6 research outputs found
About factorization of quantum states with few qubits
It is studied quantum entanglement from the poin of view of separation of quantum statesThrough the study of factorization conditions made up of two, three and four qubits, we propose an analytical expression which can caracterize states in terms of coefficients of the wave function and density matrix element
Plataforma de Colaboraci贸n para la Investigaci贸n
En cuanto al uso de los conceptos para organizar el conocimiento, Hjorland indica que 茅stos son concebidos como unidades de pensamiento, y la relaci贸n interconceptual es un elemento fundamental ya que los paradigmas, con sus teor铆as y conceptualizaciones, son por naturaleza instrumentos clasificadores de la realidad con la que interact煤a de continuo el individuo. De esta forma, las relaciones sem谩nticas que se establecen entre los conceptos son b谩sicas para sistematizar el conocimiento, pero su significado queda sujeto a la perspectiva te贸rica desde la cual sean considerados.Seg煤n la UNESCO (2005a) la diversidad de las modalidades de acceso al conocimiento constituye una de las caracter铆sticas m谩s importantes de la sociedad del aprendizaje y supone tambi茅n, entre otras cosas, el cuestionamiento de los conceptos de inteligencia en los que prevalec铆a el car谩cter estable de los procesos de evaluaci贸n y trasmisi贸n de los conocimientos. As铆, en el contexto de la realidad actual, la tarea de discriminar informaci贸n se vuelve un proceso casi imposible, la creciente informaci贸n actual, principalmente por v铆a Internet, le resulta al pensamiento humano cada vez m谩s dif铆cil de filtrar, tratar y dominar; lo cual se traduce en barreras (n煤mero ilimitado de fuentes, desconocimiento de los mecanismos de filtrado, organizaci贸n o apropiaci贸n cognitiva de la informaci贸n) que impiden hacer un uso efectivo de ella. As铆, el exceso de informaci贸n no significa mejor comprensi贸n de la realidad, sino que con frecuencia alarmante produce el efecto contrario (UNESCO, 2005a; Dudziacck 2003; Sahag煤n, 2004, citados por Pe帽a, 2011)
Pentapartite Entanglement Measures of GHZ and W-Class State in the Noninertial Frame
We study both pentapartite GHZ and W-class states in the noninertial frame and explore their entanglement properties by carrying out the negativities including 1-4, 2-3, and 1-1 tangles, the whole entanglement measures such as algebraic and geometric averages π5 and Π5, and von Neumann entropy. We illustrate graphically the difference between the pentapartite GHZ and W-class states. We find that all 1-4, 2-3 tangles and the whole entanglements, which are observer dependent, degrade more quickly as the number of accelerated qubits increases. The entanglements of these quantities still exist even at the infinite acceleration limit. We also notice that all 1-1 tangles of pentapartite GHZ state Nαβ=NαIβ=NαIβI=0 where α,β∈(A,B,C,D,E), whereas all 1-1 tangles of the W-class state Nαβ,NαIβ and NαIβI are unequal to zero, e.g., Nαβ=0.12111 but NαIβ and NαIβI disappear at r>0.61548 and r>0.38671, respectively. We notice that the entanglement of the pentapartite GHZ and W-class quantum systems decays faster as the number of accelerated particles increases. Moreover, we also illustrate the difference of von Neumann entropy between them and find that the entropy in the pentapartite W-class state is greater than that of GHZ state. The von Neumann entropy in the pentapartite case is more unstable than those of tripartite and tetrapartite subsystems in the noninertial frame
Simultaneous intensity projection for projector response computation with application to an active radiometric calibration
One of the most important sources of errors in digital fringe projection (DFP) systems is the nonlinearity in the response of the projector when it uses the three-step phase retrieval algorithm. Thus, it is necessary to increase the accuracy without affecting the efficiency. In this sense, the radiometric rectification methods are used. In this paper, an active radiometric rectification method for digital fringe projection is proposed. This proposal consists in two improvements of traditional active techniques: first, parallel intensity projection is used to obtain the projector response which requires only four dot patterns; and second, a method is provided for the calculation of the inverse polynomial that guarantees symmetry with respect to the response of the projector. Experimental results, in a digital fringe projection system, show that the root-mean-square phase error improves 6.3 times using this proposal