103 research outputs found

    AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: sample properties and selection function

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    We present the first catalogue of galaxy cluster candidates derived from the third data release of the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS-DR3). The sample of clusters has been produced using the Adaptive Matched Identifier of Clustered Objects (AMICO) algorithm. In this analysis AMICO takes advantage of the luminosity and spatial distribution of galaxies only, not considering colours. In this way, we prevent any selection effect related to the presence or absence of the red-sequence in the clusters. The catalogue contains 7988 candidate galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0.13.5 with a purity approaching 95% over the entire redshift range. In addition to the catalogue of galaxy clusters we also provide a catalogue of galaxies with their probabilistic association to galaxy clusters. We quantify the sample purity, completeness and the uncertainties of the detection properties, such as richness, redshift, and position, by means of mock galaxy catalogues derived directly from the data. This preserves their statistical properties including photo-z uncertainties, unknown absorption across the survey, missing data, spatial correlation of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Being based on the real data, such mock catalogues do not have to rely on the assumptions on which numerical simulations and semi-analytic models are based on. This paper is the first of a series of papers in which we discuss the details and physical properties of the sample presented in this work.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, submitted to MNRA

    GASP XIX: AGN and their outflows at the center of jellyfish galaxies

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    The GASP survey, based on MUSE data, is unveiling the properties of the gas in the so-called "jellyfish" galaxies: these are cluster galaxies with spectacular evidence of gas stripping by ram pressure. In a previous paper, we selected the seven GASP galaxies with the most extended tentacles of ionized gas, and based on individual diagnostic diagrams concluded that at least five of them present clear evidence for an Active Galactic Nucleus. Here we present a more detailed analysis of the emission lines properties in these galaxies. Our comparison of several emission line ratios with both AGN and shock models show that photoionization by the AGN is the dominant ionization mechanism. This conclusion is strengthened by the analysis of Hβ\rm H\beta luminosities, the presence of nuclear iron coronal lines and extended (>10>10 kpc) emission line regions ionized by the AGN in some of these galaxies. From emission line profiles, we find the presence of outflows in four galaxies, and derive mass outflow rates, timescales and kinetic energy of the outflows.Comment: 20 pages, 10 Figure

    AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: weak-lensing mass calibration

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    We present the mass calibration for galaxy clusters detected with the AMICO code in KiDS DR3 data. The cluster sample comprises \sim 7000 objects and covers the redshift range 0.1 < zz < 0.6. We perform a weak lensing stacked analysis by binning the clusters according to redshift and two different mass proxies provided by AMICO, namely the amplitude AA (measure of galaxy abundance through an optimal filter) and the richness λ\lambda^* (sum of membership probabilities in a consistent radial and magnitude range across redshift). For each bin, we model the data as a truncated NFW profile plus a 2-halo term, taking into account uncertainties related to concentration and miscentring. From the retrieved estimates of the mean halo masses, we construct the AA-M200M_{200} and the λ\lambda^*-M200M_{200} relations. The relations extend over more than one order of magnitude in mass, down to M2002(5)×1013M/hM_{200} \sim 2 (5) \times 10^{13} M_\odot/h at zz = 0.2 (0.5), with small evolution in redshift. The logarithmic slope is 2.0\sim 2.0 for the AA-mass relation, and 1.7\sim 1.7 for the λ\lambda^*-mass relation, consistent with previous estimations on mock catalogues and coherent with the different nature of the two observables.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Statistical analysis of probability density functions for photometric redshifts through the KiDS-ESO-DR3 galaxies

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    Despite the high accuracy of photometric redshifts (zphot) derived using Machine Learning (ML) methods, the quantification of errors through reliable and accurate Probability Density Functions (PDFs) is still an open problem. First, because it is difficult to accurately assess the contribution from different sources of errors, namely internal to the method itself and from the photometric features defining the available parameter space. Second, because the problem of defining a robust statistical method, always able to quantify and qualify the PDF estimation validity, is still an open issue. We present a comparison among PDFs obtained using three different methods on the same data set: two ML techniques, METAPHOR (Machine-learning Estimation Tool for Accurate PHOtometric Redshifts) and ANNz2, plus the spectral energy distribution template fitting method, BPZ. The photometric data were extracted from the KiDS (Kilo Degree Survey) ESO Data Release 3, while the spectroscopy was obtained from the GAMA (Galaxy and Mass Assembly) Data Release 2. The statistical evaluation of both individual and stacked PDFs was done through quantitative and qualitative estimators, including a dummy PDF, useful to verify whether different statistical estimators can correctly assess PDF quality. We conclude that, in order to quantify the reliability and accuracy of any zphot PDF method, a combined set of statistical estimators is required.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS, 20 pages, 14 figure

    GASP XIII. Star formation in gas outside galaxies

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    Based on MUSE data from the GASP survey, we study the Halpha-emitting extraplanar tails of 16 cluster galaxies at z~0.05 undergoing ram pressure stripping. We demonstrate that the dominating ionization mechanism of this gas (between 64% and 94% of the Halpha emission in the tails depending on the diagnostic diagram used) is photoionization by young massive stars due to ongoing star formation (SF) taking place in the stripped tails. This SF occurs in dynamically quite cold HII clumps with a median Halpha velocity dispersion sigma = 27 km s^-1. We study the characteristics of over 500 star-forming clumps in the tails and find median values of Halpha luminosity L_{Halpha} = 4 X 10^38 erg s^-1, dust extinction A_V=0.5 mag, star formation rate SFR=0.003 M_sun yr^-1, ionized gas density n_e =52 cm^-3, ionized gas mass M_gas = 4 X 10^4 Msun, and stellar mass M_{*} = 3 X 10^6 Msun. The tail clumps follow scaling relations (M_gas-M_{*}, L_{Halpha} -sigma, SFR-M_gas) similar to disk clumps, and their stellar masses are comparable to Ultra Compact Dwarfs and Globular Clusters.The diffuse gas component in the tails is ionized by a combination of SF and composite/LINER-like emission likely due to thermal conduction or turbulence. The stellar photoionization component of the diffuse gas can be due either to leakage of ionizing photons from the HII clumps with an average escape fraction of 18%, or lower luminosity HII regions that we cannot individually identify.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Galaxy-galaxy weak-lensing measurement from SDSS: II. host halo properties of galaxy groups

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    As the second paper of a series on studying galaxy-galaxy lensing signals using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7), we present our measurement and modelling of the lensing signals around groups of galaxies. We divide the groups into four halo mass bins, and measure the signals around four different halo-center tracers: brightest central galaxy (BCG), luminosity-weighted center, number-weighted center and X-ray peak position. For X-ray and SDSS DR7 cross identified groups, we further split the groups into low and high X-ray emission subsamples, both of which are assigned with two halo-center tracers, BCGs and X-ray peak positions. The galaxy-galaxy lensing signals show that BCGs, among the four candidates, are the best halo-center tracers. We model the lensing signals using a combination of four contributions: off-centered NFW host halo profile, sub-halo contribution, stellar contribution, and projected 2-halo term. We sample the posterior of 5 parameters i.e., halo mass, concentration, off-centering distance, sub halo mass, and fraction of subhalos via a MCMC package using the galaxy-galaxy lensing signals. After taking into account the sampling effects (e.g. Eddington bias), we found the best fit halo masses obtained from lensing signals are quite consistent with those obtained in the group catalog based on an abundance matching method, except in the lowest mass bin. Subject headings: (cosmology:) gravitational lensing, galaxies: clusters: generalComment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Ap

    Gas-phase metallicity of local AGN in the GASP and MaNGA surveys: the role of ram-pressure stripping

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    Growing evidence in support of a connection between Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) activity and the Ram-Pressure Stripping (RPS) phenomenon has been found both observationally and theoretically in the past decades. In this work, we further explore the impact of RPS on the AGN activity by estimating the gas-phase metallicity of nuclear regions and the mass-metallicity relation of galaxies at zz \leq 0.07 and with stellar masses logM/M9.0\log {\rm M}_* / {\rm M}_\odot \geq 9.0 , either experiencing RPS or not. To measure oxygen abundances, we exploit Integral Field Spectroscopy data from the GASP and MaNGA surveys, photoionization models generated with the code CLOUDY and the code Nebulabayes to compare models and observations. In particular, we build CLOUDY models to reproduce line ratios induced by photoionization from stars, AGN, or a contribution of both. We find that the distributions of metallicity and [O III]λ\lambda5007 luminosity of galaxies undergoing RPS are similar to the ones of undisturbed galaxies. Independently of the RPS, we do not find a correlation between stellar mass and AGN metallicity in the mass range logM/M10.4\log {\rm M}_* / {\rm M}_\odot \geq 10.4, while for the star-forming galaxies we observe the well-known mass-metallicity relation (MZR) between 9.0log M/M10.8 9.0 \leq \log \ {\rm M}_* /{\rm M}_\odot \leq 10.8 with a scatter mainly driven by the star-formation rate (SFR) and a plateau around logM/M10.5\log {\rm M}_* / {\rm M}_\odot \sim 10.5. The gas-phase metallicity in the nuclei of AGN hosts is enhanced with respect to those of SF galaxies by a factor of \sim 0.05 dex regardless of the RPS

