517 research outputs found

    25 Jahre BiosphĂ€renreservat an der Elbe : frĂŒhere und heutige Aufgabenstellungen

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    Als 1979 in der damaligen DDR mit den Naturschutzgebieten „Steckby-Lödderitzer Forst“ an der Mittelelbe und „Vessertal“ im ThĂŒringer Wald die ersten beiden deutschen UNESCO-BiosphĂ€renreservate entstanden, war die weltweite Erfolgsgeschichte dieser damals visionĂ€ren und heute innovativsten Schutzgebietskategorie nicht absehbar (Dornbusch 1983, 1985, 1991). Umweltprobleme und Ressourcenfragen kamen in diesen Jahren sowohl in Ost als auch in West verstĂ€rkt auf die Tagesordnung. Waren diese ersten zwei Reservate anfangs eher ein „Ersatz“ fĂŒr den im Osten ungeliebten Nationalparkgedanken, so hat spĂ€testens die 1988 erfolgte erhebliche Erweiterung des BiosphĂ€renreservates in der Elberegion um die historische Kulturlandschaft Dessau-Wörlitz rĂ€umlich und inhaltlich die heutige Zielrichtung als Modellregion der UNESCO begrĂŒndet (Reichhoff 2002, Reichhoff et. al. 1991, Schlosser 1984, 1987, 1991)

    Die SachverstÀndigenexpertise im Spannungsfeld zwischen Justiz und Psychiatrie am Beispiel des Hangbegriffes des §66 StGB (Sicherungsverwahrung)

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    Zusammenfassung: Am Beispiel von Gutachten zur Frage einer HangtĂ€terschaft gemĂ€ĂŸ §66 StGB wurde untersucht, inwiefern die juristischen GutachtenauftrĂ€ge geeignet sind, die psychowissenschaftlichen Gutachter zu leiten und auf ihre Fachlichkeit zu beschrĂ€nken. Außerdem wurden BegrĂŒndungen fĂŒr die Übernahme der Gutachtenergebnisse durch die Gerichte und sachverstĂ€ndige bzw. juristische Argumentationen zum Vorliegen eine "Hanges zur Begehung erheblicher Straftaten" ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung machen deutlich, dass sowohl die Auftragserteilung als auch die richterliche WĂŒrdigung der Gutachtenergebnisse formelhaft geschieht. Sowohl die gutachterliche als auch die juristische Argumentation zum Hang bezieht sich vorwiegend auf Aspekte der Delinquenzgeschichte. Überlegungen zur Persönlichkeit rezidivierender StraftĂ€ter treten demgegenĂŒber in den Hintergrund, obwohl sie bei Begutachtung der Voraussetzungen einer HangtĂ€terschaft wesentlich zielfĂŒhrender wĂ€ren. Die Arbeit wird deutlich machen, dass im interdisziplinĂ€ren Spannungsfeld der SachverstĂ€ndigenexpertise weiterhin Abstimmungsbedarf zwischen Justiz und Psychowissenschaften besteh

    Hypothalamus volume and fatherhood: similarity across men and interindividual differences among dads

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    Most studies on mammalian caregiving and attachment have focused on the mother-child relationship, particularly in humans. Yet, recent re-considerations of attachment theory and changing societal roles of male caregivers have highlighted the necessity for research with fathers. In this pre-registered study (https://aspredicted.org/5uj5y.pdf), we examined the structure of the hypothalamus – an important subcortical brain area for caregiving and attachment behavior – in a sample of N=95 fathering (child age 5-6 years) and non-fathering men. To do so, we used a recently developed technique to accurately and efficiently identify the human hypothalamus in 3T MRI and calculate hypothalamus volume. Furthermore, we employed several self-report measures to assess interindividual differences in attachment style across all men, and caregiving specifically in fathers. While we found no difference in hypothalamus volume between fathers and non-fathers, fathers' interindividual variation in caregiving style was related to hypothalamus volume. Specifically, we observed that fathers who held greater belief in the importance of their role as a father and reported more enjoyment of interacting with their child had greater total hypothalamus volume. This finding suggests that there is interindividual variability in the association between brain structure and caregiving style in fathers, warranting further research

    Testing and development of pedotransfer functions for water retention and hydraulic conductivity of forest soils

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    The hydraulic properties of soils, i. e., their capability to store and to conduct water, largely regulate the availability of soil water for plants and the risk of water shortage in forests. To date, only a few systematic surveys on the hydraulic properties of forest soils have been done. We conducted multi-step outflow experiments to derive data on soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for 1504 undisturbed samples from forest soils in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg. Using complementary measurements (fractions of fine and coarse soil, bulk density, organic carbon content), pedotransfer functions were developed for the prediction of the Mualem/van Genuchten model parameters. The predictions of the new pedotransfer functions were compared with various pedotransfer functions from the literature. An advantage of the new pedotransfer functions is that they provide an unbiased estimate of the hydraulic properties of the forest soils in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg, and their predictive ability is comparable to those of published pedotransfer functions.Die hydraulischen Bodeneigenschaften, also deren FĂ€higkeit Wasser zu speichern und zu leiten, bestimmen maßgeblich die VerfĂŒgbarkeit des Bodenwassers fĂŒr Pflanzen und das Risiko von Wassermangel in WĂ€ldern. Bislang existieren kaum systematische Untersuchungen zu den hydraulischen Eigenschaften von Waldböden. Wir fĂŒhrten Multi-Step-Outflow-Versuche durch, um die Wasserretentionskurve und die ungesĂ€ttigte hydraulische LeitfĂ€higkeit an insgesamt 1504 ungestörten Proben von Waldböden Baden-WĂŒrttembergs zu ermitteln. Unter Verwendung zusĂ€tzlicher Messungen (Fraktionen des Fein- und Grobbodens, Trockenrohdichte, Gehalt an organischem Material) wurden Pedotransferfunktionen zur SchĂ€tzung der Parameter des Mualem/van Genuchten-Modells entwickelt. Die SchĂ€tzungen der neuen Pedotransferfunktionen wurden mit verschiedenen Pedotransferfunktionen aus der Literatur verglichen. Ein Vorteil der neuen Pedotransferfunktionen ist, dass sie unverzerrte SchĂ€tzungen der hydraulischen Eigenschaften der Waldböden von Baden-WĂŒrttemberg liefern; ihre VorhersagegĂŒte ist vergleichbar mit veröffentlichten Pedotransferfunktionen

    Eg versus x relation from photoluminescence and electron microprobe investigations in p-type Hg1−xCdxTe (0.35 =< x =< 0.7)

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    Combined photoluminescence (at 10 T 300 K) and electron microprobe investigations have been carried out with HgCdTe samples grown from the melt or from solution. By exciting the samples through metallic masks with 200 ÎŒm diameter holes fixed with respect to the sample care was taken to pick-up both characteristic X-ray radiation as well as the photoluminescence from the same sample area. The Eg versus x relation determined in this way at T = 30 K has been compared with data from the interband absorption edge by other authors

    A cross-modal component of alexithymia and its relationship with performance in a social cognition task battery

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    Background The personality trait alexithymia describes an altered emotional awareness that is associated with a range of social impairments and constitutes a transdiagnostic risk factor for various psychopathologies. Despite the characteristic interoceptive deficits in alexithymia, it is predominantly assessed via self-reports. This can result in unreliable measurements and arguably contributes to the prevailing uncertainty regarding its components, including constricted imaginal processes and emotional reactivity. Methods The current study employed an interview and two validated questionnaires to derive a shared component of multi-modally assessed alexithymia in a German non-clinical sample (n = 78) via prinicipal component analysis. This component was used as a predictor for performance in four behavioural social cognition tasks. The relative importance of this predictor against related variables was assessed via dominance analysis. Results The identified component reflected cognitive alexithymia. Higher cognitive alexithymia scores were associated with less affective distress in an ostracizing task. Dominance analysis revealed the dominance of competing autism traits relative to cognitive alexithymia and competing predictors empathy, depression, and anxiety, in predicting affective distress. Limitations Emotional reactivity was only assessed via self-report and no implicit measures of alexithymia were employed. Due to the low reliability of the self-report measure, no measure of emotional reactivity could be included in the principal component analysis. Conclusions Our results provide compelling evidence that cognitive interoceptive deficits are at the core of alexithymia across assessment modalities. Behavioural data suggest that these deficits result in diminished emotional sensitivity to high-pressure social situations, which may cause a lack of behavioural adaptation

    Privacy Dashboards for Citizens and GDPR Services for Small Data Holders: A Literature Review

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    Citizens have gained many rights with the GDPR, e.g. the right to get a copy of their personal data. In practice, however, this is fraught with problems for citizens and small data holders. We present a literature review on solutions promising relief in the form of privacy dashboards for citizens and GDPR services for small data holders. Covered topics are analyzed, categorized and compared. This is ought to be a step towards both enabling citizens to exercise their GDPR rights and supporting small data holders to comply with their GDPR duties.Comment: 27 page
