7 research outputs found


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    The development of information technology increases its use in various spheres of human activity, including healthcare. Bundles of data and reports are generated and stored in textual form, such as symptoms, medical history, and doctor’s observations of patients' health. Electronic recording of patient data not only facilitates day-to-day work in hospitals, enables more efficient data management and reduces material costs, but can also be used for further processing and to gain knowledge to improve public health. Publicly available health data would contribute to the development of telemedicine, e-health, epidemic control, and smart healthcare within smart cities. This paper describes the importance of textual data normalization for smart healthcare services. An algorithm for normalizing medical data in Serbian is proposed in order to prepare them for further processing (F1-score=0,816), in this case within the smart health framework. By applying this algorithm, in addition to the normalized medical records, corpora of keywords and stop words, which are specific to the medical domain, are also obtained and can be used to improve the results in the normalization of medical textual data.

    Morfološka ispitivanja mozga kanadske lasice (Mustela vison)

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    The mink is a strict carnivore and a seasonal breeder, which may be used as an experimental model for other carnivores. Using anatomical methods, 32 brains of the N. American mink were examined. It was found that the brain consists of four ventricles. Also, it was noted that the posterior horn was missing and that the olfactory recess was present in the lateral ventricle, a large-size interthalamic connection was present in the third ventricle, and a flat, necklace like bottom in the fourth ventricle. Only recently, the ins and outs of the mink’s anatomical structure have begun to absorb the attention of anatomists. Apparently, it is related to the fact that fury animals, among them the mink, are being domesticated. For this reason and because of easy access to the material, the purpose of brain dissection is to familiarize with the three dimensional structure of the brain and teach one of the great methods of studying the brain: looking at its structure.Kanadska lasica je karnivor, koji jednom godišnje daje 4-5 mladunaca, koji se koriste kao eksperimentalni model. Za anatomska ispitivanja, koristili smo 32 mozga oba pola kanadske lasice. Utvrdili smo da se u mozgu nalaze 4 komore, kao i kod ostalih sisara. Ustanovili smo da posteriorni rog bočne komore nedostaje, kao i da postoji olfaktorni izdanak bočne komore. Šira površina između talamusa je takodje ustanovljena u trećoj moždanoj komori, kao i udubljenje četvrte moždane komore. U poslednje vreme kao eksperimentalna životinja, kanadska lasica postaje predmet interesovanja anatoma kao i naučnih istraživača u velikom broju laboratorija. Takođe, divlje životinje postaju sve više domestifikovane, a među njima je i kanadska lasica

    Influence of Fasciola Hepatica on Serum Biochemical Parameters and Vascular and Biliary System of Sheep Liver

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional capacity of the liver based on the activity of specific enzymes and bilirubin in serum and also to investigate the influence of mechanical and toxic effects of Fasciola hepatica on the structures of the blood vessels and biliary tract in the sheep liver.Methods: Blood samples and liver of 63 indigenous sheep of Pramenka breed, slaughtered in the period from March to December 2009 were used. Based on parasitological findings in the liver, all animals were divided into two groups: control (n=34) and infected group (n=29). For investigation and description of pathological changes in sheep liver, naturally infected with F. hepatica, corrosion cast technique was used.Results: Biochemical analysis of tested parameters showed a significant elevation (P≤0.05) of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), total bilirubin (TBIL) and direct bilirubin (DBIL) in infected sheep group comparing with the control group. No significant differences were observed for activity of aspartate aminotranferase (AST) between groups. Vascular and biliary systems of the liver were found to be affected.Conclusion: Results of biochemical analysis are consistent with pathological findings and measuring of tested parameters could be used in early diagnosis of sheep fasciolosis and to test the effectiveness of anthelmintic therapy. Corrosion cast technique is very useful for investigation of pathological changes and neoangiogenesis of vascular and biliary system in sheep liver, caused by mechanical and toxic effects of F. hepatica

    Histology of uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has always had a developed sheep production, at least from the aspect of the number of sheep per capita. Today, the ratio is 1 sheep per 4 persons, because the cattle production, globally looking, is decimated by war. Thanks to the geographic location of the country, the quality of mountain pastures and environment that is still healthy, we believe that with increased investments in sheep production we could increase the number of heads, which would have positive effects on production of meat and milk of exceptional quality. The study involving the uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season under nomadic conditions of holding, demonstrated that, in adequate zoo hygiene conditions (holding, feeding, treatment of animal), the sheep showed increased reproductive parameters as well as parameters manifested in meat and milk production. In our studies, microstructure of uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season shows extremely positive characteristics for nidation of the egg cell and normal development of the embryo. Epithelium of the uterus is in a form of high-prismatic cells, which points to significant cell activity; perfusion and development of myometrium are visible. The uterine glands are extremely well developed and their histological structure indicates increased secretion and preparation of the uterus for gravidity

    Challenging modeling strategies for LES of non-adiabatic turbulent stratified combustion

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    Five different low-Mach large eddy simulations are compared to the turbulent stratified flame experiments conducted at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TUD). The simulations were contributed by TUD, the Institute for Combustion Technology (ITV) at Aachen, Lund University (LUND), the EM2C laboratory at Ecole Centrale Paris, and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Combustion is modeled by a premixed flamelet tabulation with local flame thickening (TUD), a premixed flamelet progress variable approach coupled to a level set method (ITV), a 4-steps mechanism combined with implicit LES (LUND), the F-TACLES model that is based on filtered premixed flamelet tabulation (EM2C), and a flame surface density approach (UDE). An extensive comparison of simulation and experimental data is presented for the first two moments of velocity, temperature, mixture fraction, and major species mass fractions. The importance of heat-losses was assessed by comparing simulations for adiabatic and isothermal boundary conditions at the burner walls. The adiabatic computations predict a flame anchored on the burner lip, while the non-adiabatic simulations show a flame lift-off of one half pilot diameter and a better agreement with experimental evidence for temperature and species concentrations. Most simulations agree on the mean flame brush position, but it is evident that subgrid turbulence must be considered to achieve the correct turbulent flame speed. Qualitative comparisons of instantaneous snapshots of the flame show differences in the size of the resolved flame wrinkling patterns. These differences are (a) caused by the influence of the LES combustion model on the flame dynamics and (b) by the different simulation strategies in terms of grid, inlet condition and numerics. The simulations were conducted with approaches optimized for different objectives, for example low computational cost, or in another case, short turn around. (C) 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved