controlled motivation, and amotivation), which were invariant across gender. Latent correlations underpinned a symplex-like pattern. Discriminant and convergent validity and reliability were gathered. Criterion validity evidence was met with positive associations from intrinsic motivation, integrated and identified regulation to ACS, and a negative relationship between amotivation and ACS. The Swedish version of the BR-ACS questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of children’s motivation toward ACS.Vinnova, Sweden innovation agency 2018-04174Spanish Ministry of Universities RR_A_2021_

    Sport Education and Sportsmanship Orientations: An Intervention in High School Students

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    A special thanks to all the students and Physical Education teachers who participated in this research. We would also like to thank Belén Cueto, José Macarro-Moreno and Esther Morales for their recommendations and suggestions in drafting the manuscript.One of the main goals for physical education is to develop the students’ moral and ethical domain, where sportsmanship promotion is considered a key curricular component to tackle the achievement of this goal. This research aims to examine the influence of sport education on sportsmanship orientations in high school students. The participants were 148 (52.70% female; Mage = 17.04, SDage = 0.99) high school students who were randomized into an experimental group (n = 74), which received 16 basketball lessons under sport education conditions, and a control group (n = 74), which received 16 basketball lessons following a traditional teaching approach. Pre-intervention and post-intervention measures on sportsmanship orientations were collected in both groups. A 2 (time: pre-test and post-test) x 2 (group: Sport Education and Traditional Teaching) multivariate analysis of variance test was performed on the five sportsmanship orientations. The results showed, for time x group interactions, the absence of significant multivariate effects in the level of the five sportsmanship orientations among both groups at pre-test (Pillai’s trace = 0.06, p = 0.145). At post-test, significant multivariate effects were found in the level of each sportsmanship orientation between both groups in favor of the Sport Education group (Pillai’s trace = 0.38, p < 0.001). Furthermore, regarding within-group pre-test to post-test differences, while there were nonsignificant multivariate effects (Pillai’s trace = 0.03, p = 0.469) for the Traditional Teaching group; significant multivariate effects (Pillai’s trace = 0.43, p < 0.001) were found for the Sport Education group, showing an increase in the level of respect for social conventions, respect for rules and referees, and full commitment and respect for opponents. There were also nonsignificant effects across gender (inter-group analysis: Pillai’s trace = 0.08, p = 0.068; time x gender interaction: Pillai’s trace = 0.03, p = 0.497) and after-school sports (inter-group analysis: Pillai’s trace = 0.02, p = 0.776; time x after-school interaction: Pillai’s trace = 0.01, p = 0.981). In conclusion, sport education is an effective pedagogical model to be taken into consideration by physical education teachers in order to optimally promote the high school student’s moral and ethical education via the development of sportsmanship orientations in the context of school physical education.This research was funded by the Junta de Andalucía, PIV: 043/08

    Quality physical education at home for children: a curricular implementation proposal in primary school

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    El objetivo de este estudio era ofrecer una propuesta didáctica que, basada en el currículum de educación física de educación primaria, contribuyera a la práctica de actividad física en casa por parte de los niños. De este modo, esta propuesta se fundamenta en un enfoque competencial, incluyendo tanto tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como el establecimiento de retos, con la finalidad de abordar cada una de las cinco acciones motrices contempladas en el currículum de educación física en esta etapa educativa. La evaluación se plantea mediante una serie de instrumentos (rúbrica, diario, cuaderno del estudiante, hoja de observación y cuestionario) que permitan determinar el grado de consecución de los criterios de evaluación. De cualquier manera, esta propuesta abre nuevas vías para que el profesorado de educación física desarrolle otras propuestas didácticas que faciliten no sólo seguir con las clases de educación física, sino también la realización de actividad física en casa por parte de los niños.The objective of this study was to display a didactic proposal that, grounded in Primary School Physical Education Curriculum, would contribute to children’s physical activity at their home. Thus, this proposal is based on a competence approach that considers the use both of communication and information technologies and challenges, in order to address each of the five motor actions included in Physical Education curriculum for this educational stage. Assessment is raised through a set of instruments (rubric, daily, student’s handbook, observation sheet and questionnaire) that allow us to determine the degree of achievement of each assessment criterion and standard. Anyway, this proposal provides new avenues for Physical Education teachers to develop other didactic proposals that facilitate not only the Physical Education classes, but also children’s physical activity at their home

    ¿Los climas (des)empoderadores creados por el formador del profesorado se asocian por igual con las experiencias motivacionales del profesorado en formación inicial de educación física y lengua extranjera?

