35 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Biaya Pencegahan dan Biaya Kegagalan Internal yang Diakibatkan oleh Produk Rework (pada PT Triangle Motorindo Divisi Painting)

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    Market competition is growing rapidly, making all companies are required to constantly improve the system internally and externally. The case studies in this report is the emergence of a product defect on average by 15,65% of total production during the months of January to March in the year 2014 at Triangle Motorindo Company. These products make PT Triangle Motorindo have to spend additional time and cost to do the rework process. The research is done in order to achieve maximum quantity of defect is 3%. The first step is sorting types of defects that often occur. Further discussion is determine the root of the problem is done with the method of realitycharting for each defect and then sought a solution for every root of the problem. It is known that an effective solution is to improve the quality of the raw material base paint. Although the price is more expensive, but using better materials could make production process easier and the number of defects can be minimized so that the company could gets the cost save as much as Rp. 10.760.450,97 count from January 2014 till March 2014. Not only saving, companies also reduce time for rework, less of complain, good image and could get more share of market

    Peramalan Perencanaan Produksi Semen dengan Metode Exponential Smoothing pada PT. Semen Indonesia

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    [Forecasting for Cement Production Planning with Exponential Smoothing Method in PT Semen Indonesia] By increasing the production target of cement in PT Semen Indonesia, production planning should be done properly. So this far, in materials planning and production section of PT Semen Indonesia has not used any tools or methods in determining the production planning. It may cause a significant difference between production planning and actual release. The occurrence of this difference may cause effects that may result in losses for the company, such as the case of averstock or stockout.This study aims to get an appropriate method as the basis or reference in production planning and to forecast a result that could be used in production planning. In doing a forecast, there are several steps that should be done to get better forecast results.Based on the historical data, exponential smoothing method is used for the forecasting. By the result, 15048 (thousand tons) of cement should be produced in 2016 for PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.* Penulis Penanggung Jawa

    Penyusunan Standard Operating Procedure (Sop) Proses Perakitan di Departemen Assembling PT. Berkat Manunggal Jaya

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    PT. BMJ merupakan Perusahaan yang memproduksi (merakit) genset dengan merk sendiri BMGS dan juga sebagai distribusi genset dengan merk MGS. PT. BMJ. Dalam mencapai dan mempertahankan kinerja Perusahaan telah menerapkan sertifikat kualitas yaitu sertifikat ISO 9001. Namun yang terjadi saat ini bahwa pada Assembling Department masih terdapat inefisiensi kerja yang mengakibatkan pemborosan waktu proses perakitan. Selain itu pada tahun 2014 terjadi repair (perbaikan) produk sebesar 12%. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh pembagian tugas yang kurang tepat, prosedur kerja yang tidak jelas, kurangnya pengawasan dan tanggung jawab oleh seluruh bagian yang terlibat dalam proses perakitan genset di Assembling Department. Dalam upaya mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka akan dilakukan penyusunan SOP untuk peningkatan efisiensi kerja.Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka SOP yang disusun sebanyak 7 SOP yakni, SOP Persiapan Tenaga Kerja dan Peralatan, Permintaan Material, Permintaan Panel Listrik, Assembling Silent Genset 20 KVA, dan Assembling Open Genset 1740 KVA, Inspeksi Open Genset1740 KVA, Finishing Product Open Genset 1740 KVA. Sedangkan dari yang ketujuh SOP terdapat 5 usulan perbaikan SOP yaitu, Perubahan prosedur persiapan tenaga kerja dan peralatan dengan menghilangkan proses peminjaman peralatan, Perubahan prosedur permintaan material dengan melakukan pemeriksaan material di gudang, perbaikan prosedur permintaan panel melalui departemen electrical, melibatkan departemen fabrikasi dalam proses assembling open genset dan assembling silent genset

    Analisis Proses Produksi Assembling dan Pressing pada PT Jati Luhur Agung Semarang Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis (Fta) dan Barrier Analysis

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    Reject level of output products of the process of assembling the wooden tiles and pressings still reject the target through a set of companies and production processes are not constant with the time that is less productive or futile. In January to June 2013 the percentage of rejection by 3% to 12% with a target of 1% rejected. This study was conducted to determine the cause of discussing the product reject rate is still far from the target reject the production process of wood tiles in the assembling and pressing. To find out why it will be analyzed by using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with fishbone diagram scheme used to obtain the factors that may cause where problems arise, the method of fault tree analysis (FTA) to identify and analyze the root of the problem, and Barrier Analysis was used to do the recommendations based on the hazard of the results of the FTA. Based on the results of research conducted, the cause of product rejection rate is still far from the target reject wood tile production process was the lack of output product, process quality control and press machine. From the results obtained, the cause of which is given recommendations on the order of priority that occurred from the output of the production process due to incompatibility deliminasi up because of cracks on the top surface of the wooden tiles

