10,063 research outputs found

    A regularizing commutant duality for a kinematically covariant partial ordered net of observables

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    We consider a net of *-algebras, locally around any point of observation, equipped with a natural partial order related to the isotony property. Assuming the underlying manifold of the net to be a differentiable, this net shall be kinematically covariant under general diffeomorphisms. However, the dynamical relations, induced by the physical state defining the related net of (von Neumann) observables, are in general not covariant under all diffeomorphisms, but only under the subgroup of dynamical symmetries. We introduce algebraically both, IR and UV cutoffs, and assume that these are related by a commutant duality. The latter, having strong implications on the net, allows us to identify a 1-parameter group of the dynamical symmetries with the group of outer modular automorphisms. For thermal equilibrium states, the modular dilation parameter may be used locally to define the notions of both, time and a causal structure.Comment: LaTeX, to appear in: Proc. XXI. Int. Sem. on Group Theor. Methods, Goslar (1996), eds. Doebner et a

    Interplay of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov and Vortex states in two-dimensional Superconductors

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    Clean superconductors with weakly coupled conducting planes have been suggested as promising candidates for observing the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state. We consider here a layered superconductor in a magnetic field of arbitrary orientation with respect to the conducting plane. In this case there is competition of spin-pair-breaking and orbital-pair-breaking effects. In previous work, phase boundaries characterized by Landau quantum numbers n > 0 have been predicted. Here, we calculate the actual structure of the stable states below Hc2 by minimizing the free energy. We find several new order parameter structures differing from both the traditional Abrikosov and FFLO solutions. Some interesting unsolved questions appear in the limit of large n.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Electrodynamics with non-linear constitutive laws and memory effects

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    Maxwell's equations governing the propagation of electro-magnetic fields are considered in conjunction with a class of material relations, which are capable of repre- senting memory effects and time delay

    Algebraic Quantum Theory on Manifolds: A Haag-Kastler Setting for Quantum Geometry

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    Motivated by the invariance of current representations of quantum gravity under diffeomorphisms much more general than isometries, the Haag-Kastler setting is extended to manifolds without metric background structure. First, the causal structure on a differentiable manifold M of arbitrary dimension (d+1>2) can be defined in purely topological terms, via cones (C-causality). Then, the general structure of a net of C*-algebras on a manifold M and its causal properties required for an algebraic quantum field theory can be described as an extension of the Haag-Kastler axiomatic framework. An important application is given with quantum geometry on a spatial slice within the causally exterior region of a topological horizon H, resulting in a net of Weyl algebras for states with an infinite number of intersection points of edges and transversal (d-1)-faces within any neighbourhood of the spatial boundary S^2.Comment: 15 pages, Latex; v2: several corrections, in particular in def. 1 and in sec.

    Electron-spin dynamics induced by photon spins

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    Strong rotating magnetic fields may cause a precession of the electron's spin around the rotation axis of the magnetic field. The superposition of two counterpropagating laser beams with circular polarization and opposite helicity features such a rotating magnetic field component but also carries spin. The laser's spin density, that can be expressed in terms of the lase's electromagnetic fields and potentials, couples to the electron's spin via a relativistic correction to the Pauli equation. We show that the quantum mechanical interaction of the electron's spin with the laser's rotating magnetic field and with the laser's spin density counteract each other in such a way that a net spin rotation remains with a precession frequency that is much smaller than the frequency one would expect from the rotating magnetic field alone. In particular, the frequency scales differently with the laser's electric field strength depending on if relativistic corrections are taken into account or not. Thus, the relativistic coupling of the electron's spin to the laser's spin density changes the dynamics not only quantitatively but also qualitatively as compared to the nonrelativistic theory. The electron's spin dynamics is a genuine quantum mechanical relativistic effect

    Spin dynamics in relativistic light-matter interaction

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    Various spin effects are expected to become observable in light-matter interaction at relativistic intensities. Relativistic quantum mechanics equipped with a suitable relativistic spin operator forms the theoretical foundation for describing these effects. Various proposals for relativistic spin operators have been offered by different authors, which are presented in a unified way. As a result of the operators' mathematical properties only the Foldy-Wouthuysen operator and the Pryce operator qualify as possible proper relativistic spin operators. The ground states of highly charged hydrogen-like ions can be utilized to identify a legitimate relativistic spin operator experimentally. Subsequently, the Foldy-Wothuysen spin operator is employed to study electron-spin precession in high-intensity standing light waves with elliptical polarization. For a correct theoretical description of the predicted electron-spin precession relativistic effects due to the spin angular momentum of the electromagnetic wave has to be taken into account even in the limit of low intensities

    Relativistic spin operators in various electromagnetic environments

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    Different operators have been suggested in the literature to describe the electron's spin degree of freedom within the relativistic Dirac theory. We compare concrete predictions of the various proposed relativistic spin operators in different physical situations. In particular, we investigate the so-called Pauli, Foldy-Wouthuysen, Czachor, Frenkel, Chakrabarti, Pryce, and Fradkin-Good spin operators. We demonstrate that when a quantum system interacts with electromagnetic potentials the various spin operators predict different expectation values. This is explicitly illustrated for the scattering dynamics at a potential step and in a standing laser field and also for energy eigenstates of hydrogenic ions. Therefore, one may distinguish between the proposed relativistic spin operators experimentally