11 research outputs found

    Intenzitet napada mediteranske voćne muve Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera, Tephritidae) na mandarini na području Crnogorskog primorja

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    Along the Montenegrin seacoast, all cultivated citrus species (mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit), fig, loquat and ziziphus were detected as host plants of the Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. Among those found, in economic sense, the most important host plant is mandarin Unšiu. Intensity of the attack were monitored on mandarin in 2003 and 2004 in localities Baošiæi, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar, and was determined as higher in 2003. The first symptoms of attack were detected, depending on locality, from middle of September until beginning of October, one to two months earlier then in 2004. The maximum number of larvae per fruit were detected in October and November (average from 13.44±0.16 to 22.82±0.13). Time of the first symptoms appearence on mandarin in September and October 2003 and in November 2004, indicate on crucial importance of alternative host plants (figs and loquat) for reproduction and increasing of C. capitata population, because later during a season its intensity of attack on mandarin, depend largely on their presence.Na području Crnogorskog primorja kao domaćini mediteranske voćne muve Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. utvrđene su sve vrste citrusa (mandarina, pomorandža, limun, grejpfrut), smokva, japanska jabuka – kaki i iglica. U ekonomskom smislu, za sada je, kao domaćin, najznačajnija mandarina unšiu. Tokom 2003. i 2004. godine praćen je intenzitet napada na mandarini u lokalitetima Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska i Bar. Jači napad utvrđen je 2003. godine. Tada su prvi simptomi zabilježeni, zavisno od lokaliteta, od polovine septembra do početka oktobra, jedan do dva meseca ranije nego 2004, a najveći broj larvi u plodu nađen je tokom oktobra i novembra, prosečno od 13,44±0,16 do 22,82±0,13. Vreme pojave prvih simptoma napada u 2003. (septembar i oktobar) i 2004. (novembar) ukazuju na značaj prelaznih domaćina (smokva i japanska jabuka) za održavanje i umnožavanje populacije C. capitata, jer intenzitet napada mediteranske voćne muve na mandarini, u mnogome zavisi od njihovog prisustva

    First record of Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera Aleyrodidae) in Montenegro

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    In October 2013, orange spiny whitefly Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was detected for the first time in Montenegro. It was found in citrus orchards in Baošići (orange and mandarin), Herceg Novi (mandarin) and Kumbor (orange), in an area of Boka Kotor Bay on the Adriatic Sea (latitude 42° 26’ north). A. spiniferus is regulated in the European Union and therefore an immediate survey of the whole montenegrin coastal area, where citrus production occurs, was undertaken. The pest was additionally found in Djnovići, on a small number of mandarin and lemon trees. A. spiniferus is polyphagous and a major pest of citrus. It originated in southeast Asia and has spread widely in tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands. In Europe it was first detected in Italy (2008) and subsequently in Croatia (2012). It presents a potential risk for citrus production in Montenegro, particularly for the important citrus producing areas of Bar and Ulcinj. These areas, geographically more southern than the area of first detection, are still free from the pest. Additionally, the whitefly presents a potential risk for other host plants grown in Montenegro where the climatic conditions are suitable for acclimatization of A. spiniferus

    Pojava, intenzitet napada i suzbijanje dvije nove vrste eriofida, Aceria oleae i Shevtchenkella barensis na sadnicama masline u Crnoj Gori

