9 research outputs found
Estudi previ per a nous usos per un equipament municipal al Pla de Santa Maria
Aquest estudi correspon al Conveni signat entre l’ajuntament del Pla de Santa Maria i la UPC el Desembre de 2005, amb la finalitat de realitzar un treball exploratori per a nous usos en el conjunt anomenat “La Fàbrica”.Preprin
Estudi previ per a nous usos per un equipament municipal al Pla de Santa Maria
Aquest estudi correspon al Conveni signat entre l’ajuntament del Pla de Santa Maria i la UPC el Desembre de 2005, amb la finalitat de realitzar un treball exploratori per a nous usos en el conjunt anomenat “La Fàbrica”
Estudi d'ordenació d'un sector urbanitzable al comú d'Encamp (Andorra)
Recull de tretze propostes per a l'ordenació d'habitatges plurifamiliars i adossades al Comú d'Encamp.Preprin
Estudi d'ordenació d'un sector urbanitzable al comú d'Encamp (Andorra)
Recull de tretze propostes per a l'ordenació d'habitatges plurifamiliars i adossades al Comú d'Encamp
Estudi previ per a nous usos per un equipament municipal al Pla de Santa Maria
Aquest estudi correspon al Conveni signat entre l’ajuntament del Pla de Santa Maria i la UPC el Desembre de 2005, amb la finalitat de realitzar un treball exploratori per a nous usos en el conjunt anomenat “La Fàbrica”
Estudi d'ordenació d'un sector urbanitzable al comú d'Encamp (Andorra)
Recull de tretze propostes per a l'ordenació d'habitatges plurifamiliars i adossades al Comú d'Encamp
Background levels and brain organoid impact of RF field exposure in a healthcare environment
Introduction: This study is an introduction to the empirical and impact evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) radiation exposure in a healthcare environment, focusing on an indoor microenvironment. It explores the expression of various genes associated with cellular responses, cell proliferation, senescence, and apoptotic cell death. The assessment analyzes current personal mobile communications (2G-5G FR1), providing a clear understanding of RF-EMF exposure and compliance with regulatory limits. Methods: The signals from different wireless communication systems at Hospital Universitario de Canarias (HUC) in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, were examined in 11 locations. Four measurement campaigns were performed with frequencyselective exposimeters (PEMs) and an EME Spy 200 MVG, and experimental electric field values were compared as a long-term exposition. The frequency with the highest contribution (2.174 V/m) observed (1840 MHz) in UMTS was selected for biological effects evaluation. Results: The study focuses on four locations with the highest exposure to communication systems (downlinks), analyzing the results to verify compliance with regulations that ensure the safety of patients, the general public, and healthcare workers. LTE B20 (DL), GSM+UMTS 900 (DL), GSM 1800 (DL), UMTS 2100 (DL), and LTE B7 (DL) exhibited relatively higher E/m values throughout the campaigns, and these values consistently remained below the ICNIRP reference levels, signifying a consistently low level of exposure. In addition, this work presents the biological effects on neural stem cells (NSCs) using 3D brain organoids (BOs) exposed to RF signals in a validated and commercial experimental setting: the Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic cell (GTEM). The GTEM allows for the creation of homogeneous field electromagnetic fields in a small, enclosed setting and guarantees exposure conditions in a wide range of frequencies. BOs are an in vitro 3D cell-culture technology that reproduces the cellular composition and structure of the developing brain. Analyzing the expression of several genes associated with cellular responses, cell proliferation, senescence, and apoptotic cell death,wefound that exposure of BOs at 1840MHzdid not affectmRNAexpression in brain genes related to apoptosis or senescence. However, a decrease in gene expression for cell proliferation and cell activity markers was observed during the differentiation stage of BOs. Discussion: The discussion emphasizes the coexistence and evolution of various heterogeneous networks and services throughout the four measurement campaigns. Across all measured results, the levels of the obtained E-field were consistently well below the exposure limits set by internationally accepted standards and guidelines. These obtained values have been established in order to consider their potential effects on cell proliferation and cell activity, especially in differentiating biological organisms. Consequently, the results obtained and the methodology presented could serve as a foundational framework for establishing the basis of RF-EMF assessment in future heterogeneous 5G developments, particularly in the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency range, where the forecast is for massive high-node density networks.The author(s) declare that financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This work was supported at Instituto de Salud Carlos III project “(PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19” “Metrics development for electromagnetic safety assessment in healthcare centers in the context of 5G” from the Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion. This research was funded by the Grant PID2021-126715OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe,” and by a grant of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) PI22CIII/00055.S
Desenvolupament de les competències transversals d'intervenció : disseny del seminari de 4t curs de psicologia
L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és concretar la manera de desenvolupar les competències transversals del futur psicòleg de grau en el seminari de 4rt curs, tenint present les matèries a les que està vinculat i la coherència de tot el curriculum de grau.
Els objectius específics són tres: 1) integrar l’experiència de més de quinze anys al seminari de 4rt curs al nou pla d’estudis, 2) definir les estratègies d'ensenyament-aprenentatge i els instruments didàctics que afavoreixin l'assoliment dels objectius establerts i, 3) reflexionar sobre l’avaluació del seminari tot establint criteris compartits.
El mètode ha estat el del treball cooperatiu, partint de les competències transversals a treballar al seminari. El resultat és una guia de treball comú que estableix unes bases mínimes per garantir un nivell d’assoliment de competències transversals, especialment les relacionades amb la intervenció psicològica, amb respecte per a totes les orientacions teòriques i perfils professionals. Les competències bàsiques les hem relacionat amb els eixos identitaris de Blanquerna com són: Saber (conèixer les principals orientacions teòriques), Saber Ser (gestió de les emocions) i Saber Fer (treballar en equip, comunicar, intervenir). Les diferents activitats s’han integrat en els eixos de les competències bàsiques i en els diferents moments temporals del seminari (inici, desenvolupament i finalització)
First and second waves of coronavirus disease-19: A comparative study in hospitalized patients in Reus, Spain.
Many countries have seen a two-wave pattern in reported cases of coronavirus disease-19 during the 2020 pandemic, with a first wave during spring followed by the current second wave in late summer and autumn. Empirical data show that the characteristics of the effects of the virus do vary between the two periods. Differences in age range and severity of the disease have been reported, although the comparative characteristics of the two waves still remain largely unknown. Those characteristics are compared in this study using data from two equal periods of 3 and a half months. The first period, between 15th March and 30th June, corresponding to the entire first wave, and the second, between 1st July and 15th October, corresponding to part of the second wave, still present at the time of writing this article. Two hundred and four patients were hospitalized during the first period, and 264 during the second period. Patients in the second wave were younger and the duration of hospitalization and case fatality rate were lower than those in the first wave. In the second wave, there were more children, and pregnant and post-partum women. The most frequent signs and symptoms in both waves were fever, dyspnea, pneumonia, and cough, and the most relevant comorbidities were cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic neurological diseases. Patients from the second wave more frequently presented renal and gastrointestinal symptoms, were more often treated with non-invasive mechanical ventilation and corticoids, and less often with invasive mechanical ventilation, conventional oxygen therapy and anticoagulants. Several differences in mortality risk factors were also observed. These results might help to understand the characteristics of the second wave and the behaviour and danger of SARS-CoV-2 in the Mediterranean area and in Western Europe. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings