3,037 research outputs found

    A metaheuristic approach for the repositioning problem in bike sharing systems (bss): a study case in Toluca, México

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    The impact of Bike Sharing Systems (BSS) in the world had experienced such success that nowadays most iconic cities in the world have adopted its own system. The particular characteristics of the user’s mobility in every city have not allowed developing a generalized procedure to operate the systems. Moreover, the lack of symmetry in the mobility patterns, and the dynamic users’ behavior lead to eventually “unbalance” the system, this is, to a lack of bikes at stations, and therefore bikes have to be repositioned to stations where effective demand is present, and there is no unified or scientifically supported methodology. In this paper we deal with a study case in Toluca city (Huizi system), in which the entity in charge of current operational activities wants to design a procedure scientifically based to perform repositioning daily activities at the minimum operational cost guarantying the availability of bikes for the users (service level). Due to operational requirements, this bi-objective problem was formulated using a dynamic scope and stated as a combinatorial optimization model and finally solved using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

    Mejoramiento de la infraestructura educativa I.E Virgen del Carmen para el desarrollo del modelo de jornada escolar completa (JEC) en el barrio 5 del centro poblado de alto Trujillo - Distrito El Porvenir - Provincia de Trujillo - Región La Libertad

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    El contenido de la tesis es la creación de una infraestructura educativa con identidad ligada al espacio público en el Centro Poblado de Alto Trujillo. Tiene como finalidad proveer de soluciones físico-espaciales a la problemática de la reducida infraestructura para el desarrollo de las nuevas metodologías de enseñanza con el diseño de una nueva propuesta de I.E. “Virgen del Carmen” para los niveles primaria y Secundaria dentro del Centro Poblado de Alto Trujillo. Además de integrar al proyecto el entorno mediato para generar espacios recreativos y culturales para la población de la zona. De este modo, se traza una propuesta arquitectónica que asista no solamente los requerimientos de la demanda estudiantil actual sino de la futura población estudiantil, a través de una infraestructura diseñada y construida de acuerdo al modelo educativo que desarrollo las habilidades integrales de los alumnos. Las bases teóricas y referenciales del proyecto se cimientan en el concepto de Infraestructura Educativa. Es relevante entender el funcionamiento de un colegio para proponer una arquitectura que estimules los sentidos con espacios que alberguen diversos programas, además de áreas libres para juegos y actividades de esparcimiento, el desafío es generar espacios educativos flexibles y dinámicos que den impacto positivo en el desarrollo pedagógico de los alumnos. Acerca de la metodología, se examinan cada uno de los factores comprometidos en el proyecto: datos técnicos y estadísticos, terreno y entorno, donde el resultado de la investigación establecerá las estrategias de diseño que generen la propuesta. La ambición de la tesis es potenciar el desarrollo de la infraestructura de acuerdo a los requerimientos actuales, no planteamos llevar a cabo un modelo de espacio perfecto sino de un entorno educativo inteligente que se crea por y para la interacción de los alumnos.The content of the thesis is the creation of an educational infrastructure with an identity linked to public space in the Populated Center of Alto Trujillo. The purpose is to provide physical spatial solutions to the problematic of the reduced infrastructure for the development of new teaching methodologies with the design of a new proposal of E.I. “Virgen del Carmen” for primary and secondary levels within the Populated Center of Alto Trujillo. In addition to integrating the project into a mediated environment to generate recreational and cultural spaces for people around the area. In this way, an architectural proposal is drawn up that assists not just the requirements of the current student demand but of the future population of students, through an infrastructure designed and built according to the educational model that develops the integral abilities of the students. The theoretical and referential bases of the project are grounded in the concept of an educational infrastructure. Is important to understand the operation of a school to propose an architecture that stimulates the senses with areas that have several programmes in addition to free areas for games and outdoor activities, the challenge is to generate flexible and dynamic educational spaces that impact in a positive way in the pedagogical development of the students. About the methodology, each one of the factors engaged in the project are examined like technical and statistical data, terrain and environment where the result of the investigation will establish design strategies that generate the proposal. The ambition of the thesis is to enhance the development of the infrastructure according to the current requirements, we don’t pretend to carry out a perfect space model but of an intelligent educational environment that has been created by and for the students' interactionTesi


