39 research outputs found

    Nieinwazyjne metody oceny funkcji lewej komory serca

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    Dapoxetine — new drug for treatment of premature ejaculation

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    Wytrysk przedwczesny oraz zaburzenia erekcji to jedne z najczęstszych dysfunkcji seksualnych występujących w grupie mężczyzn. Dapoksetyna jest nowym doustnym lekiem z grupy selektywnych inhibitorów zwrotnego wychwytu serotoniny stosowanym w terapii wytrysku przedwczesnego. Zalecana jest zazwyczaj w dawce 30−60 mg na 1−3 h przed planowanym stosunkiem płciowym. Dapoksetyna jest bezpiecznym i dobrze tolerowanym lekiem, który nie wywołuje istotnych działań niepożądanych.Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are one of the most common sexual dysfunction affecting men. Dapoxetine is a novel, oral selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor which is dedicated to treat patients with premature ejaculation. It is usually recommended in dose 30−60 mg 1−3 hours before planned sexual intercourse. Dapoxetine is safe and well-tolerated drug which does not cause significant side effects

    An automatic selection of optimal recurrent neural network architecture for processes dynamics modelling purposes

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    A problem related to the development of algorithms designed to find the structure of artificial neural network used for behavioural (black-box) modelling of selected dynamic processes has been addressed in this paper. The research has included four original proposals of algorithms dedicated to neural network architecture search. Algorithms have been based on well-known optimisation techniques such as evolutionary algorithms and gradient descent methods. In the presented research an artificial neural network of recurrent type has been used, whose architecture has been selected in an optimised way based on the above-mentioned algorithms. The optimality has been understood as achieving a trade-off between the size of the neural network and its accuracy in capturing the response of the mathematical model under which it has been learnt. During the optimisation, original specialised evolutionary operators have been proposed. The research involved an extended validation study based on data generated from a mathematical model of the fast processes occurring in a pressurised water nuclear reactor.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figures, code availabl

    Ostre zapalenie mięśnia sercowego powikłane zatorowością płucną

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    Awanafil — nowy lek w terapii zaburzeń erekcji

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    Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are currently the first-choice drugs for treatment of erectile dysfunction. Avanafil is a novel phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. The drug is characterized by the fast onset of action, higher selectivity, better efficacy and lower rates of side effects. It should be administered in dose of 50 mg to 200 mg. Avanafil is associated with more spontaneous sexual activity.Inhibitoryfosfodiesterazy 5 są obecnie lekami pierwszego rzutu w terapii zaburzeń erekcji. Awanafil to nowy lek z grupy inhibitorów fosfodiesterazy 5. Charakteryzuje się szybkim początkiem działania, większą selektywnością, dużą skutecznością oraz stosunkowo rzadko występującymi działaniami niepożądanymi. Stosuje się go w dawce od 50 mg do 200 mg jednorazowo. Daje możliwość większej spontaniczności w podejmowaniu aktywności seksualnej

    Scientific output does not preclude regular physical activity in young Polish cardiologists

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    In this paper, the synthesis of fractional –order PIλDμ power controller for the PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor) nuclear reactor is presented. For this purpose the point kinetics and heat transfer nonlinear model of the PWR nuclear reactor with thermal feedback mechanisms from lumped fuel and coolant temperature was used. The parameters of the fractional-order PIλDμ controller were tuned due to optimization of the standard integral performance indexes determined on the basis of the step response. Firstly – the typical second order oscillatory dynamic system and secondly – the linear PWR nuclear reactor model derived from nonlinear model was used to show that the fractional order PIλDμ controller may become a alternative to standard PID controller.W artykule przedstawiono syntezę regulatora PIλDμ niecałkowitego rzędu dla potrzeb sterowania mocą reaktora jądrowego lekko wodnego określanego, jako typu PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor). W tym celu wykorzystano nieliniowy model matematyczny reaktora PWR o parametrach skupionych obejmujący procesy generacji i wymiany ciepła oraz termicznych efektów reaktywnościowych. Nastawy regulatora PIλDμ niecałkowitego rzędu dobrano w sposób optymalny, minimalizując klasyczne całkowe wskaźniki jakości określane na bazie odpowiedzi skokowej. Na przykładzie najpierw układu oscylacyjnego drugiego rzędu, a potem na przykładzie liniowego modelu reaktora PWR otrzymanego z linearyzacji modelu nieliniowego w określonym punkcie pracy wykazano, że proponowany ułamkowy regulator PIλDμ może stać się alternatywą dla powszechnie stosowanego klasycznego regulatora PID

