103 research outputs found

    EFISIENSI PENGGUNAAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR PRODUKSI PADA USAHATANI CABAI MERAH KERITING (Capsicum annuum L.) (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Tani Prawoto Sari, Desa Munding, Kecamatan Bergas, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    The purpose of this research were to determine the amount of production costs and income obtained from the cultivation of curly red chilli, knowing the factors of production that affect the production of curly red chilli, and to Determine an efficient use of production factors in curly red chilli farming in  the Prawoto Sari Farmer Group Krajan Backwood, Munding Village, Bergas District, Semarang Regency. The method of determining the location of research using purposive or intentional methods. The sampling technique used was Random Sampling. The results showed that the average total cost incurred by farmers per farm is Rp. 10,658,731.33 or Rp. 85,269,850.64 per hectare. The average income received by farmers per farm is Rp. 11,437,101.67 or Rp. 91,496,813.36 per hectare. Based on the F test all independent variables together have a very significant effect on curly red chilli production. Based on the t test the factors of production that significantly affect production are NPK fertilizer, liquid organic fertilizer Gro-mate Ls and rotraz 200 ec insecticide. The use of production factors in curly red chilli farming has not yet reached the maximum efficient level. Inefficient factors are manure, NPK fertilizer, POC, rotraz 200 ec insecticide and mulch so that its use needs to be added. While the inefficient factor is labor, dupont lannate 25 wp insecticide and stakes, so that its use does not need to be increased or reduced.Penelitian ini berutujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya biaya produksi dan pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usahatani cabai merah keriting, mengetahui faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil produksi cabai merah keriting, dan mengetahui efisiensi penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi pada usahatani cabai merah keriting di Kelompok Tani Prawoto Sari Dusun Krajan, Desa Munding, Kecamatan Bergas, Kabupaten Semarang. Metode penentuan lokasi penelitian menggunakan metode purposive atau disengaja. Teknik penentuan sampel yang digunakan adalah Random Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rata-rata total biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh petani per usahataninya yaitu sebesar Rp. 10.658.731,33 atau Rp. 85.269.850,64 per hektar. Rata-rata pendapatan yang diterima oleh petani per usahataninya adalah sebesar Rp. 11.437.101,67 atau Rp. 91.496.813,36 per hektar. Berdasarkan uji F semua variabel bebas secara bersama sama berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap produksi cabai merah keriting. Berdasarkan uji t faktor-faktor produksi yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi yaitu pupuk NPK, POC dan Insektisida Rotraz 200 ec. Penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi pada usahatani cabai merah keriting belum mencapai tingkat efisien yang maksimal. Faktor yang belum efisien yaitu pupuk kandang, pupuk NPK, POC, insektisida rotraz 200 ec dan mulsa sehingga penggunaanya perlu ditambah. Sedangkan faktor tidak efisien yaitu, tenaga kerja, insektisida dupont lannate 25 wp dan ajir, sehingga penggunaannya tidak perlu ditambah atau perlu dikurangi


