4 research outputs found

    Dinoyo's Ceramic Mascot As a Support of Brand Identity

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    The design of the Dinoyo Ceramic Village Mascot was carried out as a marketing initiative to support the promotion of ceramic products. Dinoyo Ceramics was a leading player within the Malang City’s creative industries. Over time, however, ceramics activities stagnated and finally the factory closed. The closure of the factory caused the loss of many livelihoods, and now there are attempts to use creative branding strategies to increase the productivity and promotion of Dinoyo ceramics. The strategy adopted was to use a mascot a communicator. The design method refers to Alina Wheeler’s Branding Design Identity, which determines the steps that must be followed to produce a product. The study began by conducting research and describing the vision, strategy, targets and values in Dinoyo Ceramic Village as a ceramic industry tourist destination in Malang. The second step is to explain the strategy and ensure it fit the brand identity needs of Dinoyo Ceramic Village. The third stage is designing the mascot identity. The fourth step is determining a focus by finalizing the design of identity design. The fifth stage is managing assets. This included building the strategy and launch plan for the mascot, starting with the socialization to the internal party of Dinoyo Ceramic Village, followed by the mascot exhibition to introduce it to the wider public. This design produces several visual communication media, namely: two mascots for Dinoyo Ceramic Village named Oyon and Onid; advertising via Instagram social media; merchandise and advertising media that support Dinoyo ceramic products. The design of the Dinoyo Ceramic Village mascot will serve as a reliable communication tool in the promotional activities of Dinoyo Ceramic Village Keywords: Mascot, Dinoyo Ceramics, Brand Identit

    The Effect of Addition of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds Extract on Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites of Kacang Goat

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    This research aims to determine the effect of the addition of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds (FOPFE) on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites of Kacang goat. The fronds of palm oil were fermented for 21 days with the addition of 10% poultry manure, then extracted with methanol solvent. This study used 12 male Kacang goats aged >1 year that were placed in metabolic cages which were equipped with feedbox and water drinker. The study used a random group design, with 4 treatment groups namely P0=complete ration+ 0% FOPFE; P1=complete ration + 0.1% FOPFE; P2=complete ration + 0.2% FOPFE; P3= complete ration + 0.3% FOPFE. The measured variables were rumen fermentation indicators (pH, total VFA and ammonia (NH3 )) and blood structural and metabolic components (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, cholesterol, urea and blood glucose). The results showed that FOPFE had no significant effect (P>0.05) on rumen fermentation and blood profile except blood cholesterol level that was significant�ly (P<0.01) reduced in P2 group. The administration of 0.2% FOPFE can reduce blood cholesterol levels and maintain rumen fermentation and blood metabolites of Kacang goat. Keywords | Fermented oil palm fronds extract, Rumen fermentation, Blood metabolites, Goat


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    Perusahaan dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya untuk mencapai tujuan di dalam perusahaan tersebut telah dikendalikan dengan pengendalian internal. Pengendalian internal tersebut mampu meningkatkan efektivitas serta efisiensi perusahaan. Pengendalian tersebut juga bertujuan agar segala sesuatu yang ada di dalam perusahaan berjalan sesuai dengan peraturannya. Pengendalian yang dimaksud diatas adalah pengendalian internal terhadap piutang perusahaan. Penelitian yang dilakukan di PT.X BO Bandung yang berlokasi di Jl.Sukabumi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penulis melakukan wawancara terhadap pengendalian internal piutang usaha. Berdasarkan hasil uraian latar belakang diatas, maka penulis bermaksud untuk menyusun Laporan Tugas Akhir berjudul "TINJAUAN ATAS PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL PIUTANG USAHA PADA PT. X BO BANDUNG". Hasil dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pengendalian internal piutang usaha di PT.X BO Bandung dijalankan berdasarkan prosedur lama yang dilakukan secara informal, belum adanya SOP yang resmi untuk pelaksanaan pengelolaan piutang dimulai dari penerimaan piutang, penagihan piutang serta penutupan piutang, sehingga perlu dibuatkan SOP yang rinci dan sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku umum