    CoMaLit -- VI. Intrinsic scatter in stacked relations. The weak lensing AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3

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    Unbiased and precise mass calibration of galaxy clusters is crucial to fully exploit galaxy clusters as cosmological probes. Stacking of weak lensing signal allows us to measure observable-mass relations down to less massive halos halos without extrapolation. We propose a Bayesian inference method to constrain the intrinsic scatter of the mass proxy in stacked analyses. The scatter of the stacked data is rescaled with respect to the individual scatter based on the number of binned clusters. We apply this method to the galaxy clusters detected with the AMICO (Adaptive Matched Identifier of Clustered Objects) algorithm in the third data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey. The results confirm the optical richness as a low scatter mass proxy. Based on the optical richness and the calibrated weak lensing mass-richness relation, mass of individual objects down to ~10^13 solar masses can be estimated with a precision of ~20 per cent.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; in press on MNRA

    Evidence for enhanced star formation rates in z~0.35 cluster galaxies undergoing ram pressure stripping

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    Ram pressure stripping (RPS) is one of the most invoked mechanisms to explain the observed differences between cluster and field galaxies. In the local Universe, its effect on the galaxy star forming properties has been largely tackled and the general consensus is that this process first compresses the gas available in the galaxy disks, boosting the star formation for a limited amount of time, and then removes the remaining gas leading to quenching. Much less is known on the effect and preponderance of RPS at higher redshift, due to the lack of statistical samples. Exploiting VLT/MUSE observations of galaxies at 0.2<z<0.55 and the catalog of ram pressure stripped galaxies by Moretti et al., we compare the global star formation rate-mass (SFR-M*) relation of 29 cluster galaxies undergoing RPS to that of 26 field and cluster undisturbed galaxies that constitute our control sample. Stripping galaxies occupy the upper envelope of the control sample SFR-M* relation, showing a systematic enhancement of the SFR at any given mass. The boost is >3sigma when considering the SFR occurring in both the tail and disk of galaxies. The enhancement is retrieved also on local scales: considering spatially resolved data, ram pressure stripped galaxies overall have large {\Sigma}SFR values, especially for Sigma_*>10^7.5M_sun kpc~2. RPS seems to leave the same imprint on the SFR-M* and Sigma_SFR-Sigma_* relations both in the Local Universe and at z~0.35.Comment: A&A in pres

    Rejection Criteria Based on Outliers in the KiDS Photometric Redshifts and PDF Distributions Derived by Machine Learning

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    The Probability Density Function (PDF) provides an estimate of the photometric redshift (zphot) prediction error. It is crucial for current and future sky surveys, characterized by strict requirements on the zphot precision, reliability and completeness. The present work stands on the assumption that properly defined rejection criteria, capable of identifying and rejecting potential outliers, can increase the precision of zphot estimates and of their cumulative PDF, without sacrificing much in terms of completeness of the sample. We provide a way to assess rejection through proper cuts on the shape descriptors of a PDF, such as the width and the height of the maximum PDF's peak. In this work we tested these rejection criteria to galaxies with photometry extracted from the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) ESO Data Release 4, proving that such approach could lead to significant improvements to the zphot quality: e.g., for the clipped sample showing the best trade-off between precision and completeness, we achieve a reduction in outliers fraction of {\$}{\$}{\backslash}simeq 75{\backslash}{\%}{\$}{\$}≃75{\%}and an improvement of {\$}{\$}{\backslash}simeq 6{\backslash}{\%}{\$}{\$}≃6{\%}for NMAD, with respect to the original data set, preserving the {\$}{\$}{\backslash}simeq 93{\backslash}{\%}{\$}{\$}≃93{\%}of its content