44 research outputs found

    Primena GIS tehnologija u zaŔtiti prirodnih potencijala i strategiji prostornog planiranja NP Tara (Srbija) kao potencijalnog UNESCO MAB rezervata

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    Mt. Tara NP was nominated in 2004 within the UNESCO - ROSTE programme, for Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Reserve status in Serbia as transboundary 'Peace Park' status between Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Mt. Tara is one of the most important centres of Balkans and European ecosystems and species diversity. They represent a unique example of well preserved forests in south eastern Europe with numerous endemic and relict species of flora and fauna. In this floristic diversity of Mt Tara of the greatest interest is the Serbian (Pančić's) spruce Picea omorika. Mt. Tara NP is characterized by specific geomorphologic, hydrologic, geologic, soil and climatic features. The geographical information system (GIS) that we have created has proved an excellent tool for the spatial planning strategy in assessment and conservation of all natural characteristics of Mt. Tara NP, and is helpful to Park management for sustainable use of landscape resources. GIS of Mt. Tara NP includes data on natural, artificial and management themes.Deo planine Tara je status Nacionalnog parka dobio 1981. godine. Polovinom 2004. godine NP Tara je renominovan u okviru UNESCO-ROSTE programa čovek i biosfera (MAB) za budući Rezervat biosfere i transgranični Park mira između Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Planinski kompleks Tara predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih centara specijskog i ekosistemskog diverziteta Balkana i Evrope. Tara predstavlja jedinstven primer dobro očuvanih Å”uma na prostoru Jugoistočne Evrope sa brojnim endemičnim i reliktnim vrstama flore i faune. Svakako da poseban pečat florističkom diverzitetu Tare daje endemo-reliktna vrsta Pančićeve omorike Picea omorika. Osim biotičke komponente specifične geomorfoloÅ”ke, hidroloÅ”ke, geoloÅ”ke, pedoloÅ”ke i klimatoloÅ”ke karakteristike, prostoru Tare takođe daju sveukupne visoke prirodne vrednosti. Geografski informacioni system (GIS) koji smo kreirali predstavlja izvanredan alat za izradu savremene strategije prostornog plana ovog područja, kao i alat za valorizaciju i zaÅ”titu svih prirodnih vrednosti NP Tara. GIS NP Tara istovremeno predstavlja savremen i nezaobilazan alat za upravljanje Parkom i održivo koriŔćenje njegovih prirodnih resursa. Sadržaji GIS NP Tara uključuju prirodne, antropogene i upravljačke atribute

    GIS i region Skadarskog jezera

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    The Skadar Lake Region represents one of the most important centers of geodiversity and biodiversity for Western Balkan and SE Europe. The largest part of this Region has the status of the National Park since 1983. International recognition of the importance of Skadar Lake ecosystems come in 1995, when the Lake was designated as Ramsar site. The geographical information system (GIS) that we have created has provided an excellent tool for valorization and protection of all natural values and potential of Skadar Lake Region. The GIS of Skadar Lake Region is organized for the territory of about 4500 km2 and is divided (by type and format) into various data forms: Raster data: georeferenced raster topographic maps, satellite imaginary, digital model of precipitation, digital model of temperature; Vector data: geology, hydrogeology, hydrology (Adriatic sea, lakes, rivers, underground water, springs), soil, temperature, precipitation, irrigation areas, vegetation, biomes, border of protected areas, locality of important animal species, other important localities (archeological, cultural), border of NP, state border; Digital elevation model (DEM) -resolution 20m and Database. Except of ecological conservation this information system will be helpful to a wide circle of users in the areas of natural, biotechnical, technical, economic and social sciences.U okviru ovog rada GIS praktično predstavlja ekskluzivi i jedinstveni alat koji nam JE omogućio da uradimo sveobuhvatnu kompleksnu analizu veoma raznovrsnih karakteristika abiogena i biogena regiona Skadarskog jezera. Rezultati ovih istraživanja uz primenu GIS tehnologija omogućuju ne samo analizu kompleksnosti svakog pojedinačnog faktora, već i analizu međusobne korelacije i zavisnosti činilaca geodiverziteta i biodiverziteta, ovog sa aspekta prirodnih potencijala, prostora od evropskog i svetskog značaja. GIS je takođe omogućio i analizu aktuelnog antropogenog dejstva i procenu mogućih faktora rizika na kvalitet životne sredine. Na taj način, dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju izuzetna osnova za planiranje i realizaciju konkretnih akcionih planova zaÅ”tite.nul

    Morphological, biochemical and hematological characterization of endangered balkan donkey breed