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    Guided by self-determination theory, the objective of the present research was to examine the differences between physical education (PE) and foreign language (FL) pre-service teachers in terms of the associations between perceived educator-created (dis)empowering climates and need-based experiences and motivation. A convenience sample of 246 PE and 208 FL pre-service teachers (57.08% women, Mage=24.92, SD=4.07) participated in this cross-sectional research. All the participants came from eight Andalusian public universities: Almería (19.8%), Cádiz (5.7%), Córdoba (3.7%), Granada (32.2%), Huelva (3.5%), Jaén (4.8%), Málaga (16.1%) and Sevilla (14.1%). The participants completed the following scales: the Educator-Created Empowering and Disempowering Climate Questionnaire, the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale, the Psychological Needs Thwarting Scale, and the Academic Motivation Scale. The results showed that PE pre-service teachers scored significantly higher than FL pre-service teachers in disempowering climate, need satisfaction and amotivation. The results from the multi-group path analysis revealed that, overall, empowering and disempowering climates were differentially associated with the motivational outcomes between the PE and FL pre-service teachers. More specifically, FL pre-service teachers had slightly higher associations between empowering climates and need satisfaction, and between disempowering climates and need frustration. Conclusions: the findings underscore the importance not only of teacher educators creating empowering climates. FUNDING INFORMATION. “This research was financed by the Andalusian Research, Development, and Innovation Plan (PAIDI 2020) of the Andalusian Regional Government: grant number P20_00148”; research project (I+D+i) entitled &amp;quot;Is the empowering-disempowering motivational climate that undergraduate students perceive related to their intention of becoming a teacher?Basado en la teoría de la auto-determinación, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las diferencias en las asociaciones del clima (des)empoderador creado por el formador con la satisfacción y frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la calidad de la motivación entre el profesorado en formación inicial de educación física (EF) y de lengua extranjera (LE). En este estudio trasversal, participó una muestra de conveniencia de 246 docentes de formación inicial de EF y 208 de LE (57,08%mujeres, Medad=24,92, SD=4,07). Los participantes pertenecían a ocho universidades públicas andaluzas: Almería (19.8%), Cádiz (5.7%), Córdoba (3.7%), Granada (32.2%), Huelva (3.5%), Jaén (4.8%), Málaga (16.1%) and Sevilla (14.1%). Cada participante completó las siguientes escalas: el Educator-Created Empowering and Disempowering Climate Questionnaire, la Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale, la Psychological Needs Thwarting Scale, y la Escala de Motivación Académica. Los resultados mostraron que el profesorado en formación inicial de EF obtuvo valores medio significativamente superiores que el profesorado en formación inicial de LE en el clima desempoderador, satisfacción de las necesidades y desmotivación.&nbsp

    Los climas (des)empoderadores creados por el formador del profesorado se asocian por igual con las experiencias motivacionales del profesorado en formación inicial de educación física y lengua extranjera

