35 research outputs found

    The influence of lead and alcohol on urinary excretion of coproporphyrin, uroporphyrin and porphobilinogen

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    Ispitana je koncentracija koproporfirina, uroporfirina i porfobilinogena u 300 radnika profesionalno izloženih olovu. Usporedno su izvrÅ”ene iste analize u 100 radnika kroničnih alkoholičara. Rezultati su uspoređeni s nalazima kontrolne skupine Å”to ju je sačinjavala 50 radnika koji nisu bili izloženi olovu i 50 radnika koji nisu uživali alkohol. Utvrđeno je povećana izlučivanje koproporfirina i uroporfirina u radnika izloženih olovu, dok je povećano izlučivanje porfobilinogena nađeno samo u nekoliko ispitanika. Uroporfirini su redovito bili povećani kod većih ekspozicija olovu, kada je i izlučivanje olova urinom značajno poviÅ”eno. Ti rezultati potvrđuju da su koproporfirini u urinu značajan laboratorijski test pri ekspoziciji olovu. U radnika kroničnih alkoholičara, pored povećanog izlučivanja uroporfirina i koproporfirina, značajno je i povećano izlučivanje porfobilinogena.The concentrations of coproporphyrins, uroporphyrins and porphobilinogen were determined in 300 workers occupationally exposed to lead. The same analyses were done in 100 workers who were chronic alcoholics. The results were compared with those obtained in a control group which consisted of 50 nonexposed and 50 nondrinking workers. In lead exposed workers the excretion of coproporphyrins and uroporphyrins was increased. The increased excretion of porphobilinogen was found only in a few subjects. As a rule, uroporphyrins were elevated in cases of higher lead exposure, when urinary excretion of lead was also significantly increased. These data confirm that the determination of coproporphyrins in the urine is a significant labo-ratory test for the evaluation of lead exposure. In chronic alcoholics beside the increased excretion of uroporphyrins and coproporphyrins the elevated excretion of porphobilinogen is also important

    Effect of bovine CuZn superoxide dismutase on C3 clone of B-16 mouse melanome cells in culture

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    B-I6/C3 mouse melanoma cells undergo melanogenesis and differentiation 9 days after plating under usual conditions. In our experiments the effect of exogenous bovine CuZn superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD) on B-I6/C3 cells in cultures was studied. The exogenous CuZn SOD was added, 24 hours after cell plating, in growth medium, which either contain or not Fetal Calf Serum (FCS). B-I6/C3 melanoma cells growth was followed over 5 days. Different effect of CuZn SOD on the culture was observed in relation to FCS present in growth medium. CuZn SOD induced a dose dependent increase in melanin content of B-I6/C3 cells in serum deprived medium. Our results are discussed in respect to dismutating CuZn SOD activity, which may act to an enhanced level of oxidative stress, related to the higher metabolism in melanoma cells. On the other hand we supposed that CuZn SOD produced an elevated level of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore hydrogen peroxide than may play some role in cell differentiation as transmembrane messenger.Ćelije B-I6/C3 melanoma miÅ”a melaniziraju i diferenciraju devetog dana posle zasađivanja pod uobičajenim uslovima. U naÅ”im eksperimentima smo proučavali uticaj egzogeno dodavane CuZn superoksid-dismutaze ( CuZn SOD) na ćelije B-I6/C3 u kulturi. Egzogena CuZn SOD je dodavana 24 časa posle zasađivanja ćelija u medijume za rast koji su sadržavali ili ne goveđi fetalni serum. Rast ćelija B-I6/C3 je praćen pet dana. Zapažen je različit uticaj CuZn SOD na ćelijske kulture gajene sa serumom ili bez njega. CuZn SOD izaziva dozno zavisnu sintezu i nakupljanje melanina u ćelijama koje su rasle u medijumu koji nije sadržavao goveđi fetalni serum. NaÅ”i rezultatu se mogu diskutovati u svetlu dismutacione aktivnosti CuZn SOD koja deluje na povećani nivo oksidacionog stresa izazvanog visokim metabolizmom melanoma ćelija. S druge strane, pretpostavili smo da CuZn SOD svojom aktivnoŔću proizvodi viÅ”e vodonik peroksida. Vodonik peroksid, nadalje, može da ima izvesnu ulogu u diferencijaciji ćelija kao transmembranski signalni molekul.Projekat ministarstva br. 166

    Aktivnost superoksid-dismutaze tokom maturacije kulture ćelija b-16 melanoma miÅ”a

