4,004 research outputs found


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    Using a variety of techniques we estimated energy expenditure and allocation of energy in free-living green iguanas (Iguana iguana) in a seasonal environment on Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. 1) Daily energy expenditure (DEE) was measured by means of the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique, using O-18 and deuterium (H-2). The method was validated in green iguanas at ambient temperature and humidity levels occurring on Curacao. Energy expenditures from the DLW method differed by 2.1 +/- 8.2% compared to respirometry and balance methods. This value falls within the range of deviations found in other validation studies, and indicates that the DLW method is acceptable in green iguanas even at high ambient humidity. 2) Average DEE was 71.7 kJ . kg-1.d-1. There were no significant differences in DEE between males and females, although males tended to have higher metabolic rates during the mating season. Energy expenditure on a yearly basis including clutch production in females did not differ between females and males, indicating comparable annual levels of energy expenditure between the sexes. 3) Temperature dependence of standard metabolic rate (SMR) and resting metabolic rate (RMR) were determined by respirometry experiments. RMR increased with temperature with a Q10 of 2.24. In combination with field body temperatures SMR and RMR of free-living iguanas could be determined. SMR amounted to 15-22% of the DEE. DEE was 1.8-2.8 times RMR. 4) The energy expenditure above RMR was allocated between activities involving locomotion and stationary activities. DEE in combination with behavioral data revealed an indirect measure of the costs linked to locomotion in the field, including climbing (255 kJ.km-1.kg-1). Locomotion with a climbing component imposed six times the costs of horizontal walking. Although time spent locomoting was only a very small fraction of the total time, the costs linked to locomotor activities amounted to almost-equal-to 23% of the daily energy expenditure. Postural adjustment costs were almost-equal-to 33% of the DEE. Locomotion could explain 78% of the observed variation in DEE. If other activities, such as foraging and social activities, were included in multiple regression analyses, 96% of the variation in DEE could be explained. 5) Body condition of males decreased during the mating period (March/April), while most of the decrease in body condition of females occurred during the time of oviposition (May/June). Time spent in social activities was higher during the mating period, especially so in males, but time devoted to other activities (locomotion, foraging) did not differ significantly between the seasons. Comparison between the sexes revealed that males spent more time locomoting than females, throughout the year. 6) Differences in body condition in the course of the year were not due to differences in DEE, but were mainly a result of differences in metabolizable energy intake. Though on a yearly basis energy expenditure was equal in both sexes, energy allocation differed between the sexes. Females devoted almost-equal-to 15% of their annual energy budget to the production of eggs, while males showed heightened social activity during the mating phase and spent twice as much time in locomotor activities than females

    Non-host resistance to penetration and hyphal growth of Magnaporthe oryzae in Arabidopsis

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    Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is a devastating disease of rice. Mechanisms of rice resistance to blast have been studied extensively, and the rice–M. oryzae pathosystem has become a model for plant–microbe interaction studies. However, the mechanisms of non-host resistance (NHR) to rice blast in other plants remain poorly understood. We found that penetration resistance to M. oryzae in multiple mutants, including pen2 NahG pmr5 agb1 and pen2 NahG pmr5 mlo2 plants, was severely compromised and that fungal growth was permitted in penetrated epidermal cells. Furthermore, rice Pi21 enhanced movement of infection hyphae from penetrated Arabidopsis epidermal cells to adjacent mesophyll cells. These results indicate that PEN2, PMR5, AGB1, and MLO2 function in both penetration and post-penetration resistance to M. oryzae in Arabidopsis, and suggest that the absence of rice Pi21 contributed to Arabidopsis NHR to M. oryzae

    Validation and optimization of AFP-based biomarker panels for early HCC detection in Latin America and Europe

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    Background: HCC is a major cause of cancer death worldwide. Serum biomarkers such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), protein induced by vitamin K absence-II, and the Gender, Age, AFP-L3, AFP, Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (GALAD) score have been recommended for HCC surveillance. However, inconsistent recommendations in international guidelines limit their clinical utility.Methods: In this multicenter study, over 2000 patient samples were collected in 6 Latin American and 2 European countries. The performance of the GALAD score was validated in cirrhotic cases, and optimized versions were tested for early-stage HCC and prediagnostic HCC detection.Results: The GALAD score could distinguish between HCC and cirrhosis in Latin American patients with an AUC of 0.76, sensitivity of 70%, and specificity of 83% at the conventional cutoff value of βˆ’0.63. In a European cohort, GALAD had an AUC of 0.69, sensitivity of 66%, and specificity of 72%. Optimizing the score in the 2 large multicenter cohorts revealed that AFP-L3 contributed minimally to early-stage HCC detection. Thus, we developed a modified GALAD score without AFP-L3, the ASAP (age, sex, AFP, and protein induced by vitamin K absence-II), which showed promise for early-stage HCC detection upon validation. The ASAP score also identified patients with cirrhosis at high risk for advanced-stage HCC up to 15 months before diagnosis (p < 0.0001) and differentiated HCC from hemangiomas, with a specificity of 100% at 71% sensitivity.Conclusion: Our comprehensive analysis of large sample cohorts validates the GALAD score’s utility in Latin American, Spanish, and Dutch patients for early-stage HCC detection. The optimized GALAD without AFP-L3, the ASAP score, is a good alternative and shows greater promise for HCC prediction

    Heterologous production of curcuminoids

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    Curcuminoids, components of the rhizome of turmeric, show several beneficial biological activities, including anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activities. Despite their numerous pharmaceutically important properties, the low natural abundance of curcuminoids represents a major drawback for their use as therapeutic agents. Therefore, they represent attractive targets for heterologous production and metabolic engineering. The understanding of biosynthesis of curcuminoids in turmeric made remarkable advances in the last decade, and as a result, several efforts to produce them in heterologous organisms have been reported. The artificial biosynthetic pathway (e.g., in Escherichia coli) can start with the supplementation of the amino acid tyrosine or phenylalanine or of carboxylic acids and lead to the production of several natural curcuminoids. Unnatural carboxylic acids can also be supplemented as precursors and lead to the production of unnatural compounds with possibly novel therapeutic properties. In this paper, we review the natural conversion of curcuminoids in turmeric and their production by E. coli using an artificial biosynthetic pathway. We also explore the potential of other enzymes discovered recently or already used in other similar biosynthetic pathways, such as flavonoids and stilbenoids, to increase curcuminoid yield and activity.We acknowledge financial support from the Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, project reference RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (project number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462), project SYNBIOBACTHER (PTDC/EBB-BIO/102863/2008), and a doctoral grant (SFRH/BD/51187/ 2010) to J. L. Rodrigues, funded by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia. We thank the MIT-Portugal Program for support given to J. L. Rodrigues

    Stable isotope analysis provides new information on winter habitat use of declining avian migrants that is relevant to their conservation

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    Winter habitat use and the magnitude of migratory connectivity are important parameters when assessing drivers of the marked declines in avian migrants. Such information is unavailable for most species. We use a stable isotope approach to assess these factors for three declining African-Eurasian migrants whose winter ecology is poorly known: wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, house martin Delichon urbicum and common swift Apus apus. Spatially segregated breeding wood warbler populations (sampled across a 800 km transect), house martins and common swifts (sampled across a 3,500 km transect) exhibited statistically identical intra-specific carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in winter grown feathers. Such patterns are compatible with a high degree of migratory connectivity, but could arise if species use isotopically similar resources at different locations. Wood warbler carbon isotope ratios are more depleted than typical for African-Eurasian migrants and are compatible with use of moist lowland forest. The very limited variance in these ratios indicates specialisation on isotopically restricted resources, which may drive the similarity in wood warbler populations' stable isotope ratios and increase susceptibility to environmental change within its wintering grounds. House martins were previously considered to primarily use moist montane forest during the winter, but this seems unlikely given the enriched nature of their carbon isotope ratios. House martins use a narrower isotopic range of resources than the common swift, indicative of increased specialisation or a relatively limited wintering range; both factors could increase house martins' vulnerability to environmental change. The marked variance in isotope ratios within each common swift population contributes to the lack of population specific signatures and indicates that the species is less vulnerable to environmental change in sub-Saharan Africa than our other focal species. Our findings demonstrate how stable isotope research can contribute to understanding avian migrants' winter ecology and conservation status

    Selective masking and demasking for the stepwise complexometric determination of aluminium, lead and zinc from the same solution