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    “This research was financed by the Andalusian Research, Development, and Innovation Plan (PAIDI 2020) of the Andalusian Regional Government: grant number P20_00148”; research project (I+D+i) entitled “Is the empowering-disempowering motivational climate that undergraduate students perceive related to their intention of becoming a teacher?Guided by self-determination theory, the objective of the present research was to examine the differences between physical education (PE) and foreign language (FL) pre-service teachers in terms of the associations between perceived educator-created (dis) empowering climates and need-based experiences and motivation. A convenience sample of 246 PE and 208 FL pre-service teachers (57.08% women, Mage =24.92, SD=4.07) participated in this cross-sectional research. All the participants came from eight Andalusian public universities: Almería (19.8%), Cádiz (5.7%), Córdoba (3.7%), Granada (32.2%), Huelva (3.5%), Jaén (4.8%), Málaga (16.1%) and Sevilla (14.1%). The participants completed the following scales: the Educator-Created Empowering and Disempowering Climate Questionnaire, the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale, the Psychological Needs Thwarting Scale, and the Academic Motivation Scale. The results showed that PE pre-service teachers scored significantly higher than FL pre-service teachers in disempowering climate, need satisfaction and amotivation. The results from the multi-group path analysis revealed that, overall, empowering and disempowering climates were differentially associated with the motivational outcomes between the PE and FL pre-service teachers. More specifically, FL pre-service teachers had slightly higher associations between empowering climates and need satisfaction, and between disempowering climates and need frustration. PE pre-service teachers, on the other hand, had slightly stronger relationships between need satisfaction and controlled motivation and autonomous motivation, as well as between need frustration and amotivation. Conclusions: the findings underscore the importance not only of teacher educators creating empowering climates, but also of avoiding disempowering climates so as to promote adaptive motivational processes in both groups of student teachers.Basado en la teoría de la auto-determinación, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las diferencias en las asociaciones del clima (des)empoderador creado por el formador con la satisfacción y frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la calidad de la motivación entre el profesorado en formación inicial de educación física (EF) y de lengua extranjera (LE). En este estudio trasversal, participó una muestra de conveniencia de 246 docentes de formación inicial de EF y 208 de LE (57,08%mujeres, Medad =24,92, SD=4,07). Los participantes pertenecían a ocho universidades públicas andaluzas: Almería (19.8%), Cádiz (5.7%), Córdoba (3.7%), Granada (32.2%), Huelva (3.5%), Jaén (4.8%), Málaga (16.1%) and Sevilla (14.1%). Cada participante completó las siguientes escalas: el Educator-Created Empowering and Disempowering Climate Questionnaire, la Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale, la Psychological Needs Thwarting Scale, y la Escala de Motivación Académica. Los resultados mostraron que el profesorado en formación inicial de EF obtuvo valores medio significativamente superiores que el profesorado en formación inicial de LE en el clima desempoderador, satisfacción de las necesidades y desmotivación. Los resultados del análisis de senderos multi-grupo relevaron en líneas generales que el clima empoderadores y desempowerador se asociaron de manera diferente con las variables motivacionales en profesorado en formación inicial de EF y de LE. Concretamente, el profesorado en formación inicial de LE mostró asociaciones ligeramente mayores del clima empoderamiento con la satisfacción de las necesidades y, del clima desempoderamiento con la frustración de las necesidades y la desmotivación. En cambio, el profesorado en formación inicial de EF obtuvo a mayor relación entre la satisfacción de las necesidades y la motivación controlada, entre la satisfacción de las necesidades y la motivación autónoma y, entre la frustración de las necesidades y la desmotivación. Como conclusiones, nuestros hallazgos destacan la importancia no sólo de crear climas empoderadores por parte del formador del profesorado, sino también de evitar los climas desempoderadores para promocionar los procesos motivacionales adaptativos en ambos grupos de estudiantes a profesorado.Andalusian Regional Government P20_0014

    Physical comparision and social physique anxiety: gender differences

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    La importancia de trabajar la autoestima y el desarrollo de una imagen corporal positiva se vislumbra con gran interés desde edades tempranas, debido a las consecuencias desadaptativas derivadas. El objetivo primario de este estudio fue analizar las posibles diferencias entre géneros en cuanto a la comparación hacia la apariencia física y la ansiedad física. Un segundo objetivo pretendió analizar la relación predictiva de la comparación hacia la apariencia física (hacia arriba y hacia abajo) sobre la ansiedad físico social. Participaron 347 universitarios (188 hombres y 159 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 24 años (Medad = 20.42; DTedad = 1.54). Los resultados derivados de la prueba t de estudiante mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en comparación hacia arriba, comparación hacia abajo y ansiedad físico social a favor de la mujer. Los resultados emergidos del análisis de regresión lineal reflejaron que tanto la comparación hacia arriba como la comparación hacia abajo predijeron la ansiedad físico social, después de controlar el modelo por el género. Como conclusión, este estudio subraya que una excesivamente comparación hacia la apariencia física podría conducir a la ansiedad físico social tanto en hombres como en mujeres.The importance of working on self-esteem y the development of a positive body image is glimpsed with a great interest from an early age, due to the maladaptive consequences derived from them. The primary objective of this research was to analyze the possible difference among gender in appearance comparison y social physique anxiety. The secondary objective aimed to analyzing the predictive relationship of physical (upward y downward) appearance comparison on social physique anxiety. There were 347 university students (188 men y 159 women), aged between 18 y 24 (Mage = 20.42; SDage = 1.54). The results derived from the t-Student tests showed statistically significant difference in upward comparison, downward comparison y social physique anxiety in favor of women. The results emerged from the linear regression analysis reflected that both upward comparison y downward comparison predicted social physical anxiety positively y significantly, after controlling the model for gender. In its conclusion, this research underlines that an excessive body-image comparison may lead to social physique anxiety in men y women

    INFLUENCIA DE UNA TEMPORADA DE EDUCACIÓN DEPORTIVA SOBRE LAS ESTRATEGIAS MOTIVACIONALES EN ALUMNADO DE BACHILLERATO: UNA VISIÓN DESDE LA TEORÍA DE LA AUTO-DETERMINACIÓN [Influence of a Sport Education season on motivational strategies in High School students: A Self-Determination Theory-based perspective]

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    Resumen A partir de la Teoría de la Auto-Determinación, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la influencia de la Educación Deportiva sobre las estrategias motivacionales docentes en alumnado de bachillerato en clase de Educación Física. Los participantes fueron 44 estudiantes (22 hombres y 22 mujeres; Medad = 16.32, DT = 0.57) de bachillerato. El diseño fue un estudio cuasi-experimental con medidas pre- y post-test y comparaciones intra- e inter-grupo. El programa de intervención consistió en 12 sesiones de baloncesto tanto para el grupo experimental que desarrolló la Educación Deportiva como para el grupo control que desarrolló una enseñanza tradicional. Los resultados reflejaron que la Educación Deportiva mejoró significativamente el apoyo a la autonomía y la estructura tanto en el análisis inter-grupo como intra-grupo. No obstante, no hubo diferencias significativas para la implicación ni en el análisis inter-grupo ni en el análisis intra-grupo. Como conclusión, la Educación Deportiva representa un modelo basado en la práctica que favorece el desarrollo de la percepción de autonomía y de estructura durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje deportiva en el contexto escolar, lo que podría suscitar el interés del alumnado de bachillerato por la práctica deportiva regular en el tiempo libre. Abstract From Self-Determination Theory, the present research aimed to examine the influence of Sport Education on teacher motivational strategies in High School students in Physical Education class. The participants were 44 High School students (22 men and 22 women, Mage = 16.32, SD = 0.57). The design was a quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-test measures and intra- and -inter-group analysis. The intervention program consisted of 12 sessions of basketball both for the experimental group that developed Sport Education and for control group that developed a traditional teaching. The results reflected that Sport Education improved significantly autonomy support and structure both in the inter-group analysis and the intra-group analysis. However, there were no significant differences in involvement neither the inter-group analysis nor the intra-group. In its conclusion, Sport Education represents a model-based practice that fosters the development of the autonomy support and structure perception during the sport teaching-learning process in the school setting, which might arouse the High School student's interest for regular sport in the free time

    Students’ need satisfaction and frustration profiles: Differences in outcomes in physical education and physical activity-related variables

