202 research outputs found

    Pattern of Clinical Medication Seeking for Import Malaria by Migrant Workers

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    Number of malaria cases in Kabupaten Trenggalek in 2014 is 89 cases, and 83 cases are import malaria from migrant workers. Import malaria is transmitted across two areas and affects the clinical medication seeking. This research wants to describe the pattern of clinical medication seeking for import malaria by migrant workers in Puskesmas Pandean working area. This was cross sectional study with descriptive quantitative approach. Research's sample is 26 import malaria sufferers in 2013–2015 who has chosen purposively with inclusion criteria. Interview had used to get information about characteristics, place felt the symptom, first clinical medication seeking (place and time), clinical diagnosis, medication follow up, and recovery status. The result of the research shows 100% respondent is man and the age about 20-30 years old (53,8) who is working as agricultural laborers outside Java. Mostly of respondent feel the malaria symptoms in their working place (53,8%). The day seeks clinical medication at day three after symptom (34, 6%). Respondents that feel the symptom in Puskesmas Pandean working area chose Puskesmas as clinical medication place (42,3%), and hospital (19,2%) for them whose experience the malaria symptom in their working area. Puskesmas is chosen as clinical diagnosis place (69%) and only 11,5% respondent got medication follow up. Puskesmas is chosen as intermediate clinical medication place (60%) for 19,2% respondent that is not recovered well, although 20% go to Dukun. All of respondent chose the clinical medication as their prime medication. Need to make medication follow up visitation well complete

    Karakteristik Morfometrik Sapi Aceh, Sapi PO dan Sapi Bali Berdasarkan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU)

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    Aceh cattle  is one of four local cattle breeds (Aceh, Bali, Madura, and pesisir), and Ongole crossbreed is also regarded as the local cattle breed in Indonesia.  They are most likely to be well adapted to the environment, including disease, climate, feed and water availability. This study aims to determine the body size characteristics of Aceh, Bali, and Ongole crossbreed cattles. As many as 20 heads of Aceh, Bali, and Ongole crossbreed cattle respectively were used for measurement of 18 body parameters. Data obtained was then subkecyed to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that morphometric measurements of Aceh, Ongole crossbreed, and Bali cattle were significantly different (P<0.05). PCA results showed that body measurement was detemined by chest circumference at Bali cattle, neck height at Ongole crossbreed, body length, and chest circumference at Aceh cattle. Meanwhile the shape components were chest widht at Ongole crossbreed and Bali cattle and thoracic part at Aceh cattle. This result should conribute to  phenotype profilinge of Bali cattle, Ongole crossbreed, and Aceh cattle, whic is important for cattle breeding and conservation in Indonesia

    Superplasticity of a nano-grained Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy processed by high-pressure torsion

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    While most of the reports on Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloys report superplasticity after extrusion or friction stir processing, it is important to investigate superplasticity in these alloys after other severe plastic deformation processes having greater grain refinement capability. Accordingly, superplasticity was studied in an Mg–9Gd–4Y–0.4Zr (GW94) alloy after different high-pressure torsion (HPT) conditions. The HPT was performed at room temperature under an applied pressure of 6.0 GPa for up to 16 turns. TEM microstructural characterization revealed that the grain size was reduced from an initial value of ?8.6 ?m in the extruded condition to ?95±10 and ?85±10 nm after 8 and 16 turns, respectively. A shear punch testing method was used for evaluation of superplasticity at 573, 623, 673 and 723 K. Maximum strain rate sensitivities of ?0.51±0.05 and ?0.48±0.05 were obtained at 623 K for the material processed through 16 and 8 turns, respectively. This strain rate sensitivity and an activation energy of ?100±5 kJ mol–1 suggests the occurrence of grain boundary sliding in the superplastic regio

