152 research outputs found

    Global coverage of cetacean line-transect surveys : status quo, data gaps and future challenges

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    Knowledge of abundance, trends and distribution of cetacean populations is needed to inform marine conservation efforts, ecosystem models and spatial planning. We compiled a geo-spatial database of published data on cetacean abundance from dedicated visual line-transect surveys and encoded >1100 abundance estimates for 47 species from 430 surveys conducted worldwide from 1975-2005. Our subsequent analyses revealed large spatial, temporal and taxonomic variability and gaps in survey coverage. With the exception of Antarctic waters, survey coverage was biased toward the northern hemisphere, especially US and northern European waters. Overall, <25% of the worldā€™s ocean surface was surveyed and only 6% had been covered frequently enough (ā‰„ 5 times) to allow trend estimation. Almost half the global survey effort, defined as total area (km2) covered by all survey study areas across time, was concentrated in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). Neither the number of surveys conducted nor the survey effort had increased in recent years. Across species, an average of 10% of a speciesā€™ predicted range had been covered by at least one survey, but there was considerable variation among species. With the exception of three delphinid species, <1% of all speciesā€™ ranges had been covered frequently enough for trend analysis. We use a data-rich species, sperm whale, as an example to illustrate the challenges of using available data from line-transect surveys for the detection of trends or for spatial planning. Finally, we propose and contrast several field and analytical methods to fill in data gaps to improve future cetacean conservation management efforts.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Effects of a scientific echo sounder on the behavior of short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)

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    This work was supported by award RC-2154 from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and funding from the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic and NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Region.Active echo sounding devices are often employed for commercial or scientific purposes in the foraging habitats of marine mammals. We conducted an experiment off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA, to assess whether the behavior of short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) changed when exposed to an EK60 scientific echo sounder. We attached digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) to nine individuals, five of which were exposed. A hidden Markov model to characterize diving states with and without exposure provided no evidence for a change in foraging behavior. However, generalized estimating equations to model changes in heading variance over the entire tag record under all experimental conditions showed a consistent increase in heading variance during exposure over all values of depth and pitch. This suggests that regardless of behavioral state, the whales changed their heading more frequently when the echo sounder was active. This response could represent increased vigilance in which whales maintained awareness of echo sounder location by increasing their heading variance and provides the first quantitative analysis on reactions of cetaceans to a scientific echo sounder.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Continuous-time modelling of behavioural responses in animal movement

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    Funding: TM, RG, CH, and LT were funded by the US office of Naval Research, Grant N000141812807. This work was supported by the US Fleet Forces Command through the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic under Contract No. N62470-15-D-8006, Task Order 50, Issued to HDR, Inc.There is great interest in ecology to understand how wild animals are affected by anthropogenic disturbances, such as sounds. For example, behavioural response studies are an important approach to quantify the impact of naval activity on marine mammals. Controlled exposure experiments are undertaken where the behaviour of animals is quantified before, during, and after exposure to a controlled sound source, often using telemetry tags (e.g., accelerometers, or satellite trackers). Statistical modelling is required to formally compare patterns before and after exposure, to quantify deviations from baseline behaviour. We propose varying-coefficient stochastic differential equations (SDEs) as a flexible framework to model such data, with two components: (1) time-varying baseline dynamics, modelled with non-parametric or random effects of time-varying covariates, and (2) a nonparametric response model, which captures deviations from baseline. SDEs are specified in continuous time, which makes it straightforward to analyse data collected at irregular time intervals, a common situation for animal tracking studies. We describe how the model can be embedded into a state-space modelling framework to account for measurement error. We present inferential methods for model fitting, model checking, and uncertainty quantification (including on the response model). We apply this approach to two behavioural response study data sets on beaked whales: a satellite track, and high-resolution depth data. Our results suggest that the whalesā€™ horizontal movement and vertical diving behaviour changed after exposure to the sound source, and future work should evaluate the severity and possible consequences of these responses. These two very different examples showcase the versatility of varying-coefficient SDEs to measure changes in behaviour, and we discuss implications of disturbances for the whalesā€™ energetic balance.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Hidden Markov models reveal complexity in the diving behaviour of short-finned pilot whales