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    Grounded in self-determination theory, the objectives of the present research were to identify latent profiles based on need-based experiences in physical education (PE), and to examine differences in outcomes in PE (i.e. motivation, experiences, and oppositional defiance) and outside of PE (i.e. physical activity intention, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, and meeting physical activity recommendations) across the identified profiles. A purposive sample of 1062 secondary PE students (526 boys and 536 girls; Mage  = 14.15, SD = 1.51) participated in this cross-sectional study. Results from latent profile analysis revealed four need satisfaction and frustration profiles: “high need satisfaction–low need frustration”; “moderate need satisfaction–low need frustration”; “moderate need satisfaction–moderate need frustration”; and “low need satisfaction–high need frustration.” For outcomes in PE, the “high need satisfaction–low need frustration” profile was the most adaptive, while the “low need satisfaction–high need frustration” profile obtained the most maladaptive pattern of outcomes. The “moderate need satisfaction–low need frustration” profile was more adaptive than the “moderate need satisfaction–moderate need frustration” profile, although both were similar in experiences and oppositional defiance. For outcomes outside of PE, the “high need satisfaction–low need frustration” profile scored highest, while no differences were obtained among the three remaining profiles. These results provide further insight into the importance for PE teachers not only to support students’ need satisfaction, but also to minimize need frustration, in obtaining the most optimal pattern of outcomes in PE, as well as a more active lifestyle among students

    Psychometry of the Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Physical Education With Spanish Secondary School Students

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    This research aimed to adapt and psychometrically examine the Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Physical Education in the Spanish context. The participants were 560 (264 men and 296 women; Mage = 14.49, SDage = 1.05) physical education secondary school students. The results underpinned a 15-item three-factor correlated model, which was invariant across gender and age. The reliability analysis reflected an acceptable level of internal consistency and temporal stability for each factor. The structural equation modeling showed that perceived cognitive, procedural, and organizational autonomy support predicted positively and significantly basic psychological need satisfaction. The Multidimensional Perceived Autonomy Support Scale in Physical Education is a valid and reliable instrument to multidimensionally measure the secondary school students’ perception of autonomy support from physical education teachers in the Spanish context

    Influence of a Sport Education season on motivational strategies in High School students: A Self-Determination Theory-based perspective

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    A partir de la Teoría de la Auto-Determinación, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la influencia de la Educación Deportiva sobre las estrategias motivacionales docentes en alumnado de bachillerato en clase de Educación Física. Los participantes fueron 44 estudiantes (22 hombres y 22 mujeres; Medad = 16.32, DT = 0.57) de bachillerato. El diseño fue un estudio cuasi-experimental con medidas pre- y post-test y comparaciones intra- e inter-grupo. El programa de intervención consistió en 12 sesiones de baloncesto tanto para el grupo experimental que desarrolló la Educación Deportiva como para el grupo control que desarrolló una enseñanza tradicional. Los resultados reflejaron que la Educación Deportiva mejoró significativamente el apoyo a la autonomía y la estructura tanto en el análisis inter-grupo como intra-grupo. No obstante, no hubo diferencias significativas para la implicación ni en el análisis inter-grupo ni en el análisis intra-grupo. Como conclusión, la Educación Deportiva representa un modelo basado en la práctica que favorece el desarrollo de la percepción de autonomía y de estructura durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje deportiva en el contexto escolar, lo que podría suscitar el interés del alumnado de bachillerato por la práctica deportiva regular en el tiempo libre.From Self-Determination Theory, the present research aimed to examine the influence of Sport Education on teacher motivational strategies in High School students in Physical Education class. The participants were 44 High School students (22 men and 22 women, Mage = 16.32, SD = 0.57). The design was a quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-test measures and intra- and -inter-group analysis. The intervention program consisted of 12 sessions of basketball both for the experimental group that developed Sport Education and for control group that developed a traditional teaching. The results reflected that Sport Education improved significantly autonomy support and structure both in the inter-group analysis and the intra-group analysis. However, there were no significant differences in involvement neither the inter-group analysis nor the intra-group. In its conclusion, Sport Education represents a model-based practice that fosters the development of the autonomy support and structure perception during the sport teaching-learning process in the school setting, which might arouse the High School student's interest for regular sport in the free time.peerReviewe