1,461 research outputs found

    Materiality of Time

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    Introduced by William Fowler, BFI National Archive and Natalie Brett Pro-Vice Chancellor London College of Communication with a screening of Raban's About Now MMX (2010), 28 minutes. William Raban reflects on his filmmaking over the last four and a half decades paying particular attention to About Now MMX (2010) which is almost certainly the last of his works to be shot on film. Acknowledged for his contributions to expanded cinema, his films about London and the River Thames, Raban discusses his practice since he was a painting student at Saint Martin’s School of Art (1967-1971)


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    Facing the globalization era in banking by year 2003, and coping with the highly competitive forces from both domestic banks and foreign banks in the retail and micro banking area, PT. Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero) is doing business revisioning and re-missioning by focusing in its core competences that are retail and micro banking. In line with its vision and mission, PT. Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero) uses its human resources and information technology as a core in order to cope with current and future competition. Regarding the IT Master Plan, PT. Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero) implements its vision in information technology by changing the information technology configuration, from distributed system to centralized system. A clientserver configuration is applied to support the branch delivery system. However, there are three problems that arise and have to be solved by PT. Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero); First, what is the optimal architecture model of client-server to be chosen? This is crucial since vary client-server architecture are available, and it depends on the applied business process as well. Second, what is the optimal implementation method of the chosen architecture? And third, what is the risk of implementing the chosen architecture? Those problems are analyzed in this study. The conclusions of this study are; first, the optimal architecture model of clientserver for PT Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero) is the Web-base Remote Presentation. Second, the optimal implementation method of the client-server architecture is out-sourcing. It is including software development, infrastructure development, and system maintenance, and co-sourcing for system operation. Third, the risk of implementing client-server architecture is low. It means that PT Bank Rakyat lndonesia (Persero) is recommended to implement client-server architecture using remote presentation model

    The rationalisation of policy: on the relationship between democracy and the rule of law

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    Jaki jest związek między demokracją a rządami prawa? Dlaczego rozwijają się one mniej więcej równolegle i dlaczego zwykle je łączymy, opisując dobre rządzenie? Ostatecznie pod względem teoretycznym są różne: niedemokratyczny reżim może działać w ramach ugruntowanych rządów prawa (np. osiemnastowieczna Anglia), a rząd wybrany w powszechnych wyborach może łamać reguły prawne (np. Rosja, Turcja bądź Pakistan). Mimo to, powtórzmy, wydaje się, że zachodzi tu jakieś wzajemne wzmocnienie – być może nawet jakaś współzależność – między tymi dwoma systemami organizacji politycznej. W artykule zostaną przeanalizowane najczęściej przytaczane wyjaśnienia wzajemnego oddziaływania demokracji i rządów prawa, a następnie zaproponowane nowe – tzn. że demokracja i rządy prawa uzupełniają się w racjonalizowaniu sprawowania władzy.What is the relation between democracy and the rule of law? Why did they develop more or less simultaneously, and why do we tend to conjoin them when describing good government? After all, theoretically, these two are: a non-democratic regime may operate with a robust rule of law (think of eighteenth-century England) while a government elected by popular vote mayflout the rule of law principles (think of Russia or Turkey or Pakistan). And yet, to repeat, there seems to be some mutual reinforcement – perhaps even some interdependence – between these two systems of political organisation. This article will survey the most common explanation for the confluence of democracy and the rule of law, and will then propose a new one – namely, that democracy and the rule of law complement each other in the rationalisation of government power

    Is Textualism Required by Constitutional Separation of Powers?

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    This article examines the often-heard claim that textualism in statutory interpretation is mandated by constitutional separation of powers. The claim is examined using both the formalist and the functionalist approaches to separation of powers doctrine under the Federal Constitution. As we shall see, these doctrinal inquiries quickly devolve into examinations of the purposes and justification of textualism, and of separating the three branches of government. The article concludes not only that standing constitutional doctrine fails to support the textualist claim, but also that, as a matter of fact, textualism is a judicial philosophy that runs counter to the most basic principles of constitutional separation of powers

    Notícia dels poetes "marcians"

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    L'article original de Jonathan Raban es va publicar, amb el títol de "Martian Arts", a "London Review of Books", vol. 9, núm. 14 (23 de juliol de 1987). ps. 16-19.Tendències actuals de la poesia anglesa. Referència a l'últim número de 'Review' dedicat al simposi "L'estat de la poesia" (1972)
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