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    B.CEPPA, Curitiba, v. 33, n. 1, p. 87-97, jan./jun. 2015EFFECT OF HEAT TREATMENT ON THE RHEOLOGICALPROPERTIES AND COLOR OF PUMPKINS (Cucurbitamoschate)Keila de Souza Silva*Carolina Castilho Garcia**Javier Telis Romero***Maria Aparecida Mauro****The aim is to investigate the eff ects of stepwise blanching and itscombination with drying on rheological properties and change ofcolor in pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata). 1 cm thick samples wereimmersed in water at 55 °C for diff erent times, followed by diff erentholding times prior to inactivation of the enzyme (97 °C/5minutes).Controled samples were obtained after blanching at 97 °C for 5minutes. The texture and color of the samples were measured and therheological parameters calculated according to the Maxwell model.The results showed that stepwise blanching for 40 minutes with 30minutes of holding time provided samples with equilibrium modulusof elasticity greater than the control samples. These parameterswere used as blanching pre-treatment to convective drying with airat 60 °C and a velocity of 1.5 m/s for diff erent drying times. Stepwiseblanched samples showed fi rmer tissues than control samples afterdrying. There were no signifi cant diff erences in the lightness andredness of stepwise blanched samples and control samples duringdrying

    Assessing water urban systems to the compliance of SDGs through sustainability indicators. Implementation in the valencian community

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    [EN] The sustainability improving must be supported in the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The research shows a procedure, establishing 136 indicators, which are linked to the management of water systems. The procedure classified each indicator according to its intervention in the water cycle, measuring the level of sustainability applied to water systems. This methodology assesses the water systems possible and establishes a benchmarking on sustainable aspects. The developed database and the proposed procedure enable the establishment of an evaluation of the SDGs in any water system, establishing different four levels of sustainability benchmarking. These indicators were applied to 110 worldwide case studies, which were obtained from the background developed in the research. Applying this methodology will allow companies and water system managers to assess the SDG targets and incorporate new challenges to improve sustainability. As example, the methodology was applied to six real supply systems, which are located in Spain. According to the results, the contribution to water supply compliance is 42% of sustainability targets.The authors would like to acknowledge grant PID2020-114781RA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politècnica de València.Garcia, C.; López Jiménez, PA.; Sánchez-Romero, F.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2023). Assessing water urban systems to the compliance of SDGs through sustainability indicators. Implementation in the valencian community. Sustainable Cities and Society (Online). 96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.1047049

    La satisfacción del servicio en el transporte público exclusivo para mujeres

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    Como parte del desarrollo del sistema de transporte público, este ha presentado problemas de sobrecupo, lo cual se ha traducido en impactos negativos particularmente sobre las mujeres, en especial en lo relativo a los niveles de seguridad, en relación con lo que aquellas han reportado diferentes agresiones. Entre las medidas para reducir lo anterior se implementaron los servicios de transporte exclusivos para mujeres (TEPM) –etiquetados como “transporte rosa”–. En este documento se muestran los resultados de cuantificar la satisfacción de las usuarias del TEPM para el caso del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (metro) de la ciudad de México. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta de satisfacción, a partir de la cual se obtuvo información acerca de los niveles de satisfacción de tres factores del TEPM: cobertura, disponibilidad de asientos, y agresiones sufridas. Los resultados muestran que las características del TEPM no están alineadas con las necesidades de las usuarias, y esto lleva a redefinir los objetivos del transporte exclusivo. Palabras clave: satisfacción del servicio, transporte exclusivo para mujere

    A Comparative Study of Stochastic Model Predictive Controllers

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    [EN] A comparative study of two state-of-the-art stochastic model predictive controllers for linear systems with parametric and additive uncertainties is presented. On the one hand, Stochastic Model Predictive Control (SMPC) is based on analytical methods and solves an optimal control problem (OCP) similar to a classic Model Predictive Control (MPC) with constraints. SMPC defines probabilistic constraints on the states, which are transformed into equivalent deterministic ones. On the other hand, Scenario-based Model Predictive Control (SCMPC) solves an OCP for a specified number of random realizations of uncertainties, also called scenarios. In this paper, Classic MPC, SMPC and SCMPC are compared through two numerical examples. Thanks to several Monte-Carlo simulations, performances of classic MPC, SMPC and SCMPC are compared using several criteria, such as number of successful runs, number of times the constraints are violated, integral absolute error and computational cost. Moreover, a Stochastic Model Predictive Control Toolbox was developed by the authors, available on MATLAB Central, in which it is possible to simulate a SMPC or a SCMPC to control multivariable linear systems with additive disturbances. This software was used to carry out part of the simulations of the numerical examples in this article and it can be used for results reproduction.Gonzalez, E.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Salcedo-Romero-De-Ávila, J. (2020). A Comparative Study of Stochastic Model Predictive Controllers. Electronics. 9(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9122078S12291

