8,725 research outputs found

    Modelling and solving train scheduling problems under capacity constraints

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    Many large coal mining operations in Australia rely heavily on the rail network to transport coal from mines to coal terminals at ports for shipment. Over the last few years, due to the fast growing demand, the coal rail network is becoming one of the worst industrial bottlenecks in Australia. As a result, this provides great incentives for pursuing better optimisation and control strategies for the operation of the whole rail transportation system under network and terminal capacity constraints. This PhD research aims to achieve a significant efficiency improvement in a coal rail network on the basis of the development of standard modelling approaches and generic solution techniques. Generally, the train scheduling problem can be modelled as a Blocking Parallel- Machine Job-Shop Scheduling (BPMJSS) problem. In a BPMJSS model for train scheduling, trains and sections respectively are synonymous with jobs and machines and an operation is regarded as the movement/traversal of a train across a section. To begin, an improved shifting bottleneck procedure algorithm combined with metaheuristics has been developed to efficiently solve the Parallel-Machine Job- Shop Scheduling (PMJSS) problems without the blocking conditions. Due to the lack of buffer space, the real-life train scheduling should consider blocking or hold-while-wait constraints, which means that a track section cannot release and must hold a train until the next section on the routing becomes available. As a consequence, the problem has been considered as BPMJSS with the blocking conditions. To develop efficient solution techniques for BPMJSS, extensive studies on the nonclassical scheduling problems regarding the various buffer conditions (i.e. blocking, no-wait, limited-buffer, unlimited-buffer and combined-buffer) have been done. In this procedure, an alternative graph as an extension of the classical disjunctive graph is developed and specially designed for the non-classical scheduling problems such as the blocking flow-shop scheduling (BFSS), no-wait flow-shop scheduling (NWFSS), and blocking job-shop scheduling (BJSS) problems. By exploring the blocking characteristics based on the alternative graph, a new algorithm called the topological-sequence algorithm is developed for solving the non-classical scheduling problems. To indicate the preeminence of the proposed algorithm, we compare it with two known algorithms (i.e. Recursive Procedure and Directed Graph) in the literature. Moreover, we define a new type of non-classical scheduling problem, called combined-buffer flow-shop scheduling (CBFSS), which covers four extreme cases: the classical FSS (FSS) with infinite buffer, the blocking FSS (BFSS) with no buffer, the no-wait FSS (NWFSS) and the limited-buffer FSS (LBFSS). After exploring the structural properties of CBFSS, we propose an innovative constructive algorithm named the LK algorithm to construct the feasible CBFSS schedule. Detailed numerical illustrations for the various cases are presented and analysed. By adjusting only the attributes in the data input, the proposed LK algorithm is generic and enables the construction of the feasible schedules for many types of non-classical scheduling problems with different buffer constraints. Inspired by the shifting bottleneck procedure algorithm for PMJSS and characteristic analysis based on the alternative graph for non-classical scheduling problems, a new constructive algorithm called the Feasibility Satisfaction Procedure (FSP) is proposed to obtain the feasible BPMJSS solution. A real-world train scheduling case is used for illustrating and comparing the PMJSS and BPMJSS models. Some real-life applications including considering the train length, upgrading the track sections, accelerating a tardy train and changing the bottleneck sections are discussed. Furthermore, the BPMJSS model is generalised to be a No-Wait Blocking Parallel- Machine Job-Shop Scheduling (NWBPMJSS) problem for scheduling the trains with priorities, in which prioritised trains such as express passenger trains are considered simultaneously with non-prioritised trains such as freight trains. In this case, no-wait conditions, which are more restrictive constraints than blocking constraints, arise when considering the prioritised trains that should traverse continuously without any interruption or any unplanned pauses because of the high cost of waiting during travel. In comparison, non-prioritised trains are allowed to enter the next section immediately if possible or to remain in a section until the next section on the routing becomes available. Based on the FSP algorithm, a more generic algorithm called the SE algorithm is developed to solve a class of train scheduling problems in terms of different conditions in train scheduling environments. To construct the feasible train schedule, the proposed SE algorithm consists of many individual modules including the feasibility-satisfaction procedure, time-determination procedure, tune-up procedure and conflict-resolve procedure algorithms. To find a good train schedule, a two-stage hybrid heuristic algorithm called the SE-BIH algorithm is developed by combining the constructive heuristic (i.e. the SE algorithm) and the local-search heuristic (i.e. the Best-Insertion- Heuristic algorithm). To optimise the train schedule, a three-stage algorithm called the SE-BIH-TS algorithm is developed by combining the tabu search (TS) metaheuristic with the SE-BIH algorithm. Finally, a case study is performed for a complex real-world coal rail network under network and terminal capacity constraints. The computational results validate that the proposed methodology would be very promising because it can be applied as a fundamental tool for modelling and solving many real-world scheduling problems

    Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Distributed Deep Learning Frameworks on GPUs

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    Deep learning frameworks have been widely deployed on GPU servers for deep learning applications in both academia and industry. In training deep neural networks (DNNs), there are many standard processes or algorithms, such as convolution and stochastic gradient descent (SGD), but the running performance of different frameworks might be different even running the same deep model on the same GPU hardware. In this study, we evaluate the running performance of four state-of-the-art distributed deep learning frameworks (i.e., Caffe-MPI, CNTK, MXNet, and TensorFlow) over single-GPU, multi-GPU, and multi-node environments. We first build performance models of standard processes in training DNNs with SGD, and then we benchmark the running performance of these frameworks with three popular convolutional neural networks (i.e., AlexNet, GoogleNet and ResNet-50), after that, we analyze what factors that result in the performance gap among these four frameworks. Through both analytical and experimental analysis, we identify bottlenecks and overheads which could be further optimized. The main contribution is that the proposed performance models and the analysis provide further optimization directions in both algorithmic design and system configuration.Comment: Published at DataCom'201

    Parity space-based fault detection for Markovian jump systems

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    This article deals with problems of parity space-based fault detection for a class of discrete-time linear Markovian jump systems. A new algorithm is firstly introduced to reduce the computation of mode-dependent redundancy relation parameter matrices. Different from the case of linear time invariant systems, the parity space-based residual generator for a Markovian jump system cannot be designed off-line because it depends on the history of system modes in the last finite steps. In order to overcome this difficulty, a finite set of parity matrices is pre-designed applying a unified approach to linear time invariant systems. Then the on-line residual generation can be easily implemented. Moreover, the problem of residual evaluation is also considered which includes the determination of a residual evaluation function and a threshold. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Speaker Re-identification with Speaker Dependent Speech Enhancement

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    While the use of deep neural networks has significantly boosted speaker recognition performance, it is still challenging to separate speakers in poor acoustic environments. Here speech enhancement methods have traditionally allowed improved performance. The recent works have shown that adapting speech enhancement can lead to further gains. This paper introduces a novel approach that cascades speech enhancement and speaker recognition. In the first step, a speaker embedding vector is generated , which is used in the second step to enhance the speech quality and re-identify the speakers. Models are trained in an integrated framework with joint optimisation. The proposed approach is evaluated using the Voxceleb1 dataset, which aims to assess speaker recognition in real world situations. In addition three types of noise at different signal-noise-ratios were added for this work. The obtained results show that the proposed approach using speaker dependent speech enhancement can yield better speaker recognition and speech enhancement performances than two baselines in various noise conditions.Comment: Acceptted for presentation at Interspeech202

    Origin of the anapole condition as revealed by a simple expansion beyond the toroidal multipole

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    Toroidal multipoles are a topic of increasing interest in the nanophotonics and metamaterials communities. In this paper, we separate out the toroidal multipole components of multipole expansions in polar coordinates (two- and three-dimensional) by expanding the Bessel or spherical Bessel functions. We discuss the formation of the lowest order of magnetic anapoles from the interaction between the magnetic toroidal dipole and the magnetic dipole. Our method also reveals that there are higher order current configurations other than the electric toroidal multipole that have the same radiation characteristics as the pure electric dipole. Furthermore, we find that the anapole condition requires that there is a perfect cancellation of all higher order current configurations
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