3 research outputs found

    Kajian Proses Adaptasi Narasi Visual "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World" dari Komik Menjadi Film

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    Film and comic are visual narrative media which emphasize visual elements in delivering its message towards its audiences. Although both media emphasize similar elements, but in comic adaptation movies, there are several changes in visual narrative structure. The research object, Scott Pilgrim VS The World is analyzed through structural adaptation analysis in order to understand the specific aspects of structural changes. The changes are analyzed especially from four elements of visual narrative aspects from both media, which are narration, layout, image, and sound. The overall adaptation processes in Scott Pilgrim VS The World are emphasized in pictorial sequence changes which heavily influenced other visual structure elements. The visual sequence compression in adapting the story from comic to movie while maintaining the story essence is the fundamental adaptation process

    Media Presentation Design of Railroad Crossing Discipline for Teenagers 15-18 Years Old by Indonesian Edan Sepur Community in Bandung

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    A railroad crossing is an intersection where a railway line crosses a road that can become an accident-prone point. The high number of accidents on a railroad crossing is due to the low level of society’s discipline in traffic. One of the communities who cares about this phenomenon is Edan Sepur Indonesia Community. There were 16.111 violations on 5 railroad crossings in Bandung for the last 6 months of the Crossing Discipline Event 2022. The purpose of this design is to make an interesting media presentation related to railroad crossing discipline that will be socialized to the teenagers aged 15-18 years old in Bandung. The method used on this design is a qualitative method by doing observation, interview and questionnaire. This media presentation design is aimed to provide knowledge and early education concerning the awarness of railroad crossing discipline to prevent accidents

    Percancangan E-Katalog Kopi Khas Bandung Berbasis Website Guna Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan dan City Branding Kota Bandung Pasca Pandemi

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    West Java, especially Bandung, as one of coffee-producing regions has its own specialty coffee. The diversity of each type of coffee is an attraction for coffee lovers. Each type of coffee is well-known in various areas in Bandung such as Arjasari Coffee, Burangrang Coffee, Ciwidey Coffee, Gunung Halu Coffee, Gunung Tilu Coffee, Malabar Coffee, Manglayang Coffee, Palasari Coffee, Puntang Coffee and Tangkuban Perahu Coffee. Unfortunately, despite its diversity, there are still many who have not seen Bandung's distinctive coffee, especially for the coffee community and generally for the Bandung community itself. This designs are aims to introduce and provide information about typical Bandung coffee through the media in the form of a website based e-catalog. In the interview data used mixed methods, interviews and questionnaire interviews in Nocturna.id community. The results of this design can be seen that the media used works quite optimally, both in terms of access, distribution and coverage, so that is effective in introducing information about typical Bandung coffee.Jawa Barat khususnya Bandung sebagai salah satu daerah penghasil kopi memiliki kopi khasnya sendiri. Keberagaman dari setiap jenis kopinya menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para pecinta kopi. Setiap jenis kopinya tersebar di berbagai daerah di Bandung seperti Kopi Arjasari, Kopi Burangrang, Kopi Ciwidey, Kopi Gunung Halu, Kopi Gunung Tilu, Kopi Malabar, Kopi Manglayang, Kopi Palasari, dll. Sangat disayangkan di balik keberagamannya masih banyak yang belum mengetahui kopi khas Bandung khususnya bagi komunitas kopi dan umumnya pada masyarakat Bandung itu sendiri. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan memberikan informasi mengenai kopi khas Bandung melalui media berupa  e-katalog  berbasis  website.  Dalam pengumpulan datanya perancangan ini  menggunakan metode mix method, dengan melakukan wawancara dan membagikan kuisioner pada komunitas Nocturna.id. Hasil dari perancangan ini dapat dilihat bahwa media yang digunakan berkerja dengan cukup optimal, baik dalam segi akses, penyebaran dan jangkauan, sehingga efektif dalam mengenalkan informasi mengenai kopi khas Bandung. &nbsp