    Coeliac disease – systematic review of origin, pathology, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction and Purpose: Coeliac disease is an increasingly prevalent disorder worldwide. It is estimated to affect about 1% of the population and its symptoms heavily impact people's lives. The aim of this paper is to delve into the topic of coeliac disease and present basic information about its origins, current diagnostic methods, and the challenges associated with its treatment. This article includes all the necessary information from up-to-date sources. State of Knowledge: Coeliac disease was discovered a long time ago, but it is still not completely understood. Every year, new research is published regarding different populations in various countries. While we know more about the disease, its symptoms, and causes, we are still far from fully understanding all the inflammatory processes occurring in the human body. There is solid evidence that this enteropathy is caused by gluten, and the only way to reduce the clinical manifestation of coeliac disease is to adhere to a gluten-free diet. However, some patients do not benefit from this type of diet and still suffer from coeliac disease. New drugs currently being developed offer hope for these individuals, as they attempt to target the immunological reaction and mitigate the immune response in the small intestine. Conclusion: As approximately 1% of the population suffers from this disease, it is crucial to diagnose patients in the early stages of its development. Early diagnosis can prevent the development of other disorders that coexist with coeliac disease, which can be particularly dangerous, especially for children. This paper provides up-to-date information about the clinical manifestations of the disease, as well as methods of diagnosis.

    Hashimoto’s thyroidits and other causes of hypothyrodisim – systematic review

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    Introduction and objective: The aim of the study is to summarize the knowledge about hypothyroidism, with particular emphasis on Hashimoto's disease, as its most common cause. Review metods: Literature review of PubMed database using key words contained in ‘Medical Subject Headings’ MeSH.  State of Knowledge: Hashimoto's disease is the most common form of thyroiditis, as well as main cause of hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease that leads to gradual fibrosis and atrophy of the thyroid gland. It occurs several times more frequently in women than in men. Treatment mainly involves supplementation of thyroid hormones due to the progressive hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine (L-T4) therapy has a long history of clinical use, a defined pharmacological profile, and is considered as safe treatment of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland. There are also other, less common causes of hypothyroidism, such as postoperative hypothyroidism, de Quervain's disease, post-radioactive iodine treatment status, drug-induced and central hypothyroidism, which are equally important and should not be forgotten during the diagnostic process. Summary: Hypothyroidism can be caused by various factors, the main being Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Regardless of the etiology, treatment in most cases involves levothyroxine (LT-4) supplementation, which leads to euthyroidism and resolution of symptoms. Surgery may need to be performed in pateitns who meet the surgical criteria and show unresponsiveness to conservative treatment

    Gynecomastia - a literature review of management, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction and Purpose: Gynecomastia is a common clinical problem that can also be a symptom of many serious disorders. The aim of this study is to analyze the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, as well as pharmacological and surgical treatment, while also addressing the psychological aspect of the condition.   State of Knowledge: Gynecomastia is the development of noncancerous breast tissue in males. It can occur unilaterally or bilaterally and may cause pain. It can be a natural occurrence during infancy, adolescence, and and in older age. It is usually accompanied by an imbalance between estrogens and androgens. Hormonal disorders lead to the growth of stromal and ductal proliferation. In the diagnostic process, the most important aspect is establishing the cause of the condition, allowing for the implementation of appropriate treatment. Gynecomastia can cause a decrease in quality of life, depression, anxiety, and reduced self-esteem.   Conclusions: Gynecomastia is a complex condition that requires an individualized approach to the patient. It can be a side effect of medication use, result from an underlying disease, or occur idiopathically. Surgical treatment forms the basis of the therapeutic process. Currently, combined surgical techniques are most commonly used to achieve the best cosmetic effect