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    Only two species of eriophyoid mites, Ditrimacus athiasella Keifer and Oxycenus maxwelli (Keifer), have been registered in Montenegro until recently. Late in April 2007, chlorotic spots and deformations were found on apical leaves of one-year old seedlings of the žutica variety in a greenhouse in the town of Bar. Two species of eriophyoid mites were identified from the collected material, Aceria oleae, a widely distributed species in Mediterranean countries, and Shevtchenkela barensis, described as a new species in the world acarofauna. The intensity of infestation was calculated from all visually examined seedlings (2,560), as well as the percentage of seedlings with observed symptoms. Applying the method of periodic sampling, 50 seedlings (2 % of the total number) were choosen. The intensity of injury was estimated on the new growth. Of the total number of examined seedlings, obvious symptoms were detected on 61.45% of the plants. Of the 50 chosen seedlings, 56 % had all of their young leaflets injuried. Mite control was applied three times. After the third treatment, new leaves without symptoms emerged, while untreated seedlings stopped to grow, their injuried leaves fell off and the seedlings ultimately dried out completely.U Crnoj Gori su na maslini do sada, registrovane dvije vrste eriofidnih grinja: Ditrimacus athiasella Keifer i Oxycenus maxwelli (Keifer). Krajem aprila 2007. godine u jednom stakleniku u Baru, registrovane su hlorotične promjene i deformacije na vršnim listovima jednogodišnjih sadnica sorte žutica. Sa sakupljenog materijala identifikovane su dvije vrste eriofidnih grinja: Aceria oleae koja je široko raprostranjena u zemljama Mediterana i Shevtchenkela barensis koja je nova vrsta za svjetsku akarofaunu. Radi utvrđivanja intenziteta napada izvršen je vizuelni pregled svih sadnica u stakleniku (2560) i utvrđen procenat sadnica sa vidljivim simptomima napada. Metodom slučajnog izbora, odabrano je 50 sadnica (2% od ukupnog broja) i na novom prirastu izvršena ocjena intenziteta napada. Od ukupnog broja pregledanih sadnica na 61,45% utvrđeni su vidljivi simptomi napada, a od 50 odabranih, na 56% svi mladi listovi su bili napadnuti. Suzbijanje grinja obavljeno je u tri navrata preparatima na bazi dimetoata, sumpora i endosulfana. Nakon trećeg tretmana, pojavili su se mladi listovi na kojima nije bilo simptoma napada, dok su netretirane sadnice prestale sa rastom, napadnuti listovi su otpali što je dovelo do potpunog sušenja tih sadnica


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    Background: The variations in proinflamatory cytokine levels have been associated with schizophrenia (SCH), duration of illness, psychopathology and treatment. The aim of the study was to investigate serum levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-α) in schizophrenic patients during exacerbation and remission, and its association with course of illness and therapy. Subjects and methods: We measured serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in 43 schizophrenic patients in exacerbation and remission and compared them to 29 healthy controls, matched by sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and smoking habits. The severity of psychopathology was assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Results: There was no difference in levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in exacerbation compared to remission in schizophrenic patients. IL-6 was higher and TNF-α was lower in schizophrenic patients in both exacerbation and remission in comparison with healthy controls. TNF-α in exacerbation was in negative correlation with IL-6 in remission. No statistical significance was found between levels of cytokines and sex, age, BMI, smoking habits, antipsychotic medication, duration of treatment and duration of illness. IL-6 levels were in positive correlation with the age of onset and the duration of untreated psychosis. In schizophrenic patients on adjunctive treatment with mood stabilizers, TNF-α levels increased in remission. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the connection between schizophrenia, cytokines and medication is multifaceted, and not necessarily linear. Adjunct mood stabilizers not only ameliorate psychopathology, but might convey immunomodulatory effects as well. Further longitudinal studies could elucidate potential beneficial effect of combined therapy in treatment of SCH

    Prirodna radioaktivnost uglja i letećeg pepela u termoelektrani 'Nikola Tesla B'