    Our Prospective Mathematic Teachers Are Not Critical Thinkers Yet

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    In order to help students develop their critical thinking skills, teachers need to model the critical thinking skills and dispositions in front of their students. Unfortunately, very rare studies investigating prospective teachers\u27 readiness in critical thinking dispositions are available in the field of mathematics education. This study was intended to investigate the level of critical thinking disposition of prospective mathematics teachers. Using case study methods, three studies were done in Malang.Three levels of critical thinkers were identified from these case studies namely: non-critical thinker, emergent critical thinker, developing critical thinker. Majority of prospective mathematics teachers\u27 critical thinking dispositions are at the non-critical thinker level. Only a few of them are at the emergent critical thinker, and very rare at the developing critical thinker level. It can be concluded that prospective mathematics teachers are not critical thinker yet. Teacher education institutions need to reform their curriculum and instructional practices to improve their students critical thinking skills and dispositions.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.8.2.3961.145-15

    Beyond representing orthology relations by trees

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    Reconstructing the evolutionary past of a family of genes is an important aspect of many genomic studies. To help with this, simple relations on a set of sequences called orthology relations may be employed. In addition to being interesting from a practical point of view they are also attractive from a theoretical perspective in that e.\,g.\,a characterization is known for when such a relation is representable by a certain type of phylogenetic tree. For an orthology relation inferred from real biological data it is however generally too much to hope for that it satisfies that characterization. Rather than trying to correct the data in some way or another which has its own drawbacks, as an alternative, we propose to represent an orthology relation δ\delta in terms of a structure more general than a phylogenetic tree called a phylogenetic network. To compute such a network in the form of a level-1 representation for δ\delta, we formalize an orthology relation in terms of the novel concept of a symbolic 3- dissimilarity which is motivated by the biological concept of a ``cluster of orthologous groups'', or COG for short. For such maps which assign symbols rather that real values to elements, we introduce the novel {\sc Network-Popping} algorithm which has several attractive properties. In addition, we characterize an orthology relation δ\delta on some set XX that has a level-1 representation in terms of eight natural properties for δ\delta as well as in terms of level-1 representations of orthology relations on certain subsets of XX

    Evaluation of sperm quality and different nutrient levels on sperm efficiency in male rainbow trout

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    Considering the importance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in supplying required protein of people and effort to increase the efficiency of these fish reproduction, some related factors such as sperm quality and potential fertility of male are necessary. The aim of this study was to find out the effects of different dosages of Arginine on the biochemical parameters (including LDH, AST, ALT, ALP, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, chloride, calcium, sodium, Potassium, cholesterol, uric acid, urea, fructose, glucose, total protein and pH) of rainbow trout seminal plasma. For this purpose, five practical diets (each consisting of 3 triplicates) were supplemented with Arginine at 0.00 (Control), 0.50, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00%. Broodstock feed last for 90 days. At the end of the feeding period one fish was captured from each replicate in order to collect their semen. Results indicate that there were no significant differences in LDH, ALP, Fe^2+ and P content among different treatments. The lowest level of AST and ALT and the highest level of Ca^2+ and Mg^2+ ions were observed in the treatment fed with 1.50% of Arginine which showed significant differences with other treatments (p<0.05). Moreover, the amount of Cl^-, Na^+ and K^+ ions were significantly increased in the seminal plasma in fish which were fed on diets containing arginine in comparison to control. As the amount of Arginine were increased, the levels of uric acid stepped up significantly in contrast to the urea and glucose. The highest amounts of cholesterol, fructose and total protein were observed in the treatments fed on 2.00, 0.50 and 1.00% of Arginine, respectively, that showed significant differences with other treatments (p<0.05). The highest pH value was assayed in the 1.50% of Arginine treatment. The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed a significant positive correlation between Ca^2+ and Mg^2+ ions and Na^+ with K^+ and Clions (r=0.750, r=0.769 and r= 0.938, p<0.01), respectively. On the other hand, a significant negative correlation between cholesterol with Cl^-, Na^+, K^+, ALT and LDH (r=- 0.764, r=-0.724 and r=-0.728, p<0.01) and (r=-0.531 and r=-0.560, p<0.05) and also a significant positive correlation between K^+ and Clions (r=0.836, p<0.01) were observed. Finally, it can be expressed that the levels of most of the ions were increased and there was a reduction in the levels of enzymes in seminal plasma of fish which were fed with practical diet including 1.5% of Arginine. So it can be recommended that adding this value of Arginine to the diets of rainbow trout broodstock, would improve the sperm quality which results in the enhancement of efficiency in rainbow trout reproduction
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