66 research outputs found

    La influencia de los estereotipos de género en la orientación emprendedora individual y la intención de emprender

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    Esta investigación analiza las diferencias de género en las dimensiones de la orientación emprendedora individual (OEI), diferenciando entre aquellos estereotipos asociados con lo masculino y los identificados como andróginos. Además se estudia la relación entre la OEI y la intención de crear una empresa expresada por hombres y mujeres. Basado en una muestra de 1.337 estudiantes de la Universidad de Barcelona, los resultados del análisis de regresión múltiple confirman las hipótesis relativas a la naturaleza masculina de dos de las dimensiones de la OEI, la proactividad y la asunción de riesgos, así como la condición andrógina de la capacidad de innovación. Todas estas tres dimensiones influirán positivamente en la intención emprendedora de los individuos. Una de las principales aportaciones de este estudio es la de poner de relieve la influencia de los estereotipos de género en el grado de propensión de los individuos para desarrollar ciertas dimensiones de su orientación empresarial. Estas conclusiones refuerzan la hipótesis de que la identificación de la figura del empresario con los roles típicamente masculinos podrían ser perjudiciales para la identificación de las mujeres con dicha imagen, lo que interfiere en su evaluación real del emprendimiento como una alternativa profesional

    The role of androgynous gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship

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    Numerous studies have addressed the phenomenon of entrepreneurship from a gender perspective. In many of them, the gender perspective consists of analyzing the differences shown in the behavior of entrepreneurs based on their biological sex. This approach has several limitations in interpreting the phenomenon and, moreover, developing supportive policies. This paper addresses entrepreneurship from the perspective of the role orientation associated with gender. Based on a questionnaire to 780 students of business administration, the article follows the BSRI methodology to perform analysis. The results of the study confirm the persistence of gender stereotypes and their effect on the entrepreneurial phenomenon. Male stereotypes persist associated with entrepreneurs. But androgynous stereotypes also emerge. The emergence of this kind of stereotype may imply a change in attitude towards entrepreneurship. Finally, this research examines the influence of gender-role orientation of individuals in their entrepreneurial intention, deriving theoretical and practical implications for promoting female entrepreneurship

    Administración de antimaláricos en el tratamiento del cáncer

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    En los últimos años, la terapia antineoplásica se ha intentado ampliar con la investigación de sustancias ya conocidas que actualmente tienen otra indicación terapéutica. Es el caso de los antipalúdicos, utilizados desde hace varias décadas en el tratamiento de la malaria. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido presentar la información actual de los últimos estudios realizados sobre el uso de antimaláricos como tratamiento antineoplásico. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda de estudios que relacionaran los antipalúdicos con su posible efecto anticanceroso en los últimos 5 años. Según diversos estudios, se puede relacionar a los antimaláricos con mecanismos de acción que podrían tener relación con el efecto anticanceroso. Los mecanismos que parecen tener más importancia son la inhibición de la autofagia, producido posiblemente por la cloroquina o la quinacrina, la inducción de la apoptosis, causado por la quinacrina, la artemisina, la primaquina, la mefloquina o la atovacuona, o la inhibición de la síntesis de ácido fólico, originado por la pirimetamina. A pesar de que todavía están en fase de investigación, en base a la información recopilada de los diferentes estudios, la terapia antineoplásica con fármacos antipalúdicos parece presentar gran potencial, ya sea como monoterapia o como coadyuvante del tratamiento actual.Over the past years, attempts have been made to extend the antineoplastic therapy with the investigation of already known substances that are currently being used for another therapeutic application. This is the case of antimalarials, which have been used for several decades in the treatment of malaria. The goal of this project has been to present the information shown on the latest studies about the use of antimalarials as antineoplastic treatment. For this matter, a research about studies that relate antimalarials to their possible anticancer effect in the last 5 years was made. According to multiple studies, antimalarials can be connected to some action mechanisms that could be related to the anticancer effect. Among these processes, those that seem to be more important are the inhibition of autophagy, produced by chloroquine or quinacrine, the induction of apoptosis, caused by quinacrine, artemisin, primaquine, mefloquine or atovaquone, or the inhibition of folic acid synthesis, generated by pyrimethamine. Despite being still in the research stage, based on the information collected from the different studies, the use of antimalarial drugs as antineoplastic therapy seems to have great potential, either as monotherapy or as an adjuvant of current therapies

    Knowledge of informed consent in surgical services

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    Introducción: el conocimiento informado constituye un elemento esencial de la relación médico paciente actualmente. Objetivo: diagnosticar el conocimiento que sobre el consentimiento informado tienen los miembros de los servicios quirúrgicos así como los pacientes que en esta etapa de la investigación se le practicó alguna intervención quirúrgica.   Método: se realizó un estudio en los servicios quirúrgicos del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente  Dr. León Cuervo Rubio de Pinar del Río en el período de Enero a Marzo del 2012, para ello se encuestaron profesionales de los servicios de cirugía y anestesiología así como a pacientes que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente en igual período de tiempo. Con un universo de 73 profesionales médicos y 253 pacientes, con una muestra de 45 médicos e igual cantidad de personal de enfermería así como 220 pacientes Resultados: existe un dominio incompleto del consentimiento informado en los pacientes, en la mayoría de los cirujanos y enfermeros no tienen dominio y no aplican correctamente el mismo, sin embargo  habían recibido perfeccionamiento sobre dicho tema. Conclusiones: el reconocimiento de la autonomía del paciente y el proceso provocó un cambio en la relación médico paciente en la práctica de la cirugía. Además de la profundización en el estudio de los principios bioéticos y su aplicación, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de respuestas útiles a los problemas bioéticos en estos servicios que afectan la propia relación médico paciente así como la seguridad que les debemos brindar a los pacientes para respaldar el procedimiento quirúrgico.Introduction: current knowledge of informed consent constitutes an essential element of doctor-patient relationship. Objective: to identify knowledge of informed consent in the members of surgical services and in patients who underwent surgeries during the period of investigation. Method: a study was conducted in the surgical services at “Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio” University General Hospital, Pinar del Rio from January to March 2012; surgery, anesthesiology personnel and patients operated on during the period were polled. The target group involved 73 doctors and 253 patients, with a sample of 45 doctors and the same number of nursing personnel along with 220 patients. Results: incomplete knowledge of patients regarding informed consent was observed, the majority of surgeons and nurses had no knowledge of informed consent, and its application was not correct, though they had taken training courses on the topic. Conclusions: the recognition of patient’s autonomy and the process allowed a change in doctor-patient relationship concerning surgical practice. Together with the deepening on bioethical principles and their application, plus the search of useful responses towards the bioethical problems is necessary in this service, since doctor-patient relationship and the safety offered to the patients are important to support the surgical procedure

    Conocimiento del consentimiento informado en servicios quirúrgicos

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    Introduction: current knowledge of informed consent constitutes an essential element of doctor-patient relationship. Objective: to identify knowledge of informed consent in the members of surgical services and in patients who underwent surgeries during the period of investigation. Method: a study was conducted in the surgical services at “Dr. Leon Cuervo Rubio” University General Hospital, Pinar del Rio from January to March 2012; surgery, anesthesiology personnel and patients operated on during the period were polled. The target group involved 73 doctors and 253 patients, with a sample of 45 doctors and the same number of nursing personnel along with 220 patients. Results: incomplete knowledge of patients regarding informed consent was observed, the majority of surgeons and nurses had no knowledge of informed consent, and its application was not correct, though they had taken training courses on the topic. Conclusions: the recognition of patient’s autonomy and the process allowed a change in doctor-patient relationship concerning surgical practice. Together with the deepening on bioethical principles and their application, plus the search of useful responses towards the bioethical problems is necessary in this service, since doctor-patient relationship and the safety offered to the patients are important to support the surgical procedure.Introducción: el conocimiento informado constituye un elemento esencial de la relación médico paciente actualmente. Objetivo: diagnosticar el conocimiento que sobre el consentimiento informado tienen los miembros de los servicios quirúrgicos así como los pacientes que en esta etapa de la investigación se le practicó alguna intervención quirúrgica.   Método: se realizó un estudio en los servicios quirúrgicos del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente  Dr. León Cuervo Rubio de Pinar del Río en el período de Enero a Marzo del 2012, para ello se encuestaron profesionales de los servicios de cirugía y anestesiología así como a pacientes que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente en igual período de tiempo. Con un universo de 73 profesionales médicos y 253 pacientes, con una muestra de 45 médicos e igual cantidad de personal de enfermería así como 220 pacientes Resultados: existe un dominio incompleto del consentimiento informado en los pacientes, en la mayoría de los cirujanos y enfermeros no tienen dominio y no aplican correctamente el mismo, sin embargo  habían recibido perfeccionamiento sobre dicho tema. Conclusiones: el reconocimiento de la autonomía del paciente y el proceso provocó un cambio en la relación médico paciente en la práctica de la cirugía. Además de la profundización en el estudio de los principios bioéticos y su aplicación, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de respuestas útiles a los problemas bioéticos en estos servicios que afectan la propia relación médico paciente así como la seguridad que les debemos brindar a los pacientes para respaldar el procedimiento quirúrgico

    Influencia de la asistencia pedagógica como labor social en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los niños y niñas de la comunidad de Las Colinas del municipio de El Bagre Antioquia

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    Analizar la influencia de la asistencia pedagógica como labor social a partir de la observación participante para contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los niños y niñas de la comunidad de las colinas.El presente proyecto se desarrolla en la comunidad las colinas, la cual se constituye en una zona de invasión habitada por familias provenientes de veredas y municipios aledaños como Caucasia; Nechi; Zaragoza; Taraza; Puerto López Guamoco entre otros. Estas familias presentan diferentes problemáticas como pobreza, hacinamiento, violencia social e intrafamiliar, desempleo, desplazamiento, deserción, carencia de una Institución Educativa, convirtiéndola en un foco inminente de necesidades básicas insatisfechas; razón por la cual se comenzó al proyecto de asistencia pedagógica como labor social en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los niños y niñas de la comunidad las colinas del Municipio de El Bagre, Antioquia; Durante la etapa de investigación se encontraron hallazgos investigativos muy importantes para el desarrollo del proyecto y a su vez obligaron a implementar una propuesta de intervención con el objetivo de estimular y enriquecer habilidades sociales, y familiares para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad, bajo el cual se trabajo con una muestra poblacional de veinticinco infantes entre 3 y 4 años, en actividades pedagógicas y encuentros de familia para articular y reforzar el proceso. Durante el desarrollo de la propuesta se lograron alcanzar objetivos muy importantes para el proyecto y para la comunidad principalmente en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida en las familias de los niños que hacían parte de la muestra poblacional; dando como resultado la construcción del CDI Colinas donde actualmente se atienden a 200 niños y niñas en primera infancia

    From students to nurses under pressure: Nursing students' entry into employment during the first COVID-19 wave

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    To describe the experiences of nursing students and their mental health as they entered employment during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (May–June 2020). Background: As other healthcare professionals, nursing students who worked during the first COVID-19 wave suffered from dysfunctional mental health symptoms. Design: Sequential, mixed-method, multicentre study. Methods: The study population comprised 92 students in the third and fourth year of the Nursing degree at three Spanish universities, who entered employment during the pandemic. Data were collected between May and June 2020. In the quantitative phase, data were collected using an online questionnaire containing both validated anxiety and stress scales. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants. A descriptive analysis of the quantitative data and a reflexive thematic analysis of the qualitative data were carried out, and analyses were combined. COREQ checklist was used for reporting. Results: The combined quantitative and qualitative results were organised into five thematic areas: (1) Interruption of clinical placements, (2) Entering employment on a healthcare assistant contract, (3) Preventing contagion, (4) Adapting to the situation and managing emotions, and (5) Lessons learned. Conclusion: The students had a positive overall experience of entering employment, as they were able to develop their nursing skills. However, they had an emotional impact in form of stress caused by excessive responsibility, academic uncertainty, lack of personal protective equipment and training in its use, and the possibility of spreading disease to their family members. Relevance to Clinical Practice: In the current context, changes must be made in study programmes to instruct nursing students to be able to cope with extreme clinical situations, such as pandemics. The programmes should include a more extensive coverage of epidemics and pandemics and management of emotional aspects such as resilienc

    From students to nurses under pressure: Nursing students' entry into employment during the first COVID-19 wave

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    Aims and objective: To describe the experiences of nursing students and their mental health as they entered employment during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (May–June 2020). Background: As other healthcare professionals, nursing students who worked during the first COVID-19 wave suffered from dysfunctional mental health symptoms. Design: Sequential, mixed-method, multicentre study. Methods: The study population comprised 92 students in the third and fourth year of the Nursing degree at three Spanish universities, who entered employment during the pandemic. Data were collected between May and June 2020. In the quantitative phase, data were collected using an online questionnaire containing both validated anxiety and stress scales. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants. A descriptive analysis of the quantitative data and a reflexive thematic analysis of the qualitative data were carried out, and analyses were combined. COREQ checklist was used for reporting. Results: The combined quantitative and qualitative results were organised into five thematic areas: (1) Interruption of clinical placements, (2) Entering employment on a healthcare assistant contract, (3) Preventing contagion, (4) Adapting to the situation and managing emotions, and (5) Lessons learned. Conclusion: The students had a positive overall experience of entering employment, as they were able to develop their nursing skills. However, they had an emotional impact in form of stress caused by excessive responsibility, academic uncertainty, lack of personal protective equipment and training in its use, and the possibility of spreading disease to their family members. Relevance to Clinical Practice: In the current context, changes must be made in study programmes to instruct nursing students to be able to cope with extreme clinical situations, such as pandemics. The programmes should include a more extensive coverage of epidemics and pandemics and management of emotional aspects such as resilience.The authors disclosed receipt of financial support for the development of this study from the 29th edition of the prize Josep María Camps Balagué, sponsored by ‘Colegio oficial de enfermeras y enfermeros de Lleida’. Open Access funding provided by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

    Estrés y ansiedad en estudiantes de enfermería durante la primera ola de la pandemia de COVID-19

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    To compare anxiety and acute stress levels among nursing students who joined the labour market during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and those who did not. A cross-sectional, multicentre descriptive study across three Spanish public universities. A total of 216 nursing students participated in our study. Data collection was carried through an online questionnaire, that included variables on conditions for entering the labour market, the Zung Anxiety Self-Assessment Scale and the Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire. We performed univariate and multivariate analyses. Overall, 42.6% (n=92) of the students entered the labour market during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The global anxiety score was x̄=36.31 (SD=5.71) and the stress score was x̄=82.39 (SD=30.84). Lower anxiety levels were observed among those who joined the labour market (x̄=35.67; SD=5.78) as compared to those who did not (x̄=36.73; SD=5.67). Overall 92.4% of the students were acutely stressed. Acute stress was higher among those who did not work (x̄=84.35; SD=32.38) and significantly in women. Nursing students were able to cope with stress in situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. A healthy worker effect could not be ruled out. Stress and anxiety among nursing students should be considered by clinical practice preceptors and at the time students first enter the labour marketThis study was funded by the Oficial Professional Nursing College of Lleid