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    The aim of the study was to establish morphometric, biochemical and hematological values for the endangered Balkan donkey breed (Serbia) and to explore the possible age dependence of the parameters tested. Inter-breed similarity of morphometric parameters was assessed by comparing the data obtained for the Balkan donkey with morphometric measurements of several previously characterized domestic donkey breeds. The study population included 74 donkeys, divided in two age groups (group A 3 years). In total, 18 morphometric, 13 hematological and 14 biochemical parameters were assessed. Significant morphometric differences (p < 0.05) in body length, head length, chest circumference and body weight were found between the two age groups. Significant differences in morphological parameters were revealed among the Balkan donkey and other donkey breeds (Catalonian, Croatian and Albanian), but results of cluster analysis demonstrated the smallest distance between the Balkan donkey and Albanian donkeys. The results of morphometric analyses showed consistency of the obtained values within the breed, and diversity as compared to other donkey breeds, and, thus, could be taken as referent for the Balkan donkey. Hematological and biochemical profiles obtained for the Balkan donkey were consistent with previous reports and within the recommended reference ranges. White blood cell, mid cell and granulocyte counts, showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) values in donkeys under 3 years of age, while the only biochemical parameter affected by age was alkaline phosphatase. The information gained through characterization of the Balkan donkey breed provides a basis for conservation and development of the breed standard

    Climate change: the impact on aflatoxin contamination in cereals

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    It is considered that one of the greatest food safety concerns worldwide is aflatoxins (AFs) contamination of cereals, due to its carcinogenic effects, high number of associated notifications in cereal based food and feed products, as well as in milk and dairy products. AFs produced mainly by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, are the most toxic and frequent contaminants of cereals, especially in areas with hot and humid climates. Changes in temperature and water availability related to global climate changes (increased temperature, heavy rainfalls, and droughts) are modulating factors of filamentous fungi growth and production of mycotoxins. Amongst all favouring factors, environmental factors (temperature, water activity (aw) and relative humidity (RH)) and climate change have been identified as the primary factors

    Gunshot Injury of the Foot: Treatment and Procedures ā€“ A Role of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

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    Civilian gunshot injuries of the foot are not so common in Croatia. They are related with accidents in hunting or weapon cleaning. Gunshot injuries represent a special challenge for surgeon because of specific anatomical relations and biomechanical function of the foot. We have decided to present a patient with a complex foot injury caused by hunting firearm in self-inflicted accident. A 45-year-old male presented with 12-gauge shotgun wound to his left foot. We found a complicated fracture with bone defect of 3rd, 4th and 5th metatarsals and wide soft tissue injury with skin and subcutaneous defect of the dorsal and lateral side of the foot. The wound was contaminated with numerous metal fragments, particles of rocks and ground. Surgical treatment was performed three hours after trauma and included extensive debridement of damaged soft tissue, removing of the non-viable bone and metal fragments, rocks and other foreign bodies. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) was applicated in the operating table. The starting therapy was continuously ā€“125 mm Hg of vacuum. We continued with intermittent therapy of ā€“100 mm Hg and change NPWT dressing every fourth day. After four weeks of NPWT the defect was filled with granulation tissue and split thickness skin graft was applied. Skin graft was additionally fixed with NPWT using continuous therapy at ā€“100 mm Hg for a period of four days. Forthy days after injury there was a complete healing of all soft tissue. Control X-ray showed good bone healing process

    Air Interface Optimization in Public Mobile Networks

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    U ovom magistarskom radu prikazani su principi optimizacije rada GSM i UMTS sustava, a naglasak je stavljen na radijsko sučelje. U prvom dijelu, opisana je arhitektura GSM i UMTS sustava čije poznavanje je nužno kako bi se tijekom optimizacije mogle donositi adekvatne odluke te mogao odrediti utjecaj svakog pojedinog čvora ili sučelja na ponaÅ”anje sustava. Prikazani su načini prikupljanja podataka potrebnih za računanje ključnih pokazatelja rada sustava i objaÅ”njena su značenja glavnih ključnih pokazatelja. SrediÅ”nji dio govori o optimizacijskim postupcima. Poglavlje posvećeno optimizaciji hardvera govori o optimizaciji pojedinih čvorova, prijenosnih i antenskih sustava. Sljedeće poglavlje opisuje problematiku optimizacije frekvencijskog plana i nudi rjeÅ”enja opisana u 3GPP normama, ali i neke dodatne metode. Poglavlje o optimizaciji parametara opisuje metode finog ugađanja rada mreža s osvrtom na glavne procedure kao Å”to su izbor i reizbor ćelije, prekapčanje, upravljanje resursima, ... ZavrÅ”ni dio prikazuje neke naprednije metode optimizacije i govori o budućnosti optimizacijskih postupaka.This MSc thesis explains optimization principles in GSM and UMTS networks with special field of interest in air interface optimization. Architecture of GSM and UMTS systems is described in the first part. Knowledge about architecture of the system is necessary to take correct optimization steps and to determine the influence of each node and interface on the system behavior. Data collection methods for key performance indicators (KPI) calculation are presented and the meaning of the most important KPIs is explained. Central part is dedicated to optimization techniques. The chapter on hardware optimization describes optimization of particular nodes, transmission lines and antenna systems. Next chapter describes issues on frequency planning and offers solutions described in 3GPP specifications and some advanced methods. The chapter on parameter optimization describes fine tuning methods, especially for procedures like cell selection and reselection, handover, resource management, etc. The last part presents some advanced optimization methods and optimization future

