8 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo, avalia em que medida a Política de Alternativas Penais tem alcançado eficácia na Central de Penas e Medidas Alternativas da Comarca de Porto Nacional – Tocantins (CEPEMA). Para dar conta desse objetivo, analisamos o índice de reincidência criminal nos casos de condenados à pena restritiva de direitos na CEPEMA de Porto Nacional, no período de 2017 a 2021. Foram identificados cerca de 95 casos de  indivíduos que cumpriam penas restritivas de direitos no ano de 2016, os quais eram monitorados pela CEPEMA, o que nos permitiu identificar o percentual de casos onde os condenados voltaram a delinquir no período de cinco anos posteriores à primeira condenação. Por fim, os principais resultados apontam que o índice de reincidência desvelado na comarca de Porto Nacional atesta o direcionamento da implementação da política para um viés efetivo, por meio da adequada aplicação das penas alternativas


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    O Estado possui o dever de buscar alternativas na criação de métodos de resolução de conflitos e violências, diversos do confinamento em cárcere, com vistas a garantir a efetividade do acesso a direitos fundamentais. Neste artigo, abordamos as questões relativas ao processo de implementação da Política Nacional de Alternativas Penais no Estado do Tocantins. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do trabalho foi compreender a política de alternativas penais e suas diretrizes, sua relação direta com as políticas públicas, bem como as espécies de penas alternativas, e verificar como esse processo está ocorrendo no Estado do Tocantins. Para dar conta desse objetivo, recorremos há utilização do método dedutivo, para uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, com fins descritivos e exploratórios, e técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica. Ao final, concluiu-se que a aplicação das penas alternativas possui o condão de permitir ao apenado o exercício de sua cidadania, prevalecendo o caráter humanitário das penas, por meio da valorização do condenado, que é inserido na comunidade com um viés educativo, sendo considerada uma modalidade de sanção moderna e socialmente útil. Verificou-se ainda, que a implementação da política de alternativas penais no âmbito do Estado do Tocantins se encontra em desenvolvimento jurídico e social, tendo sido fortalecida por meios teóricos e operacionais, promovendo a construção do exercício à cidadania


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    o presente trabalho discorre acerca da dupla punição das mulheres encarceradas, e o tráfico de drogas como principal causa do aumento do encarceramento feminino no Brasil.&nbsp

    TrAid+ Channeling Development Assistance to Results - Working Paper 247

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    Development assistance is meant to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries, but the effectiveness of aid in meeting this goal is uncertain. Demonstrating failure - or success - is difficult because traditional donor financing mechanisms track inputs, not results. This is compounded by poor coordination between actors and a lack of transparency, accountability, and country ownership. Development assistance that is ineffective or has unknown outcomes wastes resources, erodes the constituency for aid, and most importantly fials to improve the lives of poor people as much as it could. TrAid+ is a new mechanism that aims to address these problems by creating a market for certified development outputs - outputs for which both the delivery and the quality have been verified. By ensuring that these outputs, such as safe deliveries or gas connections, meet certain standards, trAid+ acts as a third-party stamp of approval that donors, tax payers, recipient-country governments, service providers, and beneficiaries can trust to know that their aid is being used effectively and is contributing to the development objectives of the recipient country. And trAid+ makes all information accessible online, making it easier for funders to link with projects that are working and projects that are working to link with anyone interested in purchasing certified development outcomes. TrAid+ can be tailored to any sector where outputs can be clearly defined and measured, whether health, education, infrastructure, or agriculture. This paper describes the trAid+ concept in detail and proposes practical steps to establish the trAid+ platform.development assistance, development outputs, results

    Molecular and clinicopathological analysis of ovarian carcinomas with and without microsatellite instability

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    BACKGROUND: Microsatellite instability (MSI) occurs in sporadic ovarian carcinomas. This study tests the hypothesis that ovarian carcinomas arising through the mutator pathway have distinctive clinical and molecular features that affect clinical outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The MSI status was evaluated in 66 ovarian carcinomas and 11 epithelial ovarian tumors of low malignant potential. For the analysis with the microsatellite markers, a fluorescence-based PCR method was employed and the prognostic significance of the MSI status was assessed. DNA copy number changes in tumors with and without MSI were analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization. RESULTS: High-frequency MSI (MSI-H) was found in 30% of the carcinomas, whereas low-frequency MSI (MSI-L) occurred in 32%. In LMP tumors, only MSI-L was detected (18%). There was a trend for tumors with MSI-H and MSI-L to have a poor prognosis, but this relationship did not reach significance (p=0.09 and p=0.07, respectively). MSI-H in carcinomas was significantly associated with poor differentiation (p=0.03) and higher clinical stage (p=0.03). No correlation was found between different histological types of ovarian carcinoma and the microsatellite status. In a multivariate analysis, MSI at the dinucleotide repeat D5S346 was found to be of independent prognostic significance (p>0.008) for disease-specific survival. There was no association between the total number of genetic aberrations per tumor and the MSI status. CONCLUSION: Microsatellite instability is a relatively common event in ovarian carcinoma. The data indicate that instability of a single microsatellite marker on chromosome 5 (D5S346) might be indicative of disease progression when detected in early clinical stages

    Support needs of patients with obesity in primary care: A practice-list survey

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Background: UK guidelines recommend that patients with obesity in primary care receive opportunistic weight loss advice from health care professionals, but there is a lack of research into the characteristics and existing weight management practices of these patients. The aim of this study was to characterise primary care patients with obesity in England, to inform the screening, support, and referral options appropriate to this group. Methods: We surveyed 1309 patients registered at 15 GP practices in North East England, aged =18 years and with objectively recorded obesity (BMI = 30 kg/m 2 ). Study participants reported their weight history, health status, past and current weight loss activities, motivating factors, weight loss strategies used, professional support received, and perceived barriers to weight loss. Results: 62% of participants were actively trying to lose weight, and a further 15% ha d attempted and discontinued weight loss in the last 12 months. Only 20% of the sample had sought GP support for weight loss in the last 12 months; instead, most efforts to lose weight were self-guided and did not use evidence-based strategies. Those who sought GP weight loss support were likely to use it and find it motivating. Participants had attempted weight loss on multiple previous occasions and overall felt less confident and successful at maintaining weight loss than losing it. Participants at greatest clinical risk (higher BMI and more health conditions) reported particularly low confidence and multiple barriers to weight loss, but were nevertheless highly motivated to lose weight and keep it off. Conclusions: We identified the need for informational, structural, and weight loss maintenance-specific support for GP patients with objectively-recorded obesity. Study participants were motivated to lose weight and keep it off, but lacked the confidence and understanding of effective strategies required to do this. GP weight loss support was acceptable and useful but underutilised, indicating that screening and brief referral interventions to structured programmes may augment patients' current weight management activities and meet key support needs whilst optimising limited primary care resources