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    Background: A complexometric method based on selective masking and de-masking has been developed for the rapid determination of aluminium, lead and zinc from the same solution in glass and glass frit samples. The determination is carried out using potassium cyanide to mask zinc, and excess disodium salt of EDTA to mask lead and aluminium. The excess EDTA was titrated with standard Mn(II)SO(4) solution using Erichrome Black-T as the indicator. Subsequently selective de-masking agents - triethanolamine, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol and a formaldehyde/acetone mixture - were used to determine quantities of aluminium, lead and zinc in a stepwise and selective manner. Results: The accuracy of the method was established by analysing glass certified reference material NBS 1412. The standard deviation of the measurements, calculated by analysing five replicates of each sample, was found to be less than 1.5% for the method proposed. Conclusion: The novelty of the method lies in its simplicity and accuracy afforded by there not being a need for a prior separation or instrumentation. The proposed method was found to be highly selective for the precise determination of aluminum, zinc and lead in the routine analysis of glass batch and allied materials

    Pathogenesis of aerosolized Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus infection in guinea pigs

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    Mice and guinea pigs were experimentally exposed to aerosols containing regionally-distinct strains (NJ1959 or ArgM) of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) at two exclusive particle size distributions. Mice were more susceptible to either strain of aerosolized EEEV than were guinea pigs; however, clinical signs indicating encephalitis were more readily observed in the guinea pigs. Lower lethality was observed in both species when EEEV was presented at the larger aerosol distribution (> 6 ΞΌm), although the differences in the median lethal dose (LD50) were not significant. Virus isolation and immunohistochemistry indicated that virus invaded the brains of guinea pigs within one day postexposure, regardless of viral strain or particle size distribution. Immunohistochemistry further demonstrated that neuroinvasion occurred through the olfactory system, followed by transneuronal spread to all regions of the brain. Olfactory bipolar neurons and neurons throughout the brain were the key viral targets. The main microscopic lesions in infected guinea pigs were neuronal necrosis, inflammation of the meninges and neuropil of the brain, and vasculitis in the brain. These results indicate that guinea pigs experimentally infected by aerosolized EEEV recapitulate several key features of fatal human infection and thus should serve as a suitable animal model for aerosol exposure to EEEV

    Therapeutic DNA vaccine induces broad T cell responses in the gut and sustained protection from viral rebound and AIDS in SIV-infected rhesus macaques.

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    Immunotherapies that induce durable immune control of chronic HIV infection may eliminate the need for life-long dependence on drugs. We investigated a DNA vaccine formulated with a novel genetic adjuvant that stimulates immune responses in the blood and gut for the ability to improve therapy in rhesus macaques chronically infected with SIV. Using the SIV-macaque model for AIDS, we show that epidermal co-delivery of plasmids expressing SIV Gag, RT, Nef and Env, and the mucosal adjuvant, heat-labile E. coli enterotoxin (LT), during antiretroviral therapy (ART) induced a substantial 2-4-log fold reduction in mean virus burden in both the gut and blood when compared to unvaccinated controls and provided durable protection from viral rebound and disease progression after the drug was discontinued. This effect was associated with significant increases in IFN-Ξ³ T cell responses in both the blood and gut and SIV-specific CD8+ T cells with dual TNF-Ξ± and cytolytic effector functions in the blood. Importantly, a broader specificity in the T cell response seen in the gut, but not the blood, significantly correlated with a reduction in virus production in mucosal tissues and a lower virus burden in plasma. We conclude that immunizing with vaccines that induce immune responses in mucosal gut tissue could reduce residual viral reservoirs during drug therapy and improve long-term treatment of HIV infection in humans

    Glucanocellulosic ethanol: The undiscovered biofuel potential in energy crops and marine biomass

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    Converting biomass to biofuels is a key strategy in substituting fossil fuels to mitigate climate change. Conventional strategies to convert lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol address the fermentation of cellulose-derived glucose. Here we used super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to uncover the nanoscale structure of cell walls in the energy crops maize and Miscanthus where the typical polymer cellulose forms an unconventional layered architecture with the atypical (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan polymer callose. This raised the question about an unused potential of (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan in the fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. Engineering biomass conversion for optimized (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan utilization, we increased the ethanol yield from both energy crops. The generation of transgenic Miscanthus lines with an elevated (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan content further increased ethanol yield providing a new strategy in energy crop breeding. Applying the (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan-optimized conversion method on marine biomass from brown macroalgae with a naturally high (1, 3)-Ξ²-glucan content, we not only substantially increased ethanol yield but also demonstrated an effective co-fermentation of plant and marine biomass. This opens new perspectives in combining different kinds of feedstock for sustainable and efficient biofuel production, especially in coastal regions
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