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    Serbian thermal power plants (TPPs) produce Siliceous fly ash from lignite in the quantity of approximately 6 million tons per year. The Potential. Market for the use of fly ash is operational, but for the time being, only Used by cement producers. Fly ash radioactivity could be one of the major points of concern When larger use of fly ash is planned, particularly in the Serbian construction industry. Radioactivity measurements have been conducted regularly from 1980. This paper presents the results of a ten-year fly ash radioactivity measurements at the Nikola Tesla B TPP located in Obrenovac. In addition, the paper compares the natural radionuclides coal content data combusted by the Nikola Tesla B TPP boilers coming from the Kolubara Basin and ash created during coal combustion. Fly ash created in the Nikola Tesla TPPs boilers is characterised by the increased concentration of the natural radionuclides content compared to coal. This is the so-called technologically enhanced natural radioactivity (Technologically Enhanced Occurring Radioactive Material - TENORM) of industrial waste, whereas the average specific activities: Th-232 in coal amount to 25.2 Bq/kg, and in fly ash and coal 84.2 Bq/kg and U-238 38.3 Bq/kg, respectively. Following the obtained natural radionuclides content results it may be concluded that the Nikola Tesla B TPP ash may be disposed into the environment. Ash may be used also in the construction industry (civil engineering). In building construction applications, ash share as the additive to other building materials depends from its physical and chemical characteristics, as well as from the radionuclides activity: Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40. Unlike the thermal power plants regularly (once a year) testing the specific natural radionuclides activity in the combusted coal and boiler fly ash, the Electric Power Industry of Serbia has not performed large-scale investigations of the natural radionuclides content in coal within the Kolubara Mining Basin. Natural radionuclides content in fly ash is compared to the combusted coal some 3-4 times higher and may present a limitation for applying ash in the construction industry. In view of the above, and considering the construction industry interests in using the Nikola Tesla B TPP ash, regular investigations of the natural radionuclides content in ash created in the thermal power plants should be carried out, together with the Kolubara Mining Basin coal combusted by the Nikola Tesla B TPP and other PE EPS thermal power plants. The current Kolubara Mining Basin coal characteristics investigation programme should be supplemented by the natural radionuclides content of the uranium (U-238 and Ra-226) and thorium series (Th-232) and potassium 40(K-40).U termoelektranama (TE) Javnog preduzeća 'Elektroprivreda Srbije' (JP EPS) koje u kotlovima sagorevaju lignit, kao nus produkat nastaje godišnje oko 6 miliona tona letećeg pepela. Potencijalno tržište za upotrebu letećeg pepela postoji, ali ga za sada koriste isključivo cementare. Radioaktivnost letećeg pepela može da predstavlja jedan od važnih razloga protiv njegove šire upotrebe u građevinskoj industriji Srbije. Merenje radioaktivnosti u termoelektranama redovno se sprovodi od 1990. godine. U radu su prikazani rezultati dvadesetogodišnjih merenja radioaktivnosti letećeg pepela u termoelektrani Nikola Tesla B (TENT B) u Obrenovcu. Uporedno su prikazani podaci o sadržaju prirodnih radionuklida u uglju koji se sagoreva u kotlovima TENT B poreklom iz kolubarskog basena i pepelu koji nastaje prilikom sagorevanja uglja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata o sadržaju prirodnih radionuklida zaključuje se da se pepeo iz termoelektrane Nikola Tesla B može odlagati u životnu sredinu. Pepeo se može koristiti i u građevinarstvu, u niskogradnji. Kod primene u visokoj gradnji udeo pepela kao dodataka drugim građevinskim materijalima zavisi kako od njegovih fizičkih i hemijskih karakteristika, tako i od specifične aktivnosti 226Ra, 232Th i 40K

    Dispersion of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in mandarin orchards on Montenegrin seacoast

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Widem. has been an established pest onthe Montenegrin seacoast for more than ten years, although with variable abundance indifferent years and localities.From an economic aspect, its most important host in Montenegro is the mandarinunshiu (Citrus unshiu Marc.), particularly its cultivar Owari. Dispersion of C. capitata in citrusorchards (prevailingly mandarin) was monitored on Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar localitiesduring 2003 and 2004.The results of this study showed that, during both years, peripheral-row trees (primarily thefirst row) in citrus orchards were more exposed to attacks by C. capitata than middle and lastrows. In 2003, the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows varied from 11.4±0.59to 40.1±0.67, from 7.04±0.47 to 28.8±0.48 and from 2.9±0.07 to 17.3±0.54 on the localities ofBaošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar, respectively. On the same localities, it ranged from 7.4±0.34 to16.9±0.4, from 0.0 to 18.7±0.32 and from 0.0 to 9.93±0.56 in middle rows, and from 3.0±0.28 to16.8±0.77, from 0.0 to 20.9±0.38 and from 0.0 to 13.1±0.39 in last rows. Data collected at Baošići,Lastva Grbaljska and Bar in 2003 also suggest that the average number of larvae per mandarinfruit in first rows was 1.78-2.08 times higher than in middle rows, and 1.25-1.77 times higher thanin last rows. In 2004, the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows varied from7.3±0.27 to 8.3±0.45, from 7.2±0.23 to 17.6±0.59 and from 3.8±0.1 to 8.8±0.25 on the localitiesof Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar, respectively. On these localities, it ranged from 1.7 ±0.17 to3.3±0.19, from 1.1±0.12 to 3.5±0.8 and from 0.0 to 0.8±0.14 in middle rows, and from 1.7±0.17 to3.6±0.32, from 0.0 to 4.0±0.26 and from 0.0 to 0.2±0.06 in last rows. Data collected in 2004also showed that the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows on the samelocalities was 3.12-15.75 times higher than in middle rows, and 2.94 -6.3 times higher than inlast rows

    Mediteranska voćna muva Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera, Tephritidae) – disperzija u zasadima mandarine na području Crnogorskog primorja

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Widem. has been an established pest on the Montenegrin seacoast for more than ten years, although with variable abundance in different years and localities. From an economic aspect, its most important host in Montenegro is the mandarin unshiu (Citrus unshiu Marc.), particularly its cultivar Owari. Dispersion of C. capitata in citrus orchards (prevailingly mandarin) was monitored on Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar localities during 2003 and 2004. The results of this study showed that, during both years, peripheral-row trees (primarily the first row) in citrus orchards were more exposed to attacks by C. capitata than middle and last rows. In 2003, the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows varied from 11.4±0.59 to 40.1±0.67, from 7.04±0.47 to 28.8±0.48 and from 2.9±0.07 to 17.3±0.54 on the localities of Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar, respectively. On the same localities, it ranged from 7.4±0.34 to 16.9±0.4, from 0.0 to 18.7±0.32 and from 0.0 to 9.93±0.56 in middle rows, and from 3.0±0.28 to 16.8±0.77, from 0.0 to 20.9±0.38 and from 0.0 to 13.1±0.39 in last rows. Data collected at Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar in 2003 also suggest that the average number of larvae per mandarin fruit in first rows was 1.78-2.08 times higher than in middle rows, and 1.25-1.77 times higher than in last rows. In 2004, the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows varied from 7.3±0.27 to 8.3±0.45, from 7.2±0.23 to 17.6±0.59 and from 3.8±0.1 to 8.8±0.25 on the localities of Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska and Bar, respectively. On these localities, it ranged from 1.7 ±0.17 to 3.3±0.19, from 1.1±0.12 to 3.5±0.8 and from 0.0 to 0.8±0.14 in middle rows, and from 1.7±0.17 to 3.6±0.32, from 0.0 to 4.0±0.26 and from 0.0 to 0.2±0.06 in last rows. Data collected in 2004 also showed that the average number of larvae in mandarin fruits in first rows on the same localities was 3.12-15.75 times higher than in middle rows, and 2.94 -6.3 times higher than in last rows.Mediteranska voćna muva Ceratitis capitata Widem. se smatra odomaćenom na Crnogorskom primorju već više od deset godina, premda sa izraženim oscilacijama u brojnosti kako po godinama, tako i u različitim lokalitetima. U ekonomskom smislu, njen najznačajniji domaćin u Crnoj Gori je mandarina unšiu (Citrus unshiu Marc.), a posebno sorta Owari. Tokom 2003. i 2004. godine, u lokalitetima Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska i Bar praćena je disperzija C. capitata u zasadima citrusa u kojima je brojnošću dominirala mandarina unšiu. Rezultati dvogodišnjih istraživanja ukazuju da muva jače napada plodove u perifernom redu voćnjaka u odnosu na srednji i poslednji red. U 2003. godini je utvrđno da je u lokalitetima Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska i Bar prosečan broj larvi u plodovima mandarine u prvom redu varirao od 11,4±0,59 do 40,1±0,67, od 7,04±0,47 do 28,8±0,48 i od 2,9±0,07 do 17,3±0,54. U istim lokalitetima zabeleženo je prosečno od 7,4±0,34 do 16,9±0,4, od 0,0 do 18,7±0,32 i od 0,0 do 9,93±0,56 larvi u plodovima koji su uzorkovani u srednjem redu, odnosno od 3,0±0,28 do 16,8±0,77, od 0,0 do 20,9±0,38 i od 0,0 do 13,1±0,39 larvi u plodovima u poslednjem redu. Rezultati iz 2003. godine, takođe, ukazuju da je u ispitivanim lokalitetima prosečan broj larvi u plodu mandarine bio 1,78-2,08 puta veći u prvom redu u odnosu na srednji, odnosno 1,25-1,77 puta veći nego u poslednjem redu. U 2004. godini je utvrđno da je u lokalitetima Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska i Bar prosečan broj larvi u plodovima mandarine u prvom redu varirao od 7,3±0,27 do 8,3±0,45, od 7,2±0,23 do 17,6±0,59 i od 3,8±0,1 do 8,8±0,25. U istim lokalitetima zabeleženo je prosečno od 1,7 ±0,17 do 3,3±0,19, od 1,1±0,12 do 3,5±0,8 i od 0,0 do 0,8±0,14 larvi u plodovima koji su uzorkovani u srednjem redu, i od 1,7±0,17 do 3,6±0,32, od 0,0 do 4,0±0,26 i od 0,0 do 0,2±0,06 larvi u plodovima u poslednjem redu. Rezultati iz 2004. godine, takođe, ukazuju da je u lokalitetima Baošići, Lastva Grbaljska i Bar utvrđeno da je prosečan broj larvi u plodovima mandarine bio 3,12-15,75 puta veći nego u srednjem redu, odnosno 2,94-6,3 puta veći nego u poslednjem redu

    Prvi nalaz Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) u Crnoj Gori

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    The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive pest originating from Southeast Asia. It was detected for the first time in Europe in 2008 (Spain and Italy) and subsequently in other European countries. It is a highly polyphagous pest that infests healthy, ripening fruit and presents a serious threat to fruit production, particularly of soft skinned fruit. In the first half of October 2013, a new fruit fly species was unexpectedly detected in Tephri traps baited with the three-component female-biased attractant BioLure that is regularly used for monitoring the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Montenegro. Brief visual inspection identified the new species as the spotted wing drosophila D. suzukii. The pest was first recorded in several localities on the Montenegrin seacoast around Boka Kotor Bay. After the finding, all Drosophila specimens were collected from traps for further laboratory observation. A quick follow-up monitoring of other Tephri traps was carried out within the next few days on the rest of the seacoast (localities from Tivat to Ulcinj). Additionally, Tephri traps were set up around Lake Skadar and in the city of Podgorica, as well as on fresh fruit markets in Podgorica. The results of this preliminary study showed that D. suzukii was present in all surveyed locations and adults were captured until late December. Both sexes were found in traps with BioLure. Our data show that D. suzukii is present in southern parts of Montenegro and there is a serious threat of its further spreading, particularly towards northern parts of the country where the main raspberry and blueberry production is placed. The results also show that Tephri traps baited with BioLure can be used for detection and monitoring of spotted wing drosophila.Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) je invazivna vrsta porijeklom iz jugoistočne Azije. U Evropi je prvi put nađena 2008. godine (Španija i Italija), a nakon toga i u ostalim evropskim zemljama. Ova veoma polifagna štetočina napada zdrave plodove u fazi zrenja i zbog toga predstavlja veliku opasnost za voćarsku proizvodnju, a naročito za proizvodnju sitnog voća. U prvoj polovini oktobra 2013. godine utvrđeno je prisustvo odraslih jedinki nove vrste u Tephri klopkama sa trikomponentnim atraktantom BioLure koji se standardno koristi za monitoring mediteranske voćne muve Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera: Tephritidae) u Crnoj Gori. Vizuelni pregled klopki ukazivao je da se radi o novoj vrsti, D. suzukii. Vrsta je prvo zabilježena u lokalitetima u bokokotorskom zalivu (Baošići, Đenovići i Kumbor). Nakon ovog nalaza sve jedinke Drosophila sp. su sakupljene radi daljeg laboratorijskog ispitivanja. U narednih nekoliko dana izvršeni su pregledi Tephri klopki i na ostalom dijelu crnogorskog primorja (lokaliteti od Tivta do Ulcinja). Pored toga, Tephri klopke su postavljene u okolini Skadarskog jezera i na području Podgorice, uključujući i zelene pijace. Rezultati ovog preliminarnog istraživanja su pokazali prisustvo D. suzukii u svim posmatranim lokalitetima i hvatanje odraslih jedinki do kraja decembra. U klopkama sa BioLure nađene su jedinke oba pola. Utvrđeno prisustvo D. suzukii u južnom dijelu Crne Gore predstavlja veliku opasnost od njenog daljeg širenja, posebno prema sjeveru zemlje koje je glavno proizvodno područje maline i borovnice. Dobijeni rezultati, takođe, pokazuju da se Tephri klopke sa atraktantom BioLure mogu koristiti za utvrđivanje prisustva i monitoring ove vrste

    First record of spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Montenegro

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    The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive pest originating from Southeast Asia. It was detected for the first time in Europe in 2008 (Spain and Italy) and subsequently in other European countries. It is a highly polyphagous pest that infests healthy, ripening fruit and presents a serious threat to fruit production, particularly of soft skinned fruit. In the first half of October 2013, a new fruit fly species was unexpectedly detected in Tephri traps baited with the three-component female-biased attractant BioLure that is regularly used for monitoring the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata Wiedem. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Montenegro. Brief visual inspection identified the new species as the spotted wing drosophila D. suzukii. The pest was first recorded in several localities on the Montenegrin seacoast around Boka Kotor Bay. After the finding, all Drosophila specimens were collected from traps for further laboratory observation. A quick follow-up monitoring of other Tephri traps was carried out within the next few days on the rest of the seacoast (localities from Tivat to Ulcinj). Additionally, Tephri traps were set up around Lake Skadar and in the city of Podgorica, as well as on fresh fruit markets in Podgorica. The results of this preliminary study showed that D. suzukii was present in all surveyed locations and adults were captured until late December. Both sexes were found in traps with BioLure. Our data show that D. suzukii is present in southern parts of Montenegro and there is a serious threat of its further spreading, particularly towards northern parts of the country where the main raspberry and blueberry production is placed. The results also show that Tephri traps baited with BioLure can be used for detection and monitoring of spotted wing drosophila