117 research outputs found

    Can heart tissue fatty acid profile be used as a tool to discriminate sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus, L.) populations in several Portuguese river basins?

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    This study proposes to evaluate the use of heart tissue fatty acid signature and multivariate analysis of fatty acid profile as a possible discriminating tool for sea lamprey P. marinus populations sampled in Portuguese river basins. Local fisherman collected adult sea lampreys in eight Portuguese river basins (Minho, Lima, Cávado, Douro, Vouga, Mondego, Tagus and Guadiana) at the beginning of their spawning migration. Heart total lipid extraction was obtained by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and FAMEs were prepared by transesterification with methanol-boron trifluoride and analysed by GC. FAMEs were identified by comparison of their retention times with known standards chromatographed in identical gas chromatography conditions. The fatty acid profile of the heart tissue varied among the individuals of the different river basins. In order to identify which fatty acid contributed most to the differences between river basins heart tissue, MDA was employed. The MDA proved to be statistically significant and the overall corrected classification rate estimated from cross-validation procedure was 86.2%. Although in the case of the individuals of Tagus and Guadiana 100% and 94.7 % of subjects were correctly classified, respectively, there are always a few individuals of the other 5 watersheds that have characteristics identical to those observed in these two river basins.The results are discussed in terms of fatty acid origin and hypothesis concerning the migratory behavior that could lead to these results. The fatty acid profile of heart is considered more stable than other organs, but it still exhibits some variability. This study seems to point out the potential for fatty acid compositions to discriminate sea lampreys from Portuguese river basins, which are probably related with environmental variables that they may have been exposed during early stages of their life cycle

    O peixe-gato-europeu (Silurus glanis) - um gigante no rio tejo: dispersão, distribuição e ecologia

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    O peixe gato europeu (Silurus glanis) é mais uma espécie não nativa que foi introduzida nos rios da Península Ibérica. Neste trabalho é apresentado o padrão de dispersão desta espécie no rio Tejo desde o primeiro registo em Espanha em 1998 até à atualidade. Mais de 80 registos foram obtidos principalmente através de fóruns e blogs de pesca desportiva. Atualmente estima-se que esta espécie esteja distribuída por mais de 700 km de linhas de água do rio Tejo e que ocupe preferencialmente zonas de albufeiras em cursos de água de ordem elevadas. Adicionalmente foi analisada a dieta de peixes capturados no rio Tejo por pescadores profissionais ao longo de 2016 e 2017 e os resultados preliminares são apresentados. Foram encontradas diferenças na composição da dieta entre os indivíduos de habitats lóticos e lênticos sendo que o grupo dos Crustáceos seguido dos Teleósteos foram as presas mais representativas. Também são discutidos os impactos desta espécie não nativa na composição, estrutura e funcionamento do ecossistema fluvial do rio Tejo

    Valoração de ativos de propriedade intelectual.

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    Resumo: Este capítulo visa a propiciar conhecimentos sobre conceitos e métodos aplicados à valoração da transferência. São mostrados conceitos básicos de valoração, a dependência do valor da tecnologia em relação ao risco e à etapa de maturidade tecnológica (TRL). Neste trabalho, enfatiza-se a aplicação das metodologias de valoração em tecnologias em função de seu estágio de maturação. São detalhados os métodos de valoração mais usuais: Fluxo de Caixa Descontado (FCD), precificação de ativos financeiros (CAPM), comparação com produtos no mercado, custos alternativos, regra dos 25%, teoria das opções reais, métodos binomiais e Monte Carlo, políticas únicas fixas para todos os licenciamentos, além de outros métodos de valoração. Para cada caso, serão mostrados exemplos concretos e será analisada a sua pertinência a depender do tipo e do objeto da negociação. São oferecidos exemplos de gestão com o propósito de explorar e de melhorar a valoração das tecnologias. Abstract: This chapter aims to provide knowledge about concepts and methods applied to the valuation of technology transfer. Basic valuation concepts, the dependence of the technology value on risk and the stage of technological maturity (TRL) are shown. The application of valuation methodologies in technologies as a function of their readiness level is emphasized. The most common valuation methods presented are: discounted cash flow (DCF), pricing of financial assets (CAPM), comparison with products on the market, alternative costs, rule of 25%, real options theory, binomial and Monte Carlo methods, fixed single policies for all licensing, as well as other valuation methods. For each case concrete examples are refered to.bitstream/item/214522/1/Valorac807a771o-de-ativos-de-propriedade-intelectual-2019.pd

    Low-intensity resistance exercise does not affect cardiac autonomic modulation in patients with peripheral artery disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of a single bout of resistance exercise on cardiac autonomic modulation in patients with peripheral artery disease. METHODS: Fifteen patients with peripheral artery disease (age: 58.3±4.0 years) underwent the following sessions in a random order: resistance exercise (three sets of 10 repetitions of the six resistance exercises with a workload of 5-7 in the OMNI-RES scale) and control (similar to the resistance session; however, the resistance exercises were performed with no load). The frequency domain (low frequency, high frequency and sympathovagal balance) and symbolic analysis (0V, 1V and 2V patterns) of heart rate variability were obtained before and until one hour after the interventions. RESULTS: After the resistance exercise and control sessions, similar increases were observed in the consecutive heartbeat intervals (control: 720.8±28.6 vs. 790.9±34.4 ms; resistance exercise: 712.9±30.1 vs. 756.8±37.9 ms;

    PIT telemetry as a method to study the habitat requirements of fish populations: application to native and stocked trout movements

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    Passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology was used to study the behaviour of fishes during the summer season in two headwater streams of northeastern Portugal. A total of 71 PIT tags (12 mm long x 2.1 mm diameter) were surgically implanted in 1+ stocked (39) and native (32) brown trout of two size classes (< 20.0 and ≥ 20.0 cm). Eight independent antennae, connected to a multi-point decoder (MPD reader) unit, were placed in different microhabitats, selected randomly every three days during the observation period (29 August to 9 September in Baceiro stream and 19 September to 4 October in Sabor stream). The results confirmed this method as a suitable labour efficient tool to assess the movement and habitat use of sympatric stocked and native trout populations. About 76.9% of stocked and 59.4% of native PIT tagged trouts were detected. Multivariate techniques (CCA, DFA and classification tree) showed a separation in habitat use between the two sympatric populations. Stocked trout mainly used the microhabitats located in the middle of the channel with higher depths and without cover. Furthermore, these fishes displayed a greater mobility and a diel activity pattern different to native trout populations