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    PT. Binausaha Cipta Prima merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri yang menghasilkan produk jenis denim. Dalam kegiatan proses produksinya melibatkan Daerah Aliran Sungai Citarum, khususnya Sungai Cibaligo sebagai pembuangan akhir limbah industri/ Sludge yang berkategori B3 tanpa melewati proses IPAL (Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah) terlebih dahulu. Perbuatan tersebut melanggar ketentuan Pasal 74 Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, dimana seharusnya PT. Binausaha Cipta Prima sebagai Perseroan wajib melaksanakan Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan agar tidak merugikan masyarakat terutama lingkungan hidup. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah Bagaimana akibat hukum atas perbuatan Perseroan yang tidak menjaga lingkungan yang berakibat pada pencemaran lingkungan dan bagaimana pelaksanaan tanggung jawab oleh Perseroan yang tidak menjaga lingkungan yang berakibat pada kerusakan lingkungan serta bagaimana permasalahan dan solusi atas perbuatan perseroan yang tidak menjaga lingkungan yang berakibat pada pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan Spesifikasi penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan data dan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Tahap penelitian ini dilakukan dengan penelitian kepustakaan yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier, dan melakukan penelitian lapangan dengan cara melakukan sesi wawancara, teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan menyusun secara sistematis dengan perundang-undangan terkait. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa PT. Binausaha Cipta Prima telah melanggar ketentuan Pasal 74 Undang-Undang Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dikarenakan dalam kegiatan usahanya PT. Binausaha Cipta Prima tidak melaksanakan kewajiban program Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan yang berakibat pada dihasilkannya Limbah dengan jenis B3 yang mengakibatkan pada kerusakan lingkungan hidup khususnya Sungai Cibaligo dan PT. Binausaha Cipta Prima bertanggung jawab secara mutlak (strict liability) atas pelanggaran yang berakibat pada tercemarnya Aliran Sungai Citarum, serta upaya penyelesaian pada perkara ini melalui jalur litigasi dengan nomor perkara 249/Pdt.G/2020/PN Blb. Kata Kunci: CSR, Perseroan, DAS Citaru

    A self-consistent quantal description of high-K states in the tilted-axis cranking model

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    A self-consistent and quantal description of high-KK bands is given in the framework of the tilted-axis cranking model. (With a θ=90\theta=90^{\circ} tilt angle with respect to xx-axis, this cranking model is equivalent to the zz-axis cranking.) The numerical results of the HFB calculations in this framework are compared with experimental data for two quasi-particle excited bands with Kπ=6+K^{\pi}=6^+ in 178^{178}W.Comment: 13 pages, including 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Identifikasi Sebaran Limbah Kelapa Sawit Di Desa Kuala Mandor A Menggunakan Metode Konduktivitas Elektromagnetik

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    Sebaran limbah kelapa sawit telah berhasil diidentifikasi menggunakan metode konduktivitas elektromagnetik. Metode ini menggunakan sistem konfigurasi vertical coplanar (VCP) dan sistem konfigurasi horizontal coplanar (HCP). Konfigurasi VCP memiliki penetrasi kedalaman 3 meter sedangkan konfigurasi HCP memiliki penetrasi kedalaman 6 meter. Tanah yang terkontaminasi limbah kelapa sawit memiliki nilai konduktivitas 110 mS/m hingga 210 mS/m pada kedalaman 3 meter, sedangkan pada kedalaman 6 meter bernilai 105 mS/m hingga 170 mS/m. Sebaran limbah kelapa sawit ini teridentifikasi menyebar ke arah Timur, Tenggara, dan Barat Daya sejauh 25 meter hingga 65 meter dari kolam penampungan limbah kelapa sawit

    Transforming doctoral education: Preparing multidimensional and adaptive scholars

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    This is a pre-print version of the Transformative Doctoral Education Model's conceptual paper, accepted at Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education.Concerning trends in graduate education, such as high attrition and underdeveloped skills, drive toward a new doctoral education approach. This paper aims to describe and propose a transformative doctoral education model (TDEM), incorporating elements that potentially address these challenges and expand the current practice. The model envisions discipline-specific knowledge coupled with a broader interdisciplinary perspective and addresses the transferable skills necessary to successfully navigate an ever-changing workforce and global landscape. The overarching goal of TDEM is to transform the doctoral student into a multi-dimensional and adaptive scholar, so the students of today can effectively and meaningfully solve the problems of tomorrow. The foundation of TDEM is transformative learning theory, supporting the notion learner transformation occurs throughout the doctoral educational experience. Designed as a customizable framework for learner-centered doctoral education, TDEM promotes a mentor network on and off-campus, interdisciplinarity and agile career scope preparedness.This proposed doctoral education framework was formulated through a review of the literature and experiences with curricular design and pedagogical practices at a research-intensive university’s teaching and learning center. TDEM answers the call to develop frameworks that address issues in doctoral education and present a flexible and more personalized training. TDEM encourages doctoral student transformation into adaptive, forward-thinking scholars and thriving in an ever-changing workforce.TDEM spun out of a funded proposal (NSF-DGE-1545403) to design an interdisciplinary curriculum specific to materials science, informatics, and engineering education. The authors are grateful for the faculty and students at Texas A&M University’s D3EM program. In addition, the authors wish to thank the reviewers for their constructive feedback and appreciate anyone who had helpful discussions with them

    Implementasi Program PPK Dalam Membentuk Sikap Sosial Peserta Didik Di SMAN 14

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the PPK program in forming students' social attitudes. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and documentation while data analysis uses credibility test with time extension and triangulation. Based on the results of the study it is known that; (1) the process of implementing the PPK program in shaping the social attitudes of students is done by: (a) implementing the principles in the PPK through the principle of PPK development (b) implementing approaches in character education through exemplary by teachers, active and based learning cooperative learning, through refraction and strengthening the PPK program and assessing (c) inserting sources of value in character education that more insert religious values and Pancasila into PPK programs in schools.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan Implementasi Program PPK Dalam Membentuk Sikap Sosial Peserta Didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi sedangkan analisis data menggunakan uji kredibilitas dengan perpanjangan waktu dan triangulasi.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa; (1) proses implementasi program PPK dalam membentuk sikap sosial peserta didik dilakukan dengan cara : (a) menjalankan prinsip-prinsip dalam PPK yaitu melalui prinsip pengembangan PPK (b) menjalankan pendekatan-pendekatan dalam pendidikan karakter melalui keteladanan oleh guru, pembelajaran aktif dan berbasis kooperatif learning, melalui pembiasan dan penguatan program PPK serta melakukan penilaian (c) menyisipkan sumber-sumber  nilai dalam pendidikan karakter yang lebih banyak menyisipkan nilai agama dan pancasila ke dalam program-program PPK di sekolah.Kata kunci : penguatan pendidikan karakter, peserta didik, sikap sosia


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    Tempe is a processed soy product that has been experiencing a decline in odor as a result of fermentation. Tempe juice beverage is one example of product diversification of food products based on tempe. Siam is one of the local fruits that are quite popular by the community and become the main commodity in West Kalimantan. In the process of making tempe juice, need to add a stabilizer CMC (Carboxy methyl cellulose) as much as 0.25% to produce quality tempe juice. The purpose of this research is to know the making of tempe juice extract with orange extract of siam (citrus nobilis) in terms of organoleptic quality, vitamin C level and isoflavone antioxidant activity level. The research method used experiment with 3 treatment of Siam orange extract 30%, 40% and 50%. The panelists used in the study were slightly trained panelists totaling 25 people. Based on statistical test, there is no effect of making tempe juice with orange extract (citrus nobilis) in terms of organoleptic quality based on color, flavor and taste. Due to the color -0.10 <3.23, the aroma is 2.42 <3.23 and the flavor is 0.17 <3.23. The results of this research is the addition of 50% more siam orange extract can be accepted by panelists. The results of this beverage viscosity were 30% concentration 0.40 dpas, 40% 0.34 dpas and 50% 0.32 dpas. Vitamin test results showed vitamin C content in tempe juice is 56.556 mg / 250 ml sample. Based on the results of isoflavone antioxidant activity test showed antioxidant levels 23%. Can be recommended as one of the beverages that contain antioxidants and vitamin C to meet the needs of the day and need to do further research on the storage power of tempe juice with the addition of orange extract

    Second Backbend in the Mass A ~ 180 Region

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    Within the framework of selfconsistent cranked Hartree-Fock- Bogoliubov theory(one-dimensional) we predict second backbend in the yrast line of Os-182 at I40I \approx 40 , which is even sharper than the first one observed experimentally at I14I \approx 14 . Around such a high spin the structure becomes multi-quasiparticle type, but the main source of this strong discontinuity is a sudden large alignment of i_13/2 proton orbitals along the rotation axis followed soon by the alignment of j_15/2 neutron orbitals. This leads to drastic structural changes at such high spins. When experimentally confirmed, this will be observed for the first time in this mass region, and will be at the highest spin so far.Comment: 13 pages, 4 ps figure