    Air Interface Optimization in Public Mobile Networks

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    U ovom magistarskom radu prikazani su principi optimizacije rada GSM i UMTS sustava, a naglasak je stavljen na radijsko sučelje. U prvom dijelu, opisana je arhitektura GSM i UMTS sustava čije poznavanje je nužno kako bi se tijekom optimizacije mogle donositi adekvatne odluke te mogao odrediti utjecaj svakog pojedinog čvora ili sučelja na ponaÅ”anje sustava. Prikazani su načini prikupljanja podataka potrebnih za računanje ključnih pokazatelja rada sustava i objaÅ”njena su značenja glavnih ključnih pokazatelja. SrediÅ”nji dio govori o optimizacijskim postupcima. Poglavlje posvećeno optimizaciji hardvera govori o optimizaciji pojedinih čvorova, prijenosnih i antenskih sustava. Sljedeće poglavlje opisuje problematiku optimizacije frekvencijskog plana i nudi rjeÅ”enja opisana u 3GPP normama, ali i neke dodatne metode. Poglavlje o optimizaciji parametara opisuje metode finog ugađanja rada mreža s osvrtom na glavne procedure kao Å”to su izbor i reizbor ćelije, prekapčanje, upravljanje resursima, ... ZavrÅ”ni dio prikazuje neke naprednije metode optimizacije i govori o budućnosti optimizacijskih postupaka.This MSc thesis explains optimization principles in GSM and UMTS networks with special field of interest in air interface optimization. Architecture of GSM and UMTS systems is described in the first part. Knowledge about architecture of the system is necessary to take correct optimization steps and to determine the influence of each node and interface on the system behavior. Data collection methods for key performance indicators (KPI) calculation are presented and the meaning of the most important KPIs is explained. Central part is dedicated to optimization techniques. The chapter on hardware optimization describes optimization of particular nodes, transmission lines and antenna systems. Next chapter describes issues on frequency planning and offers solutions described in 3GPP specifications and some advanced methods. The chapter on parameter optimization describes fine tuning methods, especially for procedures like cell selection and reselection, handover, resource management, etc. The last part presents some advanced optimization methods and optimization future

    Air Interface Optimization in Public Mobile Networks

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    U ovom magistarskom radu prikazani su principi optimizacije rada GSM i UMTS sustava, a naglasak je stavljen na radijsko sučelje. U prvom dijelu, opisana je arhitektura GSM i UMTS sustava čije poznavanje je nužno kako bi se tijekom optimizacije mogle donositi adekvatne odluke te mogao odrediti utjecaj svakog pojedinog čvora ili sučelja na ponaÅ”anje sustava. Prikazani su načini prikupljanja podataka potrebnih za računanje ključnih pokazatelja rada sustava i objaÅ”njena su značenja glavnih ključnih pokazatelja. SrediÅ”nji dio govori o optimizacijskim postupcima. Poglavlje posvećeno optimizaciji hardvera govori o optimizaciji pojedinih čvorova, prijenosnih i antenskih sustava. Sljedeće poglavlje opisuje problematiku optimizacije frekvencijskog plana i nudi rjeÅ”enja opisana u 3GPP normama, ali i neke dodatne metode. Poglavlje o optimizaciji parametara opisuje metode finog ugađanja rada mreža s osvrtom na glavne procedure kao Å”to su izbor i reizbor ćelije, prekapčanje, upravljanje resursima, ... ZavrÅ”ni dio prikazuje neke naprednije metode optimizacije i govori o budućnosti optimizacijskih postupaka.This MSc thesis explains optimization principles in GSM and UMTS networks with special field of interest in air interface optimization. Architecture of GSM and UMTS systems is described in the first part. Knowledge about architecture of the system is necessary to take correct optimization steps and to determine the influence of each node and interface on the system behavior. Data collection methods for key performance indicators (KPI) calculation are presented and the meaning of the most important KPIs is explained. Central part is dedicated to optimization techniques. The chapter on hardware optimization describes optimization of particular nodes, transmission lines and antenna systems. Next chapter describes issues on frequency planning and offers solutions described in 3GPP specifications and some advanced methods. The chapter on parameter optimization describes fine tuning methods, especially for procedures like cell selection and reselection, handover, resource management, etc. The last part presents some advanced optimization methods and optimization future

    Evolving GIS technologies in nature conservation and the spatial planning strategy of Tara NP (Serbia) as a potential UNECSO MAB reserve

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    Mt. Tara NP was nominated in 2004 within the UNESCO - ROSTE programme, for Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Reserve status in Serbia as transboundary 'Peace Park' status between Serbia and Bosnia &amp; Herzegovina. Mt. Tara is one of the most important centres of Balkans and European ecosystems and species diversity. They represent a unique example of well preserved forests in south eastern Europe with numerous endemic and relict species of flora and fauna. In this floristic diversity of Mt Tara of the greatest interest is the Serbian (Pančić's) spruce Picea omorika. Mt. Tara NP is characterized by specific geomorphologic, hydrologic, geologic, soil and climatic features. The geographical information system (GIS) that we have created has proved an excellent tool for the spatial planning strategy in assessment and conservation of all natural characteristics of Mt. Tara NP, and is helpful to Park management for sustainable use of landscape resources. GIS of Mt. Tara NP includes data on natural, artificial and management themes