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    This work was supported by award RC-2154 from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and funding from the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic and NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Region. DS was supported by the United States Office of Naval Research grant N00014-12-1-0204, under the project entitled Multi-study Ocean acoustics Human effects Analysis (MOCHA).Diving behaviour of short-finned pilot whales is often described by two states; deep foraging and shallow, non-foraging dives. However, this simple classification system ignores much of the variation that occurs during subsurface periods. We used multi-state hidden Markov models (HMM) to characterize states of diving behaviour and the transitions between states in short-finned pilot whales. We used three parameters (number of buzzes, maximum dive depth and duration) measured in 259 dives by digital acoustic recording tags (DTAGs) deployed on 20 individual whales off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA. The HMM identified a four-state model as the best descriptor of diving behaviour. The state-dependent distributions for the diving parameters showed variation between states, indicative of different diving behaviours. Transition probabilities were considerably higher for state persistence than state switching, indicating that dive types occurred in bouts. Our results indicate that subsurface behaviour in short-finned pilot whales is more complex than a simple dichotomy of deep and shallow diving states, and labelling all subsurface behaviour as deep dives or shallow dives discounts a significant amount of important variation. We discuss potential drivers of these patterns, including variation in foraging success, prey availability and selection, bathymetry, physiological constraints and socially mediated behaviour.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Vessel noise affects beaked whale behavior : results of a dedicated acoustic response study

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    Ā© The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e42535, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042535.Some beaked whale species are susceptible to the detrimental effects of anthropogenic noise. Most studies have concentrated on the effects of military sonar, but other forms of acoustic disturbance (e.g. shipping noise) may disrupt behavior. An experiment involving the exposure of target whale groups to intense vessel-generated noise tested how these exposures influenced the foraging behavior of Blainvilleā€™s beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) in the Tongue of the Ocean (Bahamas). A military array of bottom-mounted hydrophones was used to measure the response based upon changes in the spatial and temporal pattern of vocalizations. The archived acoustic data were used to compute metrics of the echolocation-based foraging behavior for 16 targeted groups, 10 groups further away on the range, and 26 nonexposed groups. The duration of foraging bouts was not significantly affected by the exposure. Changes in the hydrophone over which the group was most frequently detected occurred as the animals moved around within a foraging bout, and their number was significantly less the closer the whales were to the sound source. Non-exposed groups also had significantly more changes in the primary hydrophone than exposed groups irrespective of distance. Our results suggested that broadband ship noise caused a significant change in beaked whale behavior up to at least 5.2 kilometers away from the vessel. The observed change could potentially correspond to a restriction in the movement of groups, a period of more directional travel, a reduction in the number of individuals clicking within the group, or a response to changes in prey movement.The research reported here was financially supported by the United States (U.S.) Office of Naval Research (www.onr.navy.mil) grants N00014-07-10988, N00014-07-11023, N00014-08-10990; the U.S. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (www.serdp.org) grant SI-1539, the Environmental Readiness Division of the U.S. Navy (http://www.navy.mil/local/n45/), the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division (Undersea Surveillance), the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Science and Technology) (http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/), U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ocean Acoustics Program (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/acoustics/), and the Joint Industry Program on Sound and Marine Life of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (www.soundandmarinelife.org)

    Mitigation of harm during a novel behavioural response study involving active sonar and wild cetaceans

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    Some studies of how human activities can affect wild free-ranging animals may be considered to have potential negative outcomes too severe to beethically studied. This creates a societal dilemma involving choices between continuing risky activities with high uncertainty about their potentialeffects on wildlife, often with considerable associated precaution or undertaking focused research to reduce uncertainty, but with some risk of harmfrom either strong response leading to potential stranding or direct physical injury from sound exposure. Recent and ongoing field experimentshave measured the conditions in which wild cetaceans respond to military sonar, and provided insight into the nature of responses. Here mitigationmeasures are reported for one of the first such experiments designed to measure fine-scale behavioural responses to controlled exposures of midfrequency(3ā€“4 kHz) active sonar. The objective was to do so without causing the kinds of physical harm that have been previously observed (e.g.stranding events) and that motivated the study. A critical goal of this experimental study was to identify a response that was safe but that could beused as an indicator of the probability of risk from more extreme or sustained exposure from real military operations. A monitoring and mitigationprotocol was developed using a feedback control procedure for real-time mitigation of potential harm. Experimental protocols were modulatedrelative to indicators of potential risk with the explicit objective of detecting potentially harmful consequences of sound exposure and takingappropriate corrective action. Three categories of mitigation methods were developed and integrated within the experimental protocol incorporatingdesigned, engineered, and operational mitigation measures. Controlled exposure experiments involving free-ranging animals were conducted withoutany evident harm to the experimental subjects, while successfully eliciting behavioural responses that provided meaningful results to informmanagement decisions. This approach demonstrates the importance of careful design of protocols in exposure-response experiments, particularlyin pioneering studies assessing response where both the potential for harm and level of uncertainty may be high.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Classification of animal dive tracks via automatic landmarking, principal components analysis and clustering