    El Transporte Público Y Desigualdad Socioeconómica Territorial En La Zona Metropolitana De Toluca

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    capitulo de transporte publicoLa desigualdad socioeconómica y su relación con el transporte público en la Zona Metropolitana de Toluca, ha tomado mayor auge con la descentralización de la población y actividades socioeconómicas hacia zonas periféricas, originando necesidades de traslado más complejas; por lo tanto es importante que el sistema de transporte público sea compatible con las necesidades de la sociedad urbana-periférica, de no ser así se acentuará aún más la desigualdad que existe geográficamente en la Zona Metropolitana del Estado de México

    Firm, entrepreneur and their relationship with the environment in economic-business thought

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    La preocupación por la figura del empresario y por los propios procesos empresariales en la Historia del Pensamiento Económico ha sido relativamente reciente. A pesar de que ya autores clásicos como Cantillón y Say mostraron la importancia del empresario en los procesos económicos, dicha figura no ha tenido protagonismo en los principales modelos desarrollados dentro de la Teoría Económica ortodoxa, aunque sí ha recibido la atención debida en escuelas del pensamiento minoritarias como la Escuela Austriaca o la Escuela Neoinstitucionalista. Es en el ámbito de la Economía de la Empresa, y no de la Economía, en donde la figura del empresario y la organización de los procesos empresariales ha adquirido la debida relevancia, siendo la relación entre la empresa y su entorno uno de los campos que más interés ha despertado en las últimas décadas, tanto en la zona de influencia alemana, más orientada a la consolidación de una Teoría Económica de la Empresa, como en la zona de influencia anglosajona, más orientada a la praxis del Management. Con este trabajo se busca sintetizar las principales teorías sobre la relación entre la empresa y su entorno que se han desarrollado en la historia del pensamiento económico-empresarial a lo largo de las últimas décadas, poniendo en relieve la importancia que los factores del entorno tienen sobre el quehacer diario de las empresas.The concern for the figure of the entrepreneur and for the business processes in the History of Economic Thought has been relatively recent. Despite the fact that classical authors such as Cantillón and Say have already shown the importance of the entrepreneur in economic processes, this figure has not played a leading role in the main models developed within orthodox Economic Theory, although it has received attention in minorities schools of thought such as the Austrian School or the Neo-institutionalist School. It is in the field of Business Economics, and not Economics, where the figure of the entrepreneur and the organization of business processes has acquired relevance, being the relationship between the firm and its environment one of the most interesting fields in recent decades, both in the German zone of influence, more oriented towards the consolidation of an Economic Theory of the Firm, and in the Anglo-Saxon zone of influence, more oriented to the praxis of Management. This work seeks to synthesize the main theories about the relationship between the firm and its environment that have been developed in the history of economic-business thought over the last decades, highlighting the importance that environmental factors have on the daily work of companies

    La mitad de los emprendedores autónomos fracasa

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    4 p.Probablemente uno de los términos más escuchados en los últimos tiempos en el ámbito económico ysocial ha sido emprender. Frente al empleo por cuenta ajena o a la carrera en la AdministraciónPública, la creación de empresas se ha manifestado como una alternativa de desarrollo profesionalpara jóvenes sin experiencia, pero con ideas y empuje, así como para profesionales másexperimentados que, o bien han experimentado la desagradable experiencia del despido, o bien hanbuscado dar un giro a sus carreras. Los efectos sobre el empleo de la última crisis económica, que perduran a día de hoy, devolvieron la figura del emprendedor al centro de la realidad económica. Sin embargo, sería un error no atender a otros fenómenos que están transformando la sociedad continuamente, con más intensidad si cabe en los últimos años