    Penyusunan Dokumentasi Mutu dengan Review dan Update Manual Mutu, Prosedur Mutu Serta Instruksi Kerja di Departemen Maintenance Berdasarkan Iso 9001:2008

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    PT ABC is one of Pertamina‘s assets which process natural gas into LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) for the world's gas exports. PT ABC has experienced for more than 30 years in the production process and maintenance of LNG plants. PT ABC has maintain the company's performance and implement several quality certificates, one of which is an ISO 9001:2008. One of the clauses in ISO 9001: 2008 states that companies are required to document and maintain a quality management system, it is embodied in the document quality manual, Standart Operating Procedures and work instructions. Quality documents owned by PT ABC at this time is the 2008 edition. There are several activities that are no longer exist but still written in the old edition of quality documents and the new activities that has not been written in the quality documents, so it needs an update quality documents in accordance with the company's current condition. The new aquality documents include quality manual, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for boiler inspection and Work Instructions for checking relief valve. The analysis show that the new document will help employees in carrying out the activity in accordance with the company standard documents available at this time

    Pengembangan Penilaian Kinerja Kepala Bagian dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Ahp dan Rating Scale (Studi Kasus di PT Nyonya Meneer)

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    One of the most important of resources into doing company activity is human resources. PT Nyonya Meneer wants to make a good commitment to increase raw material quality and employees to be better for future. The purpose of this research is to find out criteria weighs using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and get sections chief score using Rating Scale method. The weights of performance appraisal criteria were skill (0,416), managerial (0,087), discipline (0,269), and maturity (0,228).The weights of performance appraisal sub – criteria were distinct (0,059), past experiences (0,080), responsibility (0,057), planning (0,058), proactive (0,051), critical (0,045), thorough (0,066), coordination (0,012), leadership (0,014), teamwork (0,033), developing others (0,014), directiveness (0,014), dicipline (0,175), punctually time (0,094), self – control (0,151), and self confidence (0,338).Performance appraisal of 18 sections chief where production chief gets B and it is high performance but 17 sections chief get C, it is standard performance. Sections chief can be pushed to increase that performance until the results that held, could get A (very high performance) with giving motivation and trainin

    Pembentukan Sel-sel Mesin Untuk Mendapatkan Pengurangan Jarak Dan Biaya Material Handling Dengan Metode Heuristik Di PT. Bengkel Cokro Bersaudara

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    Tata letak pabrik dapat didefinisikan sebagai tata cara pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas pabrik dengan memanfaatkan luas seoptimal mungkin guna menunjang kelancaran proses produksi. Tata letak fasilitas pada PT. Cokro Bersaudara diatur berdasarkan process layout dimana segala jenis mesin / fasilitas produksi lainnya yang memiliki tipe atau jenis yang sama ditempatkan dalam satu tempat. Dengan layout seperti itu Perusahaan memperoleh keuntungan berupa fleksibilitas dalam memproduksi produk yang memiliki tingkat variasi yang tinggi, namun sebagai akibatnya Perusahaan menghadapi permasalahan berupa tingginya kebutuhan material handling. Cellular Manufacturing System adalah aplikasi dari Group Technology yang merupakan metode pengaturan fasilitas-fasilitas produksi yang dibutuhkan untuk memproses suatu part family tertentu kedalam sel manufaktur. Dengan menerapkan Cellular Manufacturing System dapat diketahui pengurangan jarak antar mesin dan biaya material handling. Berdasarkan pengolahan data menggunakan algoritma heuristik yaitu Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA), Rank Order Clustering (ROC), dan Rank Order Clustering 2 (ROC 2) disimpulkan bahwa metode terpilih adalah metode BEA, dengan mengelompokkan 6 mesin (M) dan 6 komponen (P) kedalam 2 sel manufaktur, dimana sel 1 (M4, M6, M1, M2, P2, P5, P6, P1) dan sel 2 (M4, M6, M1, M3, M5, P3, P4). Dengan Perubahan layout ini didapatkan pengurangan total jarak material handling sebesar 428,06 meter dan pengurangan biaya material handling sebesar Rp. 2.111.316,058 / bula