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    The BRS study was financially supported by the United States (U.S.) Office of Naval Research (www.onr.navy.mil) Grants N00014ā€07ā€10988, N00014ā€07ā€11023, N00014ā€08ā€10990; the U.S. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (www.serdp.org) Grant SIā€1539, the Environmental Readiness Division of the U.S. Navy (http://www.navy.mil/local/n45/), the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations Submarine Warfare Division (Undersea Surveillance), the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Science and Technology) (http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/), U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ocean Acoustics Program (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/acoustics/), and the Joint Industry Program on Sound and Marine Life of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (www.soundandmarinelife.org).The behaviour of animals and their interactions with the environment can be inferred by tracking their movement. For this reason, biologgers are an important source of ecological data, but analysing the shape of the tracks they record is difficult. In this paper we present a technique for automatically determining landmarks that can be used to analyse the shape of animal tracks. The approach uses a parametric version of the SALSA algorithm to fit regression splines to 1ā€dimensional curves in N dimensions (in practice N = 2 or 3). The knots of these splines are used as landmarks in a subsequent Principal Components Analysis, and the dives classified via agglomerative clustering. We demonstrate the efficacy of this algorithm on simulated 2ā€dimensional dive data, and apply our method to real 3ā€dimensional whale dive data from the Behavioral Response Study (BRS) in the Bahamas. The BRS is a series of experiments to quantify shifts in behavior due to SONAR. Our analysis of 3ā€dimensional track data supports an alteration in the dive behavior postā€ensonification.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Selective reactions to different killer whale call categories in two delphinid species

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    This research was supported by award RC-2154 from the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and funding from the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, Southeast Region.The risk of predation is often invoked as an important factor influencing the evolution of social organization in cetaceans, but little direct information is available about how these aquatic mammals respond to predators or other perceived threats. We used controlled playback experiments to examine the behavioral responses of short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) off Cape Hatteras, NC, USA, and Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) off the coast of Southern California, USA, to the calls of a potential predator, mammal-eating killer whales. We transmitted calls of mammal-eating killer whales, conspecifics and baleen whales to 10 pilot whales and four Risso's dolphins equipped with multi-sensor archival acoustic recording tags (DTAGs). Only playbacks of killer whale calls resulted in significant changes in tagged animal heading. The strong responses observed in both species occurred only following exposure to a subset of killer whale calls, all of which contained multiple non-linear properties. This finding suggests that these structural features of killer whale calls convey information about predatory risk to pilot whales and Risso's dolphins. The observed responses differed between the two species; pilot whales approached the sound source while Risso's dolphins fled following playbacks. These divergent responses likely reflect differences in anti-predator response mediated by the social structure of the two species.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Recurrent SARS-CoV-2 mutations in immunodeficient patients

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    Long-term severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections in immunodeficient patients are an important source of variation for the virus but are understudied. Many case studies have been published which describe one or a small number of long-term infected individuals but no study has combined these sequences into a cohesive dataset. This work aims to rectify this and study the genomics of this patient group through a combination of literature searches as well as identifying new case series directly from the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) dataset. The spike gene receptor-binding domain and N-terminal domain (NTD) were identified as mutation hotspots. Numerous mutations associated with variants of concern were observed to emerge recurrently. Additionally a mutation in the envelope gene, T30I was determined to be the second most frequent recurrently occurring mutation arising in persistent infections. A high proportion of recurrent mutations in immunodeficient individuals are associated with ACE2 affinity, immune escape, or viral packaging optimisation. There is an apparent selective pressure for mutations that aid cellā€“cell transmission within the host or persistence which are often different from mutations that aid inter-host transmission, although the fact that multiple recurrent de novo mutations are considered defining for variants of concern strongly indicates that this potential source of novel variants should not be discounted

    Tracking arboviruses, their transmission vectors and potential hosts by nanopore sequencing of mosquitoes

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    The risk to human health from mosquito-borne viruses such as dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever is increasing due to increased human expansion, deforestation and climate change. To anticipate and predict the spread and transmission of mosquito-borne viruses, a better understanding of the transmission cycle in mosquito populations is needed. We present a pathogen-agnostic combined sequencing protocol for identifying vectors, viral pathogens and their hosts or reservoirs using portable Oxford Nanopore sequencing. Using mosquitoes collected in SĆ£o Paulo, Brazil, we extracted RNA for virus identification and DNA for blood meal and mosquito identification. Mosquitoes and blood meals were identified by comparing cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences against a curated Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). Viruses were identified using the SMART-9N protocol, which allows amplified DNA to be prepared with native barcoding for nanopore sequencing. Kraken 2 was employed to detect viral pathogens and Minimap2 and BOLD identified the contents of the blood meal. Due to the high similarity of some species, mosquito identification was conducted using blast after generation of consensus COI sequences using RACON polishing. This protocol can simultaneously uncover viral diversity, mosquito species and mosquito feeding habits. It also has the potential to increase understanding of mosquito genetic diversity and transmission dynamics of zoonotic mosquito-borne viruses.</p
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