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    The C3 clone of B-16 mouse melanoma was cultured for 1, 6 and 9 days and analyzed. The changes which are not directly linked to melanogenesis in the B-16 / C3 cultures during their maturation were characterized. Early (1 day) confluent (6 days) and old (9 days) cell cultures are distinguished by their leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and Ī±-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) isoenzyme patterns. Both quantitative and qualitative changes in LAP and ANAE isoenzyme can be observed during culture maturation. There is an increase in the activity of the enzyme copper, zinc-containing superoxide-dismutase (CuZn SOD). The increaase in the CuZn SOD enzyme activity might be related to B-16/C3 cell melanogenesis and / or to differentiation.C3 klonovi B-16 melanoma miÅ”a su gajeni u kulturi 1, 6 i 9 dana i potom analizirani. IzvrÅ”ena je karakterizacija promena B-16/C3 ćelijskih kultura tokom njihove maturacije koje nisu direktno povezane sa melanogenezom. Pokazano je da se kulture u početnoj fazi (1 dan), konfluentnoj fazi (6 dana) i kasnoj fazi (9 dana) ćelijskog rasta razlikuju na osnovu izoenzimskih spektara leucin-aminopeptidaze i alfa-naftil-acetat-esteraze. Tokom razvitka ćelijskih kultura B-16/C3 zapažene su kvantitativne i kvalitativne promene leucin-aminopeptidaze i alfa-naftil-acetat-esteraze u njihovim izoenzimskim spektrima. Utvrđeno je da postoji porast aktivnosti bakar-cink superoksid-dismutaze tokom starenja kulture. Porast aktivnosti bakar-cink superoksid-dismutaze može biti povezan sa melanogenezom i/ili diferencijacijom B-16/C3 ćelija

    Determination of thiocyanates in urine of workers occupationally exposed to cyanides

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    Ispitana je grupa radnika (N = 43) koji su različito vreme bili izloženi cijanidima u odeljenju galvanizacije i kalionice Elektronske industrije NiÅ”. Kontrolnu grupu sačinjavalo je 20 radnika koji nisu bili izloženi cijanidima. U svakog radnika određena je koncentracija rodanida u mokraći pre i posle rada. U oba odeljenja izmerena je koncentracija u atmosferi na viÅ”e radnih mesta. U pogonu galvanizacije ona je bila između 7 i 14 mg/m3, a u pogonu kalionice između 6 i 9 mg/m3. Svi radnici eksponirane grupe izlučivali su viÅ”e rodanida na kraju smene u odnosu na koncentraciju pre rada. Radnici s dužim radnim stažom u pravilu su izlučivali viÅ”e rodanida od radnika koji su kraće vreme bili izloženi cijanidima. Prosečno izlučivanje rodanida eksponirane grupe bilo je statistički značajno viÅ”e od prosečnog izlučivanja rodanida kontrolne grupe (P < 0,01). PuÅ”ači kontrolne i eksponirane grupe izlučivali su viÅ”e rodanida od nepuÅ”ača.In a group of workers occupationally exposed to cyanide vapours a high correlation between urinary contents of thiocyanate and cyanide in air was found. A great difference in the arithmetic means of the urinary thiocyanate levels in exposed workers and in a control group indicates that the determination of the urinary thiocyanate excretion is the most valuable test of exposure to cyanide. The workers from the electroplating plant seemed to be more exposed to the toxic effect of cyanide than those from the foundry

    Rivers of the Coast of Montenegro

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    Physical-Geographical Characteristics of the Coast of Montenegro

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    Impact of composting conditions on the nicotine degradation rate using nicotinophilic bacteria from tobacco waste

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    In the past several decades, due to the increased population, the planet has faced immense problems with waste management. The need for recycling and upcycling is increasing. It has become imperative to extract maximum value from discarded products. There are nearly one billion smokers on the planet. Tobacco butts are toxic, and they pollute the environment. In this paper, the research objective was the bio-augmentation of waste in the context of composting tobacco and vegetable waste mixtures, and the determination of nicotine degradation rate depending on the composting conditions. Low-grade Virginia tobacco leaves that were discarded from further processing were used as base material. The experiment was conducted in triplicate. To each sample, bacteria from the species Brevibacillus were added, and then, samples were composted under diferent conditions (controlled, semi-controlled and non-controlled). Two more samples were formed as the control group, one without bacteria and one with only tobacco waste. The research was conducted over the period of one month with monitoring of the process parameters. The tobacco waste had a baseline nicotine level of 17,363 mg/kg. In all samples containing nicotine-degrading bacteria, the level of nicotine dropped below 10 mg/kg. There was a direct positive relationship between the rate of nicotine degradation, temperature and moisture content in the samples, as well as environmental temperature and relative humidity. The content of macro- and micronutrients makes the compost appropriate